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Tri : Hello, I'm Tri

Raka : Hi Tri, How are you?

Tri : I'm fine, How about you?
Raka : I'm very well, Can I help You?
Tri : Yes, I have a friend He need a job right now, Do you have information about Job Vacancy?
Raka : Yes, I have information about it. Where did he work before?
Tri : He worked in a garment factory for 5 years, and now he has been fired.
Raka : Oh I'm sorry to hear that, May I know his name?
Tri : His name is Ananda
Raka : Sorry, did you mean his name is Amanda?
Tri : No, His name is Ananda
Raka : Could you spell his name, please?
Tri : Alpha-November-Alpha-November-Delta-Alpha. Ananda
Raka : May I have his number,please? So I can contact Him
Tri : Of course. It's 081804376353
Raka : Could you repeat his number,please?
Tri : Yes, that's 081804376353
Raka : Ok I will repeat his number, 081804376353
Tri : That's right, thank you in advance
Raka : Sure, I will contact him after this
Tri : Ok, Thanks for your help, bye
Raka : Don’t mention it, bye
ob Vacancy?

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