AI Class IX

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> Need of Artificial Intelligence % Aims of Artificial Intelligence ‘» Major Types of Artificial intelligence ‘> Advantages of Artificial Intelligence % Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence ‘> Domains of Artificial Intelligence %» Major Application Areas of Artificial Intelligence. % Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life % Significance end Impact of Artificial Inieligence in Rea) Life The Concept of Smart Living % The Concept of Smart Homes % Benefits of Having Smart Homes % lmplementation/Working of a Smart Home > Major Devices used in Smart Homes: ind many more ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ‘Antificial Intelligence (Al) referred to as the simulation of human intelligence by machines, which are programmed to think like humans and imitate their actions. Al involves producing ‘computers/machines having intelligence like that of humans and equips them with qualities such as perception (ie. the acquisition of information and rules for using the information), reasoning {ie.using rules to reach approximate or definite conclusions) and learning (ie. self correction). The term Al does not only cover robotics: rather it has a much wider scope and applications. A simple computer program such ‘as random number generation, in which the computer generates any rendom number and a user guesses that number and whether both numbers metch or not, is an example of A! NEED OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ‘Al has become very populat nowadays. It has many benefits as well as challenges. Before we start to study Al in detail, we should first study what the importance of Als and why should we learn it. ‘A few major points that highlight the importance of Al are as follows > Alcan help us create programs, software or devices that are able to solve real-life problems such as health issues and traffic issues, which need to be solved efficiently and accurately. } Alcan help us in creating our personal virtual assistant, such as the Google Assistant and Apple's Sir. > Alcan help us build rabots and devices which can worte in an environment which is dangerous for humans, > Alopens up a path for other new technologies, new devices and new opportunities, FactBot ——~ = In the year 1950, the English mathematician Alan Turing proposed a test called the Turing Test in his book Computing Machinery and inteligence, This test can chech the machine's abilty ro exhib intaligent Bemeouy equivalent to human intelligence ® Joseph Weizendaum created the first chatbot named as ELIZA In 1966. © The first intelligent human like robot named as WAGOT-I was built in Japan in the year 1972. Why Artificial intelligence? Why Not Artificial Intelligence? IDatus here Gkecurs the impact of Alon computer programming and how It makes programming more powerful. The! sbelow lists the difference between simple computer programming without Al and programming with Al. a H , Programming Without Al ao Programming With Al | Fi ‘A computer program without Al can answer specific ‘A computer program with Al can answer the questions only or can solve specific problems: for which it | questions it is meant to solve, aS programmed. ‘We need 1 ‘to change the structure of the program in order by assembling independent pieces of information together, Thus, an Al program can be modified without — affecting its structure. Al-enabled programs are easy to modify and less time MAJOR TYPES OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE On the basis of the capabilities and functionalities, Al solutions are classified into the following categories Self. Limited- Theory ena) memory of Mind Narrow General Super Reactive al Machines Artificial intelligence: Type 1 (Based on Capabilities) Depending upon the learning stages and capabilities, Al is categorised into the Following types: Performlike More intelligent humans J than humans Dedicated for one task that are programmed and designed to perform one specific taste At this stage, the device does not own any thinking ability, and its Functionality is limited. Apple's Siri, a chess- playing computer, self-driving cars and speech recognition ate a few examples of weak Al. Narrow Al or Weak Al Narrow Al or Weak Al is the most common type of Al. It covers Al applications/devices b Fig. 1 Narrow Al General Al General Al covers Al applications that could perform any intellectual task with the same efficiency as that of a human. This stage of Al is still in evolution, and researchers are working towards developing machines having general Al. It will take considerable time and efforts to develop such systems which are able to perform a task as perfectly as done by a human. Fig. 2 General Al Super Al Super Al is the hypothetical stage of Al that aims to develop systems which could beat human intelligence and which can perform a task better than a human. For example, Al applications that can learn, think, solve a puzzle, mi ments or even communicate toed aa apn Artificial Intelligence: Type 2 (Based on Functionality) Depending upon the functionality of Al-based applications, A\ is categorised into the types mentioned: Reactive machines Reactive machines Al covers all simple and basic AL-enabled devices. These devices do not have the capacity ce sane experiences and knowledge for future actions, They process only recent scenarios and react accordingly. Goagle's Go and IBM's Deep Blue System are examples of reactive machines Al devices. Limited-memory machines Limited-memory machines are more powerful than reactive machines as these can store past eqmenences ar tnowledge for a short petiod of time. Self-driving cars are the most common example Of limited-memory At devas. ‘These cars can store the recent speed of nearby cars, the distance of other cars, the speed limu and other information to navigate the road. Theory of mind Theory of mind Al is still in the development stage. It aims to understand the human feelings ané peoples reactions and can even be able to interact ‘socially like humans. Al researchers are working towards the development st such Al devices. Self-awareness Self-awareness Al will be the most powerful in the coming future. These Al machines will have the power to beat uma \ntelligence and will even have human qualities such as consciousness, sentiments and self-awareness As of nomics just a vision of Al researchers and does not exist in reality. ADVANTAGES OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE “Aihas been proven to be beneficial in many spheres of our lives. Let us learn about the major aGvareages of At pene > Athelps in reducing human error: ‘To err is human’ We humans tend to make mistaes and ther fears Samy aur mistakes. However, a machine is seldom wrong. Therefore, we can say that Al solution cannot commit =rar For example, self-driving cars can even help in saving human lives by limiting the cases of accidene= ‘At helps in increasing productivity: Because of the enhanced processing speed, Al applications/dewices Pele increasing productivity up to a great extent, Al systems can process billions of data in fractions of seconds, mich thus results in increasing the productivity in many areas ‘Al mahes the decision-mahing process faster: Decision-making is an integral part of our lives. Everyctay we cane = many decisions such as whether to go to school by bus or by car, whether (o buy an item, and many mons. Ae anmes _ we consider and analyse many factors before tahing a decision. AI helps us in the decision-making process 25/6 =r huge amount of data in a very limited time. For example, apps such as Netix suggest films anc TW stems ‘on the basis of the history of shows viewed by them and thus help the viewers im quickly selecamy te programmes that they may want to watch. Pa ‘cost: A! applications, such as robotic arms used in manufacturing, process 2 huge amaunt af cutting down of various expenses such as manpower cost and production cost ‘without getting tired or bored: Al devices can carry out repeated tases in an efficent a getting tired oF feeling bored litee humans. ‘be set up at places where itis difficult for humans (o live Moreover. Al devices cam wast devices do not need to take rest in between like humans do. Al rotors cam ever be siac=t humans, such as in the exploration of Mars and many other scienaific expiaranens. at risty places instead of “Aitificial Intelligence = Clans i} a > Alhelps in carrying out odd jobs: Smart helpers/robots can help us in carrying out dally-routine mundane jobs such as cleaning and mopping and thus save our energy and time. » Al helps in improving security: Protection from cybercrimes, detection of frauds, assistance in surveillance of houses and offices are a few examples where AI solutions are being used to a great extent (0 provide us a safe and secure environment DISADVANTAGES OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE There is no doubt that Al has proven to be very useful and beneficial in the present times and shall continue to be even more so in the coming future. However, it has some major drawbacks as well. Let us learn about them. > Highly expensive: Al solutions are very expensive, as they are quite complex. The cost of maintaining and upgrading Alsolutions is also high. Thus, Al solutions cannot be afforded and used by more people. + Cannot exhibit human emotions: Al systems do not have feelings and emotions like humans. These are based on logic, whereas at times we need to consider such factors as well while taking decisions. } Alcannot learn with experience and has no decision-making capacity: We humans learn from our mistakes and past experiences, but this is not the case with Al, Al devices perform the same function repeatedly if no different command isqiven Although, A! solutions can store and process a lot of data, these do not have any decision-making capacity. > Al is not creative: Al systems are programmed to perform specific tasks These machines cannot be creative as humans. > Unemployment: One major disadvantage of Al is unemployment. Al systems can replace humans, and this may result in unemployment. For example, self-driving cars may result in loss of jobs for car drivers > Al cannot replicate humans: Al is created by humans. It can be programmed to work and behave like us, but it cen never replace humans. Social skills, emotions, intellectual power, feelings — all such qualities cannot be acquired by Al Although Al has a few drawbacks, there is no denying that itis going to play a major and positive role in the Future of humankind Further developments in the field of Al will prove more beneficial and will overcome its drawbacks TechBot Big Data: The term ‘big data’ refers to different types of data that ate too large. This data cannot be processed using simple computer programs. The amount of data is measured in zetcabytes in this case. The aim oF bia data applications ranging types of data. . isto compare and analyse wide- DOMAINS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ‘Al aims to develop intelligent machines that can replicate human intelligence. We have alteady studied that human intelligence is composed of various domains such as vision, perception, linguistics, reasoning and learning. In the same manner, the field of Al has the following three domains: + Data » Computer vision (CV) > Natural language processing (NLP) Let us learn about these major domains of Al. category of data. In today's times, a lot of data is being generated on a daily basis. This data can be of different r. such as numeric and text, Different data collection and processing techniques are employed by Alto process data, In Al terms, the term ‘big data’ is often used for voluminous data The data is of different Forms and comes from a vayiery ofsources Some of these are publicly available, Others are privately held, and access to those must be purchased Data needs are analysed by Al applications. Processing data includes analysing patterns and trends and thus facilitating iq making future predictions. For example, Alcan build a store of knowledge that will enable accurate predictions about consumer behaviour that are paced not only on what a customer buys but also on how much time a customer spends on a particular part of a site op store, in addition to the items viewed oF purchased by the customer. ‘Thus, data is an integral part of Al. This domain deals with first acquiring data from different sources, after which data processing is done by Al. Natural Language Processing ‘Alexa, Siri and the Talking Tom game are applications that obey the voice commands given by the user. Have you ever thouaht how these applications and devices are able to understand the language spoken by us? Not only do these =pplications understand what we are saying, but they also follow she instructions given by us. What makes it possible? “This is possible because of Al and its domain known as ‘natural language processing (NLP). NLP helps computers “understand human language. It deals with the interaction between computers and humans using S natural language The main objective of it is to: read, interpret, understand and make sense of the human: languages ina manner that is valuable ‘Virtual digital assistant is the most common example of NLP. Uses of NLP NLP is the most popular branch of Al that is used for developing many Al applications. Itis used for a variety of tasks Following are a few major uses of it: 1) NLP isused for creating language translation applicati ions such as Google Translate. > itis used in word processors such as Microsoft Word to check grammatical and spelling errors. > Another most common use of NLP is the interactive voice response (IVR) application that is used in call centres to respond to certain users’ requests. -} NLPis used for creating robots and chatbots. One very popular use of NLP in our daily life is in the form of personal _ assistant applications such as Siri and Alexa. of NLP two main components of NLP. Let us learn about them. Understanding (NLU): NLU involves the following steps: ithe input given in a natural language into useful representations. J analyses different aspects of the language. ): NLG Is the process of producing meaningful phrases and sentences in the form of involved in NLP pis considered # crucial branch Of Al) as understanding human language is quite 2 afficult rast There are majorly frye steps involved in. NLP. the structure of exical Analysis: I is the process of identifying and analysing ¢ Nerds. The Texicon’ of a language means the collection of words and phrases in thatlanguage. Lexical analysis is basically the process of dividing the entiretext into Wparagraphs, sentences and words. | symactic Analysis (Parsing): Parsing s the inasentenceinamanner that shows therel Sentence The bank goes to git! is rejected by the English s process of mapping syntactic structures and objects in ntic analyser , process of arranging words and grammar lationship among the words For example, the yntactic analyser. ‘semantic Analysis: tis the jomain. It checks the sentence for meaningfulness, The sema} the task d ‘will reject expressions such as ‘hot ice cream’ tion: It is the process of making out the meaning of any sentence n,italso brings out the meaning Discourse Integration ) Discourse Integrat - on the basis of the sentence just before it In additio Pragmatic Analysis of the immediately succeeding sentence. Fig. 5 Steps in NLP Pragmatic Analysis It is the process of deriving those aspects of language which shat was said is re-interpreted as what It require real-world knowledge. During this, wl actually meant. Real-life examples of NLP NLP is considered one of the major domain of Al becaust Al applications. A few real-life examples: ‘of NLP in Al are as follows: ‘e understanding human language is required in many different Google Translate: It is an exam age into another. Google WebSpeech and Vocalware: These are examples of NLP, as these applications requite speech recognition. Spam Filter in E-mail: It is also an example of NLP, as spam e-mails are automatically filtered and separated from the rest of the e-mails. Computer Vision Computer Vision (CV) involves techniques to help computers see and understand the content of digital images such as to clicte an image, but interpreting the clicked image so that photographs and videos. Itis the computer can understand ye a complicated task. vironment. We generally see more than we F Al aims to give a similar power 'o computers, which will enable them to understand from digital images oF videos and processes them to define the attributes. analysing, identifying and extracting information. This extensive tent and act on it accordingly. ple of NLP, as it translates one lanau: avery simple tasie fora camera exactly what it is seeing has proven to b We humans generally use vision as our primary means of sensing our ef hear, smell or taste. This domain of their surroundings. CV collects information The entire process involves image acquiring, screening, processing helps computers understand any visual con! Self-driving or automatic cars are the most common exam ‘categorise them, on the basis of which the car will keep running oF stop. if ligh, twill analyse the image, create a 3D ‘version of it, consider the features an informatio 4 1g CV. CV uses pattem tecognition techniques to self- i using cameras; the analog-to-digital conversion is Mp process the data. Al techniques, ple of using CV. These cars use CV to scan live objects and he car comes across an obstacle or a uaffic d decide on an action — all within a second. » It visu! Artificial Intelligence Importance of computer vision A huge amount of visual data in the forms of pictures and videos are being used nowadays, With the technologies such as smartphones and social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, a huge amount of visua {photos and videos) are being uploaded every day on the internet Enormous amounts of available visual content careful analysis and understanding. CV helps in doing that by teaching machines {0 ‘see’ these images and vig uses algorithms to read and index images. Popular search engines such as Google use CV to scan through imag videos to approve them for featuring ExciteBot hese days, CV can help in Furthermore, cybercrime is on the rise t preventing cybercrime by ensuring moderation ani ‘online visual content Real-life examples of computer vision CV isused by many different areas for different purpos' + Face recognition: Websires such as Snapchat and Facebook use Face-detection algorithms to apply filters ang recognise people in pictures. Image retrieval: Google Images uses content-based queries to search for relevant images Biometric systems: These systems use methods such as fingerprint and face matching for identification. » CV is the main source of information co detect traffic signs and lights and other visual Features in case of of data eds 05 5 ang, \g monitoring of | Write any three examples of Ali applications that use the task domain CV. 4 .es. Here are a few common examples of CV. self-driving cars. FactBot |~ ‘ = According to a report by Intemet Trends, people upload more than 18 billion images on the Internet, upload 446,600 videos on YouTube and send 103,447,520 spam mails every day. = Do not confuse the terms ‘computer vision’ and ‘image processing’, as both are different. Image processing is the process of creating a new image from an existing image. It is a type of digital signal processing and isnot “concerned with understanding the content of an image. A CV system may require image processing to be applied to raw input, for example pre-processing images MAJOR APPLICATION AREAS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Allis involved ina widerange of applications, Game playing, expert systems and so on are examples of differentapplication areas that use the concept of Al, Here are a few more application domains which use Al. Robotics Robots are used for performing tasks that are, to give one example, difficult for humans, Although using robots Is 4% expensive, they are very powerful and useful, Robots can be deployed in difficult environments and can work without getting tired or feeling bored like humans. Machine Vision v imans have eyes to See and perceive. Machine vision is the application area of AI that includes the use ofa came? in ‘natural language processing’ of Al, Voice recognition is used I" many ind voice input to virtual assistants such as Apple's Si. 5 Expert Systems an expert system in All is a computer system that emulates Expert The following expert systems are quite popular and widely used in the field of medicine = MYCIN: It uses the backward-chaining domain of ‘| Itaccepts symptoms from a patient, identifies the various bacteria that could cause acute recommends medicines the decision-making ability of @ human expert systems are developed to solve complex problems related to a particular task that require human intelligence and expertise. An expert system is made up of two main infections and thus according to the patient’s weight. components: nawledge base (a storehouse of information nan organised form) and inferenceengine{techniquesused |= DENDRAL: It is used in chemical analysis to to search the required information from the Rnowledge base) predict molecular structure. Expert systems are mainly used in the field of medicine = PXDES: It is used for diagnosing lung diseases, especially the specific type of lung cancer. = CaDet-Itis used to identify cancer at early stages. Al in Mathematical Computations Al is used for solving complex mathematical problems: such /@ as proving theorems, manipulating formulae, algebra, and ( c € eo Heath differential and integral calculus. Na ee ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EVERYDAY LIFE ( & There is no doubt that Al has become an integral part of our lives. SA ‘4 aan We use and experience many different Al solutions in our day-to-day poe oe get woken up by a virtual assistant such as Alexa. Or you may take the help of the Al robot Miko to prepare for a science quiz, Another common example would be your school bus. which has features such = Banking spacet Explorer lives. For example, just think how you start your day. A few of us may as. GPS tracker, an automatic maximum speed limit set-up and has a surveillance system for the safety of students. ‘Thus, thereare many Al applications and solutions thatare extensively used for many tasks nowadays. The table on the next page discusses. 2 few very popular Al applications of the present times. Agriculeurel Gaming! Fig. 6 Examples of Al in Real Life Siri is Apple’s most Famous personal assistant available on the iPhone and the iPad. Itis a Siri female voice-activated assistant that interacts with the user and is able to assist in routine tasks such as finding information, getting directions, sending messages, making calls, opening applications and adding events to the calendar. Tesla Tesla is an example of Al in the automobile industry, with various features such as self- driving and predictive capabilities, among others. Atifcial Intetigence a field. 7 ja Cogito Cogito is popular too! used in marketing Fiel \ecogito A aa 1c (ce Netflix Neifix isa popular content-on-cemand service that uses predictive technology ta proyig recommendations based on the reactions, desires, preferences and actions of congumer, NETFLIX = | Pandora Pandora is an application similar to Netflix, except that it caters only to music. Nest (Google) | Nest was one of the most famous and successful Al start-ups, and it was acquired by . Google in 2014 for $3.2 billion. The Nest Learning Thermostat uses behavioural algorithms to save energy based on one’s behaviour and schedule. Flying Drones | Flying drones are very popular these days. These include a powerful machine-leamning system that can translate the environment into a 3D model through sensors and video yp cameras. These are used for a variety of tasks such as videography, photography and yf: even food delivery. DO IGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN REAL LIFE Alhas influenced our lives toa great extent. It has drastically improved how we perform different kinds of tasks at homes ‘even at workplaces. Al also helps increase the efficiency of human beings. For example, repetitive, monotonous ané fous tasks can be assigned to Al, Thus humans can have more time and energy to focus on creative tasks. Thiswil |to happiness and job satisfaction among the human task Force. ‘Us go through the below-mentioned points to understand the importance and impact of Al in real life, ‘Al automates the tasks: A\l can perform frequent, high-volume, com puterised tasks reli tigue. THUS: ‘Al can be used to automate the mundane jobs that we find boring =v '» Alcan leam through repetitive tasks: In addition to helping it 19 US in doing repetit in and ‘discover new approaches to any task using data exploration rete etrve aah, Al Se aaa > Al can improve already-existing products: Al can be used to i vi i Improve and enhance already-existing produc™ Inaddition to automating the tasks, Al can also ada intelligence to the existing products. A qapyecerve of such an improvement is Apple's Sir that has improved the features of an iPhone. Thus nroducte ex cei m afrecent i ich as automation, chatbots and smart machines, can be combines oe : ts cd with Al to i jes at hor in the workplace, ranging From security intelligence to investment analysis. epee a ae ExciteBot "densify and name the flloning SOC: ements have been introduced. Cop and sol monitoring uses mar Is used tomanage and rac the heath of the crops, which mahes ‘easier and sustainabe forthe farmers ‘Scanned with CamScanner jena ystems Such a= medic! image moons mage processing and heotsound anatysis ar the major examples of Alin Fg. 12 Sustcinable Development in Agrcuture Fig.13 Bio-medical Stems ROLE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Altes ws sove complex and ineneoted lta challenges whch woe 0h peony hres te hp sn cme anny n)TECHBOt | rie Scpng/Pretem cpg These ae tte poor ates find Yrous Fe rocesses are used to computerise the routine tasks and analyse the big ‘48a, generating the Solutions to many sustainable development issues ‘0 A solation should be designed in such a manne that it can play a ‘ansformatverole a achieving the SDGs. ‘Algves exraordinary results with the correct vision In mind, and its purpose sto bring good to humanity. ——— | 1 Theiea oF SOG came from the Rioe20 Sumi of 2012 hich ithe ages stmt in UN histoy In the Rios20 Summit, Colombia and Guatemala proposed various goals to follow on fm the Mennium Development Goals which were et up in.2000 withthe aim of having ward poverty by 2015, * fen SOs are able ta harness the data riven approach wth its advanced technologesin order to accelerate innovation at global scale. In some ofthe workable goals Such 5 Ne Hunger, Good Health and Well-being and Le on Land. Al has played a constructive ole In ving solutions forthe challenges faced REAL-LIFE APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ‘Anas been paying vital oe in our lives since the pact Fe yeas. Ranging fom simple examples uch a using Google ‘etch recognition Facility to searching information onine, of Tying stones used by defence services to spy on the ‘en, AI has proved tobe very useful and has become an indispensable prof our ives a Anicilinetigence ‘Scanned with CamScanner ers eam more about areas where Alapplicatons have been useinrde 1 acta ou day-to-day tan, Some simple apptation areas of Aine > Voice recognition feature avaiable in smariphones used or woe searches, Vasu assists suchas Alexa and Si > Drones: > Sete o aut cove care 1 chavote/Toy bets. for example Mo In avamon 1 te above mensioned exams, here are various other fds where AE Ss lo Fig. 17 Drone Fete Mike Fig. 15 Ala ig 36 Tes a blir igmorendl your childhood. We should inculcate this proverb in our day We SEMITSIRI Wiens ton eet oes Seer Tmmne stamens vane weenie cone kf pe eee a ae asag haven udarans ape owe “Eero Us ontonscnsna oe eter etn ease ces peceersaes emcee see eee avers. Some of these applications ave pont enough to heep a tach of patlen’s improvement nd develpine FactBot | Antanas ns eo she penn eso sug es Canara whens rel ny eat sos can sug th pesciton 7 Fig. 18 Al in Health Core Ail etigence- ci 124) ‘Scanned with CamScanner atficial Intelligence in Business and Marketing in widely Use in business and marketing applications. Al applcetions ‘on process large amount of data and can summarise it Such Aenea Sppcatons mae business process more effective and ess ime consuming ‘nsomation and use of robots, for example use ofa viualasistant chatbot have simple, smocthened and speed up the business processes, Let us {onsier one moce example ofthe A-enabled applications such a online help est centres while isting Some websites, you must hae seen thatthe chat teow 9095 UP. YOU can then ash questions there acy and they repiyto A enyann Jour problem or query eatime ‘enabled algonthms aso help in promoting products. For example, you must have ntced tat you are looking fo ‘paca product on a shopping websie ven you de notype the proper product name automa searches snd sos you a wide varity of similar products, Aso, after search, you stat geting notation emai and messages ‘out the lates avals. This is one ofthe most powerful example of Alin mating, Smile Is the case of onine teverainment channels of apps Fe example Net oflen suggests and recommends you the movies and shows based (rite types of ear fme/shows watched by you kf posible because ic examines millon of records to suagest Shove and films that you might ike, based on your previous actions a choices of ins. Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Finance Many bates are using Al-based systems for various tat Such a for providing customer suppor. fer data procesing, for erecting faults and problems, and most imporanty for detecing credit/debit card frauds and other such nln Fauds inthe hep of A, digal security expets can trace card usage and end frauds nan eecive manne ‘nas been used widely even inthe flsof tearing and deep leaning help in predicting the furue tends of ade and tang primaiy depends on predicting future trends in an accurate manne Inthe cae of machine or deep-leaming techniques machines = ebe to rncogise and analyse huge amount of pate-based data and then pest tow hese pattems might repeat in Farre and thus pescing fe ends it B sree irecore any nancial organisations aressng AIoimprove tek —FE in aking oc tading performance and oictease prot ae tpn access and thus can prevent banking finance Alaepects such asmachine mers may be ableto buy products onine ustby snapping phot of EVA electronic Virtual Assistant bull by Bengal edge from thousands of Sources and provide imple Inupcoming fate, due to AL custo + HOFC bank has developed an AL-based chats ales toued Senseforh Al Research. EVA can collect now answers in less than 04 seconds 251 etal ebigence ‘Scanned with CamScanner Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture ‘You must have heard hat he food requerent is going 1 be increased DY 50% by 2050 in the wow Thve ate #0 many teasons Behind this Increase lone most common reason isthe increase in population Cchmate change, mereasing population, producing enough Food to meet op ‘vith the consumption demand, are some challenges that are feces by the agvcuture inausty nowadays Farmers eed 0 use tei resources wisely in bie cece to ebtain maximum production rom ther anna sustainable manne Fig. 24 Alin Agriculure [Alcan help famers in achieving the above sid Benes and to improve cop yielt Automation and robotics can hep farmers protecting ther farms from weed als, these can help in sol analysis and then can suggest the best psig be ote in the sol ferent Al app, for example, the image recognition app can help in iemiying possible cfecy ‘through images capred by the users smariphone camera, Users ate then provided with sol estoration techs, {ps and other posible solutions. Thus such apps can prove tobe very helpful to farmers. Artificial Intelligence in Game playing, [Alas tranfarmad he wera of gaing Thee are many simple to complex gomes that have been developed inte recent few years using various Al domains Alias become an integral pat of gaming industry. Strategie games suchas chess poke. puzzle evo intligence. Most he games are payecusing a well-defined set fle or era a sie camenas sme basic ues fer wining Al-enabled game paying programs. woe Use of heusc Mode and then aking a move. These programs can be simple to complex. Even a simple game such as guess a number cr Roch Paper Scissors crested using an Al development language such as Python is simple as well as challenging. + ancpating ihe moves ofan cppanen can be ruil times. Artificial Intelligence in Space Exploration ‘Alhasbeen proven very usefulfor space expediions andlscoveries, as these ‘applications requite analysing vast amount of data. The best way to handle ‘and process dataonthis sales Aland machine leaming, One major example ‘oF Alinspace exploration ieNASA's upcoming rover mission to Mars the Marz 12020 Rover The AEGIS is a based Mars 1ver. To conduct investigations ‘on Mars, ne over i tesponsible for autonomous postoning of cameras Artificial Intelligence in Automobile Industry Electric vehicle technology sevolutionising the ranspontation system, Al uses computer vision, image recognition ane dep laering to bulé cats that ean ‘centty objects automatically and ceive around without human intervention. ‘Soon se riving cars wl be common in use 1 FactBot |-————_—_—______ Fig.23 Alin Avlomobile Indust Se assistant called Google Duplex. It can respond oe ‘to calls and book appointments, “ Anil kxeigonce cies 126) ‘Scanned with CamScanner tifcial Intelligence in Building Chatbots cig epers/vitualasistants have become a very popular technology these days, Amost evry household has vita assistant that controls the hme appliances. Some examples inclue Sit Atta and Corara, which are gang ropa 9 8 esl of the user experience, Such devies/appleavons ee natal language processing (NLP) an foci ering algorithms o process human guage and perform ashe amazorts Echols an example of using Ato ranslate human language ino destable actions This device uses speech recogtion ana NLP t perfoim a iderange of tases For example conte usedto monitor yout household appliances, toot cabs mate phone calls ore your avouite food, check the weather o paying your favourite songs Artificial Intelligence in Social Media _ veeay, an extensive amount of data is Beng generated on various socal | raneding Websites inthe form of chats, tweets post ete Aland machine = leing ate used process this da, { ‘is usedforface authentication n social medapatorns uch a Facebook | | were machine learning and deep learning techniques ae used to enily | frei characterises and tag the mates. Machine laming algorithms on the é ‘ner hand 21 used to bul your Feed according to your tees Fig, 20 Ain Sociol Medio Tate’ Alistsedto denty hat speech and terest languoge in tweets sanother sch example. This uss machine raring, dep leaning and natural language processing to find ow offensive content. The organisation detected and Beciea 300,000 terorist-elated accounts, 95% of which wer foundtabe nen human, Al machines Artificial Intelligence in Artificial Creativity Have youever wondere whet woud happen music anda were generated by an Al machine? MuseNet isan example of Al apptiation tat is Uses | t> compose classical music 1s capable of generating minute musi ‘compositions with 10 diferentinstrumets (One mare example of creative Al is 2 content sutomation too! called Wats es natural Jorguage generation plato that can trenform Panning Natural anguage processing > Problem song > Data expiration > SpeecvFace recognition > Machine tearing ‘Tus. Al snot lined othe study of compute sofware scence, involve a mul-discplinary approach thames ‘tscgtines such a8 mathematics, Inguistis, psychology and scence ‘Te utimate goa of Ast construct compute programs, capabe of solving problems and achieving goals as mous ‘be human Thus, the scope of Alincludes development of computes inthe elds of robotic, computer vise, angge ‘eteton machines game ply, expec systems an speech recogatien machines CAREERS IN THE FIELD OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ‘Alhas generated lot ob cpportnitesinvatous es Theresa Great demand of pofessonasin ferent domains FAL Many big companies such as Google and Facebook have shown demand of Al professionals Career in Alconte {nme ielés suchas automation, neural neers, Chabot a robes, All oto mtuence the nature of jobs 2s well fr example, Al tectnelogies canbe used fr doing the lepine ats ‘nd humans wllonly supervise and contol the mechani ofthe machines Thetefore we can say that A wit become very popula inthe ob mathe ‘career in Alcan be pursued inthe Felis of pubic exgansatons,eaucton arts health care facies, govermee agencies, and miler. Letus lam ifferen carers that xl niferent comeing ofA Careers in Alcan be broadly lassie into the Flowing two categories ‘Academic Careers Research nthe Meld f Al need people who ae PhDs ané woud the Worn RED cepartments, Professional Careers ‘As discussed ear inthe chapter there ate many application areas of Al. Many career opportunities exit in alt ‘ferent application areas, Different job postions avaliable based on these application areaa/domsins of A astoliows: Medicine Dilerent carers are avaliable nthe Fld of medicine that demand and incorporate the study of Al. Creation of 298 systems, monitoring and contol inthe intensive care unis, interpretation of medical images and eiagnosis ere branches in the medicine and heath cate eld that demand Al professionals. ‘tical intetigence Cass 128} ‘Scanned with CamScanner poboties 1 potessionals who can workin the domains of computer vision, meter contol, fearing. planning, inguitie munition, cooperative behaviour come under the obaies domain engineering ‘eae many carer options inthe Soman of engineering Areas Such as Fault ehagnasis, ineigant contol ster, inetigentmonufetring systems, inceligent design as, tegrated systems for sales, design, production. maintenance ‘erp coniguation ool demand Al profesional ony Information management -xmation management domain of Al include vehnologes such 3s data mining, web craving, mal fitering, et. any popular IT companies suchas Google anc Faceboat require Al professionals te work inthe domains space exploration nthe case of space exploration professionals are required to perform tashs such as contol of space vehicles and ‘ntonomeus robots. Space agencies sueh 9 NASA use Alta plan and schedule space shut maintenance tuiitary and defence ‘ones and automated vehicles area ew examples of Al beng used by defence agencies of vaious counties, Thus, ‘eres get demand of professionals, equpped wth the hnowiedge of Al applications n mila and defence Marketing ‘Wenave aleadystuded about the applcaton areas of Alin the field of mameting. Al professionals are requis to evo more targete relevant, ana timely mareting programs toinereae the rales and For customer section. Banking and finance lapleatons are majorly Used for ashe such a fraud detection, data exploration and preccting the financial rend Ffessionas ae required nthe ed of bantang ana finance perform such ash Game developer ‘As garing i one major application ares of Al software developers x game developers aren teat demand to design ‘ees na eep the user engaged and use the concept of AL Robotic scientist abc ea nes engineers ot programmets that can progiam these robots o solve problems he a human woul tbo Different Job Titles in AL "Nehave tues about the types of Al arses that ae and willbe in demand fer people who want to pursue their career Inte fegor ‘eater jo ies that exit for such caree professionals ae given Below: » Sofware anaiysts and developers » Computer vision engineers » Oaasceniss [91 Acti atigence ‘Scanned with CamScanner cons sens acon eninee ‘toon specs ata an eriening consians Spates aa msesenals wating wh fils prs hewing as. an vison etrtn dees varaa aren dere potest ane reser scar for wotingin RD deme Tittle gown sayng ta here area lle mano eproniesin dt ne eld ofA at present andin ine aru a5 wel (ExciteBot) “Aschoolin Gengaluruhasitroducedrobotstoteachandlnteract with sudentsjust ike regularteachers o,t0intode ‘Afi neligenceinte dsrooms. ‘Tse robots impart lessons daly in subjects to around 300 students in Classes 7 0.9 n 4 sections in tums. Tey _alsointerct with them and respond to questionsin the subjects Research and think bout this concept and share your views onthe Following: ‘What do you hin hat abot teachers each better than human teachers? Would the robot teachers be able ro impart emotional and socal shils? < Whois dewer-a robot teacher ora human teacher? 14. Doyou thinsit is. 900d practic to have bet teaches inthe classrooms? ‘SKILLS REQUIRED FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE JOBS ‘As ateady mentioned in the fst chapter, Al doesnot only involve the study of Computer Science discipline, atherithas ‘| multidicipinary approach that includes other dscipines suchas science and mathematics, Therefore to pursue a career inthe Field of Al 8 person should acquite the technical and soft sills tha wt nae mero contbtetoveards the fel af Al ‘Ther ae wo types ef sil that are tequiled for pursuing a caret inthe Fel of A. These'ate 28 follows: Technical Skills Expertise in programming languages Topursuea caeerinthe/eid Al, one must now to woth with programming languages, The hnawedge of prosiarins languages will enabe a person to develop algothms and code for machin leining applications Major progr languages requiredin the fei of Al are a follows > programming language » Python > ava > Gre FFactBot $$ R programming language is defined as a dynamically type scripting, procedural, and interpreted language | ‘can also suppor object-oriented programing, Rs Rnown primaily as a mathematical farmewor and = a9 Specied and wellsued fe stasis, at nays an visualisation, provces graphical tose ans" the daa. alzo has efficient data handling and storage facies, ts re, opensource any platform inceperse™ Fanguage that can run onary platform, : ‘eticilImotigence~ iss 8 1301 ‘Scanned with CamScanner Expertise in mathematics and algorithms. ‘re stu of apie’ mathematics and aigosths is also considered ae an excel sil required for A professionals ‘reymust be fair wit robe -ohing and analysis his, long wt singe mathematical nowtdge To cevise itcunchanding of Aaah ‘expertise in using Linux/Unix tools Lucan Unix he ain operon systems that wert onl plates Dat processing Alis ane on Linucbases sysems Sais essential fr 8 person o havea good command oe the operating stern pans Lx and Un ‘Expertise in working on distributed computing systems. say Ao regi programmers to manage large amount of data that isimpossible to proces ona single computer __tiscase tne data must be dstibued event actossaroupf computers Therefore the aspanstoAleedto prove ther mnanledge of trbuted comouting. Expertise in advanced signal processing techniques |Terms apeaton Aste ces huge amount dn The aa may even be sl neem of pel fr ‘earl Cmts Von I omaicepes stain opty Noten eqe tensors ‘ater rtreangfcatoriftomaon Tobe eta perm ta vrsfeaon aso mush owtedge {Yrownapebens sig stance saat pocanng apes Understanding of machine learning algorithms -Aswetave areod stutedhot machine earning the domain of Althst provides machines the abit. utomaically lero experiences without being expe programmed These igh Focus onthe developer of compute brorams that can access data and us itt lean themes Thus one must have the tenwledye of such meine ‘tung lgrthmeto pursue a cxeer inthe fof A, Understanding of artificial neural networks Arial rural pte for a system that replete the weshing of s human sin The conceal nea nes 59500 n the neuronal Fuction ofthe Bain An Al professional shoul eon howto ue completes oes suen as facerecagation pattem ecogniton anahancriingrecagntion Soft Skills, Snadion othe eater mentonedtechnca sill professions shovidposees ther essential oft ils that quip ‘pesonto perorm well athe worplae. These skits areas fo8ows Communication sills Cnmuniation plays an important role i all the Fis of 2 Me. Effective communication sls ate a necessary ‘ecutemee for any job Thus an Al professional shou ao be able converse wale creo ffectvely conse ne Problem-solving skills \ndestaning a tcl problem ac then to solve using a step-by-step approach an este sil equied fran ‘tena Apeson ust be able to think aalyaly, norco beable ta identity and analyse comple pots, Industry knowledge The i a Ale vry vast and has varius domains. node to pursue acaee in thi el one mus Be aware about ‘teen indus an the obs that eit hese Ingusties Ths wl el the person to find obi te eld tat "ers hin tau iit nteigence ‘Scanned with CamScanner Management and leadership skills Tobe able iowa at higher postions Al potessonl shoud acquit eadeship an manage silo eee ead people Erective team leadership sits equp a person o access analyst, and utlis the internal team remtenp anefficiene ay. ‘Terme doube in saying tht Alisa growing field n today’s industry. There are plenty of opportunities fe peop uke are conversant wih ifferen Al shils inthis leld Thus, one must study and acquire hese shilsto pursue a od case Inthefieldof a (ExciteBot) - Imagine that you own a company that offer soutons inthe fd of aril neligence You aeloakting to empoy song ‘ew people for variousjob.Ceate job adverieement for your company by comglating the ath given below. Jo profie: ‘Academic escpines required for he|ob : Shs equies forthe jb: Technical sills Soft stills EMINENT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE COMPANIES “Tere se many bia companies which are using Al appictiens o solutions. These companies also offer many cae! ‘ppertuniies in held of. The folowing tabelists some mos! famous Al companies along wth the Al apeatons f aa GRIT chic ore ‘Amazon [aa ne of he ret common examples ofA on tached by Amazon aden te Alsa, Aesen provides many Al scons that are bot busnes rete a AMAZON ferrirerens econ, n'a toe bosses wen eae? OF the seston Rea, Poly [comers ts to spec oP ehegrton an mage ecognion sere). ‘pple Inaddtion Sir Apple has been working te acquire an aanch ficial tligence- ces 8 1321 ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘Al applications/Domains ofthe company EG 7 7 veMeus - we DataRobot con ee = =, c=) [PERSADO] Google among the Ingest murinavonals ks ntenatonaly tenonmedtor te aearchengine, dest apps. machine leaning ana cloud computing. This company is as mown tonards Al ‘media platforms. 6 and many other Al software Tempus isa meaialcompany that ses Altcollect and process ‘A provides prcson medicine that personalise and optimises treamerts to each indisuas spec heath needs is a50 Joaarcter proves ana scenists with @ platom for buising and deploying machine leaning models Dataobors manufacturing snd even sport anaes. loa 6» platform for mage recognition that helps uses cxaeis, ert ite ond sean ne madi Ave design he vin aigrihma sofware ana hardware hat eventual become an autonomous vehicles eyes Is LIDAR Technology focuses onthe moet imprint information ich a2 people other care and anmalsina vehle's sgtne fanguage to rf advetising fr ageted aucence, 1331 cic reeigence ‘Scanned with CamScanner aay ‘Alapplications/Domains of the company Oi has launched an opensauce plaform for aaa science and machine learning thats utlied by thousance se Msi organisations worldwide maul [Tn is siarcup of Al that cevelops technologies of Alor chilen's goods, I introduced consumer robotics though its ‘ni Overtve and Cozmo devices Anki Overdrive Is 2 game For cartacing and Cozmois flagship robot, Hoa ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE START-UPS. ‘Astarvup sa new company founded by one or mote entepreneurs in oder fo develop a unique prosuct ox sence ang tering to met, Usui, start-ups stat thelr venture wth iil Funding from the funders or thet Families Thee re ‘many sa-up companies which ae doing wellin the eld of Al Some popular A start-ups areas follows: Vacase:c uses liven 00s to improve ther customers experiences: It provides an option torent the vacation homes anyonerein he wor Sameara: I a platform combining hardware, software, and cloud to bing realtime vsbiliy, analytics, and Ale eperations, “TWpAcions:itisa business rave platoon that combines the latest Alciven personalisation with inventory by 26x7 and 365, ve human support to serve employees, ance leaders, and travel managers A vacasa @ samsara TripActions Thoushpot: is Abdriven analytics platform enables business analyst to capitalise on the expertise and sated hmnonledge of experienced dota sclentsis, lousinds: ts unique cous abet servic plat Slot Platform consists of human augmented robotic intligence, XR bets st commercial humanald cence designed by this compony, SparhCogntin: I bulls Al systems focused on the needs of i a es A en 4 of ts customers in the aviation, cyber secu, dee “TI, Thoughtspot © ctouaminas 4, sparkcognitior™ tic etgence cass 9 Isay ‘Scanned with CamScanner FactBot F———______ Baidu also referred 95th Googleo China's awelHimown Alcompany of China. khosits own voice-based operating sytem and has ago launched smart speahers, small igtng. nd ther devices fr the connected homer eo mata aig push imc sef-vng cats and is warhing on machine sion and machine earning echnooaies that k exB6c5 wl pave the way fr advanced autonomous navigation fetus, Famous Al Start-ups in India Some fomous Indian orp inthe Fl ofA tea ows apa 1 the wove largest conversational Ai plaformhat bul chatbote ‘Avan: tsa conversational tar-up thats curentyserving industries insurance, nancial services, heath care, ‘Neamak NIRAMAL stands for"Non Invasive Reh Assessment with Machine | tinge fom ness. This sta-up worms for cancer theft heath are Doxper tis another naan A start-up company weshing inthe heh cae seco. ele in simpy the way heh genes In Sanat, Namal means Logie helps in managing ld services. Itrachs ad optimises Mild agent movemantsin ese on single map intefce. I alps organisations plan and manage the deptch schedule, deliver outs and capac nthe moat cost Rubigue: kis working in tye Fl of banking thes its uters oid he best match ois/he reg requivements th tehep ofan based recommendation engine ands nancial matchmating platform i Voor 2 7 : e Poxper 8 LOGINEXT rubique’ FUTURE PROSPECTS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ‘Ais going to change the worl more than anyhing inthe history of mantina Mare than elect DrKoiFutee Dr kaL-Fu Lee's sayings very apt in tlation oA. Inthe coming future, ls gongto change the wy of performing many tastes that we do a present going to tepiace may jobs a6 well Thee wl also be a foto caret opportunites inthe ‘ferent domains of AL ts impacting the future of every industy and every human log Thus. he Furure a ls very trig ana the scope i ety wie ‘Awl become the most commonly use everyday technology in the coming future and there willbe 9 reat demand of ‘professionals 25 wel 1351 ‘tical tigence ‘Scanned with CamScanner (ExciteBot) Match he fliowina 2. Rubique Namal sone Weee &ThoushSpet g — Te * Speech recognition tf program that can understand and process language spohen by humans 1 Vinusl asset isa computer program that can aeset humans in managing day to-day asks 2 Afying rbot thats conrlleby remare ‘Exper ystem: tla computer sytem that canimtatethe decision-making abit af ahuman expert. ' Robotic: isa branch of engineering that voles the conception, design manufacture and operation of 0 ‘tical teligence- Cass 8 136} ‘Scanned with CamScanner ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ETHICS tthleshep usin the flioning manner > ndeveloping a marl sense of good or bad ends or wrong | ethics plays major ole in slenifc research (uch ag in stem cell esearch, cloning genetically modified food a rucea technology). Certain myn prevaling about the concepe of Al ethics ar follows: > People may lose he jobs because of automaton People wuts end up having too much oto ie ese tine People may ose he sense of beng univ > People may lose somecf thelr privacy ahs. The accomplishment of Ail mean the ene ofthe human 968 ig.26 Ehicl Use ofA Robot Ethics/Roboethics Roba thes canbe dened asthe mocalty of how humans const, design use and teat robts an theater Beings sreted tug A Robot gts isthe concept that people have some moral ebigations towards machines that have Been ieted © be afi integer, simran ight arma hts, Robot igs, such as the rghit exit and perform ts conn mission, can be inked ta the rabet ay ta srve human lng, same a human igh are ined to human dues before soci, Pecan ! FactBor]}—— 1 Freedom of thought and expression thes of Als the pat of the ethics of > Equaty before helow tecrmology wich ie spect robots Threat to Human Dignity _Atecnlogy should never be used replace the peopein postions which equrerespect and care few exampes of postions where Al eanot of should not replace humans ae as Flows > Guster sevice representative (ahough AI technology i eutenly being use for telephone based interactive voice respons yer) Solser dpe Poe ocer ‘Thi is because we rquite authentic feelings of empaty from people n sch poston. machines replace them, we may find ourselves valved, allenated and, hance, states Al use In ths may may Become a tet aman aan ia iat reetigenes ‘Scanned with CamScanner What Al Actually is. [Alls 2 form of technology by which computers ar able to perform copnitive Les which could eae Be done ‘only by humans. Along wth werking on daa, Al ean male Eenge of data Up te point where Mould helps Q reserve rts “—@ GQ costes seers ise Management Anal \ \—6 we ig. 27 Al Use Core Asproscies among AL 9 Dazabased Al in whic algorithms could be writen to wor with Aland furher ta inerpret the data. + Knowledge-based approach (expert systems) and content-based approach (pattern recognition image recognon and speech recognition) where matched data could be placed in diferent atepoies, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BIAS OR MACHINE-LEARNING BIAS ‘isis aphenomenan which occurs when an algorithm produces eciminatory eeu owing to lnconect assumetons ‘Biases may be buiinbises which are created by programmers who have certain preferences, and these may $2 unnoticed unulte alge ae used and magaled visibly, Uses of artificial Intelligence We understand and believe that hese itligent systems are there tomate our ves ease. Alis useful in expanagthe ses of peope so that hey can dele ito ceatve spaces and accomplish moreinthei Ives Music ad media: Users can find music ané mea of thet choice on many apps e9, YouTube, Netix Spot > Sman home devices: Ais used in smart home devices to adjust the temperature and tghting ofthe home ont basis of one's preference, Onin sence: Indus such as banking entertainment andetl ely heaviyon Alor, sy, chatbots or alts hich enable hem to ach se spending, suggest purchases and prevent aud Smanghones: Advancements in features such as photo ear, face detection and vital ealty are quite evident Wh the latest Anco nd OS updates ical reigenes- C8 138) ‘Scanned with CamScanner Fe.28 Alin Smort Home Devices Fig. 29 Alin Online Services Fig.20 Alin Smorhones| smarter: Huge progress is seen in smart cas, wih automate cats on the foad coming vr lose to becoming + sacl media Feed: pays a ital ole in one's actions on zocis| mesa The Feeds which you see on yourtimetine song wih the notifications that you receive Flom these apps is carted mani by AL + Video games: Every user which plays a game such as PUOG sats playing asin! Alpoweres bos and then moves ontoplay against real players in consecutve levels + ontne ads: The online avertisementindustry uses Alto uack user sais and serves the user ads onthe bois of 1 avgntion and travel: Ais used to interpret hundreds of thousands of data points hat are received with use Imps Fig 38 Alin Sort Cars to various The alm of Ali to provide ease of cce55 [ecologies which can be used to help peep get secaly beneficial, faie and accounable. These technologies work For eveyone while aso sOviNg humanaian and environmental challenges: LN tas tnmense potential t0 gather, analyse and Combine vast quantities of data rom ferent SOUS. porta easing an immense mp0! OM HAY. les eceseary to understand the privacy #46 (0 th jing shape sound | ig 38 How AL's Beneficial uth he debate ang shape 04nd Im lt ieigence ‘Scanned with CamScanner Artificial Intelligence Privacy [A pay i defined as one's aby fo conto the dgka data n terms of Row its sored, maid an exchanges ‘amangoferent pats. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: BOON OR BANE? [Al Tocuses on the context based approach which uses patter recognitlen, image recognition and speech recognition oman ntetigence hs made the machine think cricaly and asst omens Ineahing important decisions The machine actualy uses algohms to get the test mateneareuts on the boss ofthe cata which Is entered as input ito the machine [Altechnoogy ts helping immensely a mahing human ives beter, but even a ‘mall mistahe cn eed toa negative rest and penta ceate problems PROS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 1» AnAlmachine doesnt get ties Fig. 35 Al: Boon or Bone? CONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ANAL machine lacks in reat and emotions » Prnacy is anotherissue with Al machines Legal malpracties may arise because ofA (ExciteBot) Abate sete sdebte Suing o nelts nc anesthe scenes Ppa Ithasne following steps + Viualzation ~All the speahers ae fying ina hot air balloon which about to sink, You need 0 decide who 4 Axampe- To encourage alle prtcipants to argue why they should be town eu ofthe balloon Divide he assim teams of wo students each and conduc a balloon debate on the opic‘Al~ Boon or Bane” TechBot 1 Ethics defined a a et of moval values hat hp determine whats Good or bad and ght or wrens 1 Albis or machine earning bias 3 phenomenon which accurs when an alot produces 2 dscriminatny + Aiarderedorenssiy enone dan rmssfhois ae meetendeinsh nici eetigence- css 8 lao} ‘Scanned with CamScanner SAD SUMMARY 8B ail ieee nace gcc anne ante te poms, ds ich a oe en plein. septs in types pend wen cities sey Jaw co Apes ta pon dee pom eh ecco apne cu ptm yc wh ef ha tan sin sso ee ses whieh nd ea aman se, een en ec Ae to, sep eo i rah, te aces oy od and nares. ‘Actos a program hat sinus human conrsatn, ‘ta mining ert proces re Gt sts > > Bsa compte vison (C) ad ata rguagepocesing (LP aes mae dona oA > neath coecon fanaa nutes > ALP wih he nteaton etownconpter aman ig mati ne. > ‘mets teenies tap computers see and undestand te cone of gal nages sch as potas and ies. ott eve or prtarning ks ht ne on ea by ans ‘next syst in lisa compute stam that mules human eg’ eon aking iy. ‘i asdf soviog complex ateatalproens suc proving heres, marinating frre, ser an irl diel eas. > Delman in il fave roduc te cnzpt of nat hg 2 Sat ing is emeoing tend tht ans to improve sands in sr pecs fy 0-day > Asmat fis a tecolgybacd power ewok uses w-way egal conuncatn ods ee ote > erat ome indus smart deces and applances at ae conse wh oe ane. > Tesna hone hub is ahardvae deve tts 2 et pot ote sat he system. 2 Temostis te device tht can autora cool te emperor hoe. 2 smarting sytem ean be prograne nd eden he gon at of when ecu. > veo done isa deve thas an inbuilt camera tat lows ore oaersrenbes osm who susie Rome on smanghones or ble. ‘Sat elitr let users track ood am ise te ear ry. tate ps 200 years, we hve ove ro he peta eto ena gan then eno a ae The nted Nations dened 17 Sustainable Developme Gos (S06) Bac io tel on 1 Janay 206s epee Pat we wou achive hse gas by 2080. 506 ans t nding extreme poverty oa. 062 ste that we hold nd hunger and alfarms ol tusion. 063 sin tacoma heath energe and rte conmi ls espns Nd andra moray 064 aims to provide eatin the prise or Bo boys and 506 aims trating gender en. 1a eta veligence ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘06 6 aims at proving lean ising water an station toa 506 7 aims to provi afore reble and maser energy tal {5068 ans fotan at east 724 anual growth nthe ross domes prot (GOP) ‘$069 ins toprvde employment to peopl in he manus, ‘506 10 ams to rede nome noua win and rong counties, 506 11 ams to ensure sees to sal and ard Housing to everyone. 506 12 ams atsingeeo‘endy pedo mats and ths rd the amount of wa. ‘06 19 aims taing action gat lob warming 506 14 aims to cree elective sttegis to reduce the atverse elects of ieensed ocean acldication and fo protect rarnebshersiy > $0 15 imsat preserving te iosersy of dese, forest and mountain t-system 2 $06 16 aims to reduce let crime, bx ang, foe bow chi abuse anda forms of voter agaist children, > 0617 sins atensuting that counties nd epanston co-operate ad develop ml-stakehole partners to stare knowl, technology ad fran suppar. ical attgence inves the study and procedu of developing leshnoogies tat ave conceal ower ke humans Eager ystems lp in agnasing eases, prescbing ne cu o thea pln for cut [ene esta colecon and precessin eves ae extensive used at hsp, heath cae centres oka record cf aes, _ATappleatins can process lage arauntof data and summarise. Avenabld algorithms ale ep inthe mating ant promotion of rods ‘ALasects sc as machine earing and dep ering ep in preitig te futur ens of a, > > > > > 2 Alcantupfaersto improve crop yi > azo cb ian example of sng Alto alte human nguae int desirable actions. > Googe as een laa Google’ vidual assistant caled Google Duplex. >> Matt an example of lappleatio tats used to compose cascal musi > Alimoles a muli-dipiary approach tatnclees splines suchas mata, nuit, psychology and science, 2 Careers in Alcan ebony cassie int the to eateporia, Le acadre carers and professional careers > applications re sed fraud detection n banking > There are two types of hi, etic ils and sot sil, wich ar requ for pursuing a carer inthe il tA 2 Tempusis a medial compar hal uses Alto colt and proess medal and ancl data > DataRobo roves dt sents wt platform obuling ant epaying machine ering models. > A sturtup i anew company founded by one or more entrepreneur inode to develop a nique product or sence and bia ® Asan P unique product or service ant bi | Winn te Aan, ya hy aT rlvacy-rghts viewpoint. There is a need fora regulatory ethical framework and code of conduct to create a basis for skilful design, production and use at A oa "his ean be étnd as mor prints tt lp ws eid whats good ort and ght and wrong, ‘Aisa tetnalogy with he sp of which computer or ther machines can peor tsk ins ie. Conese sessed to pattern recon, nage recogln nd speech recognition > _Krowesgetasedaproach Al wats best for exper syst where data cane lace in the categories J Antiil eeigence- ass 142} ‘Scanned with CamSoanner RelateBot saietineaton Egon sucrumes > JsAlaes rons aon inst he amped ar ences yy dy. Alt ge rept ad sesh ded ass ensloyentin te arose og ene tog seo eee wh rid sks rms because of coy vate? >No othe vita assistants sua Googe Asst Coan, San Ata hae el voles Oo yos corse ssa ‘ya tena ee cosen oe any te, vy ae eer cs no pop? > a ptonde@op an A aorthm, would ser a et kc te alt? For eagle, an Arn dete devlp 0 altho hs tnd os cel ony, ted gist peo wih ort aces? > anAlmazine malas a misale,wt oleh espns for Th eee the leer, A cst 2 Te Spline sotre lets ou trai pling you we, rt iyo wot hen ou sp tty tr ‘ee conpt wa ek iy ae at ta he wy. Sep: Open the Web browser sofware on your compute Step 2: Type te folloing URL inte ares ar ofthe bewsa: ‘ps lexpriments withgosle. comfrey mode ew! ‘Select tne Spating Tes ‘SPELLING TEST ‘Rep; cian te lay Video baton eo ‘nt saya wo 1431 iit iretigence ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘Step S:_Thenne allowing screen spears Spelt: (44) ‘Sep 6: Spelt word. Mw atomatialy oe ype AU LABTIME ‘Gama playing one of te most inpoat areas ofA. Gane plying uses ltrs mala domain ot A data, MLR. and CX Lets understnd how does so withthe ofan exp. or lang any gre est ned 2 et ores en we need oll he ies. We get see or we los the game acc o he rules the game. Some games raqute colectng data anton aah and peticting te net moe. ‘There ae gums tat cet speech sip. For earl, conser an nine quiusing speech engin. guesion i std, td yt answer cated ae processes ug NL, ‘Thee are games ic ive pat zation for example slvag2 uz Alcan bused inalluch games. ets ear the prac sage tere ask eomais of trough ew uen games, EI ‘A Technical Skills imbibed: Understanding the working and execution ofthe Al task domain of data ‘Doyeurementerthe gum Rock Paper aed ‘else tat you pled in your chichood ad may evn py no? We, Rsk, Paper and Slsoe i a ine and gesture game wih mary rames and varitons, vhs ata anys and predition. Ws played ab & means oer Paper Saissor to lp maka a ois or ut an end 0 a ‘rial meligence- Css 9 Lay ‘Scanned with CamScanner spt. TH ge Bites he base rcs of a al A etl. ere te ay iit yt as 1 ‘eeypaters oa pss eto by anysnghisor he eon tps nod pee tae eho Mme seein ian mac colette ncaa. Te eee pen NE eto horas wk ch ptr, jules and procedure af the game ‘neue ees to competing ply. Use ofa to fron he he hes tan pee en ine. Te get that pay estat cj wee the game. The lowing ures pe he les ar proc ote ge: gm @. @ © © a ve a om mor [son cme ly thi game cli, whee uae one lr har ayer is omput The task onan se ae a ‘ae moves ade by you ado ech compat pik pe nest Moe ‘Sesto install and play the game $s open te wap bowse ster on our eBmoue ‘8692: Tye the owing URL in the eros tar ofthe browser: tp: aii camer papers 1451 ica meigence ‘Scanned with CamScanner aoe - Sep & lick on te SEE HOW THE COMPUTER'S THINKING lar tow lis being se inthis game. HOW THE COMPUTER IS THINKING nticiat tigence- ces 1461 ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘lr the watt te game a ty to snow mre about he wring and sgt Alive th an. Try chang he sows adr tse how the compute copes wi i Ty ming th move teste ines, on hang ‘ray How dese contr ec ot? iL sy Teeicl Skills Imbibed: Understanding the working and execution of the Al task domain of CV and satin learning real Seanger Hut games fun exeimet oan Al tas uae by Gaol. Yau can pl his ge on a sagt oe price Bastions the estate gevcet pay pment vena ‘ses ad procedure ofthe game eso ae nthe smarhone, you tae tous your phone camera a dots at ah cern eno wih a ine rane er mages ‘sept instll and play the game Sp Open Hed towser on yur shane. Sup2 Tipe owing UL inte aes ofthe Wed browse: pe emojscavenerturt wiggle. com) oO Tipe emejcavengerun.itgogl.comon your Aoi oi0S phone. ‘Tnename pape ote weteteepen up. hp: cick on we LETS PLAY tuton yt Yu wat out sn 20 scans on he clack, ad the (ase yu ta the fe in he ange hu te are te gets to your ck 5: cick on mex mat 9 hat Googe can he you 1 the restien ay gue and in ut oth gare ester Gomis sch a CV and matin erg. fi) Pat Marl tit retgence ‘Scanned with CamScanner based on HP In 1 ges 20 hones toques thsi. The pve ean ab 20Yeatln question to et its ba che answers ee eso No, In he ge, th chine so ntapret the meaning of ben ahaa ty yer wth he help of NLP and ans accoangy, Roles and procedure of the game You cn asa Yes No aueston. Youre given 20 chances toques Ie caret ant, and Goo it you row er ec tes. il sa give us a5 oso questions you could ask. ‘Steps to install and play the game ‘Sept: Oe Google Crome We Browse on your compute, pe? 2 tar of the We tron spe. myterainal wihgenge com ‘B05: Cick on the PREVIEW IT MERE button 1 lad the fst Google Home oF te mieraphane on erapha aed sat nr eee eet ey tical neigence 148) ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘Technical Skills Imbibed: Understanding the working and execution of he Al task domain of “ata acquisition’ 21 Sastre ety Ge 6 heh he esa 28 nese es psy te worl a etter place to ive. Let us play a game "Go Goals” based on this. . ploig the game, you must ave the lowing: ane es Boar gue Dean then Custion sets (cong ests COs on een SOG) les and procedure of the game “Thar are ons for ech slayer. To stata game, one payer mas to throw 2 dee, and according othe nba ta appear on he Ge te payer wil move onthe boar Ite ade comes, ten he token wi li he et Incoe te waterlidecomes, th payer aso move tothe btm fess tte tolan reaches to ano he SOG, tens question wl be asked fromthe mutecole question het. tne player cvs the coc nse, than heise wi get another ehnce oto te de, ‘The token which reaches 2090 fist he wher to install and conduct the game (panne we browser on your compu. “ye he fotowing URL inthe acres ba oe browser: Igsgo-goas.ra/ Pit the baad gare onan A sheet 4: Pitted and thn frm tt dee sing sesors and oe 5: Pit ne player tokens and form that aks ung sisars and gu, Clute aks recht, Take printouts fhe mtiple-roke question sets to play the game ap: Goto the folowing Ink igsube-oals oof 1491 ‘Scanned with CamScanner Sep 2: The follwing pge appears SxaNEEGOALS Step 4 The toonng page sopet: Ceres ‘You can eter eit or clk on the ele btn nti inetigence ass 8 10] ‘Scanned with CamScanner 0 Seo Gown be sae ad eon he Downe Biaomon' GOALS ‘8 The Zp eri owned, S97 Up ts lr. Sty The lar w have tre pal tes. 4. Goon S06_SoteGame_ 2 web pt: Pri brad oie, 1 Gotent $06. Game Brochure EH web pt Ys ean exptraton te SDs, SOG Go Golsgne, ots ot ‘he dc an tokens ae ae toh gee, Yu nlp fv ss of C05 fr ach 806. Goons, $00_Ouetion cards 1H web Toe Daemodied Type : Bcecost soc BoudGamesN web __-2/1NTTL7EODPM Adobe Acrobat 7.DDscument TINE Bcocost, 506, Game Brochure EN.wee —18/1/2018749 PM Adobe Acrobst 7.0 Document n0K8, ‘Adobe Aicbt720Dacurent__3617 KB Got $06 Question ards SN web 2/9/2017 3327, Som iran experi by Goel Crae make a sha 2 589 ‘Stops to instal and conduct the experiment ‘ep: Open the Wed browser on your computer g2: ype ftowog UALin ares Br of te or rime Song ae 1st} ial tiene Ie imi erate ‘Scanned with CamScanner emnmenne ‘ji Technical Skills imbibed: Natural Language Processing ester string to tors and even rating stories at ins. Sty tli ana Aus in naa tris ia more ecg tue Gog’ Slory eae san Aol a ets ws cetera tore that can evan be aby ary Sool ane eve. So, swe a soy using requirements for using Story Speaker wo mst hav aston mind, it shoud havea ar besirnng are ening, Aso you stoi prepare te dogs he charac eps to install and play the experiment ste Opanthe web Browser ono your compute ‘ep 2 Type elon URL nh ress ar ofthe browse hipseparients.wingoose-comstary-speaer ‘Tre feng scran wil appa Sep: Clk on te Laue Experiment ute Step 4 To insta hs an, ck one fre Btn. Give the reuredpeisins to gt a6. hein, go tds goa com> Ao > Stay Sorat > Open Saker econ te ita > Bake Tempit > Tea ote “he se tempat wi tar 0 owitto wnt try onthe theme yin ya 2070 etficil tligence ‘Scanned with CamScanner Em eaan Clea ‘Al Technical Skills Imbibed: Machine learning Past and urage ara i teat tau acars.T sae ou oceans nd enna, use lot AL In ts expert we sh tran Ata erent tewean sn an guage ln gage ram oct Steps to install and play the experiment Stent: Open the web brouser ono your computer ‘Siep2: Tye te folowing UL th adres ba of te browse ysis. code.orgsoceanstagepuzien The folowing screen wil ape ‘Sip Clk on he Continue btn. The exernert wi tit wring, Help Alin frentating between sand parte by Heng onthe Fish or Wt Fish ios ‘stificilInteligence ~ Class 8 154) ‘Scanned with CamScanner 15) tical exetigence ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘Slop Clckon the RUN buton an observe a Ais pcking up nly trash and putiag up inthe ustin oan he ora, EX""LOREBOT 4. Tick () the correct option. 2. Whats anil ntetigence? 4. uring yourinligncs into computer 4. Making amazhine intigen Playing a game i, Alotttese ich ofthese nguapes i uted for I programing? 4. Cotat ik Foran ii cor Python Which ot tes Al domains i use by iracive vie response (VR) appatons? 4. Data Ne i ov he None ottase 4. Fae ecognton isa partof which l domain? io Ne i, a a Aottese What he correct fl frm of GPS? | Glob poston system |. Globe poston sytem i, Global postion system Ne None of these 4. Which ofthese ian ample oa set-ding ca? 1 slat 1 Abra WM Test iu MIKO 4. Which of ese devices regs the temperature ina smart hana? L smarty i Smart hu W, Smartmemostat i, None of test tical teligence- Cass 1561 ‘Scanned with CamScanner Which of hese devesie the cel arose xmst hrne? | Soarteamers 1 Smarthud| Smart reigaor None of tes | What oes 506 stan for? {Sushil Development Goa | Sain Detopment oa Single Oeveopment Gal Susie Dson Gat i, How mary $s are tere? Ls a6 ” _. 1 The S0Gsareto be achived by whch year? 2010 & 2020 m0 yo 1 The 7 S068 wnt oma. 3 as ws uo 1m. Theaim of SOG 13is to take actions aginst Lovey. bl warming. noe I gnder egy. Which te follwing can be eonsiered as an example of Creative AP iL Musee i sia i conana iv Noe cts 0. Which te folowing isan eagle oa Cato? i sit 1 Musee Wis iy Noches Wi of te twigs a medial copay tat uses Ice an process meal anil? Tempus Oatrotot int Pardo 4 Wich fhe oliowng habs made by HFC bank? Ls KO i soa NB Woh theses an tec cone for aman? 1 Pray ts 1 Timeconsumptin ——_Empyment ast 5. Which ot ees a Seadanage ofA? Cost 1 Creaty a Tettopiogy Tiss wa 1. omex-based li est suite fore flown: pattem recognton —Imaperecgnton —«._Sechacoaion At Albis is aso known as cto rn. —-N-_aaose sytm. 1 canary asin roi a hic ae ee aR emameie na us rt ar at an tL. See Create table wth he names of people nese protographs youheve, > Crate graph of athe photographs, and uy to Ire pace out of 1631 Project yee ‘Scanned with CamScanner > Mane a database to sore the image dts |» Remember the faces you seein the imager. [this stage yout te ner some useful information out ofthe data you have acquired, Fr this, vou explore the {eta and ty to put tuo Fer btter understanding This shown as data exploration. ‘After exlring the data you non know that youneedt develop asystem which detects theface ofaperson entering te ‘aut and matches it with the existing image data you ave in you system Forth, you put alyour data inanA-enableg ‘model andtain iin sucha way that ialesthe official an unnown person tiesto enter the vault Tomplement thi, you nee to it the components of yoursystern ‘To implement you idea, you ow look at ferent Al-enbledaigortme which wert on computer vision (as You are \wothing on isl daa} You go though sevaral models and select the one which matches your requirements. Aer “choosing the model you implement Thisis known as the modeling tage ‘Your sureilance system snow compete Youtestit by senaingamixof own nduntnown aces tothe aut wherethe _aefactishept You nctice that the reuits ae 70% coret. After evaluating this made you shorts ther A algorithms and wor on them ’As you move tomar deploying your mod! in the res! wed you test in 35 many ways as possible. The stage of {esting the models shown a= evaluation In tis sage we evaluate each and every model ted and choose the “adel wien gves the most efficient end reliable resus 3c proper esting you epoy your urveiance system atthe premises. Miss Scare. whois unaware of the surveillance tiesto bea trough the vault and get caught Congatlauons! You have saved the artefact ross Fig 3 A Project Cycle “Anica itligence- ass 8 1641 ‘Scanned with CamScanner hat yu just now was an example ofan Al projet cyt Fig 3) Starting wth problem Scoping, you se the goa for yout Alprojet by stating the problem which you wish to Sole With Al ‘oproceed, do the Following > Youreed to acquire data which wil become the base of your poi, 25 itl elp you in understanaing what the parameters that ae [ Robots hove proven more effective for felsted othe problem ae scoping. 1 You go fr data acquisition by collecting dat Aterexporing te pattems, you can decide upon the ype of mode! youwoulsbulld te achieve your goal Fortis you ‘can esearch online and select various models which gveasutable output. > Youcantestthe selected models and gue aut which the most efficent one 1 Themost efficient modelisnow the base of your Al project and you can develop you gst around ic 1 Once the modeling is complete you now ned 0 Let yout model on some newly fetched data The resus wil help youl evalting your model and hence improving it > Finally, after evaluation, the project cycle snow complete, and what you gts your A proect Formulation of| absttactpebler a, ? - Sonetne Les ‘sbavect Rested B ce = Fig. 4 Projet Cyde of en Al Project se you see nat unite any normal IT projet an AI prolectIvohes deeper and mare thorough anaiss nd Implementation procedures. : ee 1651 Project cle ‘Scanned with CamScanner cExciteBot> Rearrange the folowing steps of Aprojectcyle inthe comrect order: Co )-Le)- C-L_ )--L_ )- 2. Completethe following: | Data acquisition means. —__4 Once the modeling is complet, you now need 0 Letus now understand the step involved in an Al project cycle in deta, IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEM The aim oF Al sto develop a system witch can sohe vatous problems on ts own. However, he challenge is that Understand a problem, a system must predict ad corwert the problem ints Understandable form. In other words, hen 2 person of orgonisation conan a problem, they should Fist sense the problem. and this information that they ge ‘trough the sensing shouldbe converted into a machine-understandable form For this, @palcular sequence shou'sbe atlomes by hese agencies sothateachtime @ problem ais, they can follow that patculr approach ta ind a soliton tic Letus understand tis withthe hep ofan example, ‘ABC Corporation 2 multinational company besed inthe US, has now groHm to aver 40,000 employees spread in ffes ‘2708520 counuis. In ony given manth, ABC has 4000 jab openings, anc fr each of those job openings, the Auman ‘sources HR} department gets a minimum of 50 résumés from potential candidates. Ths leaves the Ht department ith over 20,000 résumés & month tha they must a trough, manly Lets beat his poblem dow and lao at is impact: Cost ttrequies them to hire a much larger team and pay thei salaries Quality: The manually veting of ésumés is prone to errs and may lead to loss ofa high-potentilcandlcate > Productivity: Menual vetting wouls tae more time, leading to hiring delays. The team would be short of staff whieh ‘would impact tne productivity ofthe team and the business asa whole, Can we improve the hrng process and mane itmore efficient? Hing decisions are intutive and require human interaction in oder to gauge the right skill and mare important "ight attitude needed todo a job. However, we should at least be able to find a quich and efficent way of recucng Potential cansicates from 20,000 toa more manageable rab of, ay, 2000, When we are faced with any realife problem, we nee to Brea it down into smaller pats and imi our soltion to" {he things that would have the maximum positive impact. This needs to be dane while reducing thers oa mii lic nes cases being able ro hie fast but hing the wrong candidate ‘tical itligence- ass 1661 ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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