SL 09m Job Description (Local Hire-CELTA)

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Job Description

9 Month Schools Link Contract


Teacher’s Name: Xxxx

Type of Contract Full Time

City Location Hanoi

Duration 09 Months

School Based Schools Link

Contract Start Date

Contract Completion Date

Probation Completion Date

Line Manager Academic Coordinator

Special Conditions None


Language Link Vietnam

Human Resources Dept
8th Floor, 24 Dai Co Viet Street
Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi, Vietnam Strictly Private and Confidential 1
Job Description
9 Month Schools Link Contract


Your hourly teaching rate has been agreed at VND (gross)

The schedule setting out the agreed rates will be shown to you by HR staff during contract acceptance and can be seen in
the Teacher’s Handbook (THB). The remaining remuneration and benefits package is shown below. These are agreed at
the time of signing and will remain absolute for the term of the contract unless a further contract is agreed pertaining to
another post within LLV or the company institutes a review of all terms and conditions in accordance with enforced market
conditions or the Vietnamese Labour Law.

Annual Leave and National Day of your home country 12 Days
Local National Holidays Provided
Sick Leave 02 Days
Christmas Day (Traditional Day of your home country) 01 Day
Annual Medical Insurance (Inpatient and Evacuation)
LLV will pay 5,611,601 VND to the insurance provider. The teacher will pay 5,611,601 Provided
VND, a portion of which will be deducted monthly from salary.
Vietnamese State Health Insurance Card Provided
Full assistance with visa and work permit Provided
Flight reimbursement for visa run (as necessary) Up to 4,200,000 VND
Guaranteed hours for payment during sixty (60) day probation* 50 Hours
Guaranteed hours for payment after successful completion of probation (next 9 months) 70 Hours
Performance related completion bonus 18,900,000 VND (gross)
LLV CELTA refund of 4,725,000 VND gross after 1 month and 7,087,500 VND gross
11,812,500 VND (gross)
after 6 months
Severance payment (½) mth per yr
HSBC Bank Account FOC
In Service Training (INSET) & Methodology Workshops Compulsory

* If a teacher does not pass probation, payment will be for actual teaching hours.

I, XXXX, agree with the remuneration package offered by Language Link Vietnam (LLV) and understand that these terms
and conditions are required to be met in full throughout my tenure. I fully understand how my hourly rate was derived and
that it may be increased every 12 months of teaching up to 21,890 VND per hour, as per company policies and the
performance review system. This agreement is held in confidence by both parties.

Teacher’s Name: Xxxx Signature: .........................................................................................................................

Date: ...........................

LLV TRW Officer: Amanda Elizabeth Bruck Signature: .........................................................................................................................

Date: ...........................

Strictly Private and Confidential 2

Job Description
9 Month Schools Link Contract

1. The Contract

1.1 Contract acceptance

After a contract acceptance is signed, neither party, employer/employee, can revoke it after the expiry of fourteen (14)
calendar days.
1.2 Probation period
On joining LLV a period of probation lasting sixty (60) days commencing on the starting date of the contract must be
satisfactorily completed. Please see the THB for the full criteria required for successfully completing probation.

As per the line manager's discretion, the probation can be extended for an additional 30 days. The decision to extend the
probation will be limited to exceptional circumstances. The teacher will be notified of the reasons for the 30 day extension.
1.3 Contract renewal
The contract is for a 9 month period and is renewable, by mutual agreement, for further terms. With two to three months
remaining, your AM/TRW will arrange a meeting to establish your intentions regarding renewal. Once this meeting is complete,
the paperwork detailing the decision is forwarded to the HR department. If the teacher cannot decide it will be taken that they
will not be renewing and a replacement planned.
1.4 Contract Break
A staff member wishing to break his/her contract, after the fourteen (14) calendar days, will be liable to forfeit expenses
incurred by Language Link Vietnam (LLV). The teachers will pay the whole cost for accommodation, transport, and a prorated
amount for VISA and Work Permit (fees for legalization, translation, notarization, health check, VN police check, WP
processing fee). And his/her VISA will be shortened to 1 month upon final stop date at teachers’ expense (if any). Final pay will
not be made before HR receive teacher’s passport for VISA shortening.
Should teacher break contract, payment for the final month will be based on actual teaching hours.

2. Remuneration, Allowances, Bonuses, Payment and Taxation

2.1 Hourly rate

The full-time hourly starting rate ranges from 383,075 VND to 459,690 VND per hour dependent upon qualifications and
experience. Your agreed hourly rate is stated on page 2 of this document. Based on teaching performance of the year up to
21,890 VND per hour increase can be expected on the satisfactory completion of a full 12 months.

Note: The best teachers of the year will be entitled to 32,835 VND per hour increase.
2.2 Hourly rate supplements
 IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC test skill preparation 109,450 VND
 Sunday Young Learners 65,670 VND
 The supplement is paid at the end of the month if the teacher has attended all scheduled YL classes on a Sunday.
Approved leave and sickness covered by a doctor’s certificate from hospital are the only exceptions possible.

 Emergency Cover (after 4p.m of the day before) 21,890 VND

 Working Offsite (1-5.9km away from an LLV closest premises) 87,560 VND
 Working Offsite (6-10km away from an LLV closest premises) 131,340 VND
 Working Offsite (>10km away from an LLV closest premises) 175,120 VND
 Big size class (>25 pupils) 43,780 VND
 Combined classes (emergency) (base rate x 2) + single off-site rate
 Courses outside city limits Agreed on a contract to contract basis

Note: If a teacher teaches at 2 different schools in a same day, off-site rate for the 2 nd school will be calculated as the distance from the
1st school to the 2nd school.

2.3 Guaranteed Hours

If there is no probationary period in the contract, LLV will guarantee payment of fifty (50) hours in the first month and seventy
(70) hours per month after the 1 st month of the contract (except for May). If there is a probationary period in the contract, LLV
will guarantee a payment of fifty (50) hours per month for that period and then seventy (70) hours per month for the nine
months of the contract (except for May).

Due to year-to-year and school to school variability in school closure dates in May, the hours are guaranteed in the month of
May until school closure. The guaranteed hours will be pro-rated to the date of the teacher’s school closure. If the teacher
works at more than one school, they are guaranteed hours until their last school closure.

The guarantee of hours may be removed at the Company’s discretion if a teacher is subject to disciplinary action (please see
Section 7 for further information) or if a teacher does not pass probation.
2.4 Flight Allowance for Visa Purposes

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Date: _____________
Job Description
9 Month Schools Link Contract

Occasionally, locally hired teachers may be required to fly to a neighbouring country to obtain a Vietnamese Business Visa.
Under these circumstances, up to 4,200,000 VND will be reimbursed for the flight. Payment receipts and/or tickets must be
given to HR and the reimbursement will be added to that month’s salary payment. HR will inform the teacher of this
requirement during contract signing. Early termination of the contract will lose this allowance.
2.5 Celta Refund
The Employee will be partially reimbursed for the cost of their CELTA course at LLV: Employee will receive 4,725,000 VND
gross after 1 month and 7,087,500 VND gross after 6 months. Early termination of the contract will lose the Celta refund.
2.6 Resigning bonus
If the teacher signs a second contract, LLV will award a re-signing bonus, payable in the first month’s salary of the new
contract, as per company policies. Early termination of the contract will lose this bonus.
2.7 Academic Induction
Teacher attending Academic Induction for each academic year will be paid for actual hours based on the signed attending
confirmation list (up to 25 hours of workshops). These workshops are scheduled and paid at the standard NTD Rate of
294,000 VND per hour.
2.8 Annual In-patient & Emergency Evacuation Medical Insurance
LLV has a group medical insurance policy with Liberty Insurance, which provides in-patient hospital treatment and/or
emergency evacuation cover. LLV will provide full-time foreign national employees with policy membership for the duration of
their contracts on the proviso that Liberty Insurance agrees to cover the employee in question. Language Link will pay
5,611,601 VND to Liberty. The teacher will pay 5,611,601 VND, a portion of which will be deducted from their monthly
salary. Should Liberty Insurance decline to cover the employee, LLV are unable to offer any form of replacement for this group
policy. Liberty may require certain employees to undergo a medical check before it will enable the medical insurance policy, in
which case it is the responsibility of the employee to ensure that this is completed to the satisfaction of Liberty. Should the
teacher wish to upgrade their level of medical insurance cover, they can pay an additional insurance premium via HR. Please
ask for the breakdown of coverage, terms and conditions, and additional costs. LLV will not be held liable for any medical or
dental treatment undertaken by the teacher.
2.9 Vietnamese State Health Insurance
The Company will contribute an extra fixed rate of of 112,350 VND per month for your State Health Insurance (compulsory).
The employee will contribute 56,175VND per month from the basic salary. The basic salary is the first 3,745,000VND of a
employee’s monthly pay. The employee will be provided with a State Health Insurance card for basic health checks at
approved clinics in Hanoi.
2.10 Performance related end of contract bonus
On successful completion of the contract satisfying the criteria set in the THB, the teacher will collect a bonus of 18,900,000
VND gross. ONLY taking annual leave accrued and transferring contracts internally can bring forward a contract end date
without loss of bonus. There are no other exceptions. The bonus is paid in Vietnamese Dong when teacher successfully
completes the final teaching month in the contract.
2.11 Severance Payment
Severance pay is accrued for all periods of continuous employment lasting one year or longer in condition with contract
completion. Severance payments are calculated as half (½) a month’s salary per continuous year worked at LLV, based on an
average of the final six (6) months monthly salary of the teacher's employment. This severance pay will be paid when teacher
complete their contract (at least 1 year long). Should the teacher decide to renew the contract for an additional term, the
severance payment for this contract will be held back by LLV and count towards the final severance payment.
2.12 Definition of ‘Staying’ and ‘Leaving’ for contract renewal
For employees who complete a contract, there are two options: staying or leaving.
a) 'Staying' means to continue working as scheduled without any break.
- The teacher must use all annual leave before the contract expiration date.
- The teacher should plan their annual leave in advance and inform their line manager. They are entitled to take annual leave
in the last week(s) of their valid contract (with advance notice and agreement).
- A decision to stay should be made prior to the contract expiration date in consultation with the Teacher Recruitment and
Welfare (TRW) Officer with 2 month notice in advance.
- When a new contract is signed/extended without any time break, no severance payment is made until the end of the
teacher's employment.
b) 'Leaving' means to take any time off between contracts.
- ln this case the company will complete all necessary procedures for contract termination. The teacher will receive all payment
due (including severance).
- The teacher should contact TRW for future employment. The teacher should sign a new contract if they wish to come back to
- The company will not take any responsibility for guaranteeing jobs for people who leave. They are requested to reapply for
job openings, as per current government policies.
2.13 Deductions

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Date: _____________
Job Description
9 Month Schools Link Contract

LLV reserves the right to make deductions for medical insurance, training courses and visa costs from final salary upon early
termination of the contract by the employee (see point 1.4 for details), or if the contract is terminated for reasons of neglect of
duties or financial irregularity by the employee.
LLV also reserves the right to make deductions for paid leave or sick days on a pro rata basis upon early termination of the
contract by the employee, or if the contract is terminated for reasons of neglect of duties or financial irregularity by the
2.14 Taxation
LLV deducts Applicable Personal tax from salary in accordance with Vietnamese taxation regulations. See THB for a
description of the taxation schedule.
Tax rates are calculated at the rate specific to the length of the contract and the employee’s tax residency in Vietnam. If a
contract is ended early for any reason, the tax rate will be recalculated for the shorter duration of the contract and retroactively
applied to all earned income.
2.15 Payment
Teacher’s salary is currently paid to an HSBC bank account by local transfer once the HSBC bank account is open. Prior to
this, payment will be made in cash. The transfer will be made (in VND) once a month in arrears on the 5th of the month. If the
5th falls on a weekend then payment can be expected on the following Monday. On contract completion or in the case of early
termination of employment with LLV, final payment will be made within four (4) working days upon the last working day.

Note: It is the teacher’s responsibility to notify HR at least 5 days before final payment is expected as to the expected method
of payment. Payment can be made either as cash in Vietnamese Dong or as a local transfer into their bank account as normal.
This allows time for processing and any errors to be rectified. Payment cannot be expected with any less notice.

2.16 Performance Review System

Teachers with good performance who re-sign for another school year will receive a 10,836 VND raise in hourly pay. Teachers
with excellent performance will receive a 21,890 VND raise in hourly pay. Teachers with unsatisfactory performance will not be
re-hired. Performance will be evaluated by academic management based on teaching quality and professionalism, including
marking of tests and communication with office staff. The specific criteria will be provided to teachers at induction.

Note: The best teachers will receive 32,835 VND raise in hourly pay.

3. Visa and Work Permit Requirements

3.1 Requirements
You are only allowed to work in Vietnam if you have the appropriate Business VISA (DN) and Labour Class Visa (LĐ) and
Work Permit issued by the Dept of Labour. LLV agrees to arrange and cover the Vietnamese administrative costs of providing
you with both visa and work permits obtained within Vietnam. These costs will only be reimbursed on production of official
It is the teacher’s responsibility to provide the necessary authenticated documentation from the appropriate Embassy and incur
any initial costs that process may incur. These costs will not be reimbursed.
3.2 Documents
The original copies of the following documents are required for a teacher’s work permit application, and are required during the
initial contract signing process:

 Original Bachelors Degree or Professional teaching qualification *

 Original ESL/EFL Teaching Certificate*
 A criminal record clearance from your country of origin or citizenship, or your last country of residence, issued
within 3 months of contract signing*
 Letters of work verification

*Original documents must be certified (at teacher’s expense) at the Vietnamese embassy in teacher’s home country or at the
appropriate embassy in Vietnam.

Note: The absence of any one of these documents will prohibit the teacher from either signing a contract or taking up any form
of employment with LLV, as it is illegal to work in Vietnam without a valid work permit.

As part of the work permit application process after their arrival in Vietnam, teachers will be expected to provide the following
documents. The procedures for obtaining these will be explained during the HR induction procedure.

 A medical conducted at an approved hospital in Hanoi (paid for and organised through LLV)
 Four (4) passport sized photographs (4cm by 6cm)
 Confirmation of residence through landlord and local police (this is required for local Vietnamese police
 Letter of Reference for your teaching experience.

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Date: _____________
Job Description
9 Month Schools Link Contract

Note: Failure of the teacher to provide the necessary documentation for obtaining a WP within one (1) month after contract
signing date will result in disciplinary action (please see Section 7 for details), including but not limited to termination or failure
of probation, with exception of extraordinary circumstances at the discretion of TRW
3.3 Random Verification
HR will randomly seek verification of teacher’s qualifications. The certificate holder’s permission is required for CELTA
verification to comply with the UK’s data protection act and a refusal by the teacher will be treated as an early termination of
the contract. The costs of verification will be covered by LLV. False or fraudulent documents and/or qualifications are treated
as Gross Misconduct, and will result in instant dismissal
3.4 Change of Contact Details
The employee must inform the HR Department whenever they change their residential or contact details (including email
addresses or mobile phone numbers) and when any visa or passport details are changed. LLV will not be held responsible for
any additional costs incurred by the teacher in any HR or legal process as a result of delays in the provision of this information,
by the teacher, to either LLV or to any other relevant authorities. Any costs incurred as a result of these delays will be borne by
the teacher.

4. Teaching Duties

4.1 Teaching Hours

The teacher agrees to work up to 100 contact teaching hours per month. Any hours worked over 100 will be by agreement and
commensurate with the teachers abilities. The monthly schedule will not exceed 120 hours per month.
4.2 Schedules at Vietnamese Schools
Teachers will normally be scheduled to teach at one or sometimes two Vietnamese schools, and are expected to arrange their
own transport to arrive at school at least fifteen minutes prior to their lesson. During the school year, teacher can expect to be
re-scheduled to teach at any Vietnamese school other than school(s) they are teaching. Students range from grade 1 to grade
12 (primary to high schools), and class sizes range from 20 to 25. Teachers will be allocated locker-space in the teacher’s
room at Yen Phu, Dai Co Viet, Tran Quoc Hoan, or Lang Ha for lesson preparation, photocopying and access to resources.
Secure storage spaces are provided in each Vietnamese school to store resources. The hourly supplementary rate for working
offsite will apply for all work at Vietnamese schools (see point 2.2).
Teaching at Vietnamese schools will normally be timetabled between 7.30 am and 6.30 pm Monday to Friday. Occasionally,
(once or twice per semester), non-teaching duties such as school excursions may be scheduled on a Saturday or Sunday.
These are compulsory and will be paid at NTD rates.
4.3 Schedules at LLV Schools
If the teacher does not have enough scheduled hours, teachers may be scheduled to work at one of the LLV language centres.
Teaching hours at LLV schools are normally scheduled between 7.30 am and 9.30 pm on any day of the week or at weekends,
with a maximum of six (6) working days per week. A 65,670 VND /hr supplement for teaching to Sunday is added on teacher’s
basic teaching rate.
4.4 Requirement to Teach
Full time teachers are expected to accept to teach classes on any one of the full range of courses offered by LLV if required,
which may include GE, Corporate Business, ESP, Young Learners, IELTS and TOEFL. Whilst every effort will be made to
provide a schedule agreed upon between the teacher and LLV, and whilst as much consideration as possible is given to
preferences and abilities, full-time teachers are however obliged to cover a minimum of twice a week either in the morning or in
the afternoon where they are not scheduled for regular classes, on a prearranged basis.
4.5 Lesson Records
Teachers are required to keep accurate lesson records daily in their SAK. In the event of cover or handover, they need to
communicate these records in a timely fashion to the scheduler or a member of Academic Management in sufficient detail for
the teacher to effectively the subsequent lesson(s).
4.6 Covering
Cover classes (teaching classes for other teachers who are ill or on leave) will be included in the normal timetabled contact
hours as and when required. For pre-arranged cover the teacher can be contacted up to 4pm the day before the class.
Teachers asked to cover after 4pm the day before the class will receive a 21,890 VND /hr emergency cover supplement. Pre-
arranged cover classes are considered part of the teacher’s teaching duty. If a teacher is contacted after 4pm they have the
right to refuse the emergency cover class.

Note: The scheduled stand-by teachers for morning emergency class covering will be paid at 2 hours of NTD rate if teachers
are not contacted for the covering. If teachers are contacted for covering, teachers will be paid for the covered class at
teaching rate plus off-site rate (without the stand-by allowance of 2 hours at NTD rate)
4.7 Schools cancelling contracts
In the case where the contract between a Vietnamese school and LLV is terminated and Schools Link cannot provide enough
teaching hours, the teacher will be utilized if possible in an LLV language centre. This may result in a change of scheduled
hours and class times.

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Date: _____________
Job Description
9 Month Schools Link Contract

4.8 Non teaching Duty (NTD)

In addition to the teaching timetable, LLV may schedule the teacher for Non Teaching Duties (NTD). This work may include
any of a range of teaching-related duties, including syllabus design, materials development, test development, professional
development of LLV trainers and other staff, attending events (school year opening/closing, schools’ extra-curriculum activities,
festival at district and/ or school level), assist with onsite school events, checking and/or marking extra tests and/or
administration works. All development work undertaken will remain the property of LLV. Compensation for NTD will be at two
thirds of the teachers agreed hourly rate plus off-site rate (if any). All full-time teachers will be expected to take part in
placement testing once the appropriate training has been given.

Note: Teacher who is scheduled to support Vietnamese schools in exam preparation work for outstanding students will be paid
at teaching rate plus off-site payment based on actual hours worked.
Teacher who is scheduled to participate in teacher training activity for Vietnamese schools and districts (observing and giving
feedback to Vietnamese teachers) will be paid at teaching rate plus off-site payment based on actual hours worked.
4.9 Peer Observations
Full-time teachers may also be asked to observe other teachers, as part of the Teacher Development Program for improving
teaching standards. These observations are scheduled up to two times per semester only and paid at the non-teaching rate
plus off-site bonus.
4.10 Assessed Observations
During the sixty (60) day probationary period of a teacher’s first contract, each teacher will have one or more assessed class
observations. An additional two assessed class observations will be scheduled for each teacher over the course of each
annual contract, as part of the Teacher Development Program/Performance Review System. Observers can be LLV’s
operational and academic management, Vietnamese school’s management, Department of Education & Training, and
Parents. Observations can take place with or without prior notice with the exception of the parents who must give prior notice.
Feedback on these observations will be provided by a member of the Academic Management team.
4.11 Compulsory Staff Meetings & Workshops
Staff meetings will be held as required. Teachers will be informed of the schedule for the meetings well in advance. These are
4.12 Dress Code
Teachers must be smart casual in their dress (refer to the Teachers Handbook or policy updates for advice on students
expectations of how teachers should dress in Vietnam).
4.13 Class Cancellation
If the school cancels classes with less than 2 hours notice before the cancelled class, the teacher will receive 100%
remuneration. If the teacher is given between 2 and 4 hours notice they will receive 50% remuneration. More than 4 hours
notice will not be compensated. The timing of class cancellation and teachers’ notice will be the responsibility of the
Operations Manager or their deputies. If you are not present in the school, staff will send you an e-mail message and will try to
call you on the phone number you have provided. Should the teacher not receive the message for whatever reason the school
will not be liable so long as it can be shown that attempts were made at the time, by phone or email. Please check e-mails on
a daily basis for these and other important messages.
There will be no compensation if a class is cancelled due to force majeure, and guaranteed hours will be reduced on a pro
rata basis. Force majeure can include but not limited to war, fire, social chaos, excessive storm, flood, and low or high
temperature in which the government closes the schools and LLV centres and/or Vietnamese schools are prevented from
normal operations.
4.14 LLV Email System
Teachers are requested to access the LLV email system daily, ideally at the beginning of their working day, to check for any
administrative updates or schedule changes. Teacher access is monitored but content is not. The LLV email system is for LLV
work related purposes only and any abuse will be treated as a disciplinary matter.

5. Leave, National Holidays and Christmas Day

5.1 Annual Leave and Home Country National Day
Teachers will receive twelve (12) days of annual leave and home country national holiday, paid at the rate of Three (3) hours
per day at the teaching base rate. Approximately four (4) company closure days are provided at Christmas and up to four at
Tet. Outside of Christmas and Tet, short periods of leave (up to 2-days) may be scheduled with adequate prior notice from the
teacher. A maximum of 2 days of AL can be taken per month during the Schools Link school year.
- AL days can only be approved after the induction week with the exception of TRW approval;
- AL can not be taken during the test weeks or before examination result are recorded with the exception of TRW or
AM approval.
- AL days cannot be taken during the 1st month of contract.
- AL days cannot be taken directly before and after Christmas and Tet Holiday.
- Teachers take no AL during the school year will be rewarded with 2,100,000 VND paid out at the end of the contract.

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Date: _____________
Job Description
9 Month Schools Link Contract

5.2 Unpaid Leave

In general, leave without pay may only be taken with the written consent of the Board of Management (BOM). Leave without
pay will only be granted in very serious cases such as a death in the family. In such event, benefits such as AL allowance, end
of contract bonus, health insurance, etc. may be reduced on a pro rata basis at the discretion of the line manager. For
purposes of payment calculation, the minimum guara+nteed hours (70) would be reduced on a pro rata basis calculated with
respect to the number of working days in that month.
5.3 Scheduled Leave and Vietnamese National Holidays
Leave is approved by the Scheduling Officer and the line management. Without sufficient notice leave should not be expected.
Vietnamese holiday dates are based on the lunar calendar, not the Gregorian calendar, so their Gregorian date will change
every year.
2. New Year’s Day 1 Day January 1st (Gregorian)
3. Lunar New Year 5 Days Last Day of Lunar year and 1st four of Lunar New Year
4. Lunar New Year up to 4 days company closure
5. Kings Day 1 Day March or April (Lunar)
6. Victory Day 1 Day April 30th (Gregorian)
7. Labour Day 1 Day May 1st (Gregorian)
8. National Day 1 Day September 2nd (Gregorian)
9. National Holidays falling on the weekend will attract an extra days holiday specified by the school

5.4 Christmas Day (Traditional Day of your home country)

9.1 Christmas Day 1 Day December 25th (Gregorian)
9.2 Christmas up to 4 days company closure

Due to year-to-year variability in school closure lengths for Christmas and the Vietnamese New Year (Tet) holidays,
Language Link is unable to determine the exact length of these school closures at the beginning of the academic
school year. In the event the number of days for school closure is greater than the paid holiday days outlined in this
contract, all extra days will be counted as unpaid leave excluding weekend days. For purposes of payment calculation,
the minimum guaranteed hours (70) would be reduced on a pro rata basis calculated with respect to the number of working
days in that month.

Note: All scheduled working days during the Public Holiday days will be paid at 3 hours/day at the teaching base rate.

6. Sickness

Sick leave up to two (2) days per 9 month contract is provided. For anymore than two (2) consecutive days sickness a doctor’s
certificate from an approved hospital will be required. The teachers should go to Thu Cuc Hospital for a doctor’s note. More
than two days sickness without a doctor’s certificate will be considered as grounds for disciplinary action.

The overuse of the limit (2 sick days) will be deducted from annual leave days.

As soon as a teacher knows that they are too ill to teach they should contact the school immediately and in any case, at latest,
one hour before the start of the lesson. If sufficient notice has been given the teacher is allowed one sick day without the
support of a doctor’s certificate. However if no doctor’s certificate is provided the teacher will lose any stand-by bonus for that

Should the teacher fail to make any contact with the school, given the aforementioned time frame, regarding their absence,
then the matter will be regarded as disciplinary and as well as losing the monthly supplements and bonus they can expect to
be written into the warnings system and a percentage reduction in their end of contract bonus made.

7. Disciplinary Procedures

Disciplinary matters include, but are not limited to, unsatisfactory standard of teaching, chronic tardiness, non-attendance at
mandatory staff meetings or workshops, violation of the dress code, failure to supply documents for work permits, posting
company’s confidential information on social media network, and gross misconduct (as defined by the Teacher’s Handbook).

The disciplinary procedure consists of the following steps:

 Record of Informal Verbal Advice (w/ written documentation) -- RIA: This is an optional step in the disciplinary
process. A teacher may receive up to 2 RIAs before a Verbal Warning.
 Verbal Warning: 25% reduction in completion bonus. Hourly guarantee may be reduced at the line manager’s
discretion (this will be reviewed after 8-weeks).
 Written Warning: 50% reduction in completion bonus, no-guarantee of hours.
 2nd Written Warning: Loss of completion bonus.

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Date: _____________
Job Description
9 Month Schools Link Contract

 Dismissal

8. Confidentiality

This contract solely involves two parties: Language Link Vietnam and the contracted teacher. The teacher agrees to keep
confidential the terms and conditions of this offer and/or all other LLV business. Breach of this clause will be considered a
disciplinary matter and will be dealt with under the disciplinary procedures set out in the company rules and regulations. Any
course development work undertaken at the behest of LLV remains the sole property of LLV.

9. Termination of Contract

Notice of termination of employment is one (1) month by both parties, except in conditions of neglect of duties, breach of
Confidentiality clause or financial irregularities by the employee. Notice must be made in writing and submitted directly to the
DoS or Senior DoS. If the contract is terminated in this manner, LLV reserves the right to make deductions for medical
insurance and visa from final salary on a pro-rata basis.

At anytime during the contract, including after probation, a contract can be terminated for unsatisfactory teaching performance.
For this to take place, HR and the TRW must confirm termination with Schools Link Academic and Operations Management.
The teacher can be terminated after 2 unsatisfactory observations by Schools Link Academic Management. Teachers will be
given clear criteria for performance by Schools Link Academic and Operations before commencing teaching in the program.
After a first unsuccessful teaching performance, the teacher will be provided a performance improvement plan and will be
given clear criteria for improvement. If the teacher has additional unsatisfactory teaching performances after being provide the
improvement plan, they can be terminated. If the contract is terminated in this manner, LLV reserves the right to make
deductions for medical insurance, recruitment costs (taxi, hotel, etc) and work/permit visa from final salary on a pro-rata basis.

In the event of a serious breach of the company rules and regulations, and breach of Confidentiality clause, LLV reserves the
right to terminate the contract immediately and without notice. If the contract is terminated in this manner, LLV will make
deductions for medical insurance, visas and any accommodation allowance and/or any other expenses incurred whilst dealing
with the breach of discipline from the teacher’s final salary.

Procedure to be conducted before contract termination:

- Submit the State Health Insurance Card (white card) to HR so as to cancel the card. Should teachers lose the card,
teacher will have to pay for the insurance fee up to the year end (168,525 VND/month) will be deducted from your final

- Submit teacher’s passport to HR for VISA shortening if teacher break contract before the contract actual end date;

- Sign in the Contract Termination Letter.

Initials: _____ | _____

Strictly Private and Confidential 9
Date: _____________
Job Description
9 Month Schools Link Contract

This job description contains an overview of terms and conditions held within the Collective Labour Agreement and the
Language Link Vietnam company rules and regulations.

By signing below, teacher has confirmed that s/he has read, understood, and accepted all terms and conditions in this
contract, and other information related to employment and teaching in THB.

The teacher will receive signed and officially stamped copies of both this job description and their Vietnamese Labour Law
agreement and the contract annex within two weeks of signing.

For and on behalf of Language Link Vietnam For and on behalf of the employee

…………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………..
Gavan Iacono Xxxx

Date……………………………………….. Date……………………………………………..

Strictly Private and Confidential 10

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