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0 09 Hohe, - % Republic of the Philippines 7 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT ge Erie COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION 2 cHED Cont S RECORDS of 2023 SUBJECT: GUIDELINES ON THE STUDENT MONETARY ASSISTANCE FOR RECOVERY AND TRANSITION (SMART) PROGRAM In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act No. 7722, otherwise known as the "Higher Education Act of 1994” and by virtue of Commission en banc Resolution No. 112-2023 dated March 9, 2023, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), issues the following Guidelines governing the grant of the one-time financial assistance to students in undergraduate programs to assist them in the completion of their education/attainment of academic success as the world moves on from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. 1. PROGRAM TITLE The financial assistance established by these Guidelines shall be known as the Student Monetary Assistance for Recovery and Transition (SMART) Grant. I OBJECTIVES The objective of the SMART Grant program is to provide @ one-time fixed grant of twenty-five thousand pesos (P25,000) to qualified students enrolled in any undergraduate program for Academic Year 2023-2024 only, as one of the strategies under the National Employment Recovery Strategy, which is increasing success of students to graduate through scholarship, despite effects of pandemic. FUNDING SOURCE Funding for the SMART grant shall be sourced from the Higher Education Development Fund (HEDF). IV. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. An applicant for this grant must be: 1. AFilipino citizen; 2. With a combined household (parents/guardian) gross annual income not exceeding Four Hundred Thousand Pesos (PhP400,000.00) evidenced by a duly issued Certificate of Indigency from his/her barangay; 3. Enrolled in any first undergraduate degree in recognized bachelor's degree programs (with Permit, Recognition, or COPC) this First Semester, AY 2023-2024; and Higher Education Development Genter Building, C.P. Garcia Ave., UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Website: www.ched.govph Tel. Nos.: 441-1177, 385-4391, 441-1169, 441-1149, 441-1170, 441-1216, 392-5296, 441-1220 441-1228, 988-0002, 441-0750, 441-1254, 441-1235, 441-1256, 441-8910, 441-1171, 352-1871 vi. vil. 4, The applicant must NOT be a recipient/grantee/beneficiary of any national government funded scholarship or educational grant except the Free Higher Education (FHE) program under Section 4 of R.A. No. 10931 DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS Applicants must submit the following: 1. Certificate of Registration/Enrolment (CORs/COEs) as proof of enrollment; and, 2. Certificate of Indigency as proof of income issued by the Punong Barangay where the applicant resides. APPLICATION PROCEDURES 1. The Office of the CHED Chairman issues a memorandum calling for students to file their applications for the SMART program to concemed higher education institutions (HEIs). 2. Students shall submit an accomplished SMART Application Form (Annex 1) together with the required documents to the concemed HEls. 3. HEI prepares the certified masterlist of applicants (Annex 2) and endorses the same to the CHEDRO concerned together with the following document a) Electronically generated Certificate of _ Registration/Enrolment (CORsICOES) as proof of enrollment duly certified by HEI's authorized official; and b) Certificate of Indigency duly issued by the Punong Barangay where the applicant resides as proof of income. 4. CHEDRO: a) Reviews the application documents; b) Notifies students of status of application through HEIs; and ©) Provides individual Notices of Award (NOA) (Annex 3) to the applicants. VALIDATION, VERIFICATION, AND ISSUANCE OF NOTICE OF AWARD To facilitate the release of the Notice of Award (NOA) of SMART beneficiaries, the following processes shall be observed: 1. CHEDRO: a) Conducts verification to ascertain that SMART applicants are not beneficiaries of any national funded government STUFAP. In case the student is a grantee of any national funded government STUFAP, he/she shall be disqualified. b) Conducts validation and verification of the documentary requirements submitted. ©) Prepares the masterlist of qualified beneficiaries for the SMART Grant program subject to provisions of R.A. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 4) Notifies qualified beneficiaries through HEls and provides NOA to the grantees. vill, IX. 2. Qualified applicant, within 7 working days from date of receipt of NOA should: a) Accept NOA by affixing his/her signature on the Return Slip and submit the same to the concemed CHEDRO or if the applicant waives the NOA, he/she shall write the word “WAIVED” on the Return Slip and affix his/her signature thereto and submit the same to the concerned CHEDRO; and b) Provide the concemed HEI a copy of the NOA. 3. HEI submits a certified masterlist of qualified students together with copies of their accepted NOAs (Annex 4). DISBURSEMENT AND LIQUIDATION PROCEDURES 1. The CHEDRO shall transfer the financial benefits of grantees through HEIs with the existing Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the CHED. 2. The HEIs shall release the grant directly to the grantees. In such a case, the HEIs shall be required to submit to CHEDRO a payroll (Annex 5) that serves as a record of the release of benefits to the grantees. 3. For proper reporting on the release of funds, SUCs, CHED-Recognized LUCs, and Private HEls shall submit within 90 days after receipt of such funds with the following liquidation documents: a) Transmittal letter; b) Photocopy of Official Receipt of grant issued to CHEDRO; c) Photocopy of Student Identification Card (front and back) of each grantee; d) Certified true copy of Certificate of Registration/Enrollment of each grantee; ) Certification from the Scholarship Unit/Registrar/Accounting Unit of the HEI that the grantees are not enjoying any government scholarship/grant (Annex 6); f) Any unused funds should be part of the liquidation report. 4. The liquidation of funds transferred to SUCs, CHED-Recognized LUCs, and Private HEls shall be subject to the usual government accounting and auditing rules and regulations. ADMINISTRATIVE COST The Administrative Cost (AC) of One percent (1%) of the total SMART grants shall be equally shared by the CHED-Office of Student Development and Services and Regional Offices to cover the following expenses: hiring of project technical staff or job order, documentations and notarial services, meetings, consultations, orientations, general assembly, office supplies and materials, communication, monitoring, and transportation/travel. OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES OF IMPLEMENTERS 1. OSDS shall: a) Conduct orientation on the implementation of these guidelines and other relevant activities; b) Submit reports to the Commission and other concemed agencies; & YS xl. Xi. xill. XIV. xv. ©) Maintain a database for SMART grantees; and 4) Monitor the regional implementation of the program, 2. CHED Regional Office shall: a) Attend orientation; b) Conduct orientation of HEIs and SMART grantees; ¢) Maintain a regional database of SMART grantees; ) Monitor participating HEls and grantees; e) Facilitate the release of the financial benefits of the grantees; and f) Submit reports to CHED Central Office regarding the implementation of the program. 3. The HEls shall: a) Assist the grantees in the submission of the required documents; b) Facilitate immediate release of financial benefits; and c) Submit to concerned CHEDROs a report or data on the beneficiaries. GROUNDS FOR TERMINATION OF GRANTS. The following shall be grounds for termination: 4. Failure to confirm the acceptance of the award within seven (7 ) working days from receipt of NOA; 2. Failure to meet the admission and retention policies of the HEIs where they are enrolled in; 3. Submission of falsified documents; and 4. Availment of multiple national government-funded assistance, except for Free Higher Education in SUCs and LUCs under R.A. 10931 or the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act. INTERPRETATION CLAUSE All doubts in the implementation, interpretation, and construction of the provisions of these Guidelines shall be resolved in favor of a deserving SMART grantee and the optimized utilization of government resources in education. RESOLUTION OF ISSUES Interpretation of the provisions of this Memorandum Circular, including cases not covered herein, shall be referred to the CHED Legal and Legislative Service for resolution. TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY The agencies concemed shall adopt a strict policy on transparency and accountability in the disbursement of funds and shall be governed by existing and relevant laws. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE If any part or provision of this joint is declared void or unconstitutional by operation of law or rules and regulations, the same shall apply only to that XVI. specific provision and the remaining clauses/ provisions shall subsist and remain valid and enforceable. REPEALING CLAUSE All other existing orders and memoranda which are contrary to or inconsistent with any of the provisions of this CMO shall be deemed repealed or modified accordingly. EFFECTIVITY AND TERMINATION ‘The implementation of this CMO shall take effect immediately. The SMART program shall be terminated at the end of FY 2023, For proper guidance and strict compliance of all concerned. Signed this_7+h day of __gugust 2023 in Quezon City, Philippines. WX J. PROSPERO E. DE VERA Il, DPA =" Chairman Commission on Higher Education aeration form {es wenon (NOT FOR SALE) ANNEX! ‘STUDENT MONETARY ASSISTANCE FOR RECOVERY AND TRANSITION (SMART) ‘APPLICATION FORM, nection: Fed aru ar Coca Ramer, Fi al thie erin. rot nar ak, em apt nd" PERSONAL INFORMATION se Taatrone] aaa Tisaen Na wt son, Fay 10 {res Name) ose ore) | ey htres omen) br bee sen rise ae [eee Aah = FAMILY BACKGROUND Far jung Woecemea] Mosher) uving (Deceased Tous Guerin SS pa ke aneingeter tome Creat Die Tes Gres aitaSSOTEY ftom mono es (neebycertly tat oreging statemerts ae ve and crest. Any misnfomaton or withing of rfomaton wil automata quay me rm the CHED (ccnoarsup Progam. am alin retin the anes nate recaned&nuehrformaton's covered star acceptance he award | nero express my consent for he Commission on Higher Euston to calc recor. orgenze, Update or med. reve, const se, conse, Hock, lrace ox anstrct my personal data as past of my rtrmaton ere fem my ight be sere, ejects processing access and rcty suspend o [nth my personal ata and be indented case of damages pursuant to the provlons othe RepubleActNo, 10173 te Phipps, Data Prva At lr 2012'ao ts coresponang raplemertng Rules and Regustons| Tsiatie over Pied Name o Rapicaa a compared [BONO ALU Tis PERTION POR DUE ONY |oetongs to: (any ofthe folowing aroups) loocuments Attached: |Cpemane wit maine se snp of uatity nana [Cindaenaueand ene pecan. ise snc membar C10) Te Beaton ( ) Cette ct ageney levatatelProcessed by: NAME OF HEI (Address and Region) CERTIFIED LIST OF SMART APPLICANTS. First Semester, AY 2023-2024 ANNEX 2 ~ Certified List of SMART Applicants No. Name Sex Permanent Home Address | Current | Bachelor's Degree lastName | FirstName | Middle Name | Suffix | | Bray/Street | Town/City | Province | District | Year Level Program 1 : : e 3. Ez 4 e - - : z 2 | : 7. & s a 10. i i. i L_ = 12, - B, M4, nak 15, (ote To be eubmied in POF and Excel Fe supporied wth COR or COE and Poot of neoma) Prepared: Reviewed and Certified Correct: Approved: Head of Finance and Registrar Head of HEI ‘SMART Coordinator Name and Signature Name and Signature Name and Signature S ANNEX 3-NOA Republic of the Philippines -_ COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION REGIONAL OFFICE Date STUDENT MONETARY ASSITANCE FOR RECOVERY AND TRANSITION (SMART) PROGRAM NOTICE OF AWARD (NOA) NAME OF GRANTEE Address Dear : We are pleased to inform you that you qualified as a grantee under SMART Program with Award No. This one-time fixed grant is valid only for First Semester of AY 2023-2024. The financial grant received under this CMO is Twenty-Five Thousand Pesos (PhP25,000.00). intended for the purchase of information communications technology (ICT) devices, gadgets, equipment, or other similar expenses related to the completion of their education. The grant shall be refunded to CHED if the grant has been terminated on any of the grounds enumerated Section IX of the CMO, You are advised to constantly coordinate and communicate with CHEDRO/HE!, regarding any concern with regards to your scholarship. Further, failure to confirm acceptance of this award within seven (7) working days upon receipt will mean forfeiture of the award and is subject for replacement per provisions of the program guidelines: Very truly yours, Director IV (Please return this part to CHEDRO) ‘The Regional Director Director IV Address Sir/Madam: Please be informed that |, a resident of with Contact’Mobile No. taking up (course name), __year level at (name of schoo), for First Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024. Please check (¥) one: () Accept the award with NOA No. (.) RejectWaive the grant. State reason/s here’ Very truly yours, (Signature Over Printed Name of the Grantee) ‘CHEDRO MASTERLIST OF SMART GRANTEES First Semester, AY 2023-2024 ANNEX 4~CHEDRO Masterlis of SMART Grantoes No. | Award Name Sex Permanent Home Address Current | Bachelor's | Financial Number | Last Name | First Name | Middle Name | Suffix Brey/Street | Town/City | Province | District | YearLevel | Degree | Grant ia Program _ | | - Z J} ‘Wot To be sbrited in ard and ao copies using Excl fomat) Prepared: Reviewed and Certified Correct ‘Approved by: ‘StuF AP Coordinator Chief EPS CHEDRO Director Name and Signature Name and Signature Name and Signature ANNEX 5 ~ Payroll of SMART Granteos NAME OF HEI (Address and Region) ; CERTIFIED PAYROLL OF SMART GRANTEES First Semester, AY 2023-2024 Award Name Sex Permanent Home Address Current Signature Number | Last Name | First Name | Middle Name | Suffix Brgy/Street | Town/City | Province | District | Year Level | Degree | Grant Program 1 az Pp 4. — Ss 6 7 a 3 ; bs 10. = crm pa 12. - 1B, : if iy = ua [aa | 15. E {Note To be submited in POF and excel Fie supped wih COR ar COE and Prat oncom) Prepared: Reviewed and Certified Correct: Approved: SMART Coordinator Head of Finance and Registrar Head of HEI Name and Signature Name and Signature Name and Signature & eS [ANNEX 6 ~ CERTIFICATION FROM HEI THAT THE GRANTEES ARE NOT ENJOYING ANY GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPIGRANT (Please use HEI Letter Head) CERTIFICATION OF NON-ENJOYMENT OF ANY GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP/GRANT This is to certify that the following SMART grantees recommended to CHEDRO___are not recipients of any government scholarship/grant: 4 2 a 4 5 6 7 8. 9. 10. Etc, This certification is being issued as part of the liquidation report to be submitted to CHEDRO ___ in support of the SMART fund received by (Name of Institution) in the amount of (in words and figures) on (specify date) Issued this _day of 2023 in Head or Scholarship Unit! HEI President/Head Registrar/Accounting Unit Name and Signature ‘Name and Signature

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