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** *How many types of communication media are there ? / Describe briefly the
different types of media of communication. *** Very Important***

1. Oral communication: It is actually a verbal communication and very effective in many

senses. It may be face-to-face verbal communication or remote verbal communication
through telephonic talk. It is easier, understandable, quick and complete.

In verbal communication sender and receiver both have the chance to get immediate
reaction or reply which is important for completeness of communication. However it
may be problematic if the channel used has any technical fault.

It cannot be used for legal purposes and maintaining/preserving record.

Manager , supervisor , executives prefer to use this method to communicate with their

2. Written Communication: It is done in a written form mainly in a text format.

However other format may also be used. A Letter, Fax, Telegram, Email, Whatsapp
message etc are all in this category. Some written report in the form of news letter ,
journal etc may also be there.

In a written communication process may be delayed due to physical distance between

sender and delayed reply. It may be interrupted due to technical or logistic fault of the
channel used.

It is preferred for taking official records.

3. Visual Communication: Visual communication is the act of using photographs, art,

drawings, sketches, charts and graphs to convey information. Visuals are often used as an
aid during presentations to provide helpful context alongside written and/or verbal
communication. Because people have different learning styles, visual communication
might be more helpful for some to consume ideas and information.

4. Non-verbal communication: It is the use of body language, gestures and facial

expressions to convey information to others. It can be used both intentionally and
unintentionally. For example, you might smile unintentionally when you hear a pleasing
or enjoyable idea or piece of information. Nonverbal communication is helpful when
trying to understand others’ thoughts and feelings.

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