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1.0 Introduction

Crime is influenced by the built environment. Houses with good appearance are more
vulnerable to crime because offenders think that the benefit is worth the risk. This finding does
not support the ‘Broken Windows Theory’ (Wilson and Kelling, 1982) that poor housing
maintenance represents an opportunity to potential offenders. The built environment is shaped
by zoning, street and housing patterns, public transportation placements, and land uses, all of
which can enhance or decrease crime. The idea that place matters in shaping social relations
and crime has a long history. Work in England attempted to explain variations in crime rates
between and within cities during the nineteenth century (Weisburd, Groff and Yang 2012).
Most of this work was descriptive and offered theories as to why crime rates varied from place
to place but did not attempt to provide guidance on how to curb crime.

Recently, Malaysia has launched the “Safe city program” with an objective to create a
cities free from violence and crime. It is critical to address crime and disorder issues in order
to fulfil the worldwide goal of developing sustainable communities and to aid the
implementation of Malaysia's safe city programme, which emphasises the necessity of
improving quality of life. Alterations in the physical environment and changes in space design
have been shown in studies to have a significant impact on both residents' and offenders'
perceptions of criminality. (source: Mohit,M.A (2017) Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour
Studies, 2(2), 53-63)

1.1 Background of Study

The background of this study is about crimes and it is clear that crime is directly related
to the changing lifestyles of Malaysians, particularly in our modern housing estates. As is
customary, urbanization is frequently linked to an increase in crime in cities. Next, according
to Department of Statistics Malaysia 2019, the crime index in property category which is house
break-in & thief has recorded 16,497 as compared to 2020 house break-in & thief has recorded
14,040 (14.9%). Based on statistics 2020 has decreased compared to 2019 because in 2020
the world was shocked by the covid-19 and Malaysia was also affected, so the Malaysian
government implemented the Movement Control Order (MCO) which required all Malaysians
to stay indoors. Due to the MCO house break-in & thief cases decreased in 2020. Other than

that, crime has become a way of life in housing areas, with street crimes on the rise for
example crimes against people and property have created a great deal of anxiety in the
community, making safety an issue that requires immediate action at both the local and
national levels.

This study seeks to examine the crime level and safety perception and preparation of
the residents in terrace houses in a residential area at Taman Nusa Damai in Pasir Gudang.

1.2 Problem Statements

The purpose of this study is to study about crime and safety perception in residential
area. According (Tajuddin Rasdi, 2020, our architecture) the study Crime and Housing, the
only ingredients for a crime in the house that is isolated and “lonely”. When the house is
isolated from its immediate neighbours and prying eyes, it is the perfect target. However, if
study about crime and housing its can relate with crime prevention through environmental
design (CPTED) concept which contains a mutual support to defensible space theory and
takes it a step further by the manipulation of the physical environment to influence behaviour
to deter crime.

In global context, according to the article by The Times of India (2022) in Ludhiana,
India has reported cases related with crime housing which is a gang of burglars break-in a
house and decamped with cash, jewellery and important document, while the family went to
holiday. On returning home they was shocked to see the locks of the door broken and the
house ransacked. Next, in the PKNS apartments of Taman Dato' Harun in Petaling Jaya,
Malaysia, Hafazah and Siti (2010) report on the success of an active residents association
that has contributed to an increase in residents' perceptions of safety and well-being.
However, if we can see in Malaysia context there’s a lot of cases burglary incident like breaking
someone house intent to commit a crime such as according to The Straits Times (2020) in
Kuala Lumpur, two burglars who broke into house are killed one of their victims after breaking
into a house in Bangsar. Next, in site area context, according to Mohd Izzat (2020) reported
that house breaking incident in Taman Scientex, Pasir Gudang, the thief leveraging the
window grill while the owner of the house are in vacation and it was recorded by CCTV.

1.3 Research Questions

i. What are the types of crimes or threats that people or property need to be protected
ii. What are the type of crime or threats that occur in Taman Nusa Damai terrace housing
iii. What type of elements for measuring level of safety in Taman Nusa Damai residential
iv. How to investigate the physical environmental elements that lead to safer

1.4 Aim & Objectives of Study

The aims for this study is to examine the influence of the physical environment on crimes in
residential areas.


i. To understand type of crimes in housing area and component of Crime Prevention

Through Environmental Design (CPTED).
ii. To identify the type of crimes or threats that occur in Taman Nusa Damai terrace
housing area
iii. To examine the physical aspects of the environment that contribute to safer
iv. To propose solution for prevent crimes in housing area based on the findings

1.5 Scope of Study

The scope of this study is about crime and safety in residential area in Taman Nusa
Damai, Pasir Gudang. Questionnaires will be a primary data method used to collect data. With
a total of 100 respondents and the respondents being only people who live in Taman Nusa
Damai, Pasir Gudang. Next, the study will focus on crime prevention through environmental
design (CPTED) component or technique such as territoriality, surveillance, access control,
target hardening, image and management and activity support in residential area. The survey
will determine the objective of examining the influence of the physical environment on crimes
in residential areas which is location, social interaction, natural surveillance, security and
maintenance. Lastly, depending on the results of the survey, recommendations may be
needed or existing ones may be improved.

1.6 Research Methodology

The study is formulate to cast light upon the problem of crime and threats in residential
area which have become a fact of life with the increasing property and street crimes. The
concept of "crime prevention through environmental design" (CPTED) describes how to make
residential areas safe. These include enhancing the visual connection between homes and
the street (natural surveillance), having clear demarcating private and public space to reinforce
residents' sense of ownership so they can take responsibility for the area allotted to them
(territoriality), using signs or other design elements identifying the boundaries to restrict the
movement of offenders and make it easier for them to be identified (access control), and
adjacent land uses that would activate security systems (maintenance). The application of
these principles would result in homes that are, at the very least, defendable due to their
physical attributes.

Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to examine the influence of the physical
environment on crimes in residential areas. For this research study approached by quantitative
method which is questionnaires. The secondary data is to identifying factors disclosed to
safety in housing area which through by information from government report or literature
review related with location, social interaction, natural surveillance, security and maintenance.
Next, these categories are further analysed in the questionnaire which forms the primary
source of data. The information during the field survey together with the secondary data was
analysed to evaluate the level of safety in the neighbourhood.

The quantitative method involved the use of questionnaire and the questionnaire
involved three section which is demographic information, measuring level of safety and factor
influencing safety level in residential area. Additionally, probability sampling will be used in
this investigation; more specifically, simple random sampling will be used. For this study, the
study area has 360 a total of housing units, hence the residents is divided into 2 categories
which is even and odd numbers. This study only choose one respondent for each odd numbers
of house which gives a total representative sample size of 180. The resulted data collection
will be analysed using frequency and percentage method

Phase 1: Research Model Development (Literature Review)

Phase 2: Survey (Sampling strategy, Questionnaire, Data collection)

Phase 3: Case Study (Data collection, Data analysis)

Phase 4: Validation (Recommendation, Conclusion)

Phase 1: Research Model Development

- Problem Statement
- Background of Study
- Literature Review

Phase 2: Survey
- Sampling
- Questionnaire
- Data Collection

Phase 3: Case Study

- Data Collection
- Data Analysis

Phase 4: Validation
- Recommendation
- Conclusion

Figure 1.1: Research Methodology

1.7 Significant of Study

The significance of this study contribution to the understanding of the impact of the physical
environment on crime rates in residential areas. By examining the relationship between the
physical environment and crime in Taman Nusa Damai, this study will provide valuable
insights into the types of crimes that occur in housing areas, the components of Crime
Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) that are effective in reducing crime and
the physical aspects of the environment that contribute to safer neighbourhoods. The findings
of this study can be used to develop effective and practical solutions for reducing crime in
residential areas, particularly in rapidly growing urban areas like Pasir Gudang. The
recommendations and best practices proposed in this study can be used by urban planners
and law enforcement agencies to design and implement safer residential environments. This
study can also be used to improve the quality of life for residents of Taman Nusa Damai and
other similar residential areas. By creating safer and more secure communities, residents can
feel more comfortable and confident in their homes, leading to a better sense of community
and a more positive living environment.

1.8 Limitation of Study

This research will only focus towards residents living in Jalan Harmoni, Taman Nusa
Damai, Pasir Gudang. The survey will not be open to outsiders or those who do not live in the
study area. In addition, foreign immigrants will not be included in the. This study will rely on
information gathered through questionnaires and secondary data. However, there is a
possibility of residents' refusing to participate in answering the questionnaire. This is because
it will take time to finish the questionnaire. As a result, it will be difficult to reach the 180-target
responder number and the survey will take longer to finish.

1.9 Summary

In conclusion, this study aimed to examine the influence of the physical environment on crimes
in residential areas, with a focus on the Taman Nusa Damai terrace housing area. Through a
comprehensive analysis of the type of crimes in housing areas, the components of CPTED,
and the physical aspects of the environment that contribute to safer neighbourhoods, this
study will provided valuable insights into the factors that affect crime prevention in housing
areas. This study will reveal crimes such as burglary, theft, and vandalism are the most
common types of crimes that occur in residential areas and that the physical environment
plays a crucial role in preventing these crimes. Other than that, the recommendations of this
study will provide useful insights for improvement and residents seeking to enhance safety in
housing areas.

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