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According to the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry, the production of chemicals should be designed to be
more sustainable, efficient, and environmentally friendly. In this context, the increased production of
ethylene (C2H4) compared to acetylene (C2H2) can be attributed to several factors that align with the
principles of green chemistry.

 P - Prevent waste: Ethylene production is more efficient and cost-effective compared to acetylene,
which reduces waste and conserves resources. Ethylene production has a higher atom economy
compared to acetylene production. This means that more of the starting materials are incorporated
into the final product, resulting in less waste.
 U - Use safe synthesis method: Ethylene production is generally safer and less hazardous compared
to acetylene production, which involves high temperatures and the use of flammable gases. Ethylene
production is more energy-efficient compared to acetylene production, which reduces greenhouse
gas emissions and conserves resources.
 V - Very few auxiliary substances: Ethylene production can be carried out using safer solvents and
auxiliaries, which reduces the risk of environmental and health hazards.
 R – Renewable materials: Ethylene production can be based on renewable feedstocks, such as
biomass, which reduces the dependence on fossil fuels and promotes sustainability.
 O – Omit derivatization steps: Ethylene production can be designed to minimize the production of
derivatives, which reduces waste and conserves resources.
 C – Catalytic reagents: Ethylene production can be facilitated using catalysts, which promote more
efficient and selective reactions, reduce waste, and conserve resources.
 D – Degradable chemical products: Ethylene can be designed to be biodegradable, which reduces the
environmental impact of its use and disposal.
 I – In-process monitoring: Ethylene production can be monitored in real-time to prevent pollution
and reduce environmental impact.
 Y – Yes, it’s safe: Ethylene production is inherently safer compared to acetylene production, which
reduces the risk of accidents and promotes safer and more sustainable practices. The use of ethylene
in many industrial applications has reduced the need for more hazardous chemicals, which promotes
safer and more sustainable practices.

Overall, the increased production of ethylene compared to acetylene aligns with many of the principles
of green chemistry, promoting more sustainable, efficient, and environmentally friendly chemical
production practices.

 At first, it’s used as an herbicide but in VN wars it’s turned to a deadly weapon. Deforestation, find
and destroy revolutionary base or crops, stop army operations.
 Agent Orange has caused serious consequences for Vietnam and the Vietnamese people after being
sprayed during the war. Below are some of the main consequences of Agent Orange on Vietnam:

Health impacts: Agent Orange can cause many diseases in humans, including cancer, heart disease,
diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, respiratory, immune system, genetic, and
developmental disorders. Agent Orange has caused death and destroyed the lives of millions of
Vietnamese people, causing survivors to suffer from many health and social problems.
Environmental impacts: Agent Orange can pollute land, water, and air, causing damage to flora and
fauna and hindering their development.

Economic impacts: Agent Orange has caused severe damage to the Vietnamese economy by reducing
agricultural production and destroying the production environment.

 Main toxic composition: DIOXIN

 Based on 12principles:

R – Renewable materials: Orange agent is not produced from recycled materials and cannot be

L – Low toxicity of chemical products: Orange agent does not meet the safe use criterion as it causes
many negative effects on health and the environment.

Non-polluting: Orange agent does not meet the non-polluting criterion as it pollutes the soil, water, and

Non-toxic: Orange agent does not meet the non-toxic criterion as it causes many negative effects on
human health and animals.

Protecting wildlife: Orange agent does not meet the protecting wildlife criterion as it causes many
negative effects on wildlife.

Y – Yes, it is safe. No, it’s not, It’s a catastrophic chemical weapon!

As a chemical engineer, here are some steps that can be taken to prevent such disasters as Agent

 Develop and implement safer and more environmentally friendly alternatives: Chemical engineers
can research and develop alternative chemicals that have fewer toxic effects on humans and the
 Conduct thorough safety tests for chemicals before they are released into the market: By conducting
comprehensive safety evaluations of new chemicals prior to their release to the market, we can
ensure that they are safe for human use and the environment.
 Strictly enforce regulations on hazardous chemicals: Governments can adopt strict regulatory
frameworks to ensure that hazardous chemicals are strictly monitored, controlled, and disposed of
 Educate the public on chemical safety: Chemical engineers can play an important role in educating
the public about the risks associated with hazardous chemicals and how to handle them safely.
 Support research into the long-term effects of chemicals on human health and the environment:
Chemical engineers can support further research into the long-term effects of chemicals, including
those that have already been released into the environment, to better understand the potential
impact on human health and the environment.

 Lignin in current chemical technology
Current chemical technology is developing processes to extract lignin from used byproducts and recycle
them into useful products. For example, lignin can be used to produce new materials, such as synthetic
plastics, rubber, paint, and adhesives, instead of using crude oil resources. These products may have
higher purity and durability than traditional products made from crude oil.

In addition, lignin can also be used as an alternative energy source. When burned, lignin produces heat
and electricity, helping to replace environmentally harmful energy sources such as coal or oil.

 Lignin suggestion:

In the future, chemical technology may continue to develop other applications for lignin and other wood
substances such as cellulose. Using lignin as a resource substitute for crude oil and natural gas is an
important trend to reduce dependence on fossil resources and reduce negative impacts of extracting
these resources on the environment.

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