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ish¨ u ysñlï weúßKs ]

KOgq gjpgqGhpikAilaJ]
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Name :

Institute :
ld,h ( meh 03 hs Marks : Rank :
lgmdvï ICT fjkqjg Practical ICT - f;akql úl%uisxy
PART 1 - HTML Ndú;fhka fjí wvú ixj¾Okh
HTML Tag ieleiau

² < > ;=< Tag ,súh hq;=hs'

² fndfyda Tag i`oyd Partner Tags mj;S' túg wdrïNh <tagname> f,i;a wjidkh
</tagname> f,i;a fhÈh hq;= h'
² Case Sensitive fkdfõ'
² Tag fh§fï fodaIhla mej;=kfyd;a error ,nd fkdfok w;r wod< tag tl u`. yeÍu

<h1 colour. "red" > H1 Tag Text </h1>

Tag Name
Attribute Content
Attribute Partner Tag/c tag

HTML fjí msgqjl jHQyh

< html >

< head >
< title > < / title >
< / head >

< body >

< / body >

< / html >

Page 01
01' < html > < / html >


02' < head > < / head >


03' < title > < / title >


04' < body > < / body >


ud;Dld fh§u

03' < h1 > < /h1 > - < h6> < /h6 >


Page 02
fþo fh§u

06' <P> </P>


mdG wdlD;slrKh (Text Formatting)

07' <b> </b>


08' < strong > < / strong >


09' <i> </i>


10' < mark > < / mark >


11' < del > < / del >


12' < sup > < / sup >


Page 03
13' < sub > < / sub >


14' <u> </u>


Practical Exercise - 01

italics highlight bold

SRI LANKA h1 underline


Sri Lanka formerly known as ceylon and officially the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka, is an Island country in South Asia. super
The total area is 65,610km . Current president is Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe script
and the former president Mr. Gotabaya Rajapakse resigned from his past on
09th of July 2022. deposed by the people.

hightlited del ^tl brlska lmkak&

by; fjí msgqj html NdIdj Ndú;fhka ks¾udKh lrkak'

rEm we;=<;a lsÍu

15' < img >
< img src = "img.png">


² html f.dkqj mj;sk f*da,avrfhau we;s img.jpg rEmh we;=<;a lrkak'


Page 04
² html f.dkqj mj;sk f*da,avrh ;=< we;s img keu;s f*da,avrfha wka;¾.; img.jpg rEmh
we;=<;a lrkak'

² html f.dkqj mj;sk f*da,avrh ;=< we;s img keu;s f*da,avrfha wvx.= front keu;s
f*da,avrh ;=< we;s img.jpg rEmh we;=<;a lrkak'

16' width yd height ieliSu'


17' image center lsÍu'

³ Image Map miqj idlÉPd flf¾'

Comments ^újrK&

< ! -- comment -- ! >


Attributes fh§u

18' File path ,nd §u (src)

< img src = "file path">

19' URL ,nd §u (href)

< a href = "url"> text < la >

20' width yd height (width) (height)

< img src = "file path" width = "120px" height = "100px">

Page 05
21' úl,am Text fmkaùu (alt)
< img src = "file path" alt = "alt text" >

22' NdIdj fmkaùu (Lang)

< html lang = "en" >

23' title fh§u (title)

wod< element u; mouse hover lsÍfï § tu title tl fmkajhs'
< h title = "first para" content < /P >
< h1 title = "first title" h1 heading < /h1 >

24' class/ id fh§u

element tlg wkkH yeÿkqula ,nd §u'
< p class = "para 1" < /p >
< p class = "para 2" < /p >
< p id = "p 1" < /p >
< p id = "p 2" < /p >

25' style fh§u (style)

lsishï element tllg wod<j lsÍu
< p style = "color : red ;" > < /p >

ineÈ tla lsÍu

26' < a > < la >

<a href = "url" > text < la >

² go to mdGh click l< úg "https:// www.google.lk" fj; fhduq ùu'


² img 1 u; click l< úg "https:// www.google.lk" fj; fhduq ùu'


Page 06
² go to mdGh click l< úg "https:// www.google.lk" kj tub tllska újD; ùu'

Practical Exercise - 02

highlight bold
SRI LANKA italics


Sri Lanka is formely known as ceylon and officially the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri L anka, is an island contry in South Asia.

img 1

² html f.dkqj mj;sk f*da,avrfha we;s img keu;s f*da,avrh ;=<

img1.jpg f,i mj;S'
² Wm 800px yd m<, 900px fõ'
² click l< úg https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Lanka hk fjí msgqj
fjk;a tab tllska open úh hq;= hs'

Page 07

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