8 Unit - English Plus 4 - Test

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English Plus 4 Test 9th FormII SemesterI. Match 1-6 with a-g.

What kind of criminal are

you? (3 points)

1. I paint words and pictures on people's walls and onbuildings a. I'ma vandal.
2. I steal money from banks. In the past, I used to steal fromtra public
3. I commit serious cybercrime. b. I'ma shoplifter. c. I'ma
4. I go into people's houses when they're away and takethings. robber. d. I'ma burglar. e.
5. I steal from people when they are walking in the street. 6. I s I'ma mugger. f. I'ma hacker.
clothes and other things from places where thesethings are sold their

II. Use negative prefixes to form opposites. (3 points) 1. believable -

2. regular - _____________
3. possible - _____________
4. honest - ______________
5. legal - ______________
6. mature -______________

III. Complete the sentences with said or told. (3 points) 1. My mum

___that the thief was very tall.
2. Bill ____ Louis about the robbery.
3. My sister ____ that she'd seen a robbery.
4. Dante _____ us that he was a hacker.
5. They ____ the thief that he was in trouble.
6. We ____ that we'd go to the station.
IV. Rewrite the direct speech in reported speech. (3 points) 1. 'He must
return the money.
She said ________________________ .
2. 'A thief stole my car.
He said _________________________ .
3. We have hacking skills.
Carl and Pedra said ________________ .
4. The thief is running away."
Farrah said _______________________ .
5. The vandals aren't dangerous.
They said ________________________ .
6. They robbed the bank.
I said ___________________________ .

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