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irfan yousaf

From: irfan yousaf <>

Sent: Friday, 3 November 2023 7:26 pm
To: 'HR'
Cc: 'ali'; ''; ''
Subject: Application for 2 Days Leave to Attend Nikah Ceremony in Gujrat, Pakistan

The HR,

Date: 03-11-2023

Subject: Application for 2 Days Leave to Attend Nikah Ceremony in Gujrat, Pakistan

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request two days leave of absence from 09-11-2023 to 10-11-2023 to attend
the nikah ceremony of my Cousin in Gujrat, Pakistan.

The nikah ceremony is a very important religious and I want to celebrate this special occasion with
my family and loved ones.

I have been working hard on my assigned tasks. I have also made arrangements with my
colleagues to cover my work while I am away. I am confident that my absence will not have a
negative impact on the company's operations.

I understand that this is a busy time for the company, but I would be grateful if you could consider
my request. I promise to return to work refreshed and motivated, and I will make up for any
missed time upon my return.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.


Best Regards,

Irfan Yousaf

Proxy Administrator

Employee ID: 921

Contact Number: 0321-5261931

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