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Prerequisite: COSC 231
Purpose: To equip students with basic skills and concepts of computer programming in an
object-oriented approach using Java.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students should be able to;
 Analyse and explain the behaviour of programs involving the fundamental program
 Write short programs that use the fundamental program constructs including standard
conditional and iterative control structures.
 Design and implement your own classes of Objects given desired attributes and
 Write good documentation to enable code re-use.
 Use a real-world programming environment and a debugger.

Data abstraction in object-oriented programming. Comparison with traditional programming
techniques. Emphasizes object-oriented design and programming in Java or other OOPLs, an
effective modern technique for producing modular, reusable, internet-aware programs. Also
introduces interactive computer graphics, user interface design, and some fundamental data
structures and algorithms. Concepts of classes, messages, instances, methods, inheritance,
polymorphism, encapsulation, class and instance variables in the context of java O-O
programming language.

Weekly Coverage
Week 1 & 2
 Overview of Object Oriented Concepts; Procedural vs Object Oriented technique;
 Introduction to Java Programming Language Syntax: data types
 Basic Operators; Variables: local variables, Instance variables, class variables
 Access modifiers

Week 3 & 4
 The class Concept in Java: Creating objects (class instances); Adding attributes and
methods to a class;
 Constructors in Java: Constructors vs. methods;
- Methods: instance methods and class methods and overloading concept
- Decision making: if statement, switch statement
- Loops: while loop , Do-while loop, for loop, and enhanced for loop

Week 5 & 6
- Object Oriented Concepts: Class, Object, Encapsulation,
- Inheritance concept: Inheritance hierarchy; superclass and subclasses; overriding;
Invoking superclass constructor in the subclass;
- CAT 1

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Week 7 & 8
- Object Oriented Concepts: Polymorphism, Abstraction, & Interface
- Arrays: creation and use; basic searching algorithms and basic sorting algorithms

Week 9 & 10
- Exceptions handling;
- CAT 2

Week 11 & 12
- Event driven programming: Events objects, event listeners, event handlers
- GUI features in Java
- MVC Pattern (Separating interface code, business logic and data manipulation codes)

Week 13 & 14
- Database manipulation: database connection concept, insert, select/search, update and
delete operations

Week 15
- Project task assessments
- Revision

Delivery of the Unit

Lectures: 2 Hours per week ; Practical 2 Hours per week;
Evaluation: Ordinary Examination at end of Semester 70% ;Continuous Assessment 30%
 Liang Y. Daniel (2012), Introduction to Java Programming: Comprehensive Version 9th
Edition. Prentice Hall PTR
 Herbert Schildt (2010), Java complete reference: eighth edition. McGraw Hill publishers,
 Flanagan David (1999), Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell. O'Reilly & Associates
 Bruce Eckel (2005), thinking in java – 4th edition. Amazon
 Arnold Ken, Gosling James, and Holmes David (2012), Java programming language - 5th
edition. Paperback


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