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Discussion - 1

Definition of the Internet:

The core definition of the internet is that it is a network of computer present globally that
provides various information and facilities regarding communications which consist of networks
that in interconnected by using protocols defined in communications.

Background of the Internet:

The Internet is invented in 1983. The main intent of the internet was to communicate anywhere
in the world and to communicate with each other in an efficient way. Since then there are many
advancements to the internet, and it is widely believed that the internet is the reason for many
other valuable inventions in the modern world. So, the internet takes some amount of credit for
all modern-day inventions. (Sardjono, Selviyanti and Azizah, 2021)

Impact of the Internet:

The Internet has a wide range of benefits, and it created a major revolution in the day-to-day life
of almost all individuals. One can safely say the internet is the best thing that happened to the
world after the invention of the wheel. I also would like to mention that Internet has spread
across the world and it is what connects the modern-day world together. And it also has an
impact on all the fields.

Medical Field:

The internet is helping the medical field to store various information on a centralized database
and in turn, increasing the pace at which medicines are developed. Also, IOT has grown at a new
level and helping many surgeons to perform operations. (Zeinab and Elmustafa, 2017)

Educational Fields:

One of the major fields that got profited from this internet is the educational field. Many of the
scholars and publishers are publishing their findings and it's helping in easily finding out the
advancements in other fields as well. It is also helping many students who don't have a huge
infrastructure to learn and practice experiments to gain proper knowledge through visual
representation of the education.

Social Life:

Internet is also playing a major role in the social life of many people and in today's generation
social websites have got more craze than many others. Internet helps us to get friends and keep in
touch with people who are far away from us and staying in a different city, state, or country from
us. This also helps in finding what other people are up to and is one of the major reasons for
many current trends. (Suciu, 2021)
These are the various advantages of the internet and its significance of it in the modern world.


Sardjono, W., Selviyanti, E., Hobri, & Azizah, R. (2021). The relationship between internet
growth and implementation of the internet of things. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
1836(1), 012030.
techtarget. (2022). What is the Internet? Definition from

Zeinab, K. A. M., & Elmustafa, S. A. A. (2017). Internet of things applications, challenges, and
related future technologies. World Scientific News, 67(2), 126-

Suciu, P. (2021, December 10). Americans spent on average more than 1,300 hours on social
media last year. Retrieved August 24, 2022,

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