Exercise Questions

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Present Simple- Interrogative C.

Change to interrogative form of

A. Use interrogative in Present Simple. Present Simple.
ex: Does he do the homework? ex: You have four dogs.
1. _______ you watch many movies? Do you have four dogs?
2. _______ his sister make mole? 1. Gary visits his girfriend.
3. _______ Tomas read magazines? _____________________________?
4. _______ Betty and Francis live here? 2. Olga fights with her sister.
5. _______ we study biology? _____________________________?
6. _______ Dilip forget to do his homework? 3. The flowers grow in the garden.
7. _______ they write short stories? _____________________________?
8. _______ the computer work? 4. We ride our bicycles to school.
9. _______ our mother clean the kitchen?
10. _______ you take the bus?
5. The baby drinks milk.
B. Put the words in correct order. 6. Samuel does his homework.
ex: eat you when lunch do ?
When do you eat lunch ?
7. Paul eats tacos everyday.
wh. word auxiliary subject verb
1. work does mother your where? 8. The teacher shows them the map.
wh. word auxiliary subject verb
9. The children draw pictures.
2. doesn’t he wash dishes the. _____________________________?
10. Vincent watches movies.
subject auxiliary verb
3. helps mother Sarah her.
D. Write the interrogative form of
subject verb
Present Simple and Continuous.
4. run don’t park in the we. ex: Is Al’s son cleaning the car?
1. ______ your brother own a car?
subject auxiliary verb 2. ______ you walk to work?
5. you go home why don’t? 3. ______ your sister eating cake?
4. ______ we getting tired?
wh. word auxiliary subject verb 5. ______ I read many books?
6. ______ we having dinner tonight?
6. dishes the washes who?
7. ______ they need a vacation?
8. ______ Mark help his mother?
wh. word verb
9. ______ he staying in a hotel?
7. costs a lot it.
E. Decide if the sentence uses the
subject verb
Present Simple or Continuous.
8. to movies they go the don’t. ex: What are you ______ this weekend?
 do  doing
subject auxiliary verb 1. What do you _____ for breakfast?
9. car drives he a.  eat  eating
2. Pat _______ in the park every day.
subject verb
 runs  Is running
3. Dave ________ to school now.
 walks  Is walking
10. class when the finish does?
4. We ___________ food now.
 don’t buy  are not buying
wh. word auxiliary subject verb
5. Tony ___________ the bus every day.
 doesn’t take  Is not taking
6. Will and I _____ our beds every day.
 make  are making
7. Who _______ to the store now?
 walks  Is walking
8. Carl never __________ a hat.
 wears  Is wearing


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