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VisionPro Advanced

Section 3: Implementing Custom Graphics


 Use an interactive graphic to set the working region of a tool

 Get the position of interactive graphics when the graphic changes



Add code to the vision inspection portion of your application to draw the Edge
graphics from the Caliper tool in the previous lab.


Up top:

Private WithEvents myCaliperTool As CogCaliperTool

'Declare CogRectangleAffine in which to load certain tool regions

for interactive setting purposes
Private WithEvents myRect As CogRectangleAffine

Add references:


Section 3 Lab Exercise

Add namespace:

Imports Cognex.VisionPro.Caliper

To bottom of Form_Load():

'Creating Caliper object

myCaliperTool = New CogCaliperTool
myCaliperTool = myTG.Tools("CogCaliperTool1")

'Create new CogRectangleAffine instance

myRect = New CogRectangleAffine

When Edit Caliper button is clicked:

Private Sub btnEditCaliper_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e

As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEditCaliper.Click

'Disable drawing until all graphics are added

CogRecordDisplay1.DrawingEnabled = False

'Create new CogRecetangleAffine instance

myRect = New CogRectangleAffine

'Assign the new CogRectablgeAffine the region of the Caliper

tool from the application loaded above
'This means that the new interactive graphic will appear
exactly where the caliper tool is already inspecting
myRect = myCaliperTool.Region

'Set the color

myRect.Color = CogColorConstants.Yellow

'Set to interactive
myRect.Interactive = True

'Set the space in which it will be interpreted (this is the

string name assigned within the coordiante space tool; watch for
default duplicate names)
myRect.SelectedSpaceName = "Fixture"

'Set what will be changable when interacting with the graphic

myRect.GraphicDOFEnable = CogRectangleAffineDOFConstants.All

'Set line style

myRect.LineStyle = CogGraphicLineStyleConstants.Solid

'Add the graphic to the display

CogRecordDisplay1.InteractiveGraphics.Add(myRect, "Group1",

'Now that we are done adding, enable drawing on the display

CogRecordDisplay1.DrawingEnabled = True

Section 3 Lab Exercise

When Interactive Graphic is changed:

Private Sub myRect_DraggingStopped(ByVal sender As Object,

ByVal e As Cognex.VisionPro.CogDraggingEventArgs) Handles

'Grab the transferred arguments and set them to the properties

'of the CogRectangleAffine
myRect = e.DragGraphic

'Set the Caliper tool inspection region to the region

'designated by the interactive graphic that has just changed
myCaliperTool.Region = myRect

'Update the status label to confirm successful execution

stlStatus.Text = "Caliper region modified."
End Sub

Section 3 Lab Exercise

Complete Solution

Imports Cognex.VisionPro
Imports Cognex.VisionPro.QuickBuild
Imports Cognex.VisionPro.ToolGroup
Imports Cognex.VisionPro.PMAlign
Imports Cognex.VisionPro.Caliper

Public Class Form1

Private WithEvents myJobManager As CogJobManager

Private myJob As CogJob
Private myIndependentJob As CogJobIndependent

Private myTG As CogToolGroup

Private WithEvents myPMTool As CogPMAlignTool

Private WithEvents myCaliperTool As CogCaliperTool

Private WithEvents myRect As CogRectangleAffine

Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing

'Explictly dispose of all VisionPro controls


'Closing the CogJobManager gracefully


End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

'Load the QuickBuild application

myJobManager =
NT\Desktop\VB_App.vpp"), CogJobManager)

'Initialize variables
myJob = myJobManager.Job("DemoPlate")
myIndependentJob = myJob.OwnedIndependent

'Flush queues

' Connect the status bar

CogDisplayStatusBarV21.Display = CogRecordDisplay1

'Creating ToolGroup object

myTG = New CogToolGroup
myTG = myJob.VisionTool

Section 3 Lab Exercise

'Creating PMTool object
myPMTool = New CogPMAlignTool
myPMTool = myTG.Tools("CogPMAlignTool1")

'Creating Caliper object

myCaliperTool = New CogCaliperTool
myCaliperTool = myTG.Tools("CogCaliperTool1")

'Create new CogRectangleAffine instance

myRect = New CogRectangleAffine

End Sub

Private Sub btnRunOnce_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles btnRunOnce.Click

'Disable buttons
btnRunOnce.Enabled = False
chkContinuous.Enabled = False
ControlBox = False
chkShowTrain.Enabled = False

'Attempt to run the application

Catch ex As Exception
'If there is a problem show the error message
End Try

End Sub

'Delegate whose signature matches CJM events.

Delegate Sub myJobManagerDelegate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

Private Sub myJobManager_Stopped(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

Cognex.VisionPro.QuickBuild.CogJobManagerActionEventArgs) Handles

If InvokeRequired Then

' Create a pointer to this function

Dim myDel As New myJobManagerDelegate(AddressOf myJobManager_Stopped)

' Call this same function on the correct thread

Dim eventArgs() As Object = {sender, e}
Invoke(myDel, eventArgs)

End If

'Enable buttons
btnRunOnce.Enabled = True
chkContinuous.Enabled = True

Section 3 Lab Exercise

ControlBox = True
chkShowTrain.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub chkContinuous_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal

e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkContinuous.CheckedChanged
If (chkContinuous.Checked) Then
btnRunOnce.Enabled = False
ControlBox = False
chkShowTrain.Enabled = False

Catch ex As Exception
End Try
btnRunOnce.Enabled = True
ControlBox = True
chkShowTrain.Enabled = True

Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If

End Sub

Private Sub myJobManager_UserResultAvailable(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e

As Cognex.VisionPro.QuickBuild.CogJobManagerActionEventArgs) Handles

If InvokeRequired Then
' Create a pointer to this function
Dim myDel As New myJobManagerDelegate(AddressOf
' Call this same function on the correct thread
Dim eventArgs() As Object = {sender, e}
Invoke(myDel, eventArgs)
End If

'Declare and assign local ICogRecord variable

Dim topRecord As Cognex.VisionPro.ICogRecord = _
'Populate status label with application information
stlStatus.Text = _
topRecord.SubRecords("UserResultTag").Content & ": " _
& topRecord.SubRecords("JobName").Content & " ‐‐> " _
& topRecord.SubRecords("RunStatus").Content.ToString

Dim tmpRecord As Cognex.VisionPro.ICogRecord

' Assume the required record is present and get it
tmpRecord = topRecord.SubRecords("ShowLastRunRecordForUserQueue")
tmpRecord = tmpRecord.SubRecords("LastRun")

Section 3 Lab Exercise

tmpRecord = tmpRecord.SubRecords("CogFixtureTool1.OutputImage")
CogRecordDisplay1.Record = tmpRecord

End Sub

Private Sub chkShowTrain_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e

As System.EventArgs) Handles chkShowTrain.CheckedChanged
If (chkShowTrain.Checked) Then
btnRunOnce.Enabled = False
chkContinuous.Enabled = False
btnRetrain.Enabled = True

Dim tmpRecord As Cognex.VisionPro.ICogRecord

'Extract the "TrainIMage" record and replace it with the "InputImage“

If myPMTool.InputImage IsNot Nothing Then
'Make the last acquired image the image to be used for training
myPMTool.Pattern.TrainImage = myPMTool.InputImage
tmpRecord = myPMTool.CreateCurrentRecord()
tmpRecord = tmpRecord.SubRecords.Item("TrainImage")
CogRecordDisplay1.Record = tmpRecord
stlStatus.Text = "Set the region/origin and click Retrain to train
a new pattern."

stlStatus.Text = "There is no input image to load as a train
End If

btnRunOnce.Enabled = True
chkContinuous.Enabled = True
btnRetrain.Enabled = False

'Release use of the CogRecordDisplay

CogRecordDisplay1.Record = Nothing
stlStatus.Text = "Ready"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub btnRetrain_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles btnRetrain.Click
'Training the new pattern
Catch ex As Exception
'If there is a problem show the error message
End Try

If myPMTool.Pattern IsNot Nothing Then

stlStatus.Text = "Pattern trained successfully."

Section 3 Lab Exercise

stlStatus.Text = "Pattern NOT trained successfully."
End If

End Sub

Private Sub btnEditCaliper_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles btnEditCaliper.Click

'Disable drawing until all graphics are added

CogRecordDisplay1.DrawingEnabled = False

'Assign the new CogRectablgeAffine the region of the Caliper tool from the
application loaded above
'This means that the new interactive graphic will appear exactly where the
caliper tool is already inspecting
myRect = myCaliperTool.Region

'Set the color

myRect.Color = CogColorConstants.Yellow

'Set to interactive
myRect.Interactive = True

'Set the space in which it will be interpreted (this is the string name
assigned within the coordiante space tool; watch for default duplicate names)
myRect.SelectedSpaceName = "Fixture"

'Set what will be changable when interacting with the graphic

myRect.GraphicDOFEnable = CogRectangleAffineDOFConstants.All

'Set line style

myRect.LineStyle = CogGraphicLineStyleConstants.Solid

'Add the graphic to the display

CogRecordDisplay1.InteractiveGraphics.Add(myRect, "Group1", False)

'Now that we are done adding, enable drawing on the display

CogRecordDisplay1.DrawingEnabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub myRect_DraggingStopped(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

Cognex.VisionPro.CogDraggingEventArgs) Handles myRect.DraggingStopped

'Grab the transferred arguments and set them to the properties 'of the
myRect = e.DragGraphic

'Set the Caliper tool inspection region to the region 'designated by the
interactive graphic that has just changed
myCaliperTool.Region = myRect

'Update the status label to confirm successful execution

stlStatus.Text = "Caliper region modified."

End Sub
End Class

Section 3 Lab Exercise


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