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商業文書中翻英 By Emily Yih

1. 抱怨信(據理力爭)
卡紙 paper jam/墨水匣 ink cartridges/退款 refund/保證書 warranty 产品本身;
guarantee 服务价格功能上满意保证/ Jammer:訊號干擾器

HB 公司客服部您好:
我六個月前在 Sogo 百公司購買了一台 HB4082 行噴墨印表機,但用了一陣子後,
(一)常常卡紙 jam。我用的是高品質的噴墨列印紙,而且已經嘗試清理過印表機
劉恆瑞 敬上

Oct 15, 2013

Customer Service
HB Computer System, Inc.
Sojian Rd, No. 134, 3F
Taipei City, 105

Dear Sir or Madam,

I bought an HB 4082 ink-jet printer at Sogo Department Store 6 months ago.
However, after using it for some time, I found that the printer is not as good as
advertised. After six months of use, I have concluded that it has three major issues:

(1) Frequent paper jams: I am using high-quality inkjet paper and have tried cleaning
the printer several times, but it still frequently jams.

(2) Strange noise during printing: The printer produces a strange sound during
printing, similar to an alarm, and the sound gets louder over time, causing great
inconvenience to my colleagues in the office.
(3) Excessive ink consumption: Your company's advertisement claims that this printer
is the most ink-saving, but I have calculated that compared to my previous
printer, this one is costing me almost twice as much for ink!

Due to the above-mentioned problems, I have decided to request a return and

refund from your company. This printer has a one-year warranty, so I believe it is my
right as a consumer to request this. I look forward to your prompt response.

Henry Liu

2. 訂購單
國貿名詞 CIF(cost, insurance, freight)成本保险费加运费

的產品型錄回來研究後,希望貴公司能提供我們型號 ATPX-4980 Best Runner(跑
步機),以及 RG-118 Trackman(球路分析器)的樣本及報價。
另外我們也需要上述設備各 20 台 CIF 高雄港設備的海運報價。
我們公司每年會向 X 公司進口超過 100 台的器材,我們覺得貴公司的產品很 接
To: [Company Name]

Dear Sir or Madam,

Our boss encountered your company at the Taipei International Sporting Goods
Show and brought back a product catalog for us to study. We are interested in
purchasing 20 samples each of the ATPX-4980 Best Runner (Treadmill) and RG-118
Trackman (Ball Path Analyzer) from your company. Could you please provide us with
a quotation for these items?

In addition, we would also like to request a CIF shipping quote for 20 units of each of
the above equipment to the Port of Kaohsiung.

Our company imports over 100 pieces of equipment from X company annually, and
we think that your products are very close to our needs. We hope to receive a more
competitive quotation from your company. Thank you.


[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]


3. 財經新聞+數字轉換練習
10 萬:100thousand
100 萬: million
10 百萬:10million
1 億:100million
10 億:billion

台商赴大陸投資的人口一直在增加,在今年一月至七月這半年間,有將近 1400
家公司行號申請赴大陸投資,此數字比去年同時期高出了 21%,所核准的投資
額高達 38 億美元,這些投資大多集中於上海、廣東和浙江,至於投資項目主要

Title: Taiwanese investment in China continues to grow in the first half of 2023

According to official data, the number of Taiwanese companies investing in China

continues to increase. In the first seven months of 2023, nearly 1,400 companies
applied to invest in China, a 21% increase compared to the same period last year. The
approved investment amounted to 3.8 billion US dollars, with most of the
investments concentrated in Shanghai, Guangdong, and Zhejiang. The investment
projects mainly focus on electronic manufacturing, plastic manufacturing, chemical
manufacturing, and transportation equipment manufacturing.

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