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By Wahida Washim
Course- TGJ3M1 (Miss Bitton)


The intention of taking this picture was to capture

the beauty of downtown Toronto at night. The
reason why I chose this to be one of my best
pictures is because of the the precise lighting. The
depth of the pathway makes this shot amazing. It
also has a good leading line which makes this
photo worthy of its given place. Lastly, the colour
grading contrast of this picture also makes it a
perfect shot.
The intention of taking this picture was
to showcase the beauty of the this
flower, the marvel of Peru (Mirabilis
Jalapa) which is also known as four
O’clock flower. The picture was taken in
portrait mode. This shot was also take at
night with the help of flash. The reason
why this shot is worthy of being as one
of the best pictures is because of the
detail that is captured in this shot. This
shot meets the rule of thirds. The picture
was taken while keeping the main focus
on the flower and letting the leaves be
the background or as a frame.


The intention of taking this picture was to

capture the beauty of the city of Chittagong
at midnight but it was not a successful
shot. The reason why this shot is not a
good shot is because of the low light
exposure . The background is too dark to
emphasize the leading line. Even though
this picture follows the rule of thirds the
lack of lighting makes this shot
unappealing and difficult to get the gist of
the shot.
The picture was taken with the intention
of saving the calming view of Rajshahi’s
Kaptai Lake in the camera forever. The
shot did not quiet meet the
expectations and ended up being an
unsuccessful attempt to capturing the
amazing view. The reason why this shot
is not a good shot is because the tree
leaves in the front got blurry as it was
moving constantly because of the
wind . The shot would be a very good
be a great shot if the brightness of the
shot was higher and if the picture was
taken in shutter mode which would
capture the moving tree leaves


This photo can be company achieving

because it highlights the company and
shares the main gist of the company. For
instance, as we look into the picture we
know that its a picture advertising a cafe. If
you dive deeper you can see that the
company logo is kept as the main focal
point and the background is kind of a blur
as it is not important. The brightness and
contracts makes this shot company
achieving worthy.

This picture clearly advertises it’s. company. The only

thing that is in it’s focal point is the logo of the company
and the cup which makes it even more obvious. Also,
the background is blurred out making the subject to be
focused on. The light exposure, focal point, saturation is
perfect on this shot. Moreover, it also follows the rule of
thirds. Lastly, it’s precision makes this picture suitable of
a company achievement.


The reason why this picture is important

for photojournalism is because it captures
a historical moment. The shot was taken
from the National War Memorial of
Canada. Moreover, the shot was taken
following the rule of thirds. The light
exposure is also perfect on this shot. Also,
the contrasts and depth of the picture
makes it even photojournalism worthy.

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