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Near Surface Characterization Using VP/VS and Poisson’s Ratio from Seismic Refractions
Md. Iftekhar Alam1 and Priyank Jaiswal1
Boone Pickens School of Geology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078
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This paper shows that the ratio of compressional- and shear-wave velocities (VP and VS,
respectively) better characterize the near-surface than individual velocity models. In a proof-of-
concept experiment, vertical and tangential data were acquired along a 23 m, 2D profile
containing two well-documented utility pipes with 0.76 m diameter and 1.5 m burial depth. First
arrivals of both datasets were inverted using a regularized tomography algorithm. The inverted
VP and VS images, which fit their respective datasets within the noise level, were smooth with no
clear anomalous structure at the pipe locations. In the VP/VS ratio image, however, the pipe
locations appear as zones with high ratio values (.1.8). A nearby zone of low (,1.5) VP/VS
ratio was interpreted as a backfilled void. These results suggested that carefully conducted P- and
S-refraction tomography can provide quick and effective near-surface reconnaissance.

Introduction weathered layer (Docherty, 1992; Lanz et al., 1998) and

addressing similar problems, but a limited number of
The top few meters of the earth is a zone of studies have also shown that refractions can also be used
interaction among the atmosphere, biosphere, and to infer porosity and stiffness of the soil (Francese et al.,
hydrosphere that sustains the majority of anthropogenic 2005; McBride et al., 2010; Zelt et al., 2006; Al-Shuhail
activities. Therefore, its soil properties, including and Adetunji, 2016). Refraction resolution is typically
porosity, density, bulk and shear moduli are of great defined by the order of the radius of the first Fresnel
interest to many communities, such as those that focus Zone (Williamson, 1991; Zhang and Toksöz, 1998), and
on the environment, engineering, and archeology we expand upon this in the Appendix. Therefore, for
(Bement et al., 2007; Goodman, 1994; Sharma, 1997; smaller targets, the refraction models have to be refined
Wright and Duncan, 2005). In laboratory settings, using other, more advanced methods such as jointly with
Santamarina et al. (2005) showed that subtle changes
resistivity (Gallardo and Meju, 2003, 2004) and full-
in soil properties, such as porosity, particle dimension,
waveform inversion (Chen et al., 2013; Jaiswal et al.,
pore-fluid type, and saturation, could significantly alter
their elastic response, implying that the seismic veloc-
The near-surface community has shown that, in
ities can be a valuable tool for near-surface character-
ization. However, estimating velocities accurately with addition to the body-waves, Rayleigh waves can be used
sufficient resolution in the near surface is a challenge. for near-surface soil characterization. Rayleigh waves
Particularly in the upper tens of meters, where newly can be inverted for shear-wave velocity (VS) (Xia et al.,
deposited or eroded material often lacks compaction and 1999; Xia et al., 2000) with a caveat that the inversion
stratification required for generating reflections, velocity process has a strong interpretation aspect and does not
estimation is difficult. Building velocity models with yield VS directly (Beaty et al., 2002; Brown et al., 2000;
methods, such as normal move-out (Al-Yahya, 1989), Douma and Haney, 2011). Peer studies have also shown
that are frequently used in basin-scale studies is that S-refractions, which can be used to estimate VS in
inappropriate in the near-surface. the same way as their P-wave counterparts are used to
In field settings, refraction studies are generally estimate VP, can be greatly beneficial for near-surface
conducted with vertical-component datasets for creating characterization. The inverted P- and S- refraction
P-wave velocity (VP) models. Traditionally, refraction images can be combined as VP/VS ratio and Poisson’s
studies have been used for detection of the base of the Ratio (r) images, which can better resolve the near-

JEEG, June 2017, Volume 22, Issue 2, pp. 101–109 DOI: #10.2113/JEEG22.2.101
Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
ed backfilled area, which is the old location of one of the
utility pipes, is also expected towards the west end of the
profile. The soil type at the test site is unsaturated to
partially saturated sandy clay. We have organized the
paper as follows: First, we outline the seismic survey
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parameters, present the data, and show first arrival picks.

Following this, we briefly describe the regularized
tomography methodology and invert the first arrival
times for obtaining VP and VS images. Then, we assess
the resolution of the images. Finally, we examine which
form of output is best for resolving the pipes—individual
velocity images or their ratios.

Figure 1. Google Earth image of Oklahoma State

University’s Main Campus. The study area is shown Survey and Data
with a white box. An enlarged sketch showing the
seismic profile, utility pipes as well as a few key We collected vertical and tangential datasets along
campus landmarks is also presented. a common 23 m east-west 2D profile orthogonal to the
plumbing system in two separate acquisitions, using a
surface than the individual VP or VS images. Notable static array of 24 geophones spaced 1 m apart (Fig. 1).
examples include the works by King and Jarvis (2007) For the vertical dataset, we used 40 Hz vertical
with their characterization of a polar firn and those by geophones and fired the shots at every geophone
Bachrach et al. (2000) and Ivanov et al. (2000), who location. For the tangential dataset, we used 28 Hz
characterized unconsolidated ground cover using the horizontal geophones and fired the shots in between the
velocity ratios. King and Jarvis (2007) and Bachrach et geophones to avoid the existing shot holes. The sources
al. (2000) estimated VP and VS, respectively, from in both cases were point explosives, i.e., 12-gauge, 400-
analysis of first arrivals in vertical and horizontal grain shells fired from a shotgun (Betsy Seisgun) set off
geophones. In both these studies, the horizontal geo- in 15 cm-deep holes noting that both P- and S- modes of
phones were oriented perpendicular to the profile such propagation can be generated from a point source
that they are orthogonal to the P-ray vector and the first (Fertig, 1984; Geyer and Martner, 1969). Both datasets
arrivals are pure horizontal shear (SH) mode of were recorded using 24-channel Geometrics-Geode
propagation. Hereafter, we refer to data acquired in seismographs. Sample interval and recording length for
such a manner as ‘‘tangential’’. Ivanov et al. (2000) also both datasets were 0.125 ms and 500 ms, respectively.
obtained VP from first arrival inversion of vertical- The vertical and horizontal datasets had dominant
component data but used Rayleigh wave inversion to frequencies of approximately 100 Hz and 60 Hz,
estimate VS. All the above studies found that VP/VS or r respectively. The vertical and tangential datasets had
images can better resolve the near-surface than the 24 and 23 shot gathers, respectively. The near and far
individual VP or VS images. In this paper, we extend the offsets for the vertical dataset were 0 and 23 m, and for
idea to detect voids and pipes in the near surface, the tangential dataset were 0.5 m and 22.5 m,
speculating that they will be better resolved in the VP/VS respectively. To avoid instrument oscillations, the
ratio and r images, which can better resolve the near- horizontal geophones were buried under 15 cm of soil.
surface than the individual VP or VS images. The survey was designed such that the documented
Our study area is located at Oklahoma State utility pipes were in the middle of the profile.
University’s main campus (Fig. 1), which is typical of The vertical and tangential datasets comprised 576
an urban setting with a number of utility pipes and and 552 traces, respectively. Overall, the tangential
excavations below the ground cover, not all of which are dataset was noisier than the vertical dataset but the first
well-documented. To test how well refractions can arrivals could be picked in both datasets, up to the
characterize these artifacts, we acquired vertical and maximum source-receiver separation (Fig. 2). In both
tangential datasets along a 2D profile containing two datasets, the first arrival time generally increases with
well-documented utility pipes (Fig. 1), both 0.76 m in source-receiver separation (Figs. 3(a) and (b)) and a
diameter and located approximately at the central part of difference plot is shown as the tangential minus the
the survey with 1.5 m burial depth. A poorly-document- vertical dataset (Fig. 3(c)). In either dataset, we could not
Alam and Jaiswal: Near Surface Characterization Using Seismic Refraction
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Figure 2. Representative data. a)–c) Vertical com-

ponent and d)–f) Tangential component gathers for Figure 3. First-arrival times. a) Vertical, b) Tan-
shots 3, 11, and 21. The flags and dots represent shot gential, c) Difference (Tangential minus Vertical). In
locations and the picked first arrival times, respec- a) through c) light to dark gradation represents
tively. arrival times ranging from near- to far- source-
receiver separation. The arrival times follow a
identify any reflections or diffractions that would be diagonal pattern as shot moves from one end to the
indicative of shallow mode-converting horizons. We other end of the profile. Note that while the vertical
could also identify the surface wave cones in both dataset has 24 shots the tangential dataset has 23
shots only.
datasets (Fig. 2). Therefore, we assumed that, much like
in the peer studies, the leading waveforms in the vertical
The inverse problem satisfies a convergence
and tangential datasets are exclusive records of P- and
criterion by minimizing an objective function, E(m),
SH- propagation modes.
which is the L2 norm of a combination of data errors and
model roughness:
EðmÞ ¼ Dd T Cd1 Dd þ k mT Ch1 m þ sz mT Cv1 m : ð2Þ
Traveltime Inversion
In Eq. 2, m is a model vector, Dd is the difference
Our traveltime inversion is based on the regular- between dpre and dobs (dpre is the predicted and dobs is the
ized Zelt and Barton (1998) method. We present a observed data vector), Cd is the data covariance matrix,
summary of the method below and guide the reader to Ch and Cv are model space covariance matrices that
the original reference for details. Traveltime inversion measure horizontal and vertical roughness respectively,
searches for a solution that fits the observed arrival times k is the trade-off parameter, and sz determines the
within a predetermined uncertainty. An initial velocity relative importance of maintaining vertical versus
model is created which is then updated iteratively using horizontal model smoothness.
misfit between the observed and predicted travel times. In general, if mk is the model in the kth iteration,
The forward modeling in this method is implemented on dm is defined as the model perturbation such that mkþ1 ¼
a finite-difference grid. The method solves the eikonal mk þ dm. The value for dm is computed using the
equation (Eq. 1) modified to handle large velocity jumping strategy of Shaw and Orcutt (1985) (Eq. 3).
variations after Hole and Zelt (1995): Regularization in the Zelt and Barton (1998) method,
implemented by scaling with the inverses of the data and
t  t ¼ jtj2 ¼ ; ð1Þ model space covariance matrices, attempts to obtain the
c2 smoothest model appropriate for the data errors (Scales
where c1 is the slowness, t is the delay time, such that et al., 1990). The stopping criterion for traveltime
ct is a unit vector in the direction of the ray. inversion is based on a user-defined range of data
Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
uncertainty of the observed data.
2 21 3 2 21 3
Cd 2 L Cd 2 L
4 kC 5dm ¼ 4 kC m 5 ð3Þ
h h k
sz kCv sz kCv mk
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In Eq. 3, L is the partial derivative matrix of the data

errors with respect to the model parameters.

Poisson’s Ratio
The r is a measurement of the shrinkage of a
material in the direction orthogonal to the direction of
tensile stress. Mathematically, it is defined as the ratio of
latitudinal to longitudinal strain. In most cases, r varies
between 0 and 0.5, with higher r indicating a rubber-like
material which can be easily sheared and lower r
indicating that the material is increasingly resistant to
shearing. In terms of velocity ratios, m ¼ VP/VS, r can be
expressed as:
v2  2
r ¼ 0:5 ð4Þ
v2  1 Figure 4. Final inverted images. a) VP, b) VS, c) VP/
VS, and d) r. In a)–d) locations of utility pipes and the
backfilled void is shown with dotted circles, and open
Modeling and Results triangles and open circles near the surface represent
receiver and source locations respectively. In a) and
For traveltime inversion, 576 and 552 first-arrival b) no updates below the ray coverage are shown.
times were picked in the vertical and tangential datasets, Figure indicates that the utility pipes are better
respectively (Fig. 2). Based on the dominant frequency resolved in c) and d) compared to a) and b). The VP
and the level of ambient noise, 1 ms and 2 ms and VS models have been generated with 1 ms and 2
uncertainties were respectively assigned to the vertical ms pick uncertainties, respectively.
and horizontal datasets. Starting models for both datasets
were 1D in nature, where velocities increased linearly 5(a), the pipe at the 13 m distance (western pipe)
with depth. For the vertical dataset, VP increases from manifests as the zone of ~5% VP increase but the pipe at
200 m/s at the surface to 1800 m/s at 20 m depth and for the 16.5 m distance (eastern pipe) is not well resolved. In
the tangential dataset, VS increases from 100 m/s at the Fig. 5(b), on the other hand, the western pipe is not
surface to 1200 m/s at 20 m depth. These gradients are resolved but the eastern pipe manifests as a zone of
not arbitrary and were determined heuristically through ~2.5% VS decrease. In Fig. 5(a), at 8 m distance and 2.5
repeated inversion runs. After every inversion, the final m below the surface, there is a zone with ~5% velocity
image was averaged to create the starting model for the decrease that is interpreted as a backfilled void. This
next inversion. Using these 1D background models, the anomaly is at the approximate location of a poorly-
inversion for vertical and tangential datasets converged documented location of a previous utility pipe. In Fig.
in 9 and 13 iterations, respectively. Notably traveltimes 5(b), this backfilled void is associated with a ~1%
were fit to within their assigned uncertainties of 1 ms and velocity decrease. Both VP and VS changes associated
2 ms for the vertical and tangential components, with the pipe locations are subtle (Figs. 5(a) and (b),
respectively. respectively) and therefore a thorough assessment of the
The final VP and VS images (Figs. 4(a) and (b), solution is needed.
respectively) have a smooth structure with no clear First, we assess the solution through ray-count
indications of any anomalous zones that can be related to plots (Figs. 6(a) and 6(b) for VP and VS images,
the utility pipes. However, when presented in terms of respectively). In these figures, ray coverages do not
perturbations, i.e., percentage change from the starting appear to be abnormally high or low at the target
model as shown in Figs. 5(a) and (b), VP and VS updates locations as compared to the background, implying that
at the target zones appear to be better resolved. In Fig. the velocity updates in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b) are not biased.
Alam and Jaiswal: Near Surface Characterization Using Seismic Refraction
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Figure 6. Ray count plots. (a) P-wave and (b) S-

wave. Symbols have the same meaning as in Fig. 4.
Figure does not show any abnormal ray coverage at
the target locations.

polarity and the peak amplitude of the 1 m grid size are

well-resolved at the target depths in the inverted VP
image (Fig. 7(c)). However, in the inverted VS image,
only the polarity of the 1 m grid is properly recovered at
the target depths (Fig. 7(g)). The maximum recovered
magnitude is approximately 2.5% (grids points between
Figure 5. Final updates from stating models. a) VP, 10 m and 15 m model distance), whereas the initial
b) VS, c) VP/VS, and d) r. Symbols have the same perturbation as an input was 65%. We note that the
meaning as in Fig. 4. Note that only the western pipe recovery of the 1 m grid is very similar to inversion
is resolved in a) and only the eastern pipe is resolved results of real data in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b). Overall and as
in b). Figure indicates that the utility pipes are better nominally expected, larger grids are better resolved in
resolved in c) and d) compared to a) and b).
Fig. 7.
Figures 7(i) through 7(l) and Figs. 7(m) through
Next, we assess the solution through the checkerboard
7(p) are the VP/VS and r images generated from the
test, which is a common form of nonlinear assessment of
inverted VP and VS checkerboard images. It is notable
tomographic solutions (Day et al., 2001; Evangelidis et
al., 2004). Checkerboard tests are synthetic tests where that for all scenarios (0.5 m, 0.75 m, 1.0 m and 1.5 m
artificially induced alternating highs and lows in a grids) the checkerboard polarity and shapes are better
background velocity model are reconstructed in the same expressed in the VP/VS ratio and r images as compared
manner as with the real data (Lévěque et al., 1993; to individual velocity images of Figs. 7(a) through 7(d)
Rawlinson and Spakman, 2016). Although initially and Figs. 7(e) through 7(h). This is an important finding
developed for crustal-scale problems, Zelt et al. (2006) as it provides motivation for generating VP/VS and r
showed that checkerboard tests are valuable in near- images for interpreting the real data. On a related note,
surface scenarios as well. the central part of the VP/VS and r images are better
For the checkerboard test, we perturb the 1D resolved in terms of shape and magnitude compared to
background VP and VS models in a checkerboard grid of the edges, where the recovered perturbations are
sizes 0.5 m, 0.75 m, 1 m and 1.5 m and a peak strength smeared. Further, as the grid sizes increase from 0.5 m
of 65% (Fig. 7). In every scenario, we simulate the to 1.5 m, the extent of the well-resolved zone also
traveltime from the perturbed model and invert the increases, which is probably reflective of the frequency
simulated traveltimes using the 1D background model as bandwidth used in the inversion. Checkerboard results in
the starting model. Much like their unperturbed coun- Fig. 7 are also consistent with the Fresnel Zone criteria,
terparts, we assign 1 ms of uncertainty to VP datasets and as demonstrated in the Appendix.
2 ms of uncertainty to VS datasets respectively. The Next, we generated VP/VS and r images using the
results show that the 0.5 m and 0.75 m grid sizes are not inverted images from Figs. 4(a) and 4(b). We find that,
well resolved in either the inverted VP or VS images overall, the VP/VS ratio ranges between 1.4 and 2.1 (Fig.
(Figs. 7(a), 7(b) and 7(e), 7(f), respectively). Both 4(c)), the background has a VP/VS ratio of ~1.6, the
Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
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Figure 7. Checkerboard tests. VP perturbation recovered for a) 0.5 m, b) 0.75 m, c) 1 m and d) 1.5 m grid sizes.
VS perturbation recovered for e) 0.5 m, f) 0.75 m, g) 1 m and h) 1.5 m grid sizes. VP/VS ratio of recovered
perturbations for i) 0.5 m, j) 0.75 m, k) 1 m and l) 1.5 m grid sizes. Possion’s Ratio (r) of recovered perturbations
for m) 0.5 m, n) 0.75 m, o) 1 m and p) 1.5 m grid sizes. The VP and VS models have been generated with 1 ms and
2 ms pick uncertainties respectively. Symbols have the same meaning as Fig. 4. Figure suggests that resolution of
the VP/VS ratio and r is better than the individual velocity images.

zones containing the two utility pipes have a higher VP/ tures or topography, can therefore result in noisier
VS ratio (.1.8), and the backfilled zone has a lower VP/ images. Statics are generally addressed by assigning
VS ratio (,1.5). We observe similar structure in the r higher uncertainty to the time picks, which unfortunately
image (Fig. 4(d)). Overall, r of the background soil restricts image recovery to larger wavelength features. In
ranges between 0.2 and 0.3, which is consistent with our case, the horizontal component geophones were
Sharma et al. (1990) for similar sediment type. The zone buried under 15 cm of soil. Although this was a crucial
with the utility pipes have higher-than-background r step to avoid the instrument oscillation, we speculate that
(.0.28 vs. ~0.2) and the backfilled zone has lower-than- it may have incorporated some static variations in the
background r (,0.1 vs. ~0.2). Clearly, the targets are data. A generalized reciprocal analysis, i.e., comparing
better resolved in the VP/VS (Fig. 4(c)) and the r (Fig. arrival times when the source and receivers switch
4(d)) images than in the individual inverted velocity locations, suggested that pick uncertainty of less than 2
images. ms was not reasonable for the tangential dataset. Thus, it
is believed that resolution of the tangential data were
poor because of a higher pick uncertainty. The
Discussion uncertainty could not be reduced, otherwise the model
would have become excessively noisy. Resolution tests
In general, because S-waves travel more slowly can be used to understand this phenomenon. In Fig. 8(a),
than P-waves, they are expected to yield a higher the inverted VP image for the recovered 1 m checker-
resolution. In our case, lower S-wave resolution is board grid size (same as Fig. 7(c)) is shown. In Figs. 8(b)
observed than P-wave, which warrants an explanation. In and 8(c), the inverted VS images recovered using 2 ms
tomography, images are intentionally kept smooth to and 1 ms pick uncertainties are shown. As expected,
avoid over-interpretation. Discounting geological fac- image resolution in Fig. 8(c) is comparable to Fig. 8(a).
tors, image smoothness depends on the offset structure of Figure 8 implies that if the tangential dataset was as
the picks, i.e., the spatial pattern of the arrival times as a ‘‘clean’’ as its vertical counterpart, the resolution of the
function of source-receiver separation. Statics, or VS image could have been as good as the VP image.
traveltime variations associated with the shallow struc- This, however, does not necessarily imply that the
Alam and Jaiswal: Near Surface Characterization Using Seismic Refraction
the most subtle change in VP or the VS. We acknowledge
the risk that inversion artifacts may also become
magnified in r images and therefore emphasize on the
need of careful interpretation. In summary, because the
VP/VS and r models have contributions from both VP
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and VS models, they provide a more complete near-

surface description.
On a related note, it is not clear why the western
and eastern pipes are selectively resolved in the VP and
VS images. Both pipes are identical in composition
therefore their velocity behaviors must originate from
the soil that locally hosts the pipe. Difference in factors
such as compaction, saturation, composition, porosity
and sorting could have led to these observations
(Santamarina et al., 2005). We also remind the reader
that the resolution achieved at the target level is
reflective of the bulk properties of essentially a 1 m
zone comprising the utility pipe and the surrounding soil.
Our results also show the presence of other
Figure 8. Pick uncertainty and model resolution. a) anomalous zones in the images. For example, a zone
1 m VP checkerboard recovered using with 1 ms of high VP/VS ratio (.1.8) is observed about 10 m image
uncertainty, b) 1 m VS checkerboard recovered using distance and ~1.5 m image depth. To the best of our
with 2 ms uncertainty and c) 1 m VS checkerboard knowledge, there is no documentation of this location
recovered using with 1 ms uncertainty. In a)–c), the being associated with any utility pipes. This zone lies
checkerboards were created with 5% perturbation. immediately above the backfilled void and therefore the
Symbols have the same meaning as in Fig. 4. Figure increase in VP/VS ratio could have resulted from
suggests that tangential and vertical datasets will
have similar resolution if data uncertainties are compaction that followed the backfilling process.
comparable. However, it could also be another, undocumented, utility
pipe. It is difficult to distinguish between the two
western pipe would also have been resolved in the VS scenarios based only on the seismic method. Other
image. geophysical tools such as resistivity profiling could be
It is notable in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b) that the western used to augment our results.
pipe is poorly resolved in the VS image and the eastern
pipe is poorly resolved in the VP image. Yet, the VP/VS Conclusions
and r images resolve both pipes (Figs. 4(c) and 4(d)).
These results can be appreciated through the relative VP/ To test the idea that VP/VS and r images have
VS and r perturbation (Figs. 5(c) and (d)). Let us assume better resolution than individual inverted VP and VS
a background VP and VS of 400 m/s and 240 m/s, similar images, a ground-truthing refraction experiment was
to the model, 1 m below the surface. These values conducted along a 23 m long profile where two utility
correspond to a VP/VS ratio of 1.667 and r of 0.21. For a pipes were documented and a backfilled void was
5% increase in the VP and 1% decrease in the VS, e.g., at suspected. Assuming that leading waveforms in vertical
the utility pipe located at 12 m image distance, the VP/ and tangential datasets are P- and SH- propagation
VS ratio increases by 6%. The ratio increase is still modes, VP and VS images were created using first-arrival
comparable to the VP update, but the r increases by 20% tomography. Results showed that the western pipe was
and is an order of magnitude larger than the change in not resolved in the VS image while the eastern pipe was
VP. Similarly, when VP decreases by 5% and VS not resolved in the VP image, but both pipes were
decreases by 2%, e.g., at the backfilled void, the VP/VS resolved in the VP/VS ratio and r images. Within the
ratio decreases by 3%. The ratio decrease is actually background sediments of ~0.2 r, the pipes and the
smaller than the VP change, but the r decreases by 13% backfilled void manifested as high (.0.28) and low
and is significant. The expression of r magnifies even (,0.1) r zones. This paper suggests that carefully
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