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Actor shakira

I like her songs about Shakira, I like her dances, in turn I don't like how she looks ugly to her ex-
husband, otherwise she is a Colombian singer, I sometimes dislike her way of dressing since it is
very esotic, I What I love about her is that since she was a child she dedicated herself to starting to
write and form her poems, I also like her first album that she released, just as I dislike the way she
expresses herself on many occasions to say something. I don't like it when she shines on stage
since she can criticize her.

I love dogs

My pet is a Little poodle dog name niña.Shhe has White curly hair, her ears are a long and full
of fluffy hair, she has also a long snout, and pretty brown eyes. Her body is tiny, with short
legs and small paws, and her hair is not very long. She is very playfull and loves to be cuddled and
peted by all the family, but also she has a fierce character to take care of the house.I like small
breed dogs, since they are very loving and very beautiful, above all they protect their master in a
very forceful way, when they are going to get close to them or when someone comes home they
mark ground to be noticed, what I dislike about them is that they are very barking and even
treacherous since they do not pull ahead but behind

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