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Fall Midterm 2023

Sophomore Business English

Test date: 11/6 (Will contact by email to confirm, send it to me online)

Business Small Talk and Company Introduction

Your task is to work in a group of 2 of your choosing to write a dialogue of about 300 to 400
words (roughly 3 to 4 minutes). Imagine you're trying to bring a product into a new country and have to
market for that new customer base. One person will be the sales for the original company and the other
will be the buyer in the new country. You should follow ideas for telesales and hit each point on page 9
of your textbook. Since it’s introducing a product to a new market (the product can be real or made up
by yourselves) assume the buyer is an importer and will be your sales channel in the new country.

1) Introduce both speakers including their job title and the company they work for. The seller
should follow a telesales script trying to get the buyer interested in the product. The buyer
should respond with their concerns about the product, up to you if they agree to meet for

2) Introduce at least one product and what market you're trying to introduce it to in your
dialogue. Talk about what challenges the product will face (this is dealing with difficulties from
page 9) and how the company will modify it. This aspect can mention things that might be
included in a SWOT or 5P analysis. Example: Our product is very durable but is also large. We
think that consumers in this market won't like it because they prefer something that will easily
fit into a pocket or small purse. Don't list SWOT points out, this isn't a ppt. Example of what not
to do: Our strengths are durability and quality. The expensive price is a weakness. Etc.

3) Turn in a typed 5 Ps and SWOT of your product. Also turn in a typed copy of your dialogue.

4) On the test date you will present your dialogue to me. You may use notes but should be
practiced. Just reading from your script will lose points.

Grading Criteria:

Speaking Skills: 30%

Grammar: 30%

Content: 40%

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