Linux Quiz

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Which command is used to conftoll tape drive ?

sd mt tp tap

Which command is used to creat ext2| ext3 file system on tap ?

cpio tar dump dumpfs

Which command is used to start graphics in runlevel3 ?

kdmconfig system_config_display startx cmdconfig

Which raid level provide fault tolerance ?

RAID0 RAID1 RAID5 all of them

Which options used to faild raid devices ?

-fail -f -F --fail

RHEL4 version used which LVMversion ?

LVM1 LVM2 both none of them

Disk quota assign on

userlevel grouplever only one user all of them

When you perform quota chech command on partition which files are created ?
aquota.usr aquota.grp aquota.user

To assign quota which option is used to mount partition ?

userquota grpquota groupquota usrquota


Which command is used to see default route ?

netstat traceroute route -d route -n


Which file is used for setting login message ?

/etc/login /etc/startup /etc/motd none


To see how many partition or dir is exported by NFS server which command is used ?
show -e remote server fdisk -l remote server showmount -e none


Which command is used to see datalink layer address ?

ifconfig ipconfig config both a & b


Which command is used to configure network address ?

ifconfig netcofnig system_config_network all of them


Which command is used to view and set host name ?

host-name hostname hosts none


Which file is used to write nameserverentry ?

/etc/named.conf /etc/named/named.conf /etc/resolv.conf /etc/network


Which utilities are used to check DNS ?

host-name dig nslookup ping


Which command is used to modify ACL ?

setfacl makefacl chgfacl facl -e


Which command is used to see pricesscontexts ?

ls -c ls -z ps -c ps -Z


Which command is used to change file contexts ?

setcon chcon addcon none of them


Which is the default boot loader of Linuz ?

Lilo Vmlinuz Grub None of the above


In Linux secondary slave hard drive is identified by

had hdc hdb hdd


SCSI device is identified by

sad dad sda sc


Linux support max ______ primary partition

1 4 3 unlimited


Durind installation you may use bash shell (command prompt) which key you press?

Alt+F1 Alt+F2 Alt+F3 Alt+F4

Without Swap partition you can install Linux TRUE FALSE

IPL stands for Initial Program Loader Install partition lable Install program Loader None of them

L size if IPL is _________ 1 MB more then 446 bytes not more then 446 bytes depend on boot loader.

Which command is used to install boot loader ? grub_install install_grub grub_install_boot loader grubinstall

How many run level are used in Linux ? 4 8 7 9

Which is the parent process of all processes grub xinetd init None of them

init process read its configuration from init.conf init tab rc.d rd.sysinit

How many types of Daemon processes are there Only one Stand alone

Transient Daemon is not process

Virtual Console entry is stored in ___________ /etc/vt.conf /etc/inittab /etc/rc.sysinit None of them


Which command is used to view the status of the system processes. Service chkconfig ntsysv status


Kernal booting message are stored in _____________ /var/log/kernal /var/log/message /var/log/sysinit /var/log/dmesg


Which comand is used to see modualinformation ? lsmod modprob system_config_modual depmod


Which command is used to detect and configure hardware kudzu system_config_hardware hwbrowser none


Which command is used to change priority of process nice top renice setnice


Which command displays virtual memory status ? free mem vmstat memstat


How many partition of IDE had, support by linux 50 90 63 unlimited


Kernal support ____ SCSI partitions

5 15 20 25


Which commands is used to creatpartition ? fdisk sfdisk partprobe all of them


Which commands are used to creat file system ? mkfs mkezfs mkfs.ext3 newfs


Which command is used to creat journal in exe2 file system ? newfs -j mkfs _j tunefs -j tunezfs -j You can mount specific file system with mount command, which option you use mount -F mount -T mount -t mount -f



Which command is used to creatfslable ? makelable elable ezlable mklable


Which command id used to see and creat file system attributes ? attrib lsattrib chattrib None of them


Which command is used to see the status of SWAP partition ? swap --list swapon --list swapon -S swapon -s


Which command is used to chech file system consistency ? fsck ezfsck

Sfsck all of them

1. Which command will show the inode information?

a) b) c) d) stati ls i ls -li stat

2. What is the default umask value for root user?

a) b) c) d) 3) a) b) c) d) 4) a) b) c) d) 0002 0022 0222 0202 Which command will add the user? useradd userdel groupadd usermod What is the expansion of GPL? Generic Public License General Public License Grand Public Linux General Private License

5) Gnu project started in ? a) 1991 b) 1983 c) 1969 d) 1984

6) Which one is the desktop environment in linux?

a) xorg b) GNOME c) X d) Xwindows

7) Which command is used for archiving the directroy? a) tar cvf <destination_file>.tar <source_dir> b) tar xvf <source file>.tar <destination_dir> c) tar jvf <dest file>.tar <source_dir> d) tar zvf <destination_file> .tar.gz <source_dir> 8) prtconf is a linux command TRUE of FALSE ? 9) Which command is used for archiving directory with zip format? a) Zip r <destination_file>.zip <source_dir> b) Zip <destination_file>.zip <source_dir> c) Unzip <destination_file>.zip <source_dir> d) Tzip <source_dir> 10) Which command is using to delete empty directory? a) rmdir <dir> b) rm rf <dir> c) rm r <dir> d) rm <dir> 11) The group id (chmod g+s <dir>) is set for a directory... a) Same group ownership will be assigned for all new files and sub directories. b) so files in that directory may only be accessed by user

c) so files in that directory may only be accessed by group d) so files in that directory are safe 12) What is the ftp port no? a) 25

b) 21 c) 22 d) 23 13) In the cron scheduler the fifth column is describe for? a) hour (0-23) b) minutes (0-59) c) Day of Week (0-6) d) Month ( 1-12 ) 14) which command using to switch from one user account to another user account? a) chuser b) sudo c) su d) su -- user 15) What command is used to check the spelling in the file? a) Aspell b) check c) look d) spell 16) What is the expansion of GREP? a) General Regular Expression Processor b) Generic Real Element Processor c) Gnu Regular Expression Processor d) Gnome Regular Expression Processor

17) Which one is the block filesystem in linux? a) /dev/sd[a-b] b) /dev/console c) /dev/zero d) /dev/tty0 18) What command is used to check the network statistics? a) netstat b) net c) stat d) netstatistic 19) How many hard disk is required for creating RAID5 devices? a) 5 b) 3 c) 1 d) 2 20) chmod 644 file a) User can read and write the file, Group users and others can only read the file b) User can read the file, Group users and others can only read and execute the file c) User can read and execute the file, Group users and others can only execute the file d) User can execute the file, Group users and others can only read and execute the file
1.Which file will be having the 32/64 Bit OS information? a. Readme b. Discinfo c. Version

2.System configuration files will be there in a./var b./home c./etc 3.Whch one is the latest file system used in Linux? a.ext2 b. Fat c.ext3 4.Utility which is used to check the file system? a. df b. fsck c. dfrag 5.ifcfg.XXX file located in a./etc/sysconfig/networks b./etc/sysconfig/network-scripts c./etc/sysconfig/interfaces 6.Network tool used to check the cable connectivity to N/W card? a. ping b. Netstat c. mii-tool 7. How to see the installed packages in the system? a.rpm qa|more b.rpm ivh c. rpm e 8.Utility used to show the disk spaced used in the current working directory? a.df h b.diskfree c.du 9.Configuration file for auto mounting file systems? a./etc/inittab b./etc/fstab c./etc/vtab 10.What command can you use to review boot messages? a./var/log/messages b. dmesg c./var/log 11.How to check the kernel version?

a.discinfo b.uname a c.version 12.Device name for tape drive a./dev/sta b./dev/st0 c/dev/sda 13.X-CD ROAST is a a. Web browser b.CD/DVD burning Application c. Mail Application 14.CUPS default port number is a. 620 b. 631 c. 680 15.What account is created when you install Linux? a. User b. Administrator c. Root 16.Which file defines all users on your system? a./etc/passwd b./etc/users c./etc/shadow

1. Which is the command to ON the service on run level 2 &4 A. chkconfig --list <service name > 24 on B. chdconf -level <service name > 24 ON C. chkconfig *level 24 <service name> on D. chkconfig --level 24 <service name> on 1. D. chkconfig --level 24 <service name> on 2. One of the administrators has accidentally deleted the /etc/passwd file. Since nobody can login without that file, you had to use a rescue floppy disk to get into the system. Which of the following editors would you use to edit that file? A. emacs B. vi C. WordPerfect D. pine

2. B. The vi editor is often the only editor available on a rescue floppy, unlike the Red Hat

rescue CD. _ A, C, and D are incorrect because these tools are not available on rescue disks. Furthermore, if you use StarOffice or WordPerfect to edit a configuration file, you may forget to save it in text format, which would make it unreadable to Linux. Pine is just an e-mail manager, not suitable for editing text files.

3. Which of the following vi commands would you use to copy the currently highlighted line in the /etc/inittab file? A. p B. c C. yy D. cw 3. C. The yy command copies the entire line associated with the current location of the cursor.

You can then use the p command to insert that line into the file. _ A is incorrect, since the p command only takes data from the buffer. B is incorrect, since
there is no c command. D is incorrect, since it places only one word into the buffer.
4. A. B. C. D. What is the command to display the status of the cluster statclu clustat status clus clust status

4. B. clustat 5. Which of the following commands would you use to apply fdisk to the second IDE hard drive? A. /sbin/fdisk /dev/sda B. /sbin/fdisk /dev/hda C. /sbin/fdisk /dev/sdb D. /sbin/fdisk /dev/hdb 5. D. Linux assigns /dev/hdb to the second IDE hard drive.

_ A is wrong, since /dev/sda represents the first SCSI hard drive. B is wrong, since /dev/hda represents the first IDE hard drive. C is wrong, since /dev/sdb represents the second SCSI hard drive.
6. Youre suspecting disk problems with the partition where the /home directory is mounted. Which of the following steps should you take? A. umount /home B. /sbin/fsck /home C. Back up the contents of the /home directory D. Go into single-user mode 6. A, B, C, and D. You need to apply the fsck command to the partition where /home is

mounted. But first, since you should not apply this command on a mounted directory, you need to unmount /home. And since fsck can be destructive to your data, you should back up the contents of /home as well. This is often not possible unless youre in single-user mode; it sometimes helps to use a rescue disk (which by default also starts Linux without mounting any directories, in single-user mode).
7. Which of the following commands would you use to mount a MS-DOS floppy disk? A. mount -t /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy B. mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy C. mount -t ext3/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy D. mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy 7. D. Current MS-DOS floppy disks are usually formatted to VFAT, which supports long

filenames. _ A is not correct, since you need to specify a file type with the -t switch. B and C are not correct, since ext2 and ext3 are unusable file types for a MS-DOS disk.

8. At the command line interface, what would you do to scroll backward through the history of previous commands? A. Run the history command. B. Press the PAGE UP key C. Press the PAGE DOWN key D. Press the RIGHT ARROW key

8. B. When youre at the command line interface, the UP ARROW or the PAGE UP key allows

you to scroll back through a history of previously executed commands. _ A is incorrect. This question is a bit tricky, as the history command does put previous commands on your screen. And you could pipe this command to less, which would allow you to scroll back through previous commands at your leisure. But strictly speaking, while the history command does scroll through previous commands, it does not scroll backward. C is incorrect, as the PAGE DOWN key scrolls down the history. D is incorrect, as it does not do anything in the history of previous commands.

9. Youve logged in as user pm. Then you run the su command, entered the necessary information when prompted, and then run the cd ~ command. When you then run pwd, what do you see? A. /home/pm B. /home C. /root D. / 9. C. When you run su and enter the root password, you take the role of the root user.

Therefore, when you then run cd ~, youre moving to the root users home directory, /root. _ A is incorrect, since pm is not the root user. B is incorrect, since /home does not correspond to any users home directory. D is not correct, since the top-level root directory, /, is not any users home directory.
10. Which of the following commands returns the actual number of times user mj is logged into your Linux computer? A. wc -l B. who | grep mj C. who | wc -l D. who | grep mj | wc -l 10. D. While this level of piping isnt covered in this chapter, this should be a straightforward

question if youre sufficiently familiar with basic command line tools. The who command returns every active login of every user. Piping the result returns just the lines associated with the logins of user mj. Piping that result to wc -l returns the actual number of lines. _ A is not correct, as the wc command needs a file or other input to read first. B is not correct, as it returns the lines associated with the logins of user mj. While you could count the number of lines, that does not address the requirements of the question. C is not correct, as it would return the number of times all users are logged into this system.
11. Youre maintaining a large queue of print jobs on your network, and you need some job numbers to make sure the engineers get highest priority on the printer.Which of the following commands lists print job numbers? A. lpr -l B. lpq -l C. lprm -l D. lpd

11. B. The lpq -l command checks print queues. If you get an error message from this command,

you may need to install a printer first. _ A is incorrect, as lpr is a print command, and its -l switch tells lpr to expect a binary file. C is incorrect, as lprm is for removing print jobs. D is incorrect, as lpd is the line print daemon. While this must be running before you can check a print queue, lpd does not itself check print queues.
12. Which of the following commands would you use to add the /usr/sbin directory to your PATH? A. $PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin B. $PATH=PATH:/usr/sbin C. PATH=$PATH:/sbin D. PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin 12. D. The variable is PATH. When you input $PATH, the value of that variable, in this case,

the directories in your path, are substituted in this equation. _ A and B are not correct, since $PATH is not itself a variable. C is not correct, since /sbin

is the wrong directory.

13. When you run the umask command, you see the following result: 0000. The next time you create a file, what will be the permissions? A. drwxrwxrwx B. ---------C. -rwxr-xr-x D. -rw-rw-rw13. D. The effect of umask has changed. Even if you try to set it to allow execute permissions,

Red Hat wont let you do this anymore. Youll need to set execute permissions on each file after creation. _ A is not correct, since the file is not necessarily a directory, and execute permissions are no longer set up by default. B is not correct, as this would correspond to a umask value of 0666 or 0777. C is not correct, as execute permissions are no longer set up by default.
14. Youve just added several new users by directly editing the /etc/passwd file. Which of the following things do you need to do to make sure that passwords are properly encrypted per the Shadow Password Suite? A. pwconv B. pwunconv C. grpconv D. grpunconv 14. A. The pwconv command converts any passwords in /etc/passwd to /etc/shadow, which

is hidden from all but the root user. This is also part of the Shadow Password Suite. _ B and D are incorrect, since they convert user and group passwords from (not to) the Shadow Password Suite. C is not correct, since it converts group passwords, and no new group was created in this question.
15. Youve logged in as a regular user. Youve taken advice to heart to keep your use of the superuser account to a minimum. Which of the following commands would run a single program named rooter that requires superuser privileges and then automatically returns to the regular account? A. su rooter B. su -c rooter C. superuser rooter D. /sbin/su -c rooter 15. B. The form su -c command prompts you for the root password. When the command

is complete, the shell returns you to the prompt for the original user. _ A is incorrect because the su rooter command tries to log you in as the user named rooter. C is incorrect, as there is no superuser command. D is not correct, as there is no /sbin/su command.
16. In which of the following directories can you find scripts or links to scripts organized by runlevel?

A. /etc/rc.d/init.d B. /etc/rc.d C. /rc.d D. /etc/init.d 16. B. There are subdirectories organized by runlevel in the /etc/rc.d directory, including rc0.d,

rc1.d, rc2.d, rc3.d, rc4.d, rc5.d, and rc6.d. _ A is not correct. While the actual scripts are located in the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory, there are no clues here to the actual runlevels. C and D are incorrect, as there are no /rc.d or /etc/init.d directories, at least in the current version of Red Hat Linux.
17. Based on the following line from one of your users crontab file, when will the Berkeleylives program be run? 0 1 2 3 * Berkeleylives A. At 1:23 A.M. every day B. At 1:00 A.M. on March 2 C. At 1:00 A.M. on February 3 D. At 2:00 A.M. on March 2 17. B. This is based on the convention for the first five entries in a crontab line: minute, hour,

day of month, month, and day of week. _ A, C, and D are incorrect, as they are readings of the cited crontab line that dont correspond to the convention.
18. Which of the following commands would you use to store the contents of /home in a compressed tarball? A. /sbin/tarball czvf /home B. tar czvf home.tar.gz /home C. tar xzvf home.tar.gz /home D. tarball czvf home.tar.gz /home 18. B. While not covered in this chapter, the tar command is quite important to any Linux

administrator. The czvf switches collect, compress, and verify the group of files under /home in a specific file. If youre not familiar with how tar switches work, study the references cited at the beginning of this chapter. Its important. _ A and D are not correct, as there is no tarball command. C is not correct, as this command extracts (x) files.
19. Which of the following sets of numbers, in order, correspond to an appropriate network address, subnet mask, and broadcast address? A., B., C., D.,, 19. B. By convention, a network with a address with a subnet mask

uses a broadcast address. _ A is not correct, as there cannot be a network that starts with a broadcast address. C is

not correct, as there cannot be a network that starts with a subnet mask. D is not correct, as is not a qualified broadcast address.
20. Which of the following services works to connect Linux to a Microsoft Windowsbased network? A. NFS B. SMB C. DNS D. Windows for Workgroups 20. B. The Server Message Block (SMB) file system, also known as Samba, is the standard way

to connect Linux as a member of a Microsoft Windows- or IBM OS/2-based network. _ A is not correct. While it is possible to set up Services for Unix on some Microsoft Windows computers, that would no longer be a Microsoft Windows-based network. C is not correct, since the Domain Name System has nothing to do with protocols necessary to connect operating systems. D is not correct, since Windows for Workgroups is not an available service in Linux.
21. Which of the following commands are associated with a Red Hat Linux firewall configuration utility? A. lokwall B. lokkit C. firewall-config D. firewall-lokkit 21. B and C are both current Red Hat Linux firewall configuration utilities.

_ A and D are not valid Red Hat Linux commands 1. Which command will show the process CPU and Memory Utilization?
a) b) c) d) ps mc ps auxw ps -ef ps fd

2. How to check rpm package installation date?

a) b) c) d) 3) a) b) c) d) rpm qi rpm ql rpm qa rpm qf What is the kernel configuration file /etc/kernel.conf /etc/modules.conf /etc/modprope.conf /etc/sysctl.conf

4) What is the expansion of GRUB? a) Grand Unified Bootloader

b) Grand Universal Bootloader c) Great Unified Bootloader d) Great Universal Bootloader 5) Which runlevel means REBOOT for a Linux system? a) a. runlevel 1 b) runlevel 0 c) runlevel 4 d) runlevel 6

6) What parameters can be used to view contents of an RPM package

a) rpm -vl /path/to/file.rpm b) rpm qlp /path/to/file.rpm c)

rpm -ivh /path/to/file.rpm

d) d) rpm -Uh /path/to/file.rpm

7) Which command is used for listing files in a archive file? a) tar cvf filename b) tar xvf filename c) tar tvf filename d) tar zvf filename

8) md5sum is a linux command TRUE of FALSE ?

9) Which command is used for copying file to remote computer?

a) scp b) telnet c) ssh d) rlogin 10) Which command is used for activate a LVM? a) lvchange ay logical volume name b) lvchange an logical volume name c) lvchange a logical volume name d) lvchange av logical volume name 11) The sticky bit is set for a directory... a) so files in that directory may only be unlinked or renamed by root b) c) d) so files in that directory may only be unlinked or renamed by their owner so files in that directory may only be unlinked or renamed by root or their owner so files in that directory are safe

12) What is the ssh port no? a) 20 b) 21 c) 22 d) 23

13) In the cron scheduler the third colume is describe for? a) hour (0-23)

b) minutes (0-59) c) Day (1-31) d) Month ( 1-12 ) 14) In Linux color coding PINK color describe for? a) compressed archives b) broken links c) devices d) images 15) Iptables can be used to protect a) hardware devices b) Operating System and Network Services c) against power surge d) nothing 16) In BIND, the terminology which involves resolving a domain name to an IP address is known as a) faster lookup b) forward lookup c) reverse lookup d) final lookup 17) The previous system administrator put useless messages at login, what file do you edit to change the system message? a) /etc/issue b) /etc/motd c) /etc/login

d) /etc/sysmsg

18) You are working in Linux when a program hits a flaw and stops running. Which command can be used to end the process? a) kill b) stop c) end d) CTL-ALT-DEL 19) Which command creates a file system? a) fdisk b) fsck c) mkfs d) crfs 20) chmod 755 file a) Everyone can read and write. Only owner can execute. b) Nobody can read and execute. Only owner can write. c) Everyone can read and execute. Only owner can write. Everyone can read and execute.
Q1. The Linux kernel is mostly written in... a. Basic b. C c. Fortran d. C++

Q2. The sticky bit is set for a directory... a. so files in that directory may only be unlinked or renamed by root b. so files in that directory may only be unlinked or renamed by their owner c. so files in that directory may only be unlinked or renamed by root or their owner d. so files in that directory are safe Q3. What command brings the system down in a secure way? a. shutup b. exit c. shutdown d. down Q4.It copies a file from standard input to standard output with a changeable I/O block size. a. rm b. mv c. dd d. od Q5. chmod 755 file a. Everyone can read and write. Only owner can execute. b. Nobody can read and execute. Only owner can write. c. Everyone can read and execute. Only owner can write. d. Everyone can read and execute. Only group can write. Q6. touch a. Locates a program and its man pages. b. Changes the access and modification times of each file to the current time. c. Summarizes disk usage of files and directories. d. Shows the last argument of the previous command. Q7. what command will you use to find PID of Apache process ? a. ps -ef|more httpd b. ps -aux|httpd c. ps -ef|grep httpd d. ps -ax|httpd Q8. In BIND, the terminology which involves resolving a domain name to an IP address is known as a. faster lookup b. forward lookup c. reverse lookup d. final lookup Q9. In Mysql DB, Replication enables data from one MySQL database server (called the master) to be replicated to one or more MySQL database servers (slaves). This type of replication is called

a. synchronous b. asynchronous c. continuous d. non-continuous Q10. In Apache, authentication, authorization and access Control can be achieved by a. using iptables b. .htaccess and .htpasswd to protect data in that directory c. .access and .pwd to protect data in that directory d. using firewall Q11. Iptables can be used to protect a. hardware devices b. Operating System and Network Services c. against power surge d. nothing Q12. What parameters can be used to view contents of an RPM package a. rpm -vl /path/to/file.rpm b. rpm -qlp /path/to/file.rpm c. rpm -ivh /path/to/file.rpm d. rpm -Uh /path/to/file.rpm Q13. What command will be used for re-starting MySQL daemon on remote Server using SSH a. ssh '/etc/init.d/mysql start' b. ssh '/etc/init.d/mysql restart'' c. ssh '/etc/init.d/mysql start d. ssh '/etc/init.d/mysql restart' Q14. Which parameter is used for setting up a smarthost relay in postfix a. DS b. relayhost c. smarthost d. mxrelay Q15. Which is not one of the opensource Linux OS virtualization a. KVM b. Xen c. lvs d. OpenVZ Q16. This is a popular and freely-available Linux package that that uses the Linux kernel and other program components obtained from the GNU project. a. Lynx b. Debian c. OASIS

d. Fizt e. CORBA Q17. This is a script language and interpreter that is freely available and used primarily on Linux Web servers as an alternative to Microsoft's Active Server Page (ASP)technology. a. PHP b. ActionScript c. AUP d. OpenGL e. CRON script Q18. This technology is used to measure and analyze human body characteristics for authentication purposes. a. footprinting b. biometrics c. JBOD d. anthropomorphism e. optical character recognition Q19. This is a series of messages sent by someone attempting to break into a computer to learn which computer network services the computer provides. a. bit robbing b. Web services description language (WSDL) c. jabber d. port scan e. service profile identifier Q20. Which runlevel means REBOOT for a Linux system? a. runlevel 1 b. runlevel 0 c. runlevel 4 d. runlevel 6

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