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Physics 1D03

October 20, 2009 Name_________________________________ Version 1 Student Number:________________________ Instructors: N. McKay (sections C01, C03) W. Okon (sections C04, C05, C06) D. Venus (section C02) Mac email:__________________@mcmaster.ca Instructor:______________________________

This test has 14 questions and 8 pages, plus a formula sheet attached after page 8. Make sure your paper is complete. Write your name and student number on this test paper before you begin. There are nine multiple-choice questions worth 2 marks each, and four long-answer problems worth 3 marks each. Only the McMaster standard calculator is allowed. Notes are not permitted. A sheet of formulae is attached at the end of this test. Do not write solutions on either side of this sheet; they will not be marked. Answers for the multiple-choice questions (Part A) must be marked on the optical scan sheet, using an HB pencil. Before you begin, print your name on the optical scan sheet and code your student number in the spaces provided on the scan sheet as well. You must code your student number correctly, and correctly answer the first question (which asks for your test version) to receive full marks. Long-answer problems (Part B) are to be answered directly on this test paper in the spaces provided. Clear and complete solutions are required for full marks.

PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA 210 (18) 11 (3) 12 (3) 13 (3) 14 (3) Total (12)

Page 2 of 8 Part A (multiple choice): Mark the letter corresponding to the best or most nearly correct answer on the optical scan sheet. Each correct answer is worth 2 marks. An incorrect answer or unanswered question counts as zero marks.
1. Your test is Version 1. Fill in the circle A or 1 on your scan sheet as the answer to Question 1. There are no marks for a correct answer to this question, but 2 marks may be deducted for an incorrect or missing answer. Now proceed to question 2 below and fill in the circle corresponding to the answer of your choice. 2. A bowling ball is at rest on the floor of a bus. As the bus starts to move, the ball rolls to the back. This is because of : A) a backwards force exerted on the ball by the bus. B) a backwards force exerted on the ball by the earth. C) a backwards force reaction force, due to Newton's Third Law. D) the bus is not an inertial reference frame. 3. Joe and Charlie are pulling horizontally in opposite directions on a massless rope to see who can pull the other forward. If Joe is winning then A) Charlie is pulling harder on the rope than Joe. B) Both are pulling equally hard on the rope. C) Joe is pulling harder on the rope than Charlie. D) Joe must be stronger than Charlie. 4. A particle has velocities v1, v2, v3 at times t1, t2, t3 respectively. If t1< t2 < t3, which direction best represents the direction of the average acceleration of the particle over the entire time interval from t1 to t3 ?

A) B)

C) D)



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5. You have a machine which can accelerate pucks on frictionless ice. Starting from rest, the puck travels a distance x during the time t while a constant force F is applied. If force 3F is applied, the time it would take the puck to travel the same distance x is: A) 3 t B) t C) t/3 D) t/3 6. A ball hanging from a string is struck and then swings in a complete clockwise vertical circle. Which free-body diagram below best shows the forces on the ball when it is approaching the highest point of the circle, as shown in the diagram?






7. A ball on the end of a string is swinging back and forth as a pendulum. At the instant the ball passes through the lowest point of its motion, its acceleration vector is: A) horizontally forwards

B) horizontally backwards C) vertically upwards D) vertically downwards

E) momentarily zero.

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8. Alice and Bob both stand on a turntable which is rotating about a vertical axis. If Bob is twice as far from the axis of rotation, then Bobs angular velocity is A) Half as large as Alices angular velocity. B) The same as Alices angular velocity. C) Twice as large as Alices angular velocity. D) Four times as large as Alices angular velocity. 9. A radar antenna rotates back and forth, with its direction angle as a function of time given in the graph below. At which of the four points shown is its angular acceleration zero?

A) B) C) D) E) at point 1 only at point 2 only at point 3 only at point 4 only at points 1 and 4

1 2 3 time 4

10. A force of fixed magnitude is to be applied at point A on the L-shaped bracket shown. What should be the direction of the force vector, in order to produce the largest torque about the origin O?






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Part B (Problems): Write a clear solution showing how the answer is obtained. Each problem is worth 3 marks. 11. A physics student on Planet Abaddon throws a ball which follows the parabolic trajectory shown. The ball's position is shown at 1.00 s intervals (dashed lines). At t=1.00 s, the ball's velocity is v = (1.56 i +1.21 j) m/s. Determine the value of g on Planet Abaddon and the ball's velocity at t=0.00 s, as a vector in Cartesian form.





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12. If F = 8.0 N and M = 1.0 kg, and the inclined slope has a coefficient of kinetic friction of k=0.10, determine the acceleration of the system and the tension in the connecting string if the 2M block is being pulled to the left by force F. The massless pulley and the level surface are both frictionless.

(No friction) (Friction k)

M 25o

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13. A hockey puck is attached by a light string to a pole stuck in the ice, and a second puck is attached to the first by a second piece of string. The pucks are set in motion on a horizontal, frictionless sheet of ice, so that they travel in circles of radius L and 2L around the pole. a. Draw a free-body diagram for each puck. You do not need to show the vertical forces.

m2 m1 L L T1 T2

b. If L = 0.60 m, the masses are m1 = m2 = 0.25 kg, and both pucks complete 2.0 revolutions per second, calculate the acceleration of each puck and the tensions T1 and T2 in the two strings.

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14. The three forces shown are applied to the disk. If


F1 = 1.0 N, F2 = 2.0 N, and = 37, find the value of F3 so that the total torque (due to all three forces) about the centre of the disk will be zero. R/2

R F1



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