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Publisher Ad-Copy


Ad Guidelines
Modernize Home Services connects
contractors and homeowners across the
United States. The content of all ads must
deliver a clear and accurate interpretation
of our services.

Services promoted in ads must match the
services on the landing page.

For any questions and specific ad or landing page approval,

please contact your Modernize Account Manager.

Publisher Ad Copy Guidelines | Modernize Home Services 1

Publisher Ad-Copy Guidelines

Repercussions for Non-Compliant Publishers

Modernize reserves the right to withhold payment, impose strict caps, and
pause campaigns when a publisher runs unapproved and/or non-compliant ads

In instances of severe violations, partners will be paused indefinitely

Ads and Landing Pages must include the following:

Clear and obvious messaging that makes it abundantly clear that the home
projects being advertised are not free
At least two of the following words: “Quote”, “Price”, “Cost”, “Savings”
If advertising with video, the above language must be mentioned in
both the video and the captions

Publisher Ad Copy Guidelines | Modernize Home Services 2

Publisher Ad-Copy Guidelines

Ads and Landing Pages may not include the following:

Reference to specific promotions or incentives, including but not limited to

Specific deals, costs, savings percentages, or financing offers (i.e. $0 out of
pocket, buy one get one free, new roof starting at $X,XXX
Limited Time Offers (i.e. ‘This offer ends soon’, ‘end of the month’, etc.
Reference to any tax incentives, grants, government programs, ‘HUD’, ‘PACE’,
open enrollment, etc.
Name, logo, imagery, or likeness of any home improvement company or
services contractor, company, or store, including but not limited to Lowes,
The Home Depot, Tesla, etc.
Reference to a specific number of homeowners (i.e. We’re looking for 200
homeowners in need of new Windows
Ads may not list the specific age of a roof as a requirement for servic
Language related to or insinuating any sort of sweepstakes or giveaway

Misleading Advertisin
All talking points must be fully researched and accurate, and may not “stretch the
truth” or provide unrealistic expectations or reasonin
Using scare tactics to promote clicks or conversions is prohibited (i.e. Burglary rates
are rising in your area!
Ads may not freely use the word “qualify”, as it implies there is a giveaway or
program. “Qualify” is only permitted if accompanied by language that clearly states
the “qualification” is for a quote or potential savings (i.e. “You could qualify for a
quote if you own a home in Austin”
Any of the prohibited terms listed in the following section. This also includes
inclusion in the page URL

Publisher Ad Copy Guidelines | Modernize Home Services 3

Publisher Ad-Copy Guidelines

Prohibited Terms
Guaranteed / Pre-screened / Pre-qualified / Insured / Licensed / Bonded / Test / Quiz /
Survey / Hack / Loophole / Deadline / Claim / Enroll(ment) / State - Approved /
Government - Approved / Federal / Apply / Application / Relief / Secret / Rebate(s) /
Fund(s) / Funding
The term “program” in any context. We provide a service for homeowners, but not a
“The word “free” as it relates to any home improvement service. “Free” may be used
sparingly as it related to the cost of receiving quotes (“Get your free quote for Windows”
is allowed, for example)
“Zero/nothing/$0 out of pocket”, “almost nothing”, “massive discount”, “virtually
nothing” or any other language that implies a free project
Language disparaging to pros/contractors (i.e. Contractors ripped me off/charged a
criminal amount)

If using Search, note that all restrictions of our guidelines apply. You may not
advertise on keywords that would not be admissible for other types of campaigns. (i.e.
“Free Windows”, “Government Window Grants”, etc.)

Publisher Ad Copy Guidelines | Modernize Home Services 4

Publisher Ad-Copy Guidelines

May not be positioned alongside other products or services that may result in confusion
for consumers (i.e. promoting home windows alongside auto-glass repair)
Images used may not include the following
people waiting in lin
people seeking local/state/federal assistance or relie
an image of a check, as it implies a giveaway, government funding or relief, etc.
an image of someone sitting behind a desk

Must not discriminate, harass, provoke, or disparage consumers in any way
Special groups, especially veterans, low income, or other vulnerable populations may
not be targeted in any campaign
All text must be easy-to-understand and must not mislead the consumer in any way
Advertisers may not market directly to, nor collect personal information from anyone
under age 18
Advertisers may not use deceptive or misleading practices, including but not limited to
the use of spyware, robots, spiders, computer scripts, botnet or other automated,
artificial, or fraudulent methods designed to appear as if a consumer is generating a

Publisher Ad Copy Guidelines | Modernize Home Services 5

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