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Lesson Plan SCRATCH

Lesson -1
By completing this activity, students will:
+ be introduced to computational creation with the Scratch programming
environment by watching the Scratch overview video or exploring sample projects

+ be able to imagine possibilities for their own Scratch-based computational


 Introduction video

 Sample projects

 Logging into the accounts

Change the passwords

 Design journal
Notebooks for scratch to record the work done, cards,
assignments, ideas, reflections.
+ How would you describe Scratch to a friend?
+ Write or sketch ideas for three different Scratch projects you are
interested in creating.
 Intro tutorial

Untitled-5 on Scratch

Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (

 Scratch surprise
+ What did you figure out?
+ What do you want to know more about?

 Scratch studio
+ What are Scratch studios for?
+ What did you find interesting or inspiring about looking at other projects?
+ What two comments did you share?
+ What is “good” feedback?

 Review

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