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NAME:________________________ DATE:____________

SCORE: _____ / 5.0

For this writing you are a love guru, launching your latest article about what relationship goals we
should have done before getting married, and what’s afterwards. You will have to include: steps
you think a couple should have before and after getting married, express at least one contradicting
idea of why you should get married first and then complete your relationship goals, and to have a
conclusion in the article related to both points of view. It is also necessary to use the grammar
topics studied in the unit such as the usage of wh- clauses as objects or subjects and to avoid
speaking with IF. For this article you have to elaborate a text of 600 words minimum.

Getting married is one of the most famous thinghs that happened in movies and also are the best
moment of a couple, but we shouldn’t forget that before getting married you have to considere
somethings like your career, job and where you’re gonna live after the wedding. You will hear a lot
of couples saying that they complete their wishes and their goals after marriage but you should
consider make real this thigns before you decide to said yes I do. One important thing is to
complete your dreams like graduate from your career, work in the company of your dreams, travel
and probably make a post grade, and you should make this things before getting married bacause
you are in an age whe you have the time, disposition and the moods of making it. Another thing is
the economy of the house like debts and market, another thing is that both of you have to work
and divede the responsabilities and when it’s neccesary talk about economical problems, and
inversion etc… Because communication is the most important thing in a relationship. A lot of
couples get married before the know better and they prefer to know better the other person after
get married, this is a big problem because they are making a relation based on the passion or the
“love” when love other person is more than just the passion and sexual relations, is being sure
that you love that person not for the appearance or the money is because you love that person as
he/she is, and know that person before you get married and be sure that the decision that you are
making for your life is the best one and not the biggest nightmare of your life. The perfect time to
know the other person is the relationship not the married, the relationship is when you are in
process of decide if you want that life with your couple, if you enjoy the moment, if you feel
amazing with that person, or you can ask if that person is not the one, if live with that person is a
hell or maybe you just don’t really love that person, is like when you are a kid you have to learn
first the letters and after you can read, a relationship is the same you have first to know the other
one and after you can say the words yes I do, because you really love he/she.

In conclusion you should take care of the decision that you’re going to make and be sure that the
one you will spend the rest of your life with is the one and I just have to say enjoy your life and be
happy because that is the reason of why we are in this world: to enjoy.
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