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Tayo, Justine M



Instruction: You may choose to perform any of the two activities presented below

Option A (Coin in a Balloon)

Objective: Perform experiments to describe key ideas behind motion in a

circular path, with constant speed.

Materials: Rubber Balloon (Designed to produce spherical shape), 1-peso coin.


1. Insert the coin in the rubber balloon.

2. Inflate the rubber balloon to a size of a volleyball.

3. Give the balloon a shake that can make the coin roll in the
surface of the rubber balloon.

Processing the Activity (Questions must be answered after performing the related


For Option A:

How can you make the coin stay rolling in the surface of the balloon?

- I made the coin/penny stay inside the surface of the balloon because of forces being
applied to the object. As you started the experiment, and added force to the penny for it to kept
moving and swirling around inside the balloon, it shaped just like the path it followed and it
moved in a circular path (since the penny was inside the balloon itself). As you can see and
observed, the main point and force we are dealing with was the centripetal force. The
centripetal force acts for the said experiment. This is a force that is always directed toward the
center of circular movement and is responsible for keeping the penny moving in a circle. Inside
the balloon, it’s the wall of the balloon that causes this to happen. To further explain it,
Newton’s 1st Law of Motion explained that, “An object in motion will remain in motion, and an
object at rest will remain at rest, unless acted upon by force.” Which means that something
moving in a straight line unless a force
which isn’t balanced out by other forces,
turns it. Which primarily means that once
the penny moves along inside the balloon, it
means that there’s a net internal force acting
to it and is being applied. Also, newton’s 1st
law of motion indicates that all of these
objects resists changes in their state of
motion which applies to the experiment
given that explains why it is tended to keep
moving and doing what it is doing. As the
long as the forces are not unbalanced - that is, if the forces are balanced - the first law of motion

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