Civics Worksheet Class 9

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Civics Worksheet

What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
1. Who led the Military coup in Pakistan in October 1999?
Ans. General Parvez Musharraf led a military coup in Oct 1999 and overthrew the
then elected democratic government under Nawaz Sharif.
2. Who should have the ultimate decision-making power in a democracy?
Ans. Legislature have the ultimate decision-making power in democracy.
3. From where the term “Democracy” has originated?
Ans. The term democratic is derived from the Greek dēmokratiā, which means
dēmos (“people”) and kratos (“rule”).
4. Which section of the society does not have the “right to vote” in Saudi
Ans. The womans are not have right to vote in saudia arabia.
5. Name the leader who tried to bring dictatorship in Germany?
Ans. Hitler is the ruler who established dictatorship in Germany.
6. Who remarked, “Democracy is of the people, for the people and by the
Ans. Abraham Lincoln
7. Which of the following is not a democratic country:
a) USA b) India c) Myanmar d) England
8. Define the term Democracy. Also explain the various characteristics of a
democratic government.
Ans. DEMOCRACY is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible
members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
Various characteristics of a democratic government:
1. Regular and periodic elections: Democracy gives room for periodic elections so as to
elect new leaders.
2. Fundamental human right: Democracy guarantees and respects the human right as
stated in the constitution.
3. Party system: Democracy allows different political party system to compete for power
during election.
4. Freedom of the press: Under democratic system of government, all the media houses are
free to express their opinions and feelings through writing or any means.
5. The judicial arm of government is independent and free of other arms of government
6. Rule of law: there is equality before the law; no one is above the law under democratic
system of government
9. Give five arguments in favour of democracy.
Ans. 1. A democratic government is a better government because it is a more
accountable form of government.
2. Democracy improves the quality of decision making and reduces the chances
of rash or irresponsible decisions taken.
3. Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts.
4. Democracy enhances the dignity of citizens.
5. Democracy is better than other forms of government because it allows the
citizens to correct its own mistakes.
10. List any five arguments against democracy.
Ans. 1st argument-- Slow economic growth compared to monarch and
dictatorial state

2nd argument-- Corruption is more compared to monarch and dictatorial state

3rd argument-- Problems in decision making compared to monarch and

dictatorial state

4th argument-- change in policy with change of government

5th argument-- grouping on caste , race,religious lines

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