Justin Riccio Descriptive Essay

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Riccio 1

Justin Riccio

Prof. Levitre

English 1005

10 June 2021

Carrs Pond (Big River Management Area)

Park your car, lock the doors, and inhale the crisp tree-filled air. Go for a walk to the little

beach, or the rocks, have a fire, lie in the grass. Do anything you’d like for you’re in the

wilderness. You’ve found yourself at Carrs Pond in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. A tucked

away spot that’s a vast chunk of land which sits on the edge of East Greenwich, bordering

Exeter. This lovely location has as many trails as there are days in the year. Trails for biking,

hiking, walking, talking, and many more activities. A place to relax, a place to get physical, this

is Carrs Pond.

A brisk drive up or down the road is all it takes to discover this majestic land of woods. Once

you arrive you’re greeted by a plethora of signs. Faded sunset orange deer hunting signs, yellow

turkey hunting signs that have been exposed to the elements longer than some of us have been on

this earth. You’ll see the rusted out NO PARKING sign further up the road, and might even be

able to locate the entrance gate. But Carrs Pond is larger than one would expect, and can be

explored and entered from every which way. When you park you shall see a withered away rock

wall. Slowly crumbling and falling down, but still stands with righteousness. Three paths stand at

your feet, and the choice is yours. The path to the left is the way your feet lead. Soon enough, a

giant stands before you. Standing several hundred feet tall, a massive concrete cylinder looks

down upon you. With an ominous and threatening barbed wire fence that man's guard creates it’s
border and boundary. For this is the KCWA Water Tower that resides and takes home here at

Carrs. You run down the small path and come upon an even more complex intersection.

Inhaling the fresh air, another choice arrives at your fingertips, a left or right is the question.

Your ears pick up this breeze, the whispers of mother nature come and whisk upon your ear

drums. “Right!” is what your brain says, and your feet shift underneath your body. Gravel and

grit scrub up against the treads of your boots. These rocks greet the bottom of your feet before

your legs propel your kicks onward. You begin to grow tired, that sun in the air feels like a beam

of heat is drawing on your body, making sweat pour out of you like a rag being rung out after

cleaning. You soon see on the horizon a sky blue color, however the sky is above you. What

could this beautiful crisp blue entity be that you see beyond the trees?

Your curiosity begins to wander, and then it turns into a run. You begin to wonder, the mind is

at its peak interest and alas! You have finally stumbled upon the main attraction, the name of the

place itself, Carrs Pond. In all its glory, you hear the birds chirping, frogs creaking, squirrels….

squirrel-ing? Nonetheless you’ve arrived at the very beautiful pond itself. Be careful on the

jagged edged rocks, as someone has fallen to them already. You do not want to be the one they

claim next, take your time getting down to the pond on these rocks. Once you’re down at the

bottom, absorb the glory of this majestic and peaceful setting. Take note of the NO SWIMMING

signs, but still take a dive! People do it all the time, and this water is cleaner than a whistle! If

you go underwater bring some goggles! You might find one of many cars that have found their

way into this pond. A final resting place for around twelve automobiles, you might even be able

to drive one out of the water! Don’t stay in the water too long, as a snapping turtle or water snake

might get ya! Enjoy the time, relax and float around, feel the sun kiss your skin and embrace the

freshwater wrap around you like a hug from your great aunt. Check your watch and see the sun
fade behind the clouds. It is time to go, your homestead calls for you and waits upon your return.

For it is time to depart.

A short walk there, a long haul back. Your feet scream and cry at you like kids at Home Depot

with their father. Each step is more painstaking than the last, sit for one moment and hydrate

yourself. Feel the water pour into your mouth and let it inch down into your stomach. You see it!

The red gate! It spits you out of its trails just down the street from where your car parked, alas

you are at your parking spot. The time is gone, the night has begun, and your venture home has

just started. Farewell Carrs Pond, until we meet again.

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