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Chapter 2


Related Literature

Knowledge is not constructed or learned in a vacuum. The study summarized by

this thesis was certainly no exception. A large body of previous research exists in the

research literature of many disciplines which examines human problem-solving,

however the review for this study will focus primarily on research done on physics

problem-solving. Before the methods or results of this study can be fully understood, it

is necessary to be familiar with this literature. The purpose of this chapter is to give a

review of this literature in sufficient depth to motivate, contextualize and inform the

reader. This chapter will justify the importance of problem-solving in physics and how

this is best exemplified by experts using problem-based learning approach. The chapter

will then review several published materials to improve student problem-solving in

physics both in the laboratory and in the classroom. From this review it will be evident

of the need for this study.

Physics is one of the fields that advance the economic growth of one country, as

it plays a key role in driving innovation and advancement of new technologies (Fidan &

Tuncel, 2019). Nonetheless of such notable importance, physics as a field of study is not

given weight and many students demonstrates low interest to study physics. In physics

instruction, efforts have been made to develop diverse forms of problems that contains

some characteristics of ill-structured problems (Milbourne & Bennett, 2017) such as


context-rich problems (Antonenko, 2011), ranking tasks (Pujani et. Al, 2018),

problem posing (Akben, 2020), project-oriented design problems (Eliyawati, 2020),

model-eliciting activities (Rusliah et. al, 2021), and four problem solving step (Naqiyah

& Rosana, 2020). Explicitly, physics problems are often answered by means of some

algebraic method (Turşucu, 2020).

Gunawan (2017) mentioned that learning physics, does not only encompass

remembering evidences, but it also involves the students in solving more problems

without delay and attaining a real learning achievement. Project-based learning (PBL)as

an approach to teaching typically respond to this consideration as it exposes students to

real-world questions or tasks through an extended analysis procedure (Lattimer &

Riordan, 2011). PBL arranges learning around projects and involves the students in

authentic conditions where they can discover and apply the subject matter to problems

that are complex and applicable to the professional practice for which they are

preparing (Hârtescu, 2014).

In like manner, Khoiri et al. (2013) understood that PBL does not only prepare

the students with knowledge but also improve their problem-solving skill, critical and

creative skill, lifetime learning, communication skill, team work, adaptation to changes,

and self-evaluation. The real-life problems are used to encourage the students through

the problems (Farhan & Retnawati, 2014). When solving the problems, information

discussion between student and other students takes place so that the problems can be

overcome. Teachers turn as facilitators so that the students’ discussion is focused on the

solution (Wulandari & Wulandari, 2019). According to Hugerat (2016), there is


significant influence of creative thinking on students’ learning outcomes when Problem-

Based Learning is implemented. This is supported by Hanif (2019) which interprets

that creativity is the ability to make new combinations based on data, information, or

elements that already exist, both knowledge or experience which tends learners to

develop or introduce ideas, alternatives, or opportunities that will be useful in solving

problems, communicating between people, and serving oneself and serving others.

The research of this paper not only enriches the research literature but also has

important significance for problem solving in physics education theory and practice;

give a clear picture to understand the problem-solving strategies of educators for the

preparation of future researches.

Related Studies

Özcan’s research published in 2011 investigated the problem-solving

approaches of preservice physics teachers towards solving the problems of special

relativity theory. In this study conducted with 34 students at university, 2 problems and

semi-structured interview questions were used to determine students’ problem-solving

approaches. The study results indicated that the problem-solving behaviors of most of

the preservice teachers were not scientific or did not include strategic solution


Yilmaz & Yigit study published in 2012 investigated the ability of science

students to read the problems in physics classes and accurately convey the desired

results on paper. This study, using a screening model, was conducted with 40 students.

For this purpose, 5 open-ended questions were used, and the answers were classified

according to the students’ ability to convert the texts to shapes and define shape-

supported texts on a shape. The study results demonstrated that the students were not

able to explain what was described and what they were asked in the questions

presented in texts and shapes (Yiğit et. al, 2012).

In a study published by Maries and Singh (2013), the ability of university students

to draw diagrams while solving physics problems was investigated. In this study

conducted with 118 university students, 2 problems were asked to the students. The

problems were prepared in a structure that can be solved both by drawing a diagram

and by using mathematical equations. In this study, it was determined that students

did not prefer to draw diagrams while solving problems. Marlina et. al (2018)

investigated how students’ success in physics problems could be determined. In the

study conducted with 21 university students, students were asked to solve 4 physics

problems in a written test and to think aloud while solving. This process was recorded,

and interviews were held with the students after the implementation. According to the

results of this study, students who can use metacognitive problem-solving strategy are

successful and at the same time expert problem solvers.

Byu and Lee (2014) investigated whether the students’ self-confidence, academic

achievement and conceptual understanding differed with the increase in the number of

physics problems solved. In the study conducted with 49 high school students, force

concept test and physics course achievement grades were used as measurement tools

and interviews were made with 4 selected students. Students solved an average of 2200

physics problem. The results of this study revealed that the increase in the number of

physics problems solved had no impacts on students’ academic achievement, self-

confidence and understanding of concepts and that students’ performance of solving

physics problems can be enhanced by the strategies learned and applied.

Körhasan and Özcan (2015) aimed to determine problem solving approaches of

students by examining their use of mathematical models. In this study conducted with

92 university students, students were asked to give written answers in detail to the

questions and semi-structured interviews were made with 6 students. In this study, it

was pointed out that the ability of students to use mathematical model was low and they

had difficulties in distinguishing some basic concepts.

In the study published by Baig et. al (2016), 21 university students were asked to

think aloud while solving their physics problems and all data were recorded.

Qualitative interviews were held with the students later. It was reported that the fact

that the students thought aloud and knew that they were being watched while solving

problems increased their success. Halim et. al (2016) investigated the ability of students

to apply problem solving strategies in physics. In the semi-experimental study carried

out with 25 graduate students, routine problems were used, and rubrics were utilized

as the measurement tool. Heller’s “Troubleshooting Strategy” was used as the problem-

solving strategy. According to the results of the study, it was determined that the

students had difficulty in identifying the problem. Reddy and Panacharoensawad (2017)

evaluated the student’s problem-solving skills and the factors influences the problem-

solving difficulties in physics by 303 students of physics. In this study, it was indicated

that poor mathematical skills and lacking understanding the problem are the major

obstacles in the domain of problem-solving skills in physics.

Some amount of research has been conducted to examine the effect of problem

solvers’ gender on problem solving (Balta, Mason & Singh, 2016; Duran, 2016; Sirait,

Sutrisno, Balta & Mason, 2017). However, there is no clear evidence that either of

the genders would be better in problem solving than the other, therefore, more

research work is needed. Moreover, comparing students’ problem solving from

different majors in science is of great importance because they take various courses

which generally include different types of problem-solving sections. Which in turn

may affect their attitudes and approaches to problem solving. Our results will

contribute to the literature and helps to fulfil this research gap.

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