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Making India Brush Twice a Day

Team 07
IIM Kozhikode

Akhilesh Pendkande Kshitija Polge Sohid Ture

The key barriers to brushing twice through first-hand research
Dentist Interviews Experts Take Customer Interviews
Less frequent visits to dentist unless facing a
Primary Research

major issue like severe gum bleeding,

"Includes parents, children and teenagers"
toothaches, etc.
Sometimes patients are convinced of benefits, but I haven't brushed at night Too comfortable in bed, don't
don't consistently follow since my childhood and I want to get up
1350 to 1500 ppm Floride in toothpaste effective haven't faced any problem I am too tired by the end of
Myths Saliva My dentist never focused the day
on it I used to brush twice a day
Double brushing causes Natural defence against bacteria
Parents don't brush and when I had braces since it is
loss of enamel Less Saliva produced at night leads to bacteria
never asked us to recommended by dentists
Weakening of teeth attacking enamel
Result --> Whole night to damage teeth

Financial costs incurred due to poor oral health Key Insights

95% 66%
Secondary Research

Periodontal Disease Habit development is easier in

childhood but children learn by seeing
Surgery Medications Indian adults who brush Children in India face their parents, hence necessary to
once a day have severe oral health problems involve them in communication
Rs. 6000 - Rs. 8000 Rs. 500 - Rs. 1500 oral health problems and are at risk of
(cavity formation risk) developing cavities Overall awareness of oral hygiene and
health is low in India, with over 90%
more prone to chronic Extreme cases can lead to oral, gastric, pancreatic, and oesophagal adults and 66% kids facing cavity risk
4.5 X kidney diseases cancer - 24% increased risk of developing cancer compared to
participants with mild or no periodontitis Tooth decay is a combination of
factors: Bacteria + Sugar + Time and
aggravates at night
Bacteria Sugar Time Tooth Decay
Medical bills for surgery are high and
poor health in kids observed in families
not brushing twice a day,1%2C500.
Segmentation, Targetting, Positioning & Gap Analysis
Customer Segmentation Targetting Positioning Model reference
Uninformed Hygiene-concious Over five years, the following segments will be Statement rationale

High Attitude
Aware of oral hygiene The 11% of households that targetted in the given order
For uninformed and slacker
but not the benefits of brush twice a day, aware of 1. Uninformed We have used a
Easier to convert; high on attitude so kids and their parents, combination of
brushing twice, are benefits, generally belong to
willing to brush twice SEC A, B
behaviour building is easy Colgate will be the first psychographic,
Focus the first year on converting this segment responsible brand that is behavioral, and
if benefits realized
2. Slackers building the nation's habit of demographic
High Awareness
brushing twice a day to segmentation and
Provide an external stimulus to this segment
Ignorants Slackers used the Theory of
to develop an attitude change prevent diseases and build a
Though aware of E.g. New product introduction
Reasoned Action to
Do not know the healthy India through
benefits, they are lazy
identify points where
benefits of brushing narration and dedicated
or have not faced any
3. Ignorants the intention-action
twice, are usually
major issue hence the Require both benefit realization and attitude product so that there is no gap can be bridged.
lazy and are
difficult to convince lackadaisical attitude change, difficult target hence kept at last barrier to their smile.

Current State Future State

Facts Problems Impact Root cause Emotion Future stage Recommendation
I get pain while I had to visit the I brush once in the I want to eat whatever Colgate led campaign -
Gap Analysis

I do what my I feel sad and I

eating my yummy dentist a couple of morning as parents say, I can without worrying encouraging parents to educate
parents ask me don't like the
foods times which is painful too lazy to brush at night about the pain their children on night brushing,
to do pain
new fun product introduction
I have always I have constant gum Have incurred heavy Too lazy to brush at I feel less I want to focus on my Colgate-led campaign - create
been brushing bleeding, weakening medical bills a night, I don't see a lot of confident in oral health so that I behavioural change through
once a day in teeth, but I don't couple of times benefits social settings don't have to incur awareness of the benefits of
see it as major issue heavy bills brushing twice and costs saved
Our Big Idea: Aapke smile ki suraksha ab aapke haatho me..!!
Factors central to the Two focus areas to bring in behaviour change:
communication for Awareness External Stimuli
behavior change

Make brushing at
night fun for kids
(5-15 years)

A kid in the dentist's office Parents ask why such a problem Dentist explaining how The family adopts night
Habits cannot be again when he brushes diligently bacteria are powerful at night brushing together
forced - parents
need to come
Content and Flow for Advertisement
into the loop Rationale Advertisement Campaigns
Simple, to the point ATL Reach TTL Reach BTL Reach
Benefits of Covers all aspects of TV advertisements & Billboards Influencer marketing by mom Custom-designed Retail POP for
brushing twice central communication Newspaper advertisements (freebie influencer, kids influencer supermkts (given the TG)
Reduce tooth Suggested by dentist distribution/QR code scanner) Campaign ads Sponsored school event*
can build trust factor Embedded mkting in kids' cartoons Mall booth awareness program*
Healthy life
Why? How? Why? How?
Costs incurred Easiest to build Colgate crew will Flooded with TG (parents Colgate crew
School Event*

Mall booths*
(financial and habits in children visit schools with kids for shopping) in mall booths
non-financial) What? Promotion of event What? Promotion of
due to improper Conduct in media Undertake an awareness event
oral health awareness Sponsor program on oral health Gift hampers
program (night scholarship based (night brushing) through for winners
brushing) through on quiz results simple pop quizzes, flyer
engaging activities distribution
Marketing Strategy for Innovative Product Introduction
External Stimuli - Product Introduction and Packaging changes
Product Promotion Place Pricing
Marketing campaign name: "The glow at night, helps you fight" General and Competitive
Channels: Modern trade outlets pricing
ATL - depicting excited kid brushing at night, in Tier 1,2 cities Trial packs 50
Special Retail POP gms for Rs. 60- Initial Resistance as
BTL - Targeted advertisements on for selling the product
70 night brushing is not a
E-commerce -
Placement in Modern Trade - Eye level of children Bundling with kids' Monthly pack common norm
Influencer Marketing - Pool in mom influencers to showcase their kids toothbrushes, and 100 gms/140
New Night Glowing using the product other toothpaste gms for Rs. 120-
Toothpaste for kids used by family 150
Rationale - External stimulus will encourage kids to follow nighttime brushing habits and glowing toothpaste adds the fun factor

Product Promotion Place Pricing Initially cust. acquisition

Under campaign, "Aapke smile ki Suraksha ab aapke haatho me..!!" General and Modern Maximum selling cost is higher but CP will
Channels: Trade outlets in Tier existing Colgate have 1st mover advantage
ATL - depicting family brushing at night, 1,2,3 cities product can be
Focus on traditional bundled here in pack
BTL - Targeted advertisements on offline channels with
Night Pack of 2
special Retail POP
2 in 1 Combo Pack E-commerce - SEO 200gm*2 pack -
Influencer Marketing - Pool in influencer dentists, family pages, and
For families that brush optimization for quick pricing depending
nutrition pages to talk about brushing twice daily
together; commerce and other on product Product development will
different packaging for platforms packed need time and R&D
day and night paste
Rationale - Easiest way to build habits for a family is to keep separate toothpaste for day and night at the start; while
creating awareness for the same
Financial Analysis
Impact - Effort Matrix Financial Analysis

Marketing Cost Data Given - Avg selling price: INR 371/ton

Campaign Impact Effort Assumption: Avg Selling price = INR 600/kg from secondary research
(INR Mn) Addresable Market

Ad campaign - Aapke smile ki

Suraksha ab aapke haatho mei!!
Ad campaign - The glow at night, 312 Mn HH 21 Mn HH 4.5 Mn HH
helps you fight! (Total) (Case Data) (Estimates)

Social Media Campaign 6.00

Projected penetration Projected revenue
level in HHs (mn) (INR mn)
Embedded Marketing 50.00 5,000
BTL - Booth promotion 10.00 4139
School/Institutional Awareness
4.7 2.7
Drives 3,000
Print Ad + Freebie distribution 15.00 2001

1 977
Retail POP recommendation 50.5
1.0 1,000
0.5 161
0 0
Localized Ads 2.30 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
Aapke smile ki suraksha ab
aapke haatho me..!!

Thank You..!!


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