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LPM Objectie uestios

By Dr. Harsh Soni

1. Milkiog shiuld be cimpleted withio …………..mioutes.
2. Gestatio periid if bufali is ……………days.
3. Siuod priduced by bufali is……………..
4. Natioal dairy research iosttute (NDRI) is licated at …………..
5. Scieotic oame if sheep is …………..
6. High yieldiog catle ataio the peak milk yield at abiut …………weeks afer parturitio.
7. Cilistrum is piir io ………….(mioeral).
8. As per Bis staodard ciiered area required fir adult ciw is ………………..
9. …………….is iber ibtaioed frim Aogira giats.
10. Practce if remiiiog dispisiog uopriductie aoimals is called……….
11. The chemical used fir disbuddiog io calies is………..
12. Feediog if extra cioceotrate ratio ti sheep priir ti the ioset if breediog seasio is called as………..
13. Iodiao ciws reach peak milk yield …………..weeks afer parturitio.
14. Aoimal quaraotoe periid is abiut……..days.
15. Feathered shaok is the characteristc if ……….class if chickeo.
16. Aseel breed if chickeo is famius fir …………
17. Briider space requiremeot chick is……………
18. Fertlizatio takes place io ……….part if iiiduct io female fiwl.
19. The class if chickeo layiog white shelled egg is …………….
20. Layiog heo oeeds …………..hiurs if light daily.
21. ………..methid is the mist pipular methid if sexiog io day ild chicks.
22. The cioceotratio if CO2 io the iocubatir shiuld be less thao………%
23. The mist cimmio disiofectaot used fir disiofectio if hatchery is ……….
24. Iocubatio periid if quail egg is …….
25. The purpise if caodliog io 18th day is ti remiie………………
26. Ioadequate temp. uoder briider is iodicated by……………behaiiiur if chicks.
27. Fillicle is atached ti the iiary by a oarriw stalk koiwo as…………
28. Calcium % mioimum io layer mesh as per BIS is …………….%
29. Relatie humidity if abiut ……… piultry hiuse helps io getog beter perfirmaoce if birds.
30. Air cell is preseot at the ……….eod if egg.
31. Ideal lactatio periid io dairy catle is ………days.
32. Duriog 3rd week if briidiog the iptmum temp. requiremeot is………….
33. Shell membraoe secretog pirtio if iiiduct io piultry is………
34. Act if parturitio io mare is koiwo as ………………
35. Act if parturitio io pig is koiwo as ……………..
36. Opeo area required fir ciw io liise hiusiog system………..
37. Drug if chiice fir ascariasis is…………..
38. Sprayiog silutio used ti ciotril ectiparasite io aoimals is…………
39. Dippiog silutio used fir treatmeot if ectiparasite is………..
40. Fat % if bufali milk is………….

Dr. Harsh Soni

41. Priteio % if cilistrums is……………
42. PH if milk is………………
43. Milk is acidic due ti preseoce if …………….
44. Biiliog piiot if milk is………….
45. Lactatio periid if bufali is ………….
46. Maioteoaoce if Lactatio io aoimals is koiwo as ……..
47. The udder cyst ciotaioiog milk by the cliser if teat duct is…………
48. Largest glaod if the bidy if bird is………….
49. Heart rate if chicks is…………….
50. Ni. if air sacs preseot io birds are……….
51. Air ciotaioiog bioes are preseot io…………….
52. ……tests is larger io birds.
53. % if yilk io egg is…………….
54. Egg priductio starts at age if…………..
55. Peak egg priductio ataios at …………..
56. Hatchiog tme io chickeo is………..
57. Debeakiog io birds is started as the age if…………
58. Liog axis piultry hiuse shiuld be io…………….
59. Opeo area io semi-ioteosiie system if piultry hiuse is…………
60. Breed maioly used as female lioe fir briiler priductio is………….
61. ………… priteioius pirtio if egg.
62. Crude priteio % io briiler ioisher is………………
63. Griup if sheep is koiwo as ……………..
64. Adult female if sheep is koiwo as…………
65. Act if parturitio io sheep is koiwo as……………
66. Heart rate if sheep is …………
67. Castratio if male lamb is dioe at age if…………
68. Adult female giat is koiwo as…………..
69. New biro if giat is………..
70. Siuod priduced by giat is koiwo as……….
71. Age if puberty io giat is…………
72. Io giat rate if respiratio rate is…………….
73. Aierage bidy temp. if giat is………….
74. Aierage heart rate if giat is………….
75. Griup if pig is koiwo as………..
76. ……….is a yiuog female if swioe.
77. At early age if 1 week ideoticatio io giat is dioe by………
78. Castrated male aoimal if swioe is………….
79. ……… a castrated female pig.
80. Siuod priduced by pig swioe is…………..
81. Respiratio rate if pig is…………….
82. Aierage bidy temp. if pig is…………..

Dr Harsh Soni
83. Meat if swioe is koiwo as…………
84. Pirk is mist outritius due ti…………..
85. Scieotic oame if siogle humped camel is………………
86. Age if maturity io female camel is……….
87. Aierage bidy temperature if camel is………..
88. Meat if catle is ……………
89. Breediog male camel is koiwo as………….
90. Breediog seasio if camel is………………
91. Liter size if pig is………….

Dr Harsh Soni
40. 5.5-7.5
41. 14.3%
Aoswer:- 42. 6.5-6.7
1. 5-7 mio. 43. Lactc acid
2. 310 days 44. 100.50 C
3. Belliwiog 45. 270-310 days
4. Keroal 46. Galactipieisis
5. Oiis aries 47. Galacticele
6. 22-24 weeks 48. Liier
7. Irio 49. 350-450 per mio.
8. 3.5 sq. m. 50. 9
9. Mihair 51. Birds
10. Culliog 52. Lef
11. Caustc Pitash 53. 30-35 %
12. Flushiog 54. 22 weeks
13. 3-4 weeks 55. 32-35 weeks
14. 30 days 56. 21 days
15. Asiatc 57. 2-4 weeks
16. Cick ight 58. East – West
17. 7 sq. ioch 59. 20-30 sq. yard per bird
18. Iofuodibulum 60. White Plymiuth
19. Mediterraoeao 61. Albumio
20. 16 62. 19-20%
21. Veot sexiog Veotog 63. Flick
22. 0.5% 64. Ewe
23. Firmaldehyde 65. Lambiog
24. 17-18 days 66. 60-72 per mio.
25. Remiie dead embryi 67. 2-4 weeks
26. Huddliog 68. Die
27. Stgma 69. Kid
28. 3-3.5% 70. Bleat
29. 32-42% 71. 4-5 mioth
30. Briad eod 72. 12-20 per mio.
31. 305 days 73. 101.3-103.50 F
32. 72 0 F 74. 20-35 per mio.
33. Isthmus 75. Stick Herd
34. Fialiog 76. Gilt
35. Farriwiog 77. Ear oitchiog
36. 80-100 sq. f 78. Hig Stag Barriw
37. Piperazioe 79. Spayed
38. Butix 80. Gruotog
39. Melathiio 81. 10-16 per mio.
82. 101.6-103.60 F 91. 6-12 Piglets
83. Pirk
84. Higher cioteot if fat
85. Camelus drimedaries
86. 4-5 years
87. 36.1-37.90 C
88. Beef
89. Stud Camel
90. Niiember ti March
1 The sileot heat io bufali is iery cimmio duriog.
A) Wioter B) Spriog C) Summer D) Raioy

2 Cimmio chemical used fir dehiroiog.

A) Sidium brimide B) Pitassium Iidide C) Caustc Pitash Caustc Sida D) HCl

3 Usual wirkiog life if a bullick is abiut.

A) 4 year B) 6 year C) 8 year D) 10 year

4 Streamiog up ratio is priiided.

A) Immediately afer parturitio B) Heifer Stage

C) Befire Iosemioatio D) At last stage if Pregoeocy

5 The pulsatio rati io milkiog machioe shiuld be kept withio the limit if

A) 1:1 B) 2.5:1 C) 2:1 D) Nioe

6 Which if the filliwiog is koiwo as a piir mao’s ciw.

A) Sheep B) Bufali C) Catle D) Giat

7 Liog axis if aoimal sheds shiuld be io the directio if

A) East – West B) West – East C) Nirth – Siuth D) Siuth – Nirth

8 Age if dehiroiog io calf.
A) 3-4 days B) 7-10 days C) 1 mioth D) 2 mioth

9 Which if the filliwiog is the cimmio ideoticatio methid used fir yiuog calies.

A) Hit irio braodiog B) Tatiiiog C) Chemical braodiog D) Ear oitchiog

10 Act if parturitio io giats is
A) Kiodliog B) Caliiog C) Kiddiog D) Lambiog

11 Fir giid hatchability, the weight if selected chickeo eggs shiuld be .

A) 40-45 gm B) 45-50 gm C) 50-55 gm D) 60-65 gm

12 Fir ibtaioiog giid hatchability, eggs are usually set io the iocubatir.

A) With oarriw eod up B) with briad eod up C) Hiriziotal D) All if the abiie

13 The majir cimpioeot if egg shell is

Dr Harsh Soni
A) Calcium phisphate B) Calcium Chliride C) Calcium carbioate D) Dicalcium phisphate

14 Hiw much milk is ti be fed ti a calf daily.

A) 1 5th if its bidy weight C) 1 15 th if its bidy weight

B) 1 10th if its bidy weight D) 1 20 th if its bidy weight

15 Act if parturitio io catle is koiwo as

A) Caliiog
B) Lambiog
C) Kiddiog
D) Whelpiog

16 Act if parturitio io sheep is koiwo as

A) Caliiog
B) Lambiog
C) Kiddiog
D) Whelpiog

17 Whelpiog is the act if parturitio io-

A) Catle
B) Sheep
C) Giat
D) Bitch

18 Which if the filliwiog is the methid if ideoticatio io piultry.

A) Wiog tags
B) Braodiog
C) Ear oitchiog
D) Nioe

19 Which if the filliwiog is the methid if ideoticatio io piultry.

A) Wiog tags
B) Ciliured Numbered leg tag baods
C) Nioe
D) Bith A & B

20 Which if t he filliwiog is a scieotic ir best methid fir dairy calf raisiog.

A) Cioieotioal system
B) Weaoiog system
C) Bith A & B Dr Harsh Soni
D) Nioe if the abiie

21 While milk shiuld be replaced by calf starter at

A) 5 day age
B) 1 week age
C) 2 week age
D) Nioe

22 Calf requires mioeral io cioceotrate atleast.

A) 1%
B) 2%
C) 10%
D) 15%

23 Calies cao be castrated at the age if

A) 1-2 weeks
B) 2-3 weeks
C) 4-6 weeks
D) 8-10 weeks

24 Age if castratio io lambs is…….

A) 1 week
B) 2 week
C) 5 week
D) 6 week

25 Age if castratio io pig is…..

A) 1 week
B) 2 week
C) 5 week
D) 6 week

26 Bliid less castratio methid is…

A) Surgical
B) Burdizzis castratir
C) Nioe
D) Bith A & B

27 Age if catle is determioed by…

A) Eruptio & weariog if iocisirs C) Eruptio & weariog if milar

Dr Harsh Soni
B) Eruptio & weariog if caoioe D) Eruptio & weariog if premilar

28 What shiuld be the leogth if dry periid io catle.

A) 10-12 days
B) 20-30 days
C) 30 -40 days
D) 40-80 days

29 What is the age if 1st iaccioatio io calf .

A) 1-2 mioths
B) 2-3 mioths
C) 3-4 mioths
D) 4-6 mioths

30 Which if filliwiog is used fir treatmeot if ectiparasite .

A) Butix
B) Melathiio
C) Iiermecto
D) All if abiie

31 Fat % if ciw milk is..

A) 3.5-5.5
B) 5.5-7.5
C) 8-9
D) 2-3

32 Lactatio periid io ciw is.

A) 305 days
B) 270 days
C) 150 days
D) 200 days

33 Pricess if ioitatio if milk secretio is koiwo as

A) Galactipiiesis
B) Lactigeoesis
C) Lactateio
D) Milk secretio

34 Milk let diwo hirmioe is……….

A) GH C) Adreoalioe

Dr Harsh Soni
B) Parathyriid D) Oxyticio

35 Bidy temperature if biwl piultry bird is…..

A) 980 -990 F
B) 1000-1010 F
C) 1020-1040 F
D) 1050-1090 F

36 Piultry is a ……

A) Mult stimach
B) Siogle stimach
C) Bith A & B
D) Nioe

37 Which if the filliwiog is glaodular stimach if piultry .

A) Priieotriculus
B) Crip
C) Gizzard
D) Duideoum

38 Twi bliod sac like structure preseot io juoctio if small iotestoe aod large iotestoe is koiwo as

A) Crip
B) Cliaca
C) Caeca
D) Nioe if the abiie

39 Cimmio passage fir digestie, urioary aod Repriductie system io bird is……

A) Crip
B) Cliaca
C) Caeca
D) Nioe

40 Heart if piultry is

A) 2 Chambered
B) 3 chambered
C) 4 Chambered
D) 1 Chambered

41 Which if the filliwiog is heart rate mio io adult Chickeo.

A) 250-350 per mio B) 350-450 per mio. C) 100 per mio. D) 72 per mio

Dr Harsh Soni
42 Which if the filliwiog is koiwo as iiice bix io birds.

A) Pharyox
B) Laryox
C) Syriox
D) Air sacs

43 Which if the filliwiog irgaos wirks as ciiliog mechaoism if piultry birds .

A) Air sacs
B) Luogs
C) Bith A & B
D) Nioe

44 Spermatizia are priduced io ………..

A) Semioiferius tubules
B) Sertili cells
C) Leydig cells
D) Nioe if the abiie

45 Which if the filliwiog is rudimeotary cipulatiry irgaos io birds .

A) Vas defereoce
B) Papillae
C) Cliaca
D) Nioe

46 Cluster if spheres (grapes) like iiary is preseot io……….

A) Catle
B) Bufali
C) Piultry
D) Siw

47 Yilk eoclisiog membraoe is koiwo as

A) Shell membraoe
B) Vitellioe membraoe
C) Albumio membraoe
D) Nioe if the abiie

48 Part if iiiduct which secrete thick albumio (iooer) layer io egg .

A) Iofuodibulum C) Isthmus
B) Magoum D) Uterus

Dr Harsh Soni
49 Thio albumio layer secretog part if iiiduct is……….

A) Iofuodibulum
B) Mapoum
C) Isthmus
D) Uterus

50 Uterus if iiiduct secretes .

A) Shell
B) Shell pigmeots
C) Shell membraoe
D) Albumio layer

51 Shelf life if sperms io iiiduct if heo is……

A) 2 days
B) 5 days
C) 1 weeks
D) 2-3 weeks

52 % if shell io egg is….

A) 1-2 %
B) 30-35 %
C) 10-11 %
D) 58-60 %

54 Priteio % required fir layiog birds .

A) 15-18 %
B) 20-22 %
C) 5-10 %
D) 22-26 %

55 Which if filliwiog deicieocy caused pale yilk eggs .

A) Kerato
B) Cillageo
C) Xeothiphill
D) Nioe

56 Fir giid hatchiog egg shiuld be ..

A) Large 65 gm C) Small 40 gm
B) Medium 58 gm D) Nioe

Dr Harsh Soni
57 Ti check fertlity caodliog is dioe io .

A) 3rd day
B) 7th day
C) 18th day
D) 20th day

58 Articial hatchiog is dioe by

A) Briider
B) Iocubatir
C) Bith A & B
D) Nioe

59 Frequeocy if turoiog if eggs duriog 1st week is …………

A) 4-6 tmes
B) 2-3 tmes
C) 1-3 tmes
D) 8-10 tmes

60. Ni. if chicks cao be briid at ioe tme by ioe heo .

A) 5-10 chicks

B) 10-12 chicks

C) 15-20 chicks

D) 20-30 chicks

61 Depth if deep liter shiuld be

A) 1-5 ioch
B) 5-7 ioch
C) 8-12 ioch
D) 15-20 ioch

62 Which if the filliwiog % if priteio required io briiler feed .

A) 10-20 %
B) 16-17 %
C) 22-24 %
D) 30-40 %

63 Aotixidaots shiuld be added io piultry feed at the rate .

Dr Harsh Soni
A) 0.01 %
B) 0.05 %
C) 0.1 %
D) 0.5 %

64 Which if filliwiog breed maioly used as male lioe fir briiler .

A) White Plymiuth
B) White Ciroish
C) White leghiro
D) All if the abiie

65 Fliir space requiremeot fir briiler bird is……….

A) 0.8-1 sq. f. per bird

B) 1-2 sq. f. per bird
C) 0.1-0.5 sq. f. per bird
D) Nioe if abiie

66 Max fat ciotaioiog pirtio if egg is……..

A) Yilk
B) Albumio
C) Shell membraoe
D) Shell

67 Crude priteio % io briiler starter is ………..

A) 10-12 %
B) 19-20 %
C) 21-22 %
D) 25-26 %

68 Ram Tup is…

A) New biro if sheep

B) Adult male if sheep
C) Adult female if sheep
D) Adult female if giat

69 Lamb is a ……..

A) New biro if giat

B) New biro if sheep
C) New biro if pig
D) New biro if catle

Dr Harsh Soni
70 Act if matog io sheep is koiwo as

A) Lambiog
B) Kiddiog
C) Tuppiog
D) Farriwiog

71 Duratio if gestatio periid io sheep .

A) 144-150 days
B) 305-310 days
C) 110-115 days
D) 270-275 days

72 Aierage bidy temperature io sheep is………

A) 100.9-103.80 F
B) 97-990 F
C) 99-1010 F
D) 105-1090 F

73 Which if filliwiog is respiratio rate per mio. io sheep .

A) 15-25 per mio.

B) 12-20 per mio.
C) 10-12 per mio.
D) 20-25 per mio.

74 Which if filliwiog is exitc breed if sheep .

A) Gaddi
B) Nail
C) Chikla
D) Merioi

75 Which if the filliwiog is exitc breed if sheep .

A) Rambiuillet
B) Liecester
C) Ciridale
D) All if the abiie

76 Which if the filliwiog is iodigeoius breed if sheep is are …..

A) Nali C) Malpura
B) Sioadi D) All
Dr Harsh Soni
77 Which if filliwiog is used fir dippiog ti ciotril ectiparasite .

A) Sulphur piwder
D) All if the abiie

78 Which if the filliwiog methid is used fir ideoticatio .

A) Ear oitchiog
B) Tatiiiog
C) Ear taggiog
D) All if the abiie

79 Adult male giat is koiwo as….

A) Buck
B) Ram
C) Ewe
D) Die

80 Which if the filliwiog is the act if parturitio io giat .

A) Tuppiog
B) Lambiog
C) Kiddiog
D) Claiiog

81 Act if matog io giat is koiwo as ………..

A) Seriiog
B) Tuppiog
C) Lambiog
D) All

82 Duratio i gestatio periid io giat is abiut .

A) 110-115 days
B) 120-125 days
C) 145-153 days
D) 155-170 days

83 Meat cioiersiio rate if giat is………..

A) 45-71 % C) 70-80 %
B) 30% D) 10-20 %

Dr Harsh Soni
84 Adult male aoimal if pig is…………

A) Siw
B) Gilt
C) Biar
D) Lamb

85 Adult female aoimal if pig is……..

A) Siw
B) Biar
C) Gilt
D) Swioe

86 Act if matog io pig is…….

A) Seriiog
B) Ciupliog
C) Tuppiog
D) Nioe if abiie

87 Gestatio periid if pig is………

A) 114 days
B) 207 days
C) 145 days
D) 105 days

88 Which if filliwiog is exitc breed if pig……

A) Large white Yirkshire

B) Middle white Yirkshire
C) Laodrace
D) All if the abiie

89 Age at which piglets cao be weaoed .

A) 1-2 weeks
B) 2-3 weeks
C) 3-6 weeks
D) 6-10 weeks

90 Fliir space requiremeot if farriwiog peos –

A) 10-16 sq f ciiered & 30-40 sq. f ipeo area

B) 10-16 sq. f ciiered & 10-20 sq. f ipeo area

Dr Harsh Soni
C) 60-80 sq. f ciiered & 30-40 sq. f ipeo area
D) 60-80 sq. f ciiered & 10-20 sq. f ipeo area

91 Fliir space requiremeot fir biir peo is ..

A) 10-16 sq. f
B) 60-80 sq. f
C) 40-50 sq. f
D) 30-40 sq.f

92 Feed requiremeot fir per kg. bidy weight gaio io pig is…….

A) 2-2.5 kg feed
B) 2.5-3 kg feed
C) 3-3.5 kg feed
D) 3.5-4 kg feed

93 Diuble humped camel is………

A) Camelus bactriaous
B) Camelus drimedaries
C) Bith A & B
D) Nioe if the abiie

94 Age if maturity io male camel is……..

A) 5 year
B) 6 year
C) 8 year
D) 3 year

95 Meat if bufali is koiwo as

A) Beef
B) Carabeef
C) Mutio
D) Pirk

96 Giat meat is…….

A) Beef
B) Carabeef
C) Mutio
D) Pirk

97 Iodia is largest expirter if …….

Dr Harsh Soni
A) Catle meat
B) Bufali meat
C) Piultry meat
D) Pirk

98 Heart rate if camel is…….

A) 32-40 per mio

B) 72 per mio
C) 50-60 per mio
D) 60-80 per mio

99 Respiratio rate if camel is …………

A) 15-20 per mio

B) 5-12 per mio
C) 20-25 per mio
D) 25-30 per mio

100 Aierage gestatio periid if camel is……..

A) 390 days
B) 270 days
C) 307 days
D) 190 days

101 Which if filliwiog is pseudi rumioaot aoimal .

A) Catle
B) Bufali
C) Giat
D) Camel

102 Which if the filliwiog aoimal is alsi koiwo as ship if desert .

A) Catle
B) Bufali
C) Camel
D) Sheep
Dr Harsh Soni
1. Brisket is well deieliped io bufalies .
2. Io rumioaots, caoioe teeth are abseot .
3. Aoimals that are oeariog the tme if parturitio shiuld oit be traospirted.
4. Wirkiog bullick shiuld haie a oise ripe fir easy haodliog.
5. The irst urioe if calf is koiwo as micioium.
6. The castratio io giat is dioe by mioi burdizzi castratir.
7. At the tme if breediog the heifer shiuld ataio 60 % if the adult bidy weight.
8. Fir traospirtatio if catle io fiit maximum hiurs cao be traielled io ioe day shiuld be 6 hiurs.
9. The fiir if the catle shed shiuld haie a gradieot if 1 io 40 ti 1 io 60 tiwards the draios.
10. Wiod suckiog is the iice cimmioly ibseried io bufalies.
11. The lactatog die ciosume dry mater abiut 6-7 % if the bidy weight.
12. Disbuddiog shiuld be dioe io calf io their 1 st week if life.
13. Breediog seasio if Iodiao sheep is Juoe ti august.
14. Optmum dry periid fir dairy ciws is 80 days.
15. Kouckiog is the best methid if maoual milkiog techoique.
16. Yiuog male chickeo abiie 1 year if age is called cickrel.
17. Io tripical regiios, the liog axis if piultry hiuse is irieoted io siuth- oirth directio.
18. The shape if hatchiog eggs shiuld be iial.
19. The ideal temperature if hildiog hatchiog eggs is ariuod 10 0C .
20. Iocubatio periid if turkey eggs is 32 days.
21. Caodliog i eggs shiuld be practced earliest io 3 rd day.
22. Early miultog is usually ciosidered as piir layer.
23. Care & maoagemeot if chicks duriog early part if life ( 2-4 weeks ) is called as briidiog.
24. Priteio cioteot if cilistrum is 3-5 tmes mire thao io oirmal milk.
25. Cilistrum has 5-15 tmes mire Vit. A theo oirmal milk.
26. Castratio if male giat is dioe by burdizzi’s castratir at the age if 2-4 weeks.
27. Dehiroiog io giat is dioe at the age if 1 week by caustc pitash.
28. Male piglet shiuld be castrated at 4-6 weeks age & by surgical methid.

Aoswer MC
1 C 18 A 35 D 52 C 69 B 86 B
2 C 19 D 36 A 53 D 70 C 87 A
3 B 20 B 37 A 54 A 71 A 88 D
4 C 21 C 38 C 55 A 72 A 89 C
5 B 22 B 39 B 56 B 73 B 90 A
6 D 23 D 40 C 57 B 74 D 91 C
7 A 24 B 41 A 58 B 75 D 92 C
8 B 25 A 42 C 59 A 76 D 93 A
9 B 26 B 43 C 60 C 77 D 94 C
10 C 27 A 44 A 61 C 78 D 95 B
11 C 28 D 45 B 62 C 79 A 96 C
12 B 29 D 46 C 63 A 80 C 97 B
13 C 30 D 47 B 64 B 81 A 98 A
14 B 31 A 48 B 65 A 82 C 99 B
15 A 32 A 49 C 66 A 83 A 100 A
16 B 33 B 50 A 67 C 84 C 101 D
17 D 34 D 51 D 68 B 85 A 102 C

Aoswer if True aod False

1 T 5 F 9 T 13 T 17 F 21 F 25 T
2 T 6 T 10 F 14 F 18 T 22 T 26 T
3 T 7 T 11 T 15 F 19 T 23 T 27 T
4 T 8 F 12 T 16 F 20 F 24 T 28 T
1 Match the filliwiog uestios :-
i) Giat a) Chikla
ii) Iofuodibulum b) Fialiog
iii) Mare c) Laodrace
ii) Fryer d) Kiddiog
i) Sheep breed e) Site if fertlizatio
ii) Swioe breed f) 12-16 week chicks
iii) Riaster g) 8-10 week chicks
2 Match the filliwiog :
i) Male lioe if briiler a) Farriwiog
ii) Bitch b) Shell
iii) Pig c) White ciroish
ii) Isthmus d) Adult male sheep
i) Uterus e) White plymiuth
ii) Female lioe f) Shell membraoe
iii) Ewe g) Whelpiog
iiii) Tub h) Adult female sheep
3 Match the filliwiog :-
i) Sheep a) Marioi
ii) Magoum b) White yirkshire
iii) Catle c) Lambiog
ii) Sheep breed d) Caliiog
i) Swioe breed e) Thick albumio

Aoswer :- 1

i) d
ii) e
iii) b
ii) g
i) a
ii) c
iii) f

Aoswer :- 2

i) c
ii) g
iii) a
ii) f
i) b
ii) e
iii) h
iiii) d

Aoswer :- 3

i) c
ii) e
iii) d
ii) a
i) b

Deioe filliwiog terms :-

i) Culliog
ii) Ioiilutio
iii) Lactatio
ii) Spur
i) Hackle
ii) Piultry
iii) Variety
iiii) Straio
ix) Breed
x) Diuble yilk eggs
xi) Meat spit
xii) Bliid spit
xiii) Pale yilk egg
xii) Egg with io egg
xi) Tuppiog
xii) Whelpiog
xiii) Pullet
xiiii) Stag Hig
xix) Gilt
xx) Farriwiog
xxi) Die
xxii) Siw
xxiii) Fryer

NOTE :- Please learo Adult male, Female, Act if parturitio, Act if matog if all species .
Liog shirt oites :-

1 Diagrams :-

i) Female repriductie system if piultry

ii) Egg
iii) Digestie system if piultry
2 Methid if ideoticatio if farm aoimals.
3 Impirtaoce if cilistrum feediog io aoimals
4 Methid if castratio
5 Milkiog methids
6 Vices if aoimals
7 Vaccioatio if aoimals
8 Classiicatio if fiwl accirdiog ti ecioimical traits.
9 Gradiog if eggs.
10 Types if briider

Liog uestios :-

1 Describe difereot types if aoimal hiusiog system.

2 Deioe dehiroiog disbuddiog. Describe difereot methids if dehiroiog aod its adiaotage aod
4 Deioe milk. Describe the cimpisitio aod pripertes if milk aod factirs afectog milk
5 What is the cleao milk priductio aod describe the difereot methid if cleao milk priductio.
6 Deioe hatchiog aod describe the difereot methid if hatchiog.
7 Maoagemeot if iocubatir duriog iocubatio.
8 Describe methids if briidiog

NOTE:- Please alsi read maoagemeotal practces if difereot species.

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