Nguyễn Hữu Tài ls20

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Class code: 231_71ENG710073_23

Student’s name: Nguyễn Hữu Tài

Peer editor’s name:



Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students
are encouraged to make comments or even criticism on their teachers. Others think it
will lead to loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views and
give your own opinion.

• 1st draft

• Self-assessment (checklist)

• Peer assessment (checklist)

• Final version

The issue of whether high school students should criticize or complain as a means of
improving the quality of education remains a controversial topic in the field of education.
From my perspective, I agree with the former idea, and this essay will explore both
viewpoints in detail.
On the one hand, the primary reason for not allowing students to comment on their
teachers is that it can lead to a loss of respect and discipline in the educational
environment. Students may be impulsive and immature in their comments, which can
result in criticism of the teacher. Additionally, some schools prioritize economic
development over educational quality, which can lead to dissatisfaction among
students and parents. Therefore, when students are dissatisfied with the attitudes of
teachers or the quality of education, they should provide constructive feedback that
motivates schools to address these issues.
On the other hand, students should be encouraged to voice their complaints to their
teachers. Open discussions between teachers and students can be a valuable solution
for improving the quality of the learning environment. For example, when students are
dissatisfied with the school’s infrastructure, they can proactively discuss the issue with
their teacher, express their opinions, and work together to find the best solution.
Furthermore, teachers may have an opportunity to adjust their teaching methods to
better suit the needs of their students.
In conclusion, while students may not be suitable for providing criticism or complaints,
open discussions can have many benefits for improving the quality of education.

• Rubric for grading

• Link Sharepoint/ Onedrive/ Google drive your collaboration space (optional)

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