IT Trends Exercise

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IT Trends Exercise - 20/12/2022

Please answer all questions. You may write down in a paper or type in Microsoft Word or
Google Docs and submit.

1. Define Industrial Revolution 4.0. What are the skills you need for the IR 4.0? (5 marks)
2. What are fundamental characteristics of big data? (5 marks)
3. One of the impacts of IR 4.0 is that it contributes more to advanced digital technologies.
Explain that. (3 marks)
4. It is vital to remove the information that is not essential and use the remaining data for
processing because most of the data you encounter is unstructured. This refers to
________________. (1 mark)
5. Explain the types of big data. (6 marks)
6. List the 5 most popular IoT devices in 2023. (5 marks)
7. What are examples of Unstructured data? (2 marks)
8. What are the cloud computing components? (3 marks)
9. In your opinion, what is the most important aspect of big data? (3 marks)
10. What are the examples of cloud computing usage? (3 marks)

Each submission will represent today’s attendance.

Submission: Before 10:00 am, 20/12/2022

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