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1. Identification of Animal specimen/photograph

2. Writing any 2 identifying characteristics

Kingdom - Animalia

Phylum- Chordata

Superclass - Pisces

Class- Chondrichthyes

Type - Shark ( Scoliodon)

1. Body differentiated into head, trunk and tail. Body is spindle-shaped

and laterally compressed, covered with placoid scales.

2. Mouth and nares ventral

3. Five pairs of uncovered gill slits

4. Fins present for locomotion, caudal fin is heterocercal

Rohu (Labeo)

Kingdom - Animalia

Phylum- Chordata

Superclass - Pisces

Class- Osteichthyes

Type - Rohu (Labeo)

1.Body is differentiated into head, trunk and tail. Body is spindle-shaped

and laterally compressed , covered with cycloid scales.

2. Mouth is subterminal.

3. Four pairs of gill slits covered with operculum.

4. Fins present for locomotion, caudal fins is homocercal



Kingdom - Animalia

a Phylum- Chordata

Class- Amphibia

Type - Frog ( Rana tigrina)

1. Body differentiated into head and trunk.

2. Head is triangular with a pair of large bulging eyes, terminal nostrils

and wide mouth.

3. A circular tympanum or eardrum lies behind each eye.

4. Trunk bears 2 pairs of limbs, forelimbs are shorter with 4 digits and

hindlimb are longer with 5 webbed digits.

5. Skin is slimy and devoid of scales.

Garden Lizard

Kingdom - Animalia

Phylum- Chordata

Class- Reptilia

Type - Garden Lizard ( Calotes)

1. Body is differentiated into head , neck, trunk and tail.

2. Skin is dry and covered by rough scales , backwardly directed spiny

crest of pointed scales occur over neck and trunk.

3.Head is triangular bearing a pair of nostrils and a pair of dorso lateral


4. Trunk bears a two pairs of pentadactyl limbs with clawed digits.

Forelimbs are short and hindlimbs are long.


Kingdom - Animalia

Phylum- Chordata

Class- Aves

Type - Pigeon (Columba livia)

1.Streamlined body is differentiated into head, neck, trunk and short tail

2. Body is covered with feathers.

3.Head is small, rounded bearing beak, a pair of nostrils and pair of eyes

4. Trunk bears two pairs of limbs, forelimbs modified into feathery wings

for flight and hindlimbs modified into scaly legs with four clawed toes

for perching.

Kingdom - Animalia

Phylum- Chordata

Class- Mammalia

Type - Rabbit (Oryctolagus lagomorpha)

1. Body is differentiated into head, neck, trunk and short tail.

2. The dense hair covering the body forms fur.

3. Head is pear shaped with blunt snout. It bears a mouth, and a part of

large external pinna. The upper lip has a median cleft surrounded by

lateral whiskers.

4. Trunk bears two pairs of limbs with clawed digits. Forelimbs are

shorter than hindlimbs

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