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I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to the following persons who have

extended their time and effort for the success of this research study;

Feliza Arzadon-Sua, Ed.D., Dean of School of Professional Studies and Vice

President for Academic Affairs, who extended favorable responses regarding this study;

Reynald Jay F. Hidalgo, Ph.D., Assistant Vice President for Academic affairs,

who extended discussion and valuable suggestion which have contributed greatly to the

improvement of the research study;

Renato R. Santillan, Ed.D., the researcher’s adviser, for the unfailing support,

words of wisdom, encouragement and constant reminder to pursue on the research no

matter how difficult it seems. It has been a pleasure and honor to have his as the

researcher’s adviser;

Susangres P. Pascua, Ed.D., Principal II of Malacampa National High School,

for permitting the researcher to conduct the study;

To the Grade 8 respondents of Malacampa National High School, for sharing their

valued time and cooperation in the conduct of this research study;

To the researcher’s guardians Jesusa S. Absolor, Rebecca M. Lapitan and

Rufina Tumbaga, for their continuous support and love. Your prayer for me was what

sustained me this far;

To the researcher’s siblings Rizzah M. Apalla, Mylene A. Angeles, Rustom M.

Apalla and Reymark M. Apalla; for their love, care and full support throughout the

conduct of study;

To researcher’s co-teachers Ernalyn E. Lagman, Glecy C. Limayo, Jethro J.

Gavini and Sarah Jane C. Bautista, who have been his source of inspiration and

encouragement; for their understanding and unconditional love;

Relatives, friends, colleagues and those whose names were not mentioned, who in

one way or another had contributed to the success of this study;

Above all, To Almighty God who has shed divine help which drove the researcher

to finish her post-graduate studies amidst rigors and challenges – all of which are meant

for His greater glory.



This work is a fruit of countless and arduous sacrifices. Through the researcher’s

effort, this work is heartily and proudly dedicated to the people who serve as an


I dedicate this work to my family and friends. A special feeling of gratitude to my

loving guardians, Jesusa Absolor, Rebecca Lapitan and Rufina Tumbaga whose words of

encouragement and push for tenacity ring in my ears. My Siblings Rizzah Apalla,

Mylene, Angeles, Rustom Apalla and Reymark Apalla have never left my side and are

very special.

I dedicate this work to my many friends and church family who have supported

me throughout the process. I will always appreciate all they have done, especially Julie

Allingag and Juliet Allingag for helping me throughout the conduct of study. Both of you

have been my best cheerleaders.

I also dedicate this work and give special thanks to my mother in Malacampa

National High School, Ernalyn Lagman and to my best friends Glecy Limayo, Jehtro

Gavini and Sarah Jane Bautista for being there for me throughout the entire master


Above all, to our God Almighty who showered us His blessings in our everyday

lives, especially for the strength, courage, patience, wisdom, time and guidance in

realization of this work.

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