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‘Time: CBGSISCHENE 2M 18EC741 Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Feb./Mar. 2022 R / loT and Wireless Sensor Networks 3uhirs. xX \ Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, chosing ONE full question from each module. \)Module-1 What is IoT? Explain conceptual framework of loT with necessary equations and explain the reference model suggested:by CISCO. (08 Marks) ‘What are three architeotural domain functionalities in (12M architecture? Compare IoT with 2M. ; (08 Marks) Explain Constrainet Application Protocol (CoAP‘for loT/M2M. (04 Marks) OR © Explain modified OSI mode! for the IoT/M2M systems with appropriate figures. (08 Marks) Explain Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol with Pub/Sub model with proper figuées. (08 Marks) Write and explain four layer architectiral framework deyéldped at CISCO for a smart city. (04 Marks) “ 2 Explain about cloud service and cloud development models with examples. (08 Marks) Explain Intemet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and IP addressing in loT. (06 Marks) Explain HTTPs protocol. (06 Marks) OR Explain IoT cloud based data collection, storage and computing services using Nimbits. (06 Marks) What js Cloiid Computing? Explaiti the cloud service shodels with necessary figures. (08 Marks) Explain 6LoWPAN with nevessary figures. (06 Marks) Module-3 Explain the importance of security in Io. Explain briefly the security models used in IoT. . (08 Marks) Write a shortsfoié on IoT Security-Témiography and explain layered attacker model. (08 Marks) Write a shoftnote on Arduino programming for loT. (04 Marks) OR Explain about the security hd threat analysis in IoT/M2M using neat figure. __(08 Marks) Explain layered attacker model with possible attacks and suggest the steps for mitigating attacks. (08 Marks) Explain how data is'tead from sensors and devices. (04 Marks) 1of2 10 18EC741 Mos Write a short note on operational states of a sensor nod@with different power consumptions with figure. (10 Marks) Write a detailed note on Optimization goals and figure of merit for wireless sensor networks. (QO Marks) OR Write a note on embedded operating-system suitable for WSN and, explain about different programming paradigms. (10 Marks) Explain the single node architecture with necessary hardware components. (10 Marks) Module-5 Explain the crucial pointy/infitiencing the physical layeRiof WSN. (08 Marks) Explain Mediation Device Protocol with advantages and-disadvantages. (06 Marks) yy (@6Marks) Explain the CSMA protocél with proper flow diagram? (54. 5 OR Explain the S-MIAC protocol and explain how it handles the major sources of inefficiency,in' WSN. (08M What is‘geogtaphical routing and explain about Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for wireless networks with proper figure. (08 Marks) ExplaifLeach protocol with necéssary figure. (04 Marks) eeeee 20f2

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