PreheatMtrWindings 0502

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com May 2002

The Importance, Benefits Of Preheating

Motor Windings Prior To Impregnation
By Tom Bishop and enhances the curing
EASA Technical Support Specialist process.
How long, and at what
Did you ever wonder if the preheating instruc- temperature, should a
tions from solvent varnish and solventless resin winding be preheated?
(hereafter we’ll use the term “resin” when it ap- The typical range of pre-
plies to both) manufacturers were really all that heating temperatures is
important? The short answer is, yes, they are. 250ºF to 275ºF (120ºC to
Here we’ll expand on some of the reasons that 135ºC). The entire stator,
preheating is a key step in the winding process. rotor or armature should
One of the first benefits of preheating is that it be heated until the wind-
drives out moisture that may have settled on sur- ing reaches the preheat temperature, and then held
faces, or been absorbed by insulation material. A at that temperature for at least one hour. The en-
little known aspect of pre- tire unit should then be
heating is that it relieves the allowed to cool down to a
mechanical stress cracks, During the impregnation process surface temperature ap-
termed “crazing,” on the further benefits of preheating come propriate for the type of
magnet wire insulation coat- into play. The preheated winding resin being used.
ing that occur during coil and core, upon coming in contact The temperatures as-
winding and insertion. Epoxy with the cooler resin material, lower sociated with cool down
B-stage materials can be set the resin’s viscosity. This enhances when using solvent var-
by preheating, provided the penetration of the resin into the nishes differ from those
preheating time and tempera- winding, which is particularly for solventless resins.
ture meet the epoxy’s curing important in the slots, and it aids in With a solvent varnish
requirements. Random wind- draining the excess resin. the unit being preheated
ings typically don’t use many should be allowed to cool
B-stage materials; however, down to a surface tem-
many of the lacing products perature between 150ºF
for endturns are thermoset- and 175ºF (65ºC and
ting. Form coil windings 80ºC) prior to immersing
often have B-stage surge in the varnish. The cooler
ropes, and some felt packings temperature prevents deg-
used for endturn coil bracing radation of the varnish
are B-stage epoxy loaded. and aids in avoiding sol-
vent entrapment. The
Further Benefits cool down temperature
During the impregnation range for solventless res-
process further benefits of pre- ins should be between
heating come into play. The 120ºF and 140ºF (50ºC
preheated winding and core, and 60ºC).
upon coming in contact with
the cooler resin material, Process Critical In
lower the resin’s viscosity. It is also a good practice to allow the resin to Resin Curing
This enhances penetration of drain completely before moving the The preheating proce-
the resin into the winding, impregnated unit away from the dip tank. dure may seem like a
which is particularly important waste of time and energy,
in the slots, and it aids in drain- but it is a critical step in as-
ing the excess resin. An added benefit is that the suring an acceptable resin cure and in extending the
residual heat in the impregnated piece accelerates Continued On Page 2


Importance Of Preheating Motor Windings . . . Continued From Page 1

life of the resin. If the winding is too hot, in the related to compatibility of the DAP resins and the
case of a solvent varnish the solvent will be evapo- magnet wire coating. The bonding problem oc-
rated, thus increasing the viscosity. This will reduce curred with non-inverter and inverter type magnet
the capability of the varnish to penetrate into the wire coatings.
windings, and the cure time will increase. If you Helps Alleviate Bonding Problems
are unaware that an overtemperature of the impreg- A secondary factor was that certain lubricants
nated unit has affected the varnish, you may not used on the magnet wire to facilitate manufacture
realize that the winding has failed to cure during the were contributing to a beading effect that resulted in
normal bake cycle. The worst-case scenario is an un- poor bonding. Preheating often helped to alleviate
cured winding that fails prematurely because the the bonding problem in these cases, as the process
weak bond strength allows the wires to vibrate until evaporated the topical (applied to the surface) lubri-
the insulation quickly wears off, and a short circuit cant from the magnet wire insulation coating. Some
occurs. Even if the lack of a full cure is detected magnet wires are “internally
prior to assembling the com- lubricated,” that is, the lubri-
plete machine, there is the cant is embedded in the
lost time associated with coating. Preheating does not
having to rebake, and for an drive off internal lubricants,
extended period. A similar but it does help to alleviate
situation can occur with sol- the bonding issue associated
ventless resins. The resin with the DAP resin even if
viscosity increases, making the magnet wire coating is
penetration more difficult. internally lubricated.
And gelling takes place in Since the bonding
the resin, forming gel par- problem was associated
ticles that are like with a number of vari-
microscopic “meatballs.” ables, mainly the DAP
Test Resin Periodically resins and the magnet
Periodic testing of the wire lubricants, it would
resin will reveal if it has be wise to check the com-
The resin beading seen here indicates that the
been affected by impregna- patibility of your resin
wire bonding is incomplete.
tion of units that were too with the different brand
hot. Solvent varnishes will magnet wires your service
require more solvent, a rather simple cure. How- center uses. Remember
ever, the solventless resins will require adding that the bonding issue can apply to non-inverter
compounds that try to break up the microscopic and inverter type magnet wire. A good way to
meatballs. The gelled particles can be made check for bond is to view the end turns of wind-
smaller and put in suspension, but they do not dis- ings with a portable microscope, with a 30x
solve, so the negative impact on the resin, though magnification or better.
reduced, is there forever. Further, the additives for If you detect a complete lack of bond, or
the resins are relatively expensive, costing more beading (like water drops on a waxy surface),
per unit of volume than the resin itself. then there is a bonding problem. At that point
Another issue relating in part to preheating you will want to discuss the issue with your resin
came to light in the late 1990s. Some electrical manufacturer. And, if satisfactory bonding is
apparatus service centers experienced problems found, plan to re-check the wire bond from time
with the inverter type magnet wire and solventless to time; manufacturers sometimes change their
resins containing diallyl phthalate (DAP). The processes, e.g., the types of lubricant and the
difficulties ranged from poor bonding of the wires wire coatings themselves. In all cases you will be
to no bonding at all. The NEMA Magnet Wire well served to follow the preheating instructions
Technical Committee conducted an investigation from your resin manufacturer and the guidelines
and a testing program to determine the factors that given here. As described earlier in this article,
were contributing to the poor bonding results. The the benefits of preheating extend well beyond
committee found that most of the problems were bonding and compatibility issues.

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