The Labor Movement in British

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 The main role of trade union

trade unions is the most important organized association of workers

formed to promote and protect their collective interests .

guilds took care of rights of the sick and old workers . they functioned as
benevolent societies that contributed to enhancing the economic
standing of workers .

Government’s response
british government opposed workers trying to protect their economic
interests during industrial revolution. government officials thought and
believed that these unions were organized to threaten factory owners
 after the outbreak of the french revolution in 1789,combination
were perceived as a threat as they had the potential to spread new
ideas. (radical ideologies, revolutionary principles)

 during the 1820s and 1830s many combinations defended workers’

right. however, government laws did not stop violence towards
workers which led to witnessing a significant agriculture unrest in
the 1830s.
many secret groups promoted violent methods to put and end to
agricultural issues (exploitation of workers). in response, the
government sent 6 workers to australia as a punishment.
 these workers known as tolpuddle Martyrs because they were from
the village of tollpuddle in dorset (threy were considered martyrs)
the harsh sentence fueled the anger of the working class that led to
widespread protests. fortunately two years later, the tolpuddle
martyrs were pardoned .
 in the 1833, the gorvernment took a step to improve the lives of
children working in factories by passing the factory act. back then,
young children worked very long hours in places with terrible
the rise of the new unionism
The "New Unionism" emerged during the labor movement 1889-1891 to
focus on organizing unskilled and semi-skilled workers, These latters
faced harsh working conditions, low wages, and lacked representation
within the existing trade unions.
The New Unionism movement sought to address the concerns of these
unrepresented workers. It emphasized inclusivity, social justice, industrial
action and political engagement.

The establishment of the labor party

During the movement, the labor recognized the importance of engaging
with politics to push for legislative changes that would benefit workers.
This led to increased involvement in political activities and lead trade
unions and socialist groups to establish a political party that could
represent the interests of the working class. it called labor party and it
aimed to give workers a voice in Parliament and push for legislative
changes to improve their living and working conditions.

The aspects of the labor party

Meanwhile, the labor movement tried to adopt aspects of “Adam Smith”
who has the most famous work, "The Wealth of Nations,", to support
their policies and ideologies such as market regulation,wealth distribution
and labor rights.
The party's platform is shaped by a variety of economic theories and
social philosophies to address contemporary challenges and promote the
interests of the working class.

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