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A list of your priorities from least important to most.

1. Communication/ Explaining myself to others- It is the least of my

priorities. I don’t think I have the energy to explain myself or to communicate
for them to understand me because it will be draining for me.

2. Spending time with toxic people- I don’t have time for toxicity in my life, It
may affect the way I live my life. Toxic people destroy your self-worth and
distract your attention from the important aspects of life.

3. Trying to make everyone else happy- used to strive to satisfy everyone else.
It was exhausting. I never even thought about my own happiness because that
somehow didn't matter.

4. Worrying- I worry about everything. Especially my future to the point that

it’s stressing me, and I like to change it. I will make sure that I will do
everything for my future so that when the time comes I can say that going with
the flow, doing my best, and worrying less leads me to something.

5. Constantly seeking the approval of others- Seeking validation from people

all the time is bad for my self-worth.

6. Good Health- Health Is Wealth.

7. Self Improvement- Growing yourself and improving oneself goes a long way
toward being successful in both your practice and your overall life.

8. Family- One of the most important things in life why you should put your
family first is. They are typically standard sources of love and happiness. Also,
they provide several forms of support anytime you need it.

9. Learning- learning a lifelong process, so that always open yourself to receive

more learning to help you equip in living.

10. God- Without His mercy and love, I will not be able to overcome all my
circumstances and I am not here now without His guidance.

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