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subject + present have (have/has) + past participle (regular verbs + ed / irregular verbs formas
SUBJECT + HAVE/HAS + V-ED (ollo cos cambios de spelling ao engadir -ed)

I have worked I haven’t worked Have I worked?

she has studied She hasn’t studied Has she studied?
they have eaten they haven’t eaten Have they eaten?
we have bought we haven’t bought Have we bought?

Short answers:
Yes, subject + has/have Yes, she has. / Yes, they have
No, subject + hasn’t/haven’t No, she hasn’t / No, they haven’t

Who has come?

What have you done?
Where have they been?


- Accións que empezaron no pasado e continúan no presente (ou remataron hai pouco)
- Accións pasadas que afectan ao presente ou teñen algunha relación co presente
- Accións pasadas que non se especifica cando sucederon
- Acción que se realizaron recentemente, hai moi pouco tempo.

Present perfect (2)

pasado presente futuro

past simple (1)

(1) I had a coffee at seven

(2) I have had a coffee this morning

Shakespeare wrote a lot of plays (faleceu)

Eduardo Mendoza has written a lot of novels (aínda vive)
Eduardo Mendoza wrote “Sin noticias de Gurb” in 1984


(ya, xa)
Colócase diante do verbo principal
He has already read the book
Have you already done the exercises?

(ya, xa, en interrogativas, colócase sempre ao final)

Have you done the exercises yet?

(aún, aínda en negativas)

He hasn’t come yet He hasn’t read the book yet


Co Present Perfect equivale a: acabar de facer algo (colócase diante do verbo principal)

He has just come (acaba de chegar)


Normalmente en preguntas (colócase diante do verbo principal)

(algunha vez)

Have you ever talked to him?

Have you ever been to…..?


(nunca) (colócase diante do verbo principal)

I have never seen him


por, para

co Past Simple e co Present Perfect pode formar unha expresión temporal, vai acompañado dun
período de tempo concreto (podería traducirse por durante, pero é moi habitual que nós non o
usemos, pero en inglés hai que poñelo)

(2)I have worked here for ten years (empecei a traballar aquí en 2011)
(1)I worked here for ten years (traballei aquí hai tempo, pero xa rematou, por exemplo de 2005

Present perfect (2) 2011 a 2021

pasado presente (2021)

past simple (1) 2005 a 2015


(desde, dende)
co Present Perfect pode formar unha expresión temporal, vai acompañado dun momento no tempo,
dunha data,…

I have worked here since 2011



1.- ten years ago (hai dez anos) vai con Past Simple I worked here ten years ago

2.- desde hace/dende hai ------ FOR (porque vai cun período de tempo concreto)

I have worked here for ten years

3.- dende … ata from …. to

tempo: I lived here from 1999 to 2009
lugar: I travelled from Paris to Sarria last week.

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