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Energy Reports 8 (2022) 5016–5025

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Combined power generation and electricity storage device using deep

learning and internet of things technologies

Celestine Iwendi a , , Gai-Ge Wang b
University of Bolton, United Kingdom
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Ocean University of China, 266100 Qingdao, China

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: In microgrids, residential customers play a significant part in the operation. An alternative to client
Received 24 December 2021 administration should be to utilize smart houses to deal with demand and implement demand re-
Received in revised form 17 January 2022 sponsiveness measures. A power generation and electricity storage device (PGESD) for next-generation
Accepted 28 February 2022
technologies is proposed in this article. The current research provides an intelligent home load control
Available online 11 April 2022
system that promotes reaction to demand thinking about this circumstance. The technology is adapted
Keywords: to scenarios where users can charge fluctuating electric power and transmit microgeneration devices.
Energy storage The suggested system utilizes deep learning technology and a fuzzy logic model for better com-
Machine learning putation and lesser complexity. The choice process involves monitoring environmental information,
Internet of things power production, and battery storage. This article proposes a next-generation power generation and
Fuzzy logic electricity storage device (PGESD). To create Smart Buildings and Microgrids, the proposed system
Electricity storage device employs technologies and techniques that have become increasingly important. With a precision and
Power generation
accuracy ratio of 89% and 92%, respectively, the proposed PGESD method yields precise numerical
© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license


1. Introduction to power system ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5016

2. Background to smart grid technologies....................................................................................................................................................................... 5017
3. Proposed power generation and electricity storage device (PGESD) ....................................................................................................................... 5018
3.1. Concept ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5019
3.2. Structure ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5019
3.2.1. Electrical demands ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5019
3.2.2. Hot demands....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5019
3.2.3. Gas demands....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5019
3.3. Objective function.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5020
3.4. Smart electricity management model ............................................................................................................................................................ 5021
3.4.1. Design .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5021
3.5. Prediction method ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5021
3.5.1. Algorithm examination...................................................................................................................................................................... 5022
3.5.2. Fuzzy controller unit.......................................................................................................................................................................... 5022
3.5.3. Lighting management ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5022
4. Software analysis ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5022
5. Conclusion and future scope......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5024
Declaration of competing interest................................................................................................................................................................................ 5025
References ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5025
Further reading ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5025

1. Introduction to power system

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (C. Iwendi), Residential consumers have an increasing role in Smart Grids,
(G.-G. Wang). particularly as electrical energy production becomes more ac-
cessible and motivated. Residential customers tend to integrate
2352-4847/© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
C. Iwendi and G.-G. Wang Energy Reports 8 (2022) 5016–5025

distributed-generation (DG) technologies with the worries of util- improved detection, and measurement infrastructure are just a
ity firms in software configuration (Damak et al., 2020). Currently, few of the issues that utility companies deal with. To better
the use of utility businesses is concerned with such issues as understand the activities in the network, utilities can gain more
data flows, bidirectional connectivity, improved detection, and information about their residential customers owing to the use
measuring infrastructure. Accumulators and batteries are the two of smart grid technology. Technology that reduces customer un-
most common terms for devices that store energy. Energy storage certainty about price signalling and the difficulty in reacting to
on a large scale within an electrical power grid is called grid varying daily power costs is essential to realize these potential
energy storage. This article proposes a next-generation power advantages.
generation and electricity storage device (PGESD). An intelligent The response measures can be considered purposeful adjust-
home load control system is currently being researched, and it ments in the charge curve explicitly or implicitly made by the
encourages a response to demand thinking in such a scenario. customer to alter immediate demand timing and even the overall
Smart grids technology offers utilities more information about electricity generation (Kuthadi et al., 2021). A real-time price is an
residential customers, which might increase the understanding of instance of load shifting, which allows the money paid on power
activities in the network (Dhote et al., 2019). A degree of tech- to be reduced and supports the utility in some circumstances.
nology to decrease customer uncertainty about price signalling Smart Buildings use principles of smart things and Wire-
and the difficulty of reacting to varying daily power costs is es- less sensor networks (WSN). The automation system enhances
sential to realize these potential advantages. DR programmes are home convenience and security by merging conventional prin-
increasingly utilized, and automated request response is referred ciples in the home context with next-generation technology.
to as ARR (Lu et al., 2018). The Home Appliances systems are an The IoT devices are considered an overall idea, whether by ra-
option to ARR. It is possible to increase or decrease the quantity diofrequency waves (RF), wireless access network connections,
supplied or demanded of a good or service using a price signal, long-range networking, or other ways, for items that can be ac-
which is a piece of information conveyed to both consumers and cessible, recognized, located, addressable, and controlled through
producers. Potential business opportunities can also be found. the web (Manogaran et al., 2019).
Intelligent residences can play a pivotal part in intelligent en- The current study presents a home load control system de-
ergy monitoring to efficiently implement intelligent requirement pending on user behaviour, climate factors, and integration op-
response measures. Intelligent home is a smart home technology tions with microgrids and electricity cities. The intelligent resi-
implementation that enhances power efficiency, saves energy, dential charging system focuses on air conditioning units repre-
reduces power use, cut emissions, and better domestic automa- senting significant house charges. The system employs the meth-
tion (Shakeel et al., 2020). Internet of things (IoT) is software ods of machine learning to decide every automatic load. For mak-
in housing developments. The Based Home Automation System ing decisions, the surveillance of many kinds of data is employed.
(HEMS) can lead to the total energy reduction by optimizing The inhabitants’ behaviour in temperature control is utilized for
the residential charging of the equipment and allowing for the temperatures prediction by changing the air conditioning unit
achievement of different objectives and activities inside the resi- parameters. In the judgement procedure of air conditioning units
dence, including industrial automation, shifting, or curtaining de- and lighting, the power generated of the solar system and the
mand (Li et al., 2019). HEMS contributes significantly to efficiency judgement of the clever energy storage unit are utilized.
improvement, economizing energy usage, reliability, and energy The main contributions of the paper are given below:
conservation for distributed systems in a smart grid paradigm.
• A deep learning-based computation model is proposed to
It is not just about creating new energy-saving models, power
enhance the learning rate of the storage system.
management, or home appliances with energy-efficient features;
• A fuzzy system is designed for simpler system construction
HEM systems and SHEMS aim to actively raise consumer aware-
and better effectiveness.
ness and encourage them to participate in power conservation
• An IoT-based system finally produces higher connectivity
which results in inaccurate results.
Home Assistant uses domestic and Internet automated testing
concepts. Cloud computing is a paradigm shift for integrating The remaining of the article is as follows: Section 2 demonstrates
and connecting sensors and electronic and portable phones to the background to the smart grid technologies. The proposed
enhance live performance (Amudha and Narayanasamy, 2018). power generation and electricity storage device (PGESD) is de-
Air conditioning units (heating, airflow, air conditioners) play a signed and evaluated in Section 3. Section 4 depicts the software
crucial role in energy use by residences loads. HEMS management analysis and performance analysis. The conclusion and future
is a combination that the interior temperature is maintained scope are illustrated in Section 5.
instantly at a satisfactory temperature and that fuel efficiency is
managed (Wang et al., 2019). 2. Background to smart grid technologies
In Microgrid Systems, the function of the system administrator
is much more essential, and the usage of Smart Homes enables Even during the energy shortage of the mid-1980s, renew-
the distributing system is needed, mainly using intelligent tech- able energy (RE) began to be attractive as it became clear that
nologies that instantly respond to demands (Gao et al., 2020). traditional fuels that might lead to RE development and envi-
The concept of smart household systems, which interact with the ronmental conservation would run short (Zhang et al., 2021).
distribution licensee, become important with the movement of The 80s saw the need to prevent environmental damage or re-
power and information in a two-way manner. solve it through pollution, climate change, and resource loss.
The usage of intelligent homes enables energy created and More lately, power consumption has emphasized carbon-free
introduced into the network by users (electricity manufacturers renewables and stressed the necessity for ongoing environmental
and consumers) (Frate et al., 2020). The distribution companies and health preservation suggested by Hirsh et al. (2020). To cut
use the technologies used to control their power equipment and emissions and dependence on imports, the integration of the
have the greatest information of their clients. Furthermore, Smart renewables industry was a key element. Nuclear power is the
buildings can monitor the present condition of the equipment only option for reliable, non-polluting power generated 24 h a
with the two data streams and measures performed on household day, seven days a week. Only nuclear power can provide carbon-
charges (Ngo et al., 2021). Data flows, bidirectional connectivity, free, dependable energy at any time of day or night. Nuclear plays
C. Iwendi and G.-G. Wang Energy Reports 8 (2022) 5016–5025

an important role in our carbon-free future, along with wind, providers and consumers as they had access to power at low
solar, and energy storage. Because no other power source can costs, suggested by Beuse et al. (2020).
be relied on to operate continuously, seven days a week, nuclear Increasing networking extended storage technology was a ma-
energy is the only viable option. There is no other carbon-free, jor benefit to integrate renewables (using RE output in the elec-
a dependable energy source that can be used at any hour of the tricity grid). The capacity to change between sources of electric-
day or night but nuclear. With wind, solar, and storage in mind, ity was also a helpful tool for adjustment. Storage systems can
nuclear is an important part of our carbon-free future. assist in addressing the challenges of renewable resources’ insta-
Renewables, compared to gasoline, can replenish organically bility (mainly windy or sunlight) and cyclic demands (Palacios
and make it as real as feasible. Since the environment added more et al., 2020)—more energy generated if not required. Effective
stress on power sources, it is not unexpected due to human desire approaches for grid implementation and designing were neces-
to regulate electricity generation (Azzuni and Breyer, 2018); RE sary to overcome these challenges. Therefore, future intelligent
became the star of energy networks. Renewables were rising, and grids need systems that can monitor, forecast, plan, learn, and
the issue was to develop ways of dealing with clean and inexpen- make real-time energy use and output. That necessitated a more
sive energy consumption throughout the world. For consumers, efficient and intelligent solution, such as deep learning. Using
manufacturers, governments, costs, and environmental concerns smart grids fully will enable the grid to meet rising energy de-
were significant. Remedies should be explored in these conditions mands while also making renewable energy sources feasible. In
suggested by Chen et al. (2020). the long run, however, this new technology will allow consumers
Artificial intelligence (AI) technology provided a great chance to monitor and manage their energy costs in real-time and make
to satisfy today’s communities’ demands. The benefits of its ex- charging electric vehicles on a large scale much easier.
tensive implementation included fast speed, flexibility, explana- This continual evolution of networks leads to more unpre-
tory capacity, and symbolic thinking (Zhang et al., 2018). Predic- dictability and complication in commercial and physical energy
tions and generalizations were carried out. In the learning society flows. Furthermore, the information age and the volatility of
and the worldwide expansion of skills and data, AI Technology knowledge compare the old techniques to tougher judgement
symbolizes a new age. It meant new ways to use the old produc- difficulties. Future intelligent grids thus require systems that can
tion elements and new rules to organize the operations to meet watch, forecast, plan, learn and decide on energy use and output
the present difficulties (Bogaerts and Neyts, 2018). in real-time. That required a more effective and smart solution,
The latest breakthroughs in artificial neural research, cogni- like deep learning.
tion computation, and machine learning have shown that AI has
important historical landmarks and encouraged new, unexpected 3. Proposed power generation and electricity storage device
capacity for power management, surveillance, and optimization. (PGESD)
The combination of Advanced with 5G technology and sensor
technologies might provide a fruitful new territory for smart city PGESD is a technique produced by mechanical air pollutants
projects in the market suggested by Li et al. (2018). In remote transformation. It is generally available and recognized as power
locations, instead of using old-fashioned carbon fuels, RE was storage on a grid scale. When there is excess power, the addi-
accessible to identify the issue of developing technology to create, tional energy powers a reversible engine/generator unit to start
integrate and regulate isolated networks’ power flow to improve running a series of the compressor in the operation of pumping
efficiency suggested by Fan et al. (2020). air into a storage tank or cavern (typically from the atmosphere),
Its main benefit was its freedom from fossil energy, the cost the storage might take place either in an enclosed chamber or
of which can vary widely. In addition, there might also be a above containers. The energy is kept in elevated air, and the
problem with the variability of renewables, which indicated that accumulated compressor is discharged and warmed when energy
the technologies used to create and store the energy used when is required.
favourable circumstances used Yan et al. (2020). Either separated The heat source is fuel-burning or the temperature recovered
or not, irregular power production was the biggest issue for during the compaction; however, the temperature must be col-
renewable energies. It returned to fossil reserve fuels when it was lected for maximum efficiency. The power is then collected by
not adequately controlled. spinners when the compressor is discharged. During a process
Depending upon the natural surroundings that were predicted known as generation mode, pressurized air is released, and a re-
exactly, renewable energies were unpredictable. The rising pen- cuperation unit recuperates the excess energy from the emission.
etration of RE into the energy industry emphasized the necessity In PGESD, heat is captured and processed separately in an addi-
to predict varied resources accurately. The aim was to decrease tional capacity in the compression testing machine. PGESD is the
the prediction error to prevent the differences in the volume de- most viable idea among different 2nd generation PGESD variants
manded and the electric grid balancing instability. Supply breaks presented.
might influence the producer’s additional costs. Demand was The working environment of the proposed PGESD system is
extremely inflexible in response to changes in energy supply: depicted in Fig. 1. It has a battery to store the generated power,
customers adapt their demands to their requirements and activ- an inverter to convert the signal, microcontroller to control and
ities rather than to available stock or environmental conditions manage different devices such as sensors, actuators, smart me-
suggested by Zhong et al. (2018). ters, and cloud servers. With modest reaction speeds, PGESD
In the case of good chances in the economic complexity, devices have minor and major capacities. The usage of PGESD big
variations in needs, virtual consumers, etc., renewable energies plants covers grid applications for lighting loads and frequencies
in themselves might be unreliable without appropriate storage management and mass battery system for seasonal fluctuation
space. Recent developments demonstrated that AI could im- and storing global power. PGESD is ideal for the use of electricity
prove, even without substantial meteorological data over the long generated, e.g., wind energy, and is now offered in addition to PHS
term (Olabi et al., 2020). The smart storage of the RE project as the lowest cost mass storage utilities. PGESD was facing the
maximizes investment returns and enhances flexibility for fluc- biggest difficulty in finding suitable geographical sites. Finding
tuating demand and renewables due to climatic conditions. RE the right sites is no more a hurdle, but it influences investment
utilized with maximum potential and smart storage to create costs by improving topographical mapping. Our model is de-
smart generators. The consequence impacted both power system signed to show how the Internet of Things and Intelligent Systems
C. Iwendi and G.-G. Wang Energy Reports 8 (2022) 5016–5025

Fig. 1. The working environment of the proposed PGESD system.

can generate, use, sell power in the home and positively impact mainline gas and electrical power pipelines and wind generators
the electrical market in the future. provide further details on this system. The data centres and the
Nearly 42 percent of rather a poor round journey effectiveness units connect the gasoline and power system upwards.
is a further hurdle to PGESD than energy storage. With the inclu- The working process of the proposed PGESD is depicted in
sion of the component, PGESD is 71 percent more efficient (no Fig. 2. The input from the wind turbine is collected and then
fuel combustion is involved in the discharging mode). Since car- compressed using a compressor, and then the energy is stored
bon fuels’ poor efficiency and usage are an obsolete technology, in the proposed device. When the consumer requires the power,
PGESD has now been investigated. The findings demonstrate that it is extracted using a generator, and the required electricity is
this type of energy storage is integrated with sustainable energy produced. The best working timetable of storage in collaboration
to meet future energy needs. with the PGESD network and other technology can assist frame-
work operators in accounting for the uncertainty coming from the
3.1. Concept wind generators’ output, current power value, and energy needs.
The products cover electricity, gas, and temperature requirements
The usage of PGESD in contrast with other batteries is nowa- in three residential, office, and industrial categories. More infor-
days more common. This prominence is because the PGESD does
mation is presented in the second distinct parts: electricity, heat,
not require a particular geographical location compared to a
and gasoline demands:
pumped storage facility for construction. The unlimited electric-
ity network is therefore constructed and utilized. Compared to
pumped storage systems, PGESD also has a cheaper investment 3.2.1. Electrical demands
cost. PGESD is more suited for manufacturing and storing high- The solar thermal networks mostly respond to local customer
capacity electricity than other batteries. PGESD has a relatively needs in a particular region by decreasing heat loss. An upstream
high adaptability rate on either side. electric grid, a wind generator, the PGESD equipment, and the
The PGESD also offers three modes: loading, discharge, and actuators are energy needs. The three-state PGESD system is
easy cycle. It can also produce power, just like a gas-fired electric- controlled in one of three methods: (i) low price list charging, (ii)
ity plant. Whenever the price of power is cheap, this technique high-priced discharge, and (iii) simple cycle gasoline engine with
compresses air. In a saltwater-shaped structure room, the com- the evacuation of the tank or low power and gas costs. The easy
pressor is kept. This device uses compressed air to create power cycle option can provide the hub network operator with several
during peak electricity rates—no need for compressed air with business prospects.
any additional gas. For example, the 115 MW power station can
go from total production to the full compressing in less than
3.2.2. Hot demands
5 min and have 135 MW output and strength properties of 115
District warming, thermal management units meet energy
MW. PGESD is viewed as a potential choice for the hub operators
demands. Converted power can be used to store to satisfy the
to minimize the operational costs about the specified aspects.
need for gases and input fuels for plants.
3.2. Structure
3.2.3. Gas demands
The coordinated storing system makes the unit, thermal stor- The main gas grid and power storage satisfy the gas request.
age area, and the windmill. Data on electricity, gas, temperature A few of the energy resources acquired from the upland gas grid,
and energy pricing are gathered during the first stage. Secondly, and some electricity storage, are utilized to fulfil gas demand.
the hub administrator utilizes electricity, fuel, and warmth, par- The storage can effectively transform utility into suitable energy
ticularly electricity, to minimize operational costs in any way. The resources at a cheap power price.
C. Iwendi and G.-G. Wang Energy Reports 8 (2022) 5016–5025

Fig. 2. The working process of the proposed PGESD.

3.3. Objective function The origin investment for the ESS is the products of the reduced
price of the PIESS storing and the quantity of the product is
The aim is the overall cost of TP computed for whole animals’ ErESS . Production takes place in power plants. When it comes to
lives (i.e., 25 years), as the combination of the battery system and producing electricity at a facility, the most common method is
the photovoltaic (PV) inverter capital costs (IP ) and the electric to use electromechanical generators powered by heat engines,
grid management fees (MP ) derived by the solution of the second such as those powered by combustion or nuclear fission, and
sub-problem as shown in Eq. (1). other sources, such as the movement of water and wind. Energy
conversion into electricity, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh) or
TP = IP + MP (1) megawatt-hours (MWh), is referred to as the ‘‘electricity produc-
where IP corresponds to the total of both the Energy Storage tion process’’ (MWh). As a backup power source for electronic
System (ESS) and its PV inverter capital costs PIT and the MP is devices in places with no conventional energy sources, energy
harvesting is critical. Remote locations, underwater, and other
the maintenance price. Total cost is expressed in Eq. (2)
hard-to-reach locations where conventional batteries and energy
IP = PIT + PRT (2) are ineffective are all good candidates for this technology’s advan-
tages. Techniques for capturing the environment’s energy include
The cost of the iterative power and the backup are denoted thermoelectricity, photovoltaic energy harvesting, piezoelectric
PIT and PRT . The iterative cost of the system is denoted in Eq. (3) energy harvesting, pyroelectricity, rf or wireless or electromag-
PIT = PIESS × ErESS + PIENV × PoINV (3) netic energy harvesting, wind and vibration energy harvesting.
The number of resources is denoted Nr . The total power stored
The initial investment for the ESS is the products of the negligible in the system is denoted in Eq. (5)
price of the PIESS storing and the notional quantity of the product PoINV
is ErESS . In contrast, the costs of construction of the inverters TP = PIESS × ErESS × (Nr + 1) + PIENV × (5)
are the products of an inverter cost PIENV and its power density PM
rated as PoINV is suggested in the inverters. Using A/B testing to The cost of the ESS system and energy of the ESS are denoted
evaluate an application’s functionality is the best use of this tech- PIESS and ErESS . The inverted cost and the power are denoted PIENV
nique. Releases of new software and predictable rollbacks are the and PoINV . The total resources are denoted Nr , and the mean cost
primary goals of the deployment patterns previously discussed. value is denoted PM .
This includes software development, integration, testing, staging, The pictorial representation of TP is depicted in Fig. 3. It uses
production, and deployment. An end-to-end process that begins power and cost functions from the ESS and the inverted system.
with testing and ends with the software being made available A combination of the findings of the energy management system
to the general public is called deployment. When it comes to (EMS) issue and ESS optimal sizing parameters are established
software deployment, there is much work involved. for the ESS by the number of substitutes (Nr ) is provided. The
In addition, the cost replacing of the backup system PR has maximum backup system is depicted in Eq. (6)
to do with its major characteristics (e.g. NPT Cycles are assured Eexg
according to discharging depth) and with the strategic approach NDP = +1 (6)
(i.e., that impacts the ESS ageing) suggested in the life horizons. It
When NDP is the maximum sum of backup system load/unload
must be emphasized that in this Equation, the PV inverter substi-
cycles per day. The ‘‘ageing impact’’ of the ESS is also evident
tution is not included. That is because, after every repair, the main
every day. The energy of the ESS system is denoted ErESS . In
characteristics of the ESS do not vary. The backup system power
addition, when the power generation system is set, Eexg Does the
is denoted in Eq. (4). In Eq. (4), the backup system’s power is ESS transfer the overall power on an average everyday mission.
specified. When the primary energy source fails, a backup power The number of lifetimes of the storage device is denoted in Eq. (7)
system is activated to provide energy. Since any operation relies
on a reliable power source, this system is critical. ( )
r s
NPT = p × exp + q × exp( ) (7)
PR = PIESS × ErESS × Nr (4) Dmean Dmean
C. Iwendi and G.-G. Wang Energy Reports 8 (2022) 5016–5025

NPT means the overall cycles the supplier guarantees during the
whole lifetime of the ESS. Dmean is the project’s average flow depth
as per the planning phase. p and q are the exponential approxi-
mations polynomials parameters, and r, s are the coefficients. NSD
is the possible amount of ESS operation days, and it is expressed
in Eq. (8)
NSD = (8)
The total number of the storage device is denoted NPT , and the to-
tal number of backup devices is denoted NDP . The total resources
are depicted in Eq. (9)
Fig. 3. The pictorial representation of TP .
Nr = (9)
Finally, about the construction expenses, the numerator is shown prescribed are transmitted to the actuator accountable for each
as the entire time spent in operation, which is usually 25 years. charge through the protocol.
The total number of storage devices is denoted as NSD . The admin- Decisive approaches for producing natural language outcomes
istration expenses are computed based on the EMS issue outputs based on the analysis and the modelling of complicated situations
and expressed as PM . That reflects the expenses associated with have been used for some time. These approaches can address
the DG use of fuel oil, as suggested. The administration cost is complicated variables through classification and prediction of
denoted in Eq. (10) decisions. The findings are produced via computer heuristics,
∑G ∑S such as decision-making bodies, artificial neural, fuzzy logic, etc.
x=0 y=0 ∝ Pxy × Sxy CMRU offers a laptop, cellphone, or another device with online
PM = dx (10)
PF access through the browser to allow users to act on lighting or
Therefore, for yth step of the xth generation, Pxy and Sxy have the the system. The interface of the lights attached to the actuators
power delivery and the specified fuel oil usage (e.g., g/kWh). In in each area and switches to manage these household loads is
addition, PF is the fuel oil costs per unit (for example in $/x) and illustrated.
— to be converted from gram into tonnes, is equivalent to 10–6 There are three components in project management:
in Constance. Lastly, dx is the simulation’s time horizon. Eq. (10) Probabilistic module: a test module that ensures users can
examines the energy distribution for the various services sent to operate comfortably. Render the air conditioning temperatures of
the requestor after it has been received. ‘‘The performance of our the activities at one ◦ C rise and reduction.
algorithm/model’’ is evaluated using the cost function. It takes Predictions module: storage activities are done as training
both the model’s predicted and actual outputs and calculates how and testing datasets for running the algorithm in Air Condi-
far off the model was. If our predictions are significantly off, it tioners by the client and probabilistic module. Power situations
generates a higher number. aim to communicate actions as per user behaviour to regulated
3.4. Smart electricity management model Fuzzy Control Component: It is accountable for power cuts.
Artificial Intelligence is a branch of artificial intelligence whose
The Measurement and Controlling Residence Unit (CMRU) is goal is to develop supercomputing methods for making choices
composed of three components: Measuring Devices (MD) and based on previous experience. A fuzzy logic system accepts in-
Actuational Devices (AD). The PGESD utilizes IoT technologies termediate results between traditional evaluations such as black/
to administer residential lighting and air conditioning units for white, yes/no, true/false, etc. Compared to previous logic theory,
AI technology. The Smart household demand response system is which uses a different logic collection of binary: zero or one,
suggested for the administration of home loads. fuzzy control variables have a fact that falls among zero and
The CMRU ensures that each home load is intelligently con- one in extent. The fuzzy system maintained control over the
trolled, linked to the system, and communicates with control strategy of half-truth and the variety of truth-values that were
devices and drive devices. The CMRU gathers information from correct or incorrect. As a result, data can be displayed as hot,
the installation Smart Meters, battery energy storage solutions comfortable, and cold temperatures and high, medium, and low
(BESS), the inverters linked to the solar generation system, and energy usage. As training progresses from the monitoring system,
information collected by load-related devices. some adjustments in behavioural factors of the method occur in
machine learning (ML). Three major operating points have been
3.4.1. Design suggested: Comfort Mode is non-intrusive because it does not
The suggested system is equipped with a core device responsi-
limit residences loads.
ble for the reception of data collected and smart decision-making
Basic mode: Rules built to facilitate more flexibility in the
in connection with the residential weights of the various actua-
use of residences massive amounts in certain situations, such as
tors. In the home’s various rooms, the CMRU collects sensed data
tariffs and overconsumption, low production, and so on;
of the control and control equipment through the protocol. In
Economic growth mode: This is the platform’s most burden-
addition to this data, the CMRU is provided with more data, such
some operating mode, and it is used by users who save energy
as electricity usage, tariff worth, and present generating status.
even in reduced situations.
The method presented employs AI algorithms to produce
smart decision-making. The Fuzzy Based and Computational Mod-
eling Algorithms are being utilized for control, while the Fuzzy 3.5. Prediction method
Logic has been chosen for illumination administration. The equip-
ment utilized for CMRU is Raspberry PI 3, the logical controls The following actions were developed to validate the catego-
required to perform the system’s designed algorithms. The rules rization algorithm to employ in the system:
C. Iwendi and G.-G. Wang Energy Reports 8 (2022) 5016–5025

1. Run ten cross-validation checks with ten divides in the

training dataset using Python’s StratifiedKFold. The overall
result of each method in every testing is shown as an
2. Friedman and Nemenyi analyses if statistical differences
exist among the reliability means achieved in the first

The StratifiedKFold offers preparation indices for splitting data

into training datasets in a dataset. The divides are established
while considering the percentage of examples in the dataset for
every class. Fig. 4 depicts the procedure for completing the ten
trials with seeds increment.
Perform ten cross-validation experiments using Sklearn’s-
StratifiedKFold as part of the classification algorithm’s validation
procedure. The ten tests are run on a training dataset, with
the outcome of every test indicated as the accuracy level, and
then each method is rated. The dataset was divided into ten
parts (splits) for each test, with certain portions of the database
utilized for learning and another for different testing classifiers.
StratifiedKFold uses a website’s preparation index to divide data
into preparation sets. The proportion of examples to every cat-
egory in the dataset is used to make splits. As a result, there
is no discrepancy in output layers between training and test
data, allowing the instruction to be modified across the board.
Every test is defined by altering the StratifiedKFold’s random state
Fig. 4. Simulation trial procedure of the proposed PGESD system.
property, rising from 1 to 10 to differentiate the training set.
Since the amount of databases partitions was fixed to 10, the
outcome of every initial random generating increase check is the
3.5.3. Lighting management
mean correctness of 10 initial tests. The complete procedure has
A Control scheme with the services provided was created for
100 contacts in the selected databases since each seeding increase
lighting systems administration: solar energy generation levels,
test includes ten inner tests (number of components).
room ambient light, a structure that provides price, the number
The findings were ranked using the method from Microsoft
of audience members, decision, power consumption, time of day.
Office Excel. This method analyzes the information for each row The choice result was toggled between On and Off.
and returns the place each in a rating, and therefore it gives the In this way, the proposed PGESD system is designed with the
place of an integer in a string of numbers. It was able to see help of fuzzy logic, a deep learning model, and the Internet of
that the XGBoost, Gradient Boosting Classifier, and Random Forest things. The proposed PGESD system exhibits higher performance
algorithms performed better in the crossing validation procedure with faster computation and lesser complexity. The performance
utilizing the trained dataset by glancing at the Rankings. of the proposed PGESD is discussed in the next section.

3.5.1. Algorithm examination 4. Software analysis

Regarding the general temperatures dataset (training base)
and testing dataset, the first three rating methods were selected Application: The solver was used to execute simulations on
for the training procedure after verification. The test dataset was a desktop pc with a 2.4 GHz CPU and 6 Gigabytes of RAM. A
built with small data and values similar to the training dataset, Mixed Integer Linear programming paradigm is suggested for the
and the outcomes of the algorithms are fairly similar. The classi- energy harvesting system (EHS) in conjunction with memory and
fication method of the system was chosen to be XGBoost, which the PGESD platform. The studied EHS contains a wind turbine,
has an 81 percent accuracy. XGBoost required less training than a temperature storage area, and a storage area to provide the
the Gradient Boosting Classifier, which was clearer on bigger electricity, temperature, and gas demands to test the suggested
datasets, and the reliability result was greater than Random For- model. In light of environmental pressures on power sources, it
est. These figures are amplified because XGBoost is the first to is not surprising that RE became the star of energy networks
undergo the certification procedure. because of the human desire to regulate electricity generation.
As the number of renewables increased, it became necessary to
devise strategies for reducing global demand for energy while
3.5.2. Fuzzy controller unit also keeping costs low. The Internet of Things (IoT) module in the
A Control algorithm using the intervention programmes was PGESD system under consideration makes it easier for users to
created in combination with the ML model to forecast control communicate with one another. The deep learning model makes
based on user behaviours: People’s attendance, Deep Learning it easier for the system to learn and achieves better results when
algorithm-predicted action, Photovoltaic system production level, put to the test. In all circumstances, higher simulation results can
BESS choice, Current tariff pricing, Enable activity without peo- be achieved with the proposed PGESD system.
ples choices presence, Power usage. The regulated state was Figs. 5(a) and 5(b) show the training and testing analysis of the
selected as the output, either connected (where Deep Learning proposed PGESD system, respectively. The simulation analysis of
forecast differs from shutting off the device) or off for power the proposed PGESD system is done by considering the dataset,
outages. The implementation of the Fuzzy controller in normal and the simulation results are compared with the existing mod-
mode is shown. els such as support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF),
C. Iwendi and G.-G. Wang Energy Reports 8 (2022) 5016–5025

Fig. 5(a). Training time analysis of the proposed PGESD system.

Fig. 6(a). Power demand analysis of the proposed PGESD system.

Fig. 5(b). Testing time analysis of the proposed PGESD system.

Fig. 6(b). Utilized power analysis of the proposed PGESD system.

Table 1
Simulation outcome analysis of the proposed PGESD system.
Method Training time (s) Testing time (s)
SVM 19.2 21.3 Table 1 shows the simulation outcome analysis of the pro-
RF 30.2 35.4 posed PGESD system. The proposed PGESD system is designed
DT 51.2 56.8 and implemented using the given dataset, and the system per-
LDA 24.5 29.5
formance is analysed using the training and testing phase. The
PGESD 12.3 13.4
proposed PGESD system’s simulation results are shown in Table 1.
Training and testing are used to evaluate the proposed PGESD
system’s performance, and the results are compared to those of
decision tree (DT), and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). A large previous systems. PGESD batteries, as opposed to other types, are
electrical generator typically has an efficiency of 99 percent. The becoming more popular. Unlike a pumped storage facility, the
net value can be calculated from the gross output, excluding sta- PGESD does not necessitate a specific geographical location for
tion auxiliaries and losses in ‘‘generator transformers’’. Reducing construction. In this way, a never-ending supply of electric power
the amount of power and energy required by electrical systems can be created and utilized. PGESD is also more cost-effective
without affecting the regular operations of buildings, factories, than pumping storage systems. The proposed PGESD system re-
or other transformation processes is what is meant by electrical quires more time for the training phase, and after training, it
energy efficiency. On one end of the efficiency spectrum, wind requires smaller time for the testing phase. The proposed PGESD
harvesting creates 1164 percent of its original energy, while coal system with IoT module and deep learning algorithm produces
harvesting only 29 percent of its original energy. The proposed overall higher performance. The proposed PGESD system exhibits
PGESD system with the Internet of things and big data analytics lower training and testing time than existing models.
module exhibits higher simulation outcomes than the existing The power demand and utilized power analysis of the pro-
models for all the situations. posed PGESD system are depicted in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b). The
C. Iwendi and G.-G. Wang Energy Reports 8 (2022) 5016–5025

Table 2
Software results analysis of the proposed PGESD system.
Method Precision (%) Accuracy (%)
SVM 43 41
RF 58 54
DT 38 39
LDA 62 64
PGESD 89 92

Fig. 7(b). Software outcome analysis of the proposed PGESD system.

performance compared to previous systems’ results. Other bat-

tery types are losing ground to PGESD batteries in market sizing.
Unlike a pumped storage facility, the PGESD does not require a
specific geographical location for construction. An endless supply
of electrical power can be generated and used in this manner. It
Fig. 7(a). Simulation outcome analysis of the proposed PGESD system. is also less expensive to use PGESD than pump storage systems.
The proposed PGESD system with IoT and deep learning model
exhibits higher software results than the existing models. The
proposed PGESD system has a higher processing rate with the
power demand of different users under the simulation are mon-
help of a deep learning model, a big data analytic model, and
itored for one month, and their power demands and the actual
simpler connectivity with the help of IoT technologies. There is
utilized power are calculated and plotted. The proposed PGESD
a method for optimizing the mix of home energy sources. Energy
system with the internet of things module enhances the connec-
consumption, generation, storage, and charging and discharging
tivity between users. The deep learning model helps the system
of electric vehicles are all considered in this study. A simulation
train efficiently and produces better results at testing conditions.
model for scheduling a new home energy management system
The proposed PGESD system produces higher simulation out-
is established based on the timely purchase of electricity from
comes in all the conditions. While energy is the total amount of
the grid and the generation of electricity in conjunction with PV
power used over a given period, demand refers to the maximum systems.
amount of electricity consumed at a given time. The demand The proposed PGESD system is designed and analysed in this
charge is like the month’s highest ‘‘miles-per-hour’’ speed. In section. The simulation outcomes of the proposed PGESD system,
the planning and operation of the electric power system, load such as accuracy, precision, demand energy, utilized energy, etc.,
demand forecasting is critical. As part of the planning process, are compared with the existing models. The proposed PGESD
it is necessary to accurately predict the magnitude and location system with IoT technology, deep learning model, and big data
of electric load over the various periods of the planning period analytics technology produces higher simulation results.
Probability that a hypothesis test will find an effect if one exists
called statistical power. An experiment’s minimal sample size can 5. Conclusion and future scope
be estimated using a power analysis if the desired significance
level, effect size, and statistical power are all known ahead of Good predictive accuracy is used in the Light Neural Network
time. approach, which allows for a better knowledge of the user’s
Table 2 shows the software results analysis of the proposed behaviour. Fuzzy logic was used to give operating modes with
PGESD system. The simulation outcomes, such as the precision varying levels of intervention in judgement in computer-aided
and accuracy of the proposed PGESD system, are calculated. The loads. It wanted to design criteria that prioritized using elec-
software outcomes are compared with the existing models such tric power supplied by the solar system while developing the
as SVM, RF, DT, and LDA. The IoT module in the proposed PGESD operating modes. That results in the least amount of surplus
system enhances the connection between users in the microgrid, electric power injected into the system. A power generation and
and the deep learning model enhances the learning rate of the electricity storage device (PGESD) for next-generation technolo-
proposed PGESD system. The big data analytics model increases gies is proposed in this article. The suggested system utilizes
the proposed PGESD system’s overall performance. technologies and techniques that are becoming more crucial to
Figs. 7(a) and 7(b) show the software outcome analysis of creating Smart Buildings and play a significant role in the Mi-
the proposed PGESD system, such as precision, recall, accuracy, crogrid design. In a situation of two-way knowledge transfer
and F score. The simulation outcomes of the proposed PGESD between customers and utilities, the application of Algorithms
system are compared with the existing models such as SVM, RF, such as Computer Vision and Fuzzy Logic provides significant
DT, and LDA. It is used to evaluate the proposed PGESD system’s benefits. With the quest for options for capacity and the ability
C. Iwendi and G.-G. Wang Energy Reports 8 (2022) 5016–5025

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