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Essay : " Independence of India & Gandhi "

Did India really get independence ?

Did Mahatma Gandhi & freedom fighters of India really protested to get the
independence of India in 1947 ?
Is India's independence a fact ?
India mein koi mahapurush nahi hain !
India requires mahapurush because India has lot of problems & these
problems can be solved by mahapurush as no one else will solve these
problems of India
Unfortunately there is no one who can be called mahapurush in India
just imagine India under British rule in 2023 !
what would be India like ?
what if India did not gain independence in 1947 ?
seeing Gandhiji one must ask this question as well that why he wanted
independence ?
if that had not happened then there would have been no Pakistan & british
should have ruled India even in 2023 ?
this would happen then maybe , why 200 years britishers would have ruled
for 400 years !
Though Gandhi never wanted stardom & celebrityhood , he was not bothered
if anyone noticed or not he just kept doing his things , in the end he brought
democracy & independence to India !
It was a difficult path he chose to challenge Britishers in India !
Now how can sea of leaders of India on TV are they bringing any change in
India ?
Gandhi & freedom fighters just protested against British all their life & then
India got Independence , that is how they worked for a independent India &
they did not want to be stars or celebrity or be worshipped for the cause , it
was 100 year protest by freedom fighters against British !
No one knew these freedom fighters which included Gandhi !
Gandhi gave hope of what is possible in India & a hope for change
Gandhi's life says that protest should be done for change & there will be
change !
Gandhi existed 100 years ago
Gandhi used Bhagwat Gita as his guide
Gandhi & freedom fighters protested 100 years ago
Many centuries have seen revolutions whenever there has been a problem &
then some centuries have been silent
Will 21st century be a silent century or a century of revolution only time will
A 100 year protest & revolution brought independence in India in 1947
Protest is the vehicle for change as per their great life !
For ordinary people it is not possible to protest but the life of great men
inspires to do protest to bring about change
Gandhi & freedom fighters never wanted to be amar , star , celebrity or
great as per their great life !

The Gandhi Peace Prize for 2021 will be conferred on Gita Press, Gorakhpur,
in recognition of its "outstanding contribution towards social, economic and
political transformation through non-violent and other Gandhian methods,"
according to an official statement

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