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Q.No. Question COs Blooms

1 Suppose you are given a Relation R=(A,B,C,D,E) with CO3 Apply
FDs { CE-> D, D->B, C->A}.
a) Find all candidates keys.
b) Identify the best normal forms that R satisfies.
c) If the relation is not in BCNF then decompose it in
2 Suppose you are given a Relation R=(A,B,C,D,E,F) with CO3 Apply
FDs {AB->C, DC->AE,E->F}.
a) What are the keys of this relation?
b) Is the relation in BCNF? If not, why?
c) Is the decomposition (A,B,C,D) (B,C,D,E,F) a
dependency preserving decomposition? If not, why?
3 Suppose you are given a Relation R=(A,B,C,D,E,F,G) with CO3 Apply
FDs {AD->BF, CD->EGC, BD->F, E->D, F->C, D->F}.
a) Find the minimal cover of the above FDs.
b) Find the keys of the relation. Is it in BCNF? Explain
c) Decomposition of R R1(A,B,C,D,E) and R2(A,D,F,G)
use the FDs in the minimal cover. Write the FDs that fall
within that relation.
4 Given Relation R(W,X,Y,Z) and set of FDs F={X->W, CO3 Apply
WZ->XY, Y->WXZ). Compute the minimal cover.
5 Given Relation R(A,B,C,D,E) and set of FDs F={AB- CO3 Apply
>CD, A->E, C->D}. Is the decomposition of R into
R1(A,B,C), R2(B,C,D) and R3(C,D,E) lossless? Prove
6 What do you understand by transitive dependency. Explain CO1 Understand
with an example.
7 List the Armstrong axioms for Functional dependencies. CO1 Understand
What do you understand soundness and completeness of
the axioms.
8 Consider the decomposition of the relation: CO3 Apply
Shipping={Ship, Date, Cargo, Capacity, Value) with the
set of FDs F={Ship->Capacity, Date->Cargo, Capacity-
>Value} into R1{Ship, Capacity} with F1 ={Ship-
>Capacity} and R2{Ship, Date, Cargo, Value} with
F2={Date->Cargo} is the decomposition in BCNF? Is the
decomposition is lossy or lossless decomposition. Justify.
9 Define Functional and multivalued dependencies. CO1 Understand

10 What are the three data anamolies that are likely to occur CO1 Understand
as a result of data redundancy? Can data redundancy be
completely eliminated in database approach? Why or why

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