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B. K.

Mody Government Pharmacy College, Rajkot (212)

Sunny R. Shah Lecturer

Chapter 1: Computer Fundamentals Basic Computer Applications (210002)


Definition History Terminology Classification Peripherals Binary conversions Application in Pharmacy


Compute + Operator A computer is (operator)device that computes. Especially a programmable electronic machine that performs high-speed mathematical or logical operations or that assembles, stores, correlates, or otherwise processes information. The basic parts of a computer includes computer hardware and computer software. It consists of an Input Device, a processor and an output device.

Input Device C.P.U

Carries the message from the outer world to the computer It is the central processing unit, the primary attribute is to compute functions as dictated by the user. It converts the data from input device to a computer compatible language. The speed is measured in hertz, Megahertz, Gigahertz etc. The output device carries the information from the C.P.U to the user in an user friendly language

Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Barcode readers, Scanners etc, Various types of processors are available with different speeds and capacity. For e.g., AMD, Intel etc.,

Output Device

Monitor (CRT, LCD, LED, HD), Printers etc.


As observed generally the computer have also evolved from a simple calculating tool to a complex machine able to perform numerous tasks within a fraction of a second. The history of computer dates back to 3000 BCE in form of abacus. After that there were sequential changes with the time and accordingly the computer could be classified based on generations in which they were derived. They are categorized historically as


1. Charles Babbage 2. Ada Byron 3. Herman Hollerith

1. With john herschel and george peacock, produced a translation of lacroixs calculus text. 2. Translated menebreas paper into english, myth is of worlds first programmer 3. Evolution of electronic accounting machines 1. First large scale electronic digital computer 2. In 1943 Mauchly and Eckert prepare a proposal for the US Army to build an Electronic Numerical Integrator (ENIAC), 3. construction of ENIAC and accumulators started 4. ENIAC gives way to Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EVDAC) as proposed by Neumann 5. Prepares Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator, EDSAC operational May, 1949 6. Prepares Automatic Computing Engine (ACE) 7. After that Univac were prepared with mercury delay lines and metal oxide tapes having average access time of 222 second and 4 accumalators 8. IBM 701 (Defense Calculator) having memory stored using william tubes and secondary memory consisting of memory tapes and drums. 1. 1958 Philco introduces TRANSAC S-2000 first transistorized commercial machine 2. FORTRAN, ALGOL, and COBOL are first standardized programming languages

Mechanical Devices

1st Generation computers

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

John Mauchly J. Presper Eckert John von Neumann Maurice Wilkes Alan Turing

2nd Generation Computers (1958-1964)

1. 2. 3. 4.

John Bardeen William Shockley Walter Brittain Grace Murray Hopper

3rd Generation Computers (1964-1971) 4th Generation Computers (1971)

1. Robert Noyce 2. Jack S. Kilby 1. Marcian Hoff 2. Stephen Wozniak 3. Steve Jobs

1. Solid logic technology (integrated circuits) family of compatible computers 2. BASIC 1. Large scale integrated circuits (MSI, LSI) 2. Large databases 3. PASCAL,


The parts of computer could be broadly classified as of two types 1. Computer hardware 2. Computer software The computer hardware are those parts of the computer which as the name suggests are hard in nature in sense they are the parts of computer which could be touched and sensed.
Various physical parts constitute the computer


The monitor resembles a television set, and is where the computer displays information. Nowadays it has been replaced by various sophisticated technologies producing LED and LCD as well as High Definition pictures The keyboard is the thing you type on to tell your computer what to do. It consists of alphabets A-Z, number 0-9, and various other function keys


Speakers Printer

Unlike the keyboard, the mouse is another input device that you use to communicate with your computer. It improves the communication ability as compared to keyboards.
Most computers can make sounds, just like a stereo system. In fact, you CDs on most computers or watch DVDs. A prerequisite is a sound card. can even listen to audio

A printer is where a computer writes down information or output, onto paper, or a hardcopy.


Computer software Software is a part of the computer you cannot touch. Software consist of computer programs and procedures that perform some tasks on your computer. Computer software is divided into three basic types.

Types of Software System Software

Description It is the Operating System and is the base program on a computer and is considered system software. It tells the computer how to work or operate. The operating system also allows you to load other programs that do specialized tasks on to your computer. Various operating system software have been made available for eg. Windows- Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 etc., Apart from windows certain other operating systems are also available such as MAC from Apple, etc, Application software allows you to accomplish one or more specific and tailor made tasks. For e.g., Microsoft Office and its sub parts, gaming software, Tally etc., This type of softwares assist the engineers to write and develop a specific software and design programmes. For e.g., C+, C++, Visual Basic etc.

Application software Programming software


The devices that input the information in computer are called input devices
Keyboard: The most primary input device is keyboard. The keyboard is the thing you type on to tell your computer what to do. It consists of alphabets A-Z, number 0-9, and various other function keys Mouse: Unlike the keyboard, the mouse is another input device that you use to communicate with your computer. It improves the communication ability as compared to keyboards. It consists of ball which locates the cursor on the screen and performs various functions. Nowadays the balls have been replaced by LASER light. It has generally this options, right click, left click, double click , scroll click and scrolling option. Scanner: They are used to create a picture out of any given document such as word file, document etc., by converting the document into a digital file by scanning. They are categorized based on the resolution of the scanned picture such as 75 dot per inch, 150 dpi etc,. Digital Camera: The camera could also be used as an input device by connecting it to the computer.


The devices that output the information from the computer are called output devices. For e.g., Monitor: It resembles to a T.V., nowadays various sophisticated monitors are used which employ Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), Light emitting diode (LED), instead of Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). Printer: Different types of printers are available such as dot matrix, DeskJet, Inkjet, LASER etc.,


They are used to keep data when the power to the computer is turned off The devices which store the data on or outside the computer are called storage devices. They are as follows: Hard Disk: Usually mounted inside the computers system unit. Can store billions of characters of data. Stated in forms of bytes: Megabytes, Gigabytes or Terabytes Magnetic Storage: Recording of data onto disks or tape by magnetizing particles of an oxide based surface coating. A fairly permanent type of storage that can be modified. Used by mainframe or microcomputers Floppy Drive: It is a floppy disc which could store data upto 1.44 Mb and is almost obsolete and superseded by faster, smaller and better storage devices. Optical Discs: They consists of Compact Disc (CD): It is a storage device which stores information up to 700Mbs. They are available in ready only, writable and rewritable formats Digital Versatile Disc (DVD): It is also called Digital Video Disk. They could store up to 4.5 Gb to 8 Gb of data. They are also available in the form of ready only, writable and rewritable formats. Blu Ray Technology: Highly advanced technology, which could store up to 30 Gb to 50 Gb of data. Solid-State Storage: They consists of Flash memory cards Widely used in notebook computers Used to record MP3 music files Key chain hard drives Key chain flash memory devices Connects to a USB port


Magnetic tape and disks Compact Disk Read-Only Memory (CD-ROM) Write Once Read Many - (WORM) Magneto-optical disks Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) Optical disks Digital Video Disks Memory cards Flash memory Removable storage


The computers are classified generally based on their content and the intent of the use. They are classified as Supercomputers, Mainframe computers, Minicomputers, Networked computers, Microcomputers, Personal computers, Laptops, Notebooks, Netbooks, PDA etc


A supercomputer is the most powerful computer available at a given time. Capacity: Gargantuan the largest in the world Speed: Extremely fast the fastest supercomputer is the Earth Simulator, located at the Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences in Japan. Users: Only used by very large organizations that need their immense calculating power weather forecasting and climate research are two of the most common uses of supercomputers A mainframe is a big, powerful, expensive computer that can support many users at the same time. Large systems such as these centralize data processing and storage. Capacity: Enormous - the capacity of several hundred or even thousands of PCs Speed: Very fast - much, much faster than a PC Users: Only used by large businesses and organizations Minicomputers are mid-sized, multi-user computers that are smaller and less powerful than mainframe computers. Minicomputers are commonly used as servers in a network. Capacity: Less than a mainframe computer, but greater then a microcomputer Speed: Slower than a mainframe computer, faster than a microcomputer Users: Only organizations that cannot afford or do not need the processing power of a mainframe system A microcomputer is a small, single-user computer with a microprocessor as its CPU. Desktop computers, laptop computers, tablet PCs, and many types of handheld devices are all types of microcomputers.




Networked Computer

A network is a group of computers that are connected so that they can share equipment and information. Most people on a network use workstations, which are simply PCs that are connected to the network. A sewer is a central computer where users on the network can save their files and information. Capacity: (Workstation) Same as a PC, only needs a network card (Server) Greater than a PC, often more than 100 GE Speed: (Workstation) Same as a PC (Server) Generally faster than a PC, may use multiple CPUs Users: (Workstation) People in a networked office or organization (Server) Generally a network administrator or engineer A PC is a personal computer, originally designed by IBM way back in 1981. Capacity: Average hard disk size is 20GB to 80 GB Speed: Fast. Average speed is from I GHz to 3 GHz Users: Just about everyone uses a PC! Homes, offices, schools... Developed by Apple, a Macintosh is a computer, but it is NOT a PC. Macs have a different operating system and use their own software and hardware A laptop, or notebook, is a lighter and more portable version of a PC or Mac that can run on batteries. Capacity: Average hard disk size is 10 GB to 40 GB Speed: Fast, but slightly less than a PC. Average speed is from 700 MHz to 2 GHz

Personal computers

Laptops, netbooks


Personal Data Assisstant (PDA)

A PDA, or Personal Data Assistant, is a handheld computer that is generally used to keep track of appointments and addresses. Capacity: Much smaller than a PC - 8MB to 64 MB of storage space Speed: Much slower than a PC -8 MHz to 266 MHz Cost: Expensive when compared to the capacities of a PC Users: Business people and others who need to be organized


Peripherals are those devices that are joined to the computer for ease of access and increase the utility of computers. Some of the peripherals routinely used are Printers: Different types of printers are available such as dot matrix, DeskJet, Inkjet, LASER etc., Web cams: They are used to view through computers using a camera which may or may not be inbuilt. Different types of webcams are available depending upon the resolution such as VGA, Mega Pixels etc. Scanners: They are used to create a picture out of any given document such as word file, document etc., by converting the document into a digital file by scanning. Apart from these numerous various other devices could be plugged and use depending upon the requirements such as fingerprint reader, barcode reader, etc,.


ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Computers can only understand their language and hence to convert human language in to a computer friendly language ASCII was developed. Computer can only understand numbers and so an ASCII code is numerical representation of the input language. For converting the normal language to a computer friendly language various conversions are required. Various binary conversions convert the decimal number to 0 and 1 or their combination.


Computers are omni present in pharmaceutical research and development laboratories, and nearly everyone has at least one used in some way to aid in his or her role The scope of computer use to virtually all stages of pharmaceutical research and development The computer has a very wide range and extent of applications is pharmacy field. The various areas where the computer could be applied are but not limited to: In day to day work of a pharmaceutical student in form of an excel spreadsheet to word Performing various calculations which requires statistical inference In data analysis and data management in preclinical and clinical studies. Statistical modeling in pharmaceutical research Cheminformatics Computer aided drug designs For predicting the metabolism of drug inside the body


A virus is a computer program that can copy itself and hence the name given so.
Generally the acronym virus stands for Vital Information Resource Under Seize. (Not Official) The work on automatic self reproducing was first coined by Jon Von Neuman in 1949. Virus is a different term with respect to adware, malware, which do not have reproducing ability. They are also technically different from trojan horses and worms.



Computer Application in Pharmaceutical Research and Development: Edited by Sean Ekins by John Wiley & Sons Publication. Computer organization and design fundamentals by David Tarnoff Images were obtained from Google image search

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