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A. Match the special agency of the UN with its aims.

1. Welfare of children of the world a. FAO
2. Freedom from hunger b. ILO
3. Promotion of education, science and culture c. UNICEF
4. Improve conditions of the working-class d. WHO
5. Improve health of people e. UNESCO
Ans: 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. d

B. Write T for True and F for False sentences

1. The only aim of the UN is to prevent wars. (F)

2. All nations are members of the Security Council. ( F)
3. The General Assembly is the most powerful organ of the UN. (F)
4. There have been no wars between nations after the UN was formed. (F)
5. India has never had a seat in the Security Council. ( F)

C. Multiple Choice Questions.

1. The set of rules according to which the UN is governed is called

a. the Constitution of the United Nations
b. the Government of the United Nations
c. the Secretariat
d. the Charter of the United Nations
2. Which of these is not an aim of the UN:
a. to maintain international peace
b. to encourage respect for human rights
c. to help the less developed nations achieve progress
d. to govern newly-formed nations
3. In the General Assembly,
a. all countries have one vote
b. countries with larger populations have more votes
c. countries that are more developed have more votes
d. the poorer countries have more votes
4. The most powerful organ of the UN is the
a. the General Assembly
b. the Security Council
c. The international Court of Justice
d. the Secretariat
5. The agency of the UN that is responsible for the welfare of children all over the world is the
a. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
b. UNICEF (originally called the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund)
c. WHO (World Health Organization)
d. ILO (International Labour Organization)

6. Which country followed the policy of apartheid?

a. the USA
b. Britain
c. South Africa
d. Germany


I. Expound the words.

1. Secretariat: a permanent administrative office or department, especially a governmental one.

2. Organization: an organized group of people with a particular purpose, such as a
business orgovernment department.

II. Answer the following questions.

Q1. Why was the United Nations formed? [WRITE IN N. B]

Ans: The two World Wars left many nations destroyed and millions dead or injured. So the nations of
the world came forward to form the United Nations whose main aim was to prevent future wars.

Q2. Beside maintaining world peace, in what other ways does the UN help its member countries?
Ans: The United Nations sends peace-keeping forces to countries which are in danger of war, it expects
the richer nations to help the poorer countries improve their living conditions and to uphold human
rights in their countries.

Q3. Name the six organs of the UN. Which organ is the most powerful? [MARK THE
ANSWERC.B.Page no:127 Topic: Structure of UN HW. Write in notebook]

Ans: The six organs of the UN are:

➢ The General Assembly
➢ The Security Council
➢ The Secretariat
➢ The Economic and Social Council
➢ The International Court of Justice
➢ The Trusteeship Council.
The Security Council is the most powerful organ of the UN.


Q4. Name the five permanent members of the Security Council. [MARK THE ANSWER
C.B.Page no: 128 Topics: The Security Council HW. Write in notebook]

Ans: Five permanent members: China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the
United States.

Q5. Who is the head of the UN? List his or her main responsibilities.[WRITE IN N. B]
Ans: The head of the UN is the Secretary-General. He or she oversees the day-to-day work of the
UN and also carries out the decisions taken by the Security Council.

Secretary-General: Antonio Guterres

Q6. What do you mean by ‘specialized agencies’ of the UN? Name any four agencies of the UN.
Ans: Specialized agencies are agencies that run programs dealing with food, working conditions,
health, education and the environment and agriculture of its member countries. The four specialized
agencies are UNICEF, UNESCO, WHO and ILO.

Q7. What is apartheid? Why did India oppose it? [WRITE IN N. B]

Ans: Apartheid is the policy that treats Blacks as inferior to Whites in South Africa. The Indian
government opposed this policy since it holds that no human being must be considered inferior or
superior due the color of his or her skin.

III. HOTS (High Order Thinking skills).

Q1. War has broken out between two nations, and the UN decides that one of them has wrongly
attacked the other. What action can the Security Council take against the country that attacked
first? [WRITE IN N. B]

Ans: The Security Council can send a peace-keeping force to the country which has been
attacked so, that the war is stopped. It can also impose sanctions against the country that

Q2. The Indian cricket team has started playing against South Africa only a few years back. There
were no matches between India and South Africa before that. What do you think is the reason for
this? [WRITE IN N. B]

Ans: Since India was opposing the policy of apartheid in South Africa, it did not maintain any ties with the
country. A few years ago, South Africa abolished this policy so India started playing cricket matches with
the country once again.




A. Identify the country where the following were developed for the first time.

1. The Hindu-Arabic system of writing numbers: India

2. A script for writing a language: Sumerians
3. Paper from papyrus: China
4. Block printing: China
5. Reusable types for printing: Germany
6. Braille script: France

C. Multiple Choice questions.

1. In ancient India knowledge was mostly passed on

a. by writing on paper
b. by drawing pictures
c. by printing books
d. orally

2. Hindi is written in the

a. Brahmi script
b. Devanagiri script
c. Braille script
d. Sumerian scrip

3. Paper was invented in

a. India
b. China
c. England
d. Germany

4. Printing using types was invented in:

a. India
b. China
c. England
d. Germany

5. Which of these is the script used for printing books for the visually challenged?
a. Brahmi script
b. Devanagiri script
c. Braille script
d. Sumerian script


I. Expound the words.

1. Tablets: A system of signs on blocks of clay.
2. Alphabet: Alphabets are nothing but symbols representing different sounds humans produce.

II.Answer the following questions.

Q1. What problems arise if knowledge is communicated only orally? [WRITE IN N. B]

Ans: When knowledge is communicated orally it reaches only a few people and it can result in loss of
knowledge. 5
Q2. Where was the oldest script developed in India? [MARK THE ANSWER -C. B Page no: 79]
Ans: The oldest script in India was discovered in the seals of the Indus Valley Civilization.

Q3. What is the advantage of the Hindu-Arabic system of writing numbers?

[MARK THE ANSWER -C. B Page no: 79]
Ans: In the Hindu-Arabic system we use only 10 symbols to represent any number.

Q4. How did the Chinese make paper several hundred years ago?
[MARK THE ANSWER -C. B Page no: 79]
Ans: True paper, as we know it today, was first made by the Chinese about 1900 years ago. It was probably
made from the bark of trees. The bark was made into pulp and then spread out in thin sheets and left to dry.
Today, wood pulp is used to make paper.

Q5. How was printing done using wooden blocks? [MARK THE ANSWER -C. B Page no: 80]
Ans: Printing was developed in China about 2000 years ago. The Chinese cut designs on flat blocks of
wood. Ink was applied on the block, and it was pressed on paper. Thus, an impression of the design was
made on paper. This method was used by the Chinese to print books. Though the blocks took a long time to
make, several copies of a book could be made from them.

Q6. What was the disadvantage of printing books using wooden blocks? How did it affect the spread
of knowledge? [WRITE IN N. B]
Ans: It took a long time to cut the designs on the wooden blocks and very few copies could be made from
them. Many books could not be printed using this method because it was difficult and laborious.

Q7. What was the advantage of Gutenberg's method of printing? [WRITE IN N. B]

Ans: Small metal moulds were made for each alphabet, so it could be arranged into words, lines and pages.
This process was faster and books could be printed in larger numbers. The cost of the book was cheaper so
more people could read them.

Q8. Describe the Braille script. How does a visually challenged person read
it?[MARK THE ANSWER -C. B Page no: 81]

Ans: A special script called Braille allows a person who cannot see to read a book, using his or her fingers.
The script was developed by Louis Braille in France. In Braille, the letters of each word are printed in
patterns of small dots. These dots are raised from the surface of the paper, so that the visually challenged can
feel them with the fingers. Braille is read by lightly running their fingers along these dots.

Q9. How are progress and literacy related? [WRITE IN N. B]

Ans: For a country to make progress, knowledge has to be communicated to a large number of people.
This is possible if the people can read or write. So, a country’s progress is closely connected to the literacy
level of the people.

II. HOTS (High Order Thinking skills).

Q1. DO you think knowledge spread faster and to a larger number of people after Gutenberg's invention?
Why? [WRITE IN N. B]
Ans: Yes, knowledge spread faster and to a larger number of people as more books could be printed at
cheaper costs.

Q2. What is the advantage of communicating knowledge by writing? [WRITE IN N. B]
Ans: The written word can be preserved for a long time and shared among a large number of people.



A. Fill in the blanks.

1. The first European to find a sea route to India was Vasco da Gama
2. The British became very powerful in Bengal After the Battle of Plassey in 1757.
3. The Revolt of 1857 started in the city of Meerut.
4. Bahadur Shah Zafar was declared the leader of the 1857 revolt.
5. The British government took over the control of India from the East India The British Company.

B. Write T for true and F for false sentences.

1. On his first trip to India, Vasco da Gama landed in the City of Calcutta. (F)
2. The British bought cheap raw materials from Indians and sold them as finished goods at high prices. (T)
3. India became independent from British rule after the rule of East India Company ended. (F)
4. The British able to take control of India because the rulers were always fighting among themselves. (T)
5. The Revolt of 1857 was the first war of independence fought by the Indians. (T)

C. Multiple Choice Questions.

1. Which of these countries traded with India about 500 years ago?
a) Britain
b) Portugal
c) French
d) all of these

2. One of the main items the European traders bought from India Was:
a) furniture
b) jewellery
c) spices
d) arms

3. The Indian soldier who started the revolt against the British was
a) Tantia Tope
b) Nana Saheb
c) Rani Lakshmi Bai
d) Mangal Pandey

4. The Mughal Emperor who participated in the First War of Independence was
a) Bahadur Shah Zafar
b) Akbar
c) Humayun
d) Shah Jahan

5. Who did British defeat in the Battle of Plassey?
a) Tantia Tope
b) Nana Saheb
c) Rani Lakshmi Bai
d) Siraj-ud-Daulah


I. Expound the words.

1. Defeated: having been beaten in a battle or other contest.

2. Uprising: an act of resistance or rebellion
3. Cartridges: A cartridge is also a tube containing an explosive substance and often a bullet for use in a

II.Answer the following questions.

Q1. Which European country was the first to start trade with India?
[MARK THE ANSWER -C. B Page no: 135]
Ans: The Portuguese were the first to start trade with India.

Q2. Name three other European countries that started trading with India. [WRITE IN N. B]
Ans: The three European countries are Denmark, France and Britain.

Q3. Why did the countries trading with India fight among themselves? Who finally won the fight?
[MARK THE ANSWER -C. B Page no: 135]
Ans: Each of the countries trading with India wanted a larger share of the trade so they fought among
themselves. In the end, Britain won the fight and took the major share of rights to trade with India.

Q4. What gave the British an opportunity to start gaining control India?
[MARK THE ANSWER -C. B Page no: 136]
Ans: Around 250 years ago, the Mughal Empire in India had started declining. Several regional kingdoms
emerged that were always fighting amongst themselves. The British took advantage of the constant fighting
between them, and started gaining control over India.

Q5. Explain why the Industrial Revolution in Britain was bad for the weavers in India.
[MARK THE ANSWER -C. B Page no: 136-137]
Ans: The Industrial Revolution saw many factories being established in England. These factories produced
mill cloth which was sold in India. The cloth was cheaper and of better quality than what the weavers in
India could produce. So, people bought the mill cloth and the Indian handloom industry suffered.

Q6. Give one example of an unjust law made by the British to take over kingdoms in India.
[MARK THE ANSWER -C. B Page no: 137]
Ans: One of the unjust laws that the British made started that if a ruler died without a child, his or her
kingdom would be taken over by the British.

Q7. Why were the Indian soldiers unhappy with the new rifles?
[MARK THE ANSWER -C. B Page no: 137]

Ans: A rumour spread that the cartridges that the soldiers used were greased with the fat of cows and pigs. The
soldiers had to bite the end of the cartridges to fire them. This angered both the Hindus and the Muslims because
the Hindus regard the cows as sacred and the Muslims regard pigs as unclean.

Q8. Why were the British able to crush the Revolt of 1857?
[MARK THE ANSWER -C. B Page no: 138]
Ans: The British had superior weapons and greater military strength, so they were able to crush the Revolt of

Q1. ‘Even though the Revolt of 1857 did not succeed, it taught the Indians an important lesson.’
Explain. [WRITE IN N. B]
Ans: Even though the revolt of 1857 did not succeed, Indians learnt that if they stayed united, they could
defeat the British. They also realized the value of freedom and understood the unjust laws that Britain had
imposed on them.


A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Nuuk, Godthab
2. Tundra
3. Icebergs
4. Eskimos, Inuit
5. Igloos
B. Match the columns.
1. c 2. e 3. d 4. b 5.a
C. Multiple Choice Questions.

1. North of Arctic Circle

2. fishing and hunting
3. skin and fur
4. Inuit
5. 15,000 (approximate population of a big village in India)

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Temperate Zone
2. Hot, cold
3. Mississippi, Missouri
4. wheat
5. ranches
B. Match the columns.
1. c 2. f 3. d 4. a 5. b 6.e

C. Multiple Choice Questions.

1. between latitude 23 ½° N and 662 N and between latitude 23 ½ °S and 662 °S

2. prairies
3. plenty of grass and very few trees
4. west

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. thermometer
2. stethoscope
3. microscope
4. scanner
5. antibiotic
B. Multiple Choice Questions.
1. Clinical thermometer
2. All of these
3. Anaesthetic
4. Small pox
5. Antiseptic

A. Write T for true and F for false sentences.
1.F 2.T 3. T 4.F 5.F

B.Fill in the blanks.

1. disaster
4.unhygienic conditions

C. Multiple Choice Questions. in a house caused by electrical short circuit the open, away from tall buildings and trees
3.all of these
5.floods and drought


➢ Identify the symbols, write the full forms & aims

Assertion (A) & Reason (R) based questions

Q.1.) Assertion (A): The US dropped the atomic bomb in Japan to dominate in the war.
Reason (R): The United Nations was formed on the 24th of October, 1945, in a bid to restore and
maintain world peace.
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) A is false, but R is true.

(The correct option is B Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
The United States dropped two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in
August, 1945. The United Nations was formed on the 24th of October, 1945, in a bid to restore and maintain
world peace. The dismissal of wars and the constant urge to maintain peace is clearly stated in the Charter of
the United Nations.)

Q.2.) Assertion (A): United Nations Organization was formed on 24th October 1945 is a multipurpose
Reason (R): The United Nations Organization is a multipurpose organization aims at
International peace and security, established on 24 October 1945.
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) A is false, but R is true.

(The correct option is B United Nations Organization

The United Nations Organization is a multipurpose organization aims at international peace and security,
established on 24 October 1945. It is headquartered in New York, U.S.)

Q.3.) Assertion (A): International Organizations play a very important role in maintaining peace.
Reason(R): Countries have conflicts and differences with each other.

(a) Both the A and the R are correct and the R is the correct explanation of the A.
(b) Both the A and the R are correct but the R is not the correct explanation of the A.
(c) The A is incorrect but the R is correct.
(d) The A is correct but the R is incorrect.



1.Hands on-Do your own block printing (Refer C.B Page No.84).


Assertion (A) & Reason (R) based questions

1. A: Braille language is used by deaf people to read.

R: The language consists of raised dots which helps a person to feel the word and understand it.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
2: Assertion: The first book that Gutenberg printed was the Bible.
Reason: About 500 copies were printed and it took two years to produce them.
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.
1. Write a paragraph or explain The Revolt of 1857-The First War of Independence.


Assertion (A) & Reason (R) based questions

1. Assertion: The revolt of 1857 was the first great struggle of the Indians to throw of British rule
Reason: The soldiers who revolted were inspired by nationalistic feelings
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is False
d) A is false but R is true

2. Assertion: In the 18th century, European merchants found it difficult to expand production within towns.
Reason: Town had absolute technology.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is correct but R is wrong
d) A is wrong but R is correct


SUBJECT: ಕನ್ನಡ

ಪದ್ಯಪಾಠ - ೩ ಅಮ್ಮ
I.ಹ ೊಸ ಪದ್ಗಳು (New words)
1.ಅನುರಾಗ - Love
2.ಊಟೆ - Water splash, Fountain
3.ನಭ - Sky
4.ಸಿರಿ - Wealth
5.ದಿಕ್ಸೂಚಿ - Compass
6.ನುಡಿ - Speech
7.ಮಾತೆ - Mother
8.ಹರಸು - Bless

II.ಈ ಕ ಳಗಿನ್ ಪರಶ್ ನಗಳಿಗ ಒಂದ್ು ವಾಕಯದ್ಲ್ಲಿ ಉತ್ತರಿಸಿ. (Answer the following questions)
1.ತಾಯಿಯ ನುಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಏನು ತುುಂಬಿದೆ ಎುಂದು ಕ್ವಿ ಹೆೇಳುತಾಾರೆ?
ಉತಾರ : ತಾಯಿಯ ನುಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಜೆೇನು ತುುಂಬಿದೆ ಎುಂದು ಕ್ವಿ ಹೆೇಳುತಾಾರೆ.

2.ತಾಯಿ ಜೆಸೇಗುಳವನುು ಹೆೇಗೆ ಹಾಡುತಾಾಳ ೆ?

ಉತಾರ : ತಾಯಿ ಜೆಸೇಗುಳವನುು ಅನುರಾಗದಿುಂದ ಹಾಡುತಾಾಳ ೆ.

3.ಮಗುವಿಗೆ ಮೊದಲ ಪಾಠಶಾಲೆ ಯಾವುದು?

ಉತಾರ : ಮನೆಯೇ ಮಗುವಿಗೆ ಮೊದಲ ಪಾಠಶಾಲೆ.

III.ಈ ಕ ಳಗಿನ್ ಪರಶ್ ನಗಳಿಗ ಎರಡು ಮ್ೊರು ವಾಕಯದ್ಲ್ಲಿ ಉತ್ತರಿಸಿ.

(Answer the following questions in two – three sentence)
1.ತಾಯಿ ಪ್ರೇತಿಯಿುಂದ ಲಾಲ್ಲ ಹಾಡುವ ಬಗೆ ಹೆೇಗೆ?
ಉತಾರ : ತಾಯಿಯ ನುಡಿಯು ಜೆೇನಿನುಂತೆ ಮಧುರವಾಗಿದೆ. ಅವಳ ಎದೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರೇತಿ , ವಾತೂಲಯ ತುುಂಬಿ ಎಲಿವನಸು
ಅನುರಾಗದೆಸುಂದಿಗೆ ಒಟ್ುುಗಸಡಿಸಿ ಲಾಲ್ಲ ಹಾಡುವಳು.

IV.ಹ ೊಂದಿಸಿ ಬರ ಯಿರಿ. (Match the following)

1.ನುಡಿ - ಮಾತು
2.ಅನುರಾಗ - ಪ್ರೇತಿ
3.ಊಟೆ - ನಿೇರಿನ ಚಿಲುಮೆ
4.ನಭ - ಆಕಾಶ
V.ಕ ೊಟ್ಟಿರುವ ಪದ್ಗಳಿಗ ಸವಂತ್ ವಾಕಯ ರಚಿಸಿ. (Make sentence for the given words below)
1.ನಭ - ನಭದಲ್ಲಿ ಪಕ್ಷಿಗಳು ಹಾರಾಡುತಾವೆ.
2.ತಾಯಿ - ನನು ತಾಯಿ ಎುಂದರೆ ನನಗೆ ತುುಂಬಾ ಇಷ್ು.

VI.ಈ ಕ ಳಗಿನ್ ಪದ್ಗಳಿಗ ವಿರುದ್ಾಾರ್ಥಕ ಪದ್ ಬರ ಯಿರಿ. (Write the opposite words)

1.ಸತಯ X ಅಸತಯ
2.ಕ್ರುಣೆ X ನಿಷ್ಕರುಣೆ
3.ಒಡೆಯ X ಸೆೇವಕ್
4.ಮೊದಲು X ಕೆಸನೆ

ಗದ್ಯಪಾಠ ೩
ಧೀರ ಬಾಲಕ ನ್ರ ೀಂದ್ರ
I.ಹ ೊಸ ಪದ್ಗಳು: (New words)
1.ಅರಿ - Know, Understand
2.ಮಾಲ್ಲ - Gardener
3.ಕೆುಂಡ - Fire coal, Live coal
4.ಚಿುಂತನೆ - Think, Thought
5.ಕ್ುತಸಹಲ - Curiosity
6.ಏಕಾಗರತೆ - Concentration
7.ಬೆರಗು - Surprise, wonder
8.ಸಿದಧ - Ready

II.ಈ ಕ ಳಗಿನ್ ಪರಶ್ ನಗಳಿಗ ಒಂದ್ು ವಾಕಯದ್ಲ್ಲಿ ಉತ್ತರಿಸಿ. (Answer the following questions)
1.ಬಾಲಕ್ ನರೆೇುಂದರನ ಮೆೇಲೆ ಏನು ಹರಿದು ಹೆಸೇಯಿತು?
ಉತಾರ : ಬಾಲಕ್ ನರೆೇುಂದರನ ಮೆೇಲೆ ಹಾವು ಹರಿದು ಹೆಸೇಯಿತು.

2.ನರೆೇುಂದರ ತೆಸೇಟ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಯಾರಿಗಾಗಿ ಕಾದನು?

ಉತಾರ : ನರೆೇುಂದರ ತೆಸೇಟ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಗೆಳೆಯರಿಗಾಗಿ ಕಾದನು.

3.ರಾಮಕ್ೃಷ್ಣ ಪರಮಹುಂಸರು ನರೆೇುಂದರನನುು ಯಾವ ಹೆಸರಿನಿುಂದ ಕ್ರೆದರು?

ಉತಾರ : ರಾಮಕ್ೃಷ್ಣ ಪರಮಹುಂಸರು ನರೆೇುಂದರನನುು ಸಾಾಮಿ ವಿವೆೇಕಾನುಂದ ಎುಂಬ ಹೆಸರಿನಿುಂದ ಕ್ರೆದರು.

III.ಕ ೊಟ್ಟಿರುವ ಪರಶ್ ನಗಳಿಗ ಎರಡು ಮ್ೊರು ವಾಕಯದ್ಲ್ಲಿ ಉತ್ತರಿಸಿ.

(Answer the following questions in two – three sentence)
1.ಬಾಲಕ್ ನರೆೇುಂದರನ ಮೆೇಲೆ ಹಾವು ಹರಿದ ಪರಸುಂಗ ಯಾವುದು?
ಉತಾರ : ಬಾಲಕ್ ನರೆೇುಂದರ ಕ್ಣ್ುುಚಿಿ ಚಿುಂತನೆ ಮಾಡುತಿಾದದ, ಮೆೈ ಮೆೇಲೆ ಪರಿವೆ ಇರಲ್ಲಲಿ. ಅವನ ಮೆೈ ಮೆೇಲೆ ಹಾವು ಹರಿದು

IV.ಈ ಮಾತ್ನ್ುನ ಯಾರು, ಯಾರಿಗ ? ಹ ೀಳಿದ್ರು. (Who said this to whom?)
1.ಪಾರಣಿಗಳ ತುಂಟೆಗೆ ಹೆಸೇಗದಿದದರೆ ಅವು ನಮುನುು ಏನು ಮಾಡುವುದಿಲಿ?
ಉತಾರ : ಈ ಮಾತನುು ನರೆೇುಂದರನು ತನು ಗೆಳೆಯರಿಗೆ ಹೆೇಳಿದನು.

2."ಇದು ಹೆೇಗೆ ಸಾಧಯ?"

ಉತಾರ : ಈ ಮಾತನುು ಡಾಯರ್ ಸನ್ ಸಾಾಮಿ ವಿವೆೇಕಾನುಂದರಿಗೆ ಕೆೇಳಿದರು.

V.ಆವರಣದಿಂದ್ ಸೊಕತವಾದ್ ಪದ್ ಆರಿಸಿ ಖಾಲ್ಲ ಜಾಗದ್ಲ್ಲಿ ಬರ ಯಿರಿ.

(Choose the correct word from the bracket and fill in the blanks)
(ಕುತ್ೊಹಲ, ಧ್ಾಯನ್, ಓದ್ುವಾಗ)
1.ನರೆೇುಂದರನು ಧ್ಾಯನ್ ಮಾಡುತಿಾದಾದಗ ಮೆೈ ಮೆೇಲೆ ಹಾವು ಹರಿಯಿತು.
2.ನಾನು ಓದ್ುವಾಗ ಉರಿವ ಕೆುಂಡವನುು ನನು ಮೆೇಲ್ಲಟ್ುರು ಗೆಸತಾಾಗುವುದಿಲಿ ಎುಂದನು.
3.ನರೆೇುಂದರನಿಗೆ ಭಸತದ ಬಗೆಗೆ ಕುತ್ೊಹಲ ಇತುಾ.

VI.ವಚನ್ ಬದ್ಲ್ಲಸಿ ಬರ ಯಿರಿ. (Write the plural form)

1.ಚಿತರ - ಚಿತರಗಳು
2.ತೆಸೇಟ್ - ತೆಸೇಟ್ಗಳು
3.ಭಸತ - ಭಸತಗಳು
4.ವೃದಧ - ವೃದಧರು
5.ಕ್ಲುಿ - ಕ್ಲುಿಗಳು

VII.ವಿಭಕ್ತತ ಪರತ್ಯಯಗಳು: (Vibhakti pratyayagalu)

ಸಾತುಂತರವಾ ಗಿ ಅರ್ಥವಿಲಿದೆ ನಾಮಪರಕ್ೃತಿಗಳ ಮುುಂದೆ ಸೆೇರಿಕೆಸುಂಡು ಬೆೇರೆ ಬೆೇರೆ ಅರ್ಥವನುು ಉುಂಟ್ು ಮಾಡುವ ಪರತಯಯಗಳಿಗೆ
ವಿಭಕ್ತಾ ಪರತಯಯ ಎನುುವರು .

ವಿಭಕ್ತತ ಪರತ್ಯಯದ್ ವಿಧಗಳು : ( Types of Vibhakti pratyayagalu)

ವಿಭಕ್ತತ ಪರತ್ಯಯ ಉದ್ಾಹರಣ

ಪರರ್ಮಾ ಉ ರಾಮನು

ದಿಾತಿೇಯಾ ಅನುು ರಾಮನನುು

ತೃತಿೇಯಾ ಇುಂದ ರಾಮನಿುಂದ

ಚತುರ್ಥಥ ಇಗೆ , ಕೆಕ , ಗೆ ರಾಮನಿಗೆ

ಪುಂಚಮಿೇ ದೆಸೆಯಿುಂದ ರಾಮನ ದೆಸೆಯಿುಂದ

ಷ್ಷ್ಠಿ ಅ ರಾಮನ

ಸಪಾಮಿೇ ಅಲ್ಲಿ ರಾಮನಲ್ಲಿ

ವಿಭಕ್ತತ ಪರತ್ಯಯಗಳಿಗ ಉದ್ಾಹರಣ : (Examples)
1.ಪರರ್ಮಾ ವಿಭಕ್ತಾ : ಶಾಲೆ + ಉ = ಶಾಲೆಯು ಮನೆ + ಉ = ಮನೆಯು
2.ದಿಾತಿೇಯಾ ವಿಭಕ್ತಾ : ಶಾಲೆ + ಅನುು = ಶಾಲೆಯನುು ಮನೆ + ಅನುು = ಮನೆಯನುು
3.ತೃತಿೇಯಾ ವಿಭಕ್ತಾ : ಶಾಲೆ + ಇುಂದ = ಶಾಲೆಯಿುಂದ ಮನೆ + ಇುಂದ = ಮನೆಯಿುಂದ
4.ಚತುರ್ಥಥ ವಿಭಕ್ತಾ : ಶಾಲೆ + ಗೆ = ಶಾಲೆಗೆ ಮನೆ + ಗೆ = ಮನೆಗೆ
5.ಪುಂಚಮಿ ವಿಭಕ್ತಾ : ಶಾಲೆ + ದೆಸೆಯಿುಂದ = ಶಾಲೆಯ ದೆಸೆಯಿುಂದ ಮನೆ + ದೆಸೆಯಿುಂದ = ಮನೆಯ ದೆಸೆಯಿುಂದ
6.ಷ್ಷ್ಠಿ ವಿಭಕ್ತಾ : ಶಾಲೆ + ಅ = ಶಾಲೆಯ ಮನೆ + ಅ = ಮನೆಯ
7.ಸಪಾಮಿ ವಿಭಕ್ತಾ : ಶಾಲೆ + ಅಲ್ಲಿ = ಶಾಲೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಮನೆ + ಅಲ್ಲಿ = ಮನೆಯಲ್ಲಿ

VIII.ಪರಕಟ್ಟತ್ ಗದ್ಾಯಂಶ (Reading comprehension)

ನ್ರಿಯ ಉಪಾಯ
ಅದೆಸುಂದು ಕಾಡು. ಅಲ್ಲಿ ಜುಂಕೆ, ಮೊಲ ಬಹಳ ಸೆುೇಹದಿುಂದ ಇದದವು. ನರಿ ಮೊಲದ ಮುುಂದೆ ಸವಿ ಮಾತುಗಳನಾುಡಿ
ಗೆಳೆತನವನುು ಗಳಿಸಿಕೆಸುಂಡಿತು. ನರಿಗೆ, ಹೆೇಗಾದರಸ ಮಾಡಿ ಜುಂಕೆ ಮತುಾ ಮೊಲವನುು ತಿನುಬೆೇಕ್ು ಎುಂದು ಒುಂದು ಉಪಾಯವನುು
ಹುಡುಕ್ತತು. ಜುಂಕೆ ಹುಲುಿ ಮೆೇಯುತಿಾತುಾ, ನರಿ ಸಿುಂಹದ ಹತಿಾರ ಹೆಸೇಗಿ ಸುದಿದ ಮುಟ್ಟುಸಿತು. ಸಿುಂಹ ತಕ್ಷಣ್ವೆೇ ಬುಂದು ಆ ಜುಂಕೆಯನುು
ಕೆಸುಂದು ತಿನುುತಿಾತುಾ. ಇದನೆುಲಾಿ ನೆಸೇಡುತಿಾದದ ನರಿ ಓಡಿ ಬುಂದು 'ಸಿುಂಹರಾಜನೆೇ ನಾನು ಹೆೇಳಿದುದ ಈ ಜುಂಕೆಯನಲಿ, ಅದೆಸೇ ಆ
ಮರೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಮೆೇಯುತಿಾದೆಯಲಿ ಆ ಜುಂಕೆ ಎುಂದು ಸುಳುು ಹೆೇಳಿತು. ಸಿುಂಹ ನರಿಯ ಮಾತನುು ನುಂಬಿ, ತಿನುುತಿಾದದ ಜುಂಕೆಯನುು ಬಿಟ್ುು
ಅತಾ ಓಡಿತು. ಇತಾ ನರಿ ಸಿುಂಹ ಬಿಟ್ುು ಹೆಸೇದ ಜುಂಕೆಯ ಮಾುಂಸವನುು ತಿುಂದು ಓಡಿ ಹೆಸೇಯಿತು.

ಪರಶ್ ನಗಳು :
1.ನರಿಯು ಯಾರ ಸೆುೇಹ ಮಾಡಲು ಬಯಸಿತು?
ಉತಾರ : ನರಿಯು ಜುಂಕೆ ಮತುಾ ಮೊಲದ ಸೆುೇಹ ಮಾಡಲು ಬಯಸಿತು.
2.ಜುಂಕೆ ಏನು ಮೆೇಯುತಿಾತುಾ?
ಉತಾರ : ಜುಂಕೆ ಹುಲುಿ ಮೆೇಯುತಿಾತುಾ.
3.ಕೆಸಟ್ಟುರುವ ಪದಗಳಿಗೆ ಆುಂಗಿ ಭಾಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಅರ್ಥ ಬರೆಯಿರಿ. (Write the meaning in English)
1.ಸುಳುು - Lie 2.ನರಿ - Fox
4.ಜುಂಕೆ, ಮೊಲ ಬಹಳ ______________ ಇದದವು.
ಉತಾರ : ಸೆುೇಹದಿುಂದ
5.ಕೆಸಟ್ಟುರುವ ಪದಕೆಕ ಸಮನಾರ್ಥಕ್ ಪದ ಬರೆಯಿರಿ. (Write the synonyms for given below)
1.ರಾಜ - ದೆಸರೆ, ಒಡೆಯ
2.ಗೆಳೆಯ – ಸೆುೇಹಿತ, ಮಿತರ



A. Fill in the blanks with the help of the given words.

Gradient More Fill Colors Dashes Weight F5

1. More Fill Colors option gives more colors.

2. Gradient option provides variations with the color to give it more of a marble or shadow look.

3. Weight option provides lines with varied thickness.

4. Dashes option provides a variety of border styles.

5. Press the Function key F5 to start the Slide Show.

B. Tick the correct answer.

1. Which of the following options will you use to insert online pictures?

a. INSERT-> Online Pictures

b. VIEW -> Clip Art
c. REVIEW -> Clip Art
d. HOME -> Clip Art
2. Which option adds artistic flair to the text?
a. Texture
b. WordArt
c. Picture
d. Object
3. Which of the following options will you use to add a SmartArt?
a. REVIEW-> SmartArt
b. VIEW-> SmartArt
c. FORMAT-> SmartArt
d. INSERT-> SmartArt

4. Which option provides different textures to fill the shape?
a. Texture
b. Shadow
c. Gradient
d. Eyedropper
5. You will press these keys to go to the first slide of your presentation.
a. Ctrl + Home
b. Ctrl + End
c. Ctrl + Up arrow
d. Ctrl + Down arrow
C. Match the columns.
1. Move to the next slide e. Page Down, Right arrow key, Down arrow
key, Enter

2. Move to the previous slide d. Page Up, Left arrow key, Up arrow key

3. First slide a. Ctrl + Home

4. Last slide g. Ctrl + End

5. End the slide show b. Esc, Ctrl + Break

6. To move to a particular slide c. Number of the slide + Enter

7. Run the slide show f. F5

D. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the difference between Copy/Paste and Duplicate Slides commands?

Copy/Paste command Duplicate Slides command

1. This command is used to Copy and Paste the Duplicate slides is an alternative method for
slides. copying and pasting. It copies the selected slide
and pastes it.

2. To copy and paste a slide, follow the steps, To duplicate a slide, follow the steps,

 Step 1: Select the slide you want to copy.  Step 1: Select the slide you want to
 Step 2: On the HOME tab, in the
Clipboard group, click the Copy  Step 2: Click the New Slide command
command. on the HOME tab.

 Step 3: In the left pane, click just below a  Step 3: Choose Duplicate Selected
slide or between two slides, to choose the Slides from the drop-down menu.
location where you want the copy of the
A copy of the selected slide appears underneath
slide to appear. A horizontal insertion
the original.
point will mark the location.

 Step 4: On the HOME tab, in the

Clipboard group, click the Paste

2. How can you make a presentation more attractive and meaningful?

Ans. To make a presentation more attractive and meaningful, we can add pictures, online pictures,

Shapes,SmartArt or Tables and we can give pictures a style to make them look attractive.

3. Does SmartArt Graphic enhance the look of the text in a presentation?

Ans. Yes, SmartArt does enhance look of the text in a presentation.

A SmartArt graphic is a visual presentation of information. Following are some ways to use the


 We can type the main points from a bulleted list into related shapes that do not follow a strict
format. We can color for impact and clarity.
 Or illustrate a graphical timeline.
 Or show a process, using connected shapes and arrows to make a sequence direct and clear.
4. How can you add designs created with shapes in PowerPoint 2013?

Ans.Designs can be created using shapes in the Shapes command under INSERT tab. Also, the

shapes can be filled, rearranged also visual effects can be added to the shapes.

To insert or make your own shapes and add them to the presentation, follow the steps:

Step 1: On the INSERT tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes. There are a lot of shapes that you

can choose from.

Step 2: Select the shape and click the slide.

Drag the corners of the shape to resize the shape. The green dot at the top will allow you to rotate the


Step 3: Select the shape.

Step 4: On the HOME tab, in the Drawing group, from the Shape Fill, Shape Outline, Shape Effects

and Arrange options, various designs can be created.

5. Write the steps to create a table in PowerPoint 2013. Explain is the purpose of presenting data in
a tabular format.

Ans. To insert a table, follow the steps:

Step 1: Open a presentation, click where you want the table to be inserted.

Step 2: On the INSERT tab, in the Tables group, from the Table drop-down choose an option.

Step 3: Another tab is inserted to edit the table.

In the TABLE TOOLS tab, you can change the color, add shading, borders, font style, and so on. This
tab will only be available when you have selected the table.

Click anywhere else on your presentation to deselect the table and return to the default tabs of PowerPoint.

The purpose of presenting data in a table/ tabular format facilitates representation of even large amounts
of data in an attractive, easy to read and organized manner. The data is organized in rows and columns.
This is one of the most widely used forms of presentation of data since data tables are easy to construct
and read.

6. Can you run a slide show from the middle of the presentation? How?

Ans.Yes, we can run the presentation from the current slide by clicking From Current Slide, on the
SLIDE SHOW tab, in the Start Slide Show group.
Another option for starting the slide show is to select Slide Show view at the bottom of the window.

7. Explain how you can use a highlighter to write or mark points while presenting your
Ans. We can use a highlighter to write or mark points while presenting the presentation by
clicking the Pen or Highlighter menu option in the bottom-left of the screen. The notes in a presentation
can be highlighted using the highlighter tool

I.Identify the following icons of PowerPoint 2013.

Normal view Text Box

Slide sorter view Audio

Reading view Video

Slide Show Spelling


1. Arun has to check the spelling mistakes in the presentation. Name the tab and the
group that has the option for this purpose.
The Spelling tool is available in the Proofing group on the Review tab. Clicking the Spelling
tool of PowerPoint 2016, he can check the spellings of the words in the entire presentation.

2. Do you think Notes pane is helpful to the speaker? Why?

Ans. Notes pane is helpful to the speaker because it displays the notes created for the content
in the slide pane. The Notes pane is where we place the supplemental information that doesn't appear
on the slide during a presentation.

3. What are the Do’s and Don’ts for a PowerPoint presentation?

Ans. We can follow some simple tips to make the best use of PowerPoint to enhance our presentations.
 The font size of titles should be at least 36 to 40 points.
 A good thumb rule is to cut down the paragraphs to sentences, sentences to phrases,
and phrases to keywords.
 Each word or image should help convey your message in the strongest possible way.
 Make sure that you take approximately only one minute to explain each slide.
 Do not crowd your slides. Use normal case and not all caps.
 Do not let sound, animation, and other effects become distracting. Use them only to
emphasize major points.

4. Define a placeholder.
Ans. Placeholders are a part of most slide layouts. They are boxes with dotted borders.It contains titles,
body text or objects such as charts, tables and pictures. It can be resized and moved on a slide or entirely

1. Look at the pictures and identify the name of the following icons of MS PowerPoint.

2. Match the following.


i. Ctrl + N a. Run a slide show

ii. Ctrl + O b. Insert a new slide

iii. Ctrl + S c. Open an existing presentation

iv. Ctrl + M d. Save a presentation

v. F5 e. Create a new presentation

vi. Tables f. Clip organizer, CD, Recording

vii. Photo album g. Special effect to determine appearance of slides

viii. Inserting Sound h. Organizing information systematically

ix. Transition i. Emphasizes on important information

x. Animation j. Easy way to create a slide show

1. Look at the pictures and identify the name of the following icons of MS PowerPoint.



P C T U E s



2.Match the following.

i. Ctrl + N e. Create a new presentation
ii. Ctrl + O c. Open an existing presentation
iii. Ctrl + S d. Save a presentation

iv. Ctrl + M b. Insert a new slide

v. F5 a. Run a slide show
vi. Tables h. Organizing information systematically
vii. Photo album j. Easy way to create a slide show
viii. Inserting Sound f. Clip organizer, CD, Recording
ix. Transition g. Special effect to determine appearance of slides
x. Animation i. Emphasizes on important information

1. Complete the practical activity no. 1, 2, 3 in the course book pg. no. 69, 71, 74 respectively.
2. Complete the practical activity no 4, 5 in the course book pg. no. 77, 79 respectively.


A. Fill in the blanks with the help of the given words.

Pen Block Motion Block Sound Block 10 Sprites

1. All the movement-related instructions, such as to make Sprite move a number of steps and changing

direction come under the Motion block.

2. Pen block has instructions to provide the trail of the Sprite and to change the color of the trail.

3. Sound block has the instructions to make the Sprite speak and add musical notes.

4. By default, the move block has 10 steps as the value.

5. New Sprite buttons are used to create new Sprites.

B. Tick the correct answer.

1. Which block makes the Sprite move in the direction of the mouse?
a. Point towards b. Point inwards
c. Point in direction d. Point backwards
2. Which block makes the Sprite act when a key is pressed?
a. What<spacebar>key b. When Sprite 3 clicked
c. When Sprite 1 clicked d. When<spacebar>key
3. Which block executes another block again and again until stopped?
a. Forever b. Repeat
c. Control d. Wait
4. Which block executes the blocks inside it a specified number of times?
a. When is clicked b. When is clicked
c. Repeat d. Forever
5. Which block makes the script wait for a specified number of seconds and then execute the next
a. Wait b. Play sound
c. Turn d. Forever

C. Answer the following questions.
1. Why is Scratch programming useful?
Ans. Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, games
and animations. We can also share your creations with others on the web. Scratch is developed by
the Lifelong Kindergarten research group at the MIT Media Lab. It is free software.

2. What are Sprites and scripts? Which of the two: sprite or script, you stack like a Lego blocks?
Ans. In Scratch, each picture is called a Sprite. It performs actions in the project. We can use in-built
Sprites or create our own.
A script is a collection or stack of blocks that all interlock with one another. The blocks and their
order are very important, as they determine how sprites interact with each other. Script is also called a
We can stack a script like a Lego blocks.

3. Explain the Blocks Palette.

Ans. The Blocks Palette consists of various blocks to move, rotate and play sound to the Sprite. Each
block represents a command that can be given to the Sprite. These blocks are divided into various
categories such as Motion, Control, Looks, Sound and Pen.
All the movement-related instructions, such as to make Sprite move a number of steps and changing
directions come under the Motion block.
Pen block has instructions to provide the trail of the Sprite and to change the color of the trail.
Sound block has the instructions to make the Sprite speak, add musical notes.
We can join multiple blocks together to form a stack. These instructions on the blocks in the stack
create a script or a program. The Sprite will act according to the instructions in the blocks.

4. List two commands each in Motion and Control blocks.

Ans. Motion Block – i. Move 50 steps
ii. Turn Right 15 degrees
Control Blocks - i. Wait 10 seconds
ii. Repeat 20

5. Compare forever and repeat blocks.



 Forever block executes another block  Repeat block executes the blocks inside it a
again and again until stopped. specified number of times.

 For example, the Sprite will move 10 steps  For example, the Sprite will turn 15
continuously until stopped. To stop the degrees 10 times.
movement, click the Stop everything
button on top of the stage.

A. Read the definitions and identify the components of Scratch window. In Scratch, each picture is
known by this name.
1. The area where the Sprite moves. Stage

2. It consists of various blocks to move, rotate and play sound to a Sprite. Blocks Palette

3. It has instructions to provide the trail of the Sprite and to change the color of the trail. Pen block

4. It has the instructions to make the Sprite speak and add musical notes. Sound block

B. Can you guess the output of the following code without trying it on Scratch?

The output of the above code is the Sprite turns 1 degree in the left direction and move 2 steps, and repeat
the same steps for 360 times when is clicked and the Sprite moves in its left direction in the form of a
circle shape.


1. How will you make a copy of the sprite?

Ans. We need to click on the duplicate button (looks like a rubber Stamp) and then click on a block or

sprite to make a copy.

2. What steps should Namish follow to do the tasks given below?

a. Delete a sprite on the Stage.

Ans. He can use delete button from the menu bar.

b. Make a sprite bigger in size.

Ans. He needs to click the Grow button and then click a sprite to increase its size.

c. Make the sprite smaller in size.

Ans. He needs to click the Shrink button and then click a sprite to make it smaller in size.

3. When Manasa runs the programming code given

below, it changes the colour of the sprite ten times.
But the colour change is very fast. Manasa wants to
give a halt of one second while changing the colour.
What should Manasa do?
Ans. Manasa should add wait block palette from the control block category down to change effect block

and then run the program as shown.


1. What is the backdrop of a Scratch project called?

a. Sprite
b. Script
c. Scratch

d. Stage

2. A collection or stack of blocks that all interlock with one another is called?

a. Sprite

b. Script
c. Scratch
d. Stage

3. The code blocks below are an example of what type of action?

a. Pen
b. Events
c. Looks

d. Control

4. Look at the Scratch stage below. Where on the stage is position (X:240, Y:180)?

a. Top right corner

b. Bottom right corner
c. The top middle
d. Top left corner

5. Look at the script below. What would the cat sprite do?

a. Meow then glide to the right

b. Meow then glide to the left
c. Meow then glide up
d. Glide to the left and then meow

Answer the following questions.

1. Catherine wants to add ‘Meow’ sound to the Sprite. Which command should she use to add



2. Sanvi wants to make the Sprite move 50 steps again and again until stopped. Can she do this in






Answer the following questions.
1. Catherine wants to add ‘Meow’ sound to the Sprite. Which command should she use to add


Ans. Catherine should follow the steps below to add ‘Meow’ sound to the Sprite,

i. Click the Sound block in the Blocks Palette.

ii. Drag a block to the Script area.

iii. Double-click the Sprite to play the sound.

2. Sanvi wants to make the Sprite move 50 steps again and again until stopped. Can she do this in


Ans. Yes, Sanvi can make the Sprite to move over and over again using the Forever block.

Forever block executes another block again and again until stopped. She should use the

command as below,

The Sprite will move 50 steps continuously until stopped, To stop the movement, click the

Stop everything button on top of the stage.


1. Complete the practical activity no. 1,2 in the course book pg. no. 88, 89 respectively.

2. Complete the practical activity no. 3,4, 5 in the course book pg. no. 91, 92, 93 respectively.




1. numerator
2. mixed number
3. unit fraction
4. like fraction
5. denominator
6. lowest term
7. whole
8. unlike fraction
9. collection
10. lcm
11. region
12. equivalent fractions
13. whole number
14. reciprocal
15. improper fraction
16. simplify
17. multiplicative inverse
18. proper fraction
1. Like fraction: Like fractions have the same denominator.
2. Unlike fractions: Unlike fractions have different denominators.
3. Proper fractions: Proper fractions have a value of less than one, with the numerator smaller than the
4. Improper fractions: Improper fractions have a value of one, or more than one, with the numerator
equal to or greater than the denominator.
5. Mixed number: A mixed number combines a whole number and a fraction.
6. Reciprocals: Two numbers whose product is one are called reciprocals.


1. We can find equivalent fraction by multiplying or dividing the numerator and denominator by the
same number.
2. A fraction is in the lowest term when the only common factor between the numerator and
denominator is 1.
3. We can only compare fractions from the same whole or the same-sized whole.
4. In unlike fractions with the same numerator, the fraction with the greater denominator is the smaller
5. To subtract unlike fractions, change them to equivalent fractions first.
6. To subtract mixed numbers, change them to improper fractions first.



1. tenths
2. decimal point
3. whole numbers
4. unitary method
5. hundredths
6. thousandths


1. Like decimals: Decimals with same number of decimal places are called like decimals.
2. Unlike decimals: Decimals having different number of decimal places are called unlike decimals.

1. When ‘one’ is divided into 10 equal parts, each part is called a tenth.
2. When one-tenth is further divided into 10 equal parts, each part is called a hundredth.
3. 1 hundredth is further divided into 10 equal parts. Each part is called 1 thousandth.



1. If there are 7 apples and 5 oranges in the basket then what fraction of oranges are there in the fruit basket?
a) 5/7 b) 9/15 c) 12/20 d) 5/12
2. 1÷22

a) 2/5 b) 4/5 c) 5/2 d) 7/2

3. 8/9? 8/11

a) > b) < c) = d) None of these

4. Govind bought metres of cloth from one shop and metres of cloth from another shop. What
length of cloth did he buy in total?

5. It was Manu’s birthday. His father bought a cake. Manu gave each of his 7 friends of the cake.
What portion of the cake is left with Manu?

6. Dean buys 25 stickers on Monday and 17 on Tuesday. On Wednesday he gives of his stickers to
Jack. How many stickers are left?


5 4
7. Steven says “I would rather have of Rs. 72 than because I will get more to spend.” Is he correct?
9 6
8. Of the 95 children in 5th grade, 5 went to holiday parties. How many students did not attend any
holiday party?
9. Arrange the following fractions 5/6, 8/9, 2/3 in ascending order.


1. Express 12/ 25 as a decimal.

a) 0.38 b) 0.28 c) 0.48 d) 0.68

2. 478.65 ÷ ________ = 47.865
a)10 b) 100 c) 1000 d) 1

3. Aaron scored 452.65 marks out of 600 in the final examination. How many marks did he lose?

4. A tailor needs 35.25 m of cloth for the shirts and 45.80 m for the trousers. How much cloth does
the tailor need in all?


5. Ron jogged 2.2 km; Mike jogged 3.7 times more distance than Ron. Find the distance covered by Mike.


6. i) Arrange in ascending order. (12.34, 12.12, 12.45, 12.54).


ii) 4 in the ones place, 8 in the tens place, 9 in the hundredths place and 0 in the tenths place. Write
decimal number to match the statements and write its number name.

7. Evaluate the following and express your answer as a fractional number.

i) (0.23 × 2.7) + (6.54 ÷ 3)


ii) 98.2 – 14.8 + 16.02 × 0.2


8. Write the place and place value of the following:

a) 8.013 - _______________________________

b) 53.31 - _______________________________

c) 100.92- _______________________________

d) 11.381- _______________________________

9. Pranay has travelled 62.5 km so far. How much father does he have to ride to reach 100 km?




1. d) 5/12
2. a) 2/5
3. a) >
4. Total cloth length- 32 m
5. 10
6. 35 stickers
𝟒 𝟓
7. No, 𝟔 is bigger than 𝟗
8. 38 students
9. 2/3, 5/6, 8/9

1. 0.48
2. 10
3. 147.35 marks
4. 81.05 m
5. 8.14 km
6. i. 12.12, 12.34, 12.45 ,12.54
ii. 84.09 - Eighty-four and nine hundredths.

7. i. 2.801
ii. 86.604

8. a) thousandths,1000

b) tens, 50
c) tenths, 10
d) hundredths, 100

9. 37.5 km


A. Objective type questions
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
1. An area where a particular animal naturally lives is called its habitat (territory/habitat).
2. It is usually very hot during the day and very cold at night in a desert (desert/forest).
3. Oceans (Oceans/Forests) are world’s largest habitats.
4. A snail has shell (shell/cuticle) to protects its soft body.
5. Frogs breathe through their lungs (lungs/ moist skin) on land.

II. Write T for the true and F for the false statement.
1. A forest is a large area that is rich in plants and animals. T
2. Water is in abundance in a desert. F
3. The ocean is a large, continuous body of fresh water and covers two-thirds of the Earth’s surface. F
4. All animals show the same kind of adaptations, which help them to survive in different climates. F
5. Most reptiles have scales that prevent loss of water from their bodies. T

III. Choose the correct option.

1. Where do most insects live in the forest?
a. On trees b. In the air c. On the forest floor d. All of these

2. Which of these is not found in a desert?

a. Camel b. Rattlesnake c. Ground squirrel d. Yak

3. Which of these live only in water?

a. Shrimps b. Frogs c. Salamanders d. Crocodiles

4. Which of these shed their skin periodically and get a new one?
a. Crocodiles and lizards b. Snakes
c. Snails and tortoise d. Alligators

5. Which of these helps insects to breathe?

a. Lungs b. Spiracles c. Gills d. Moist skin

6. Which of these animals has spines on its body?

a. Porcupine b. Snail c. Chameleon d. Fish

7. Which of these have hollow bones?

a. Birds b. Snakes c. Fish d. Insects

8. What is the thick pad in the upper and lower jaw of grass-eating animals known as?
a. Dental pad b. Jaw pad c. Teeth pad d. Food pad

IV. Match the columns.

Column A Column B
1. Bird Feathers
2. Bear Fur
3. Snail Shell
4. Crocodile Scales
5. Beetle Cuticle

B. Very Short answer questions.

I. Give two examples of following.
1. Animals that live in caves lions tigers
2. Animals that have a shell on their body tortoise snail
3. Animals that have scales on their body snake fish
4. Animals that have fins whales dolphins
5. Animals that breathe through holes on their body grasshoppers cockroaches


A. Keywords
1. shrimps
2. salamanders
3. cuticle
4. moulting
5. camouflage
6. porcupine
7. spiracles
8. flippers

B. Define
1. Ocean: The ocean is a large, continuous body of salt water that covers two-thirds of the Earth’s surface.
2. Spiracles: Insects such as grasshoppers and cockroaches breathe with the help of a series of tiny holes
along the sides of their bodies. These holes are called spiracles.

C. Answer the following

Q1. What is a habitat? Name five habitats found on the Earth.
A1. An area where a particular animal naturally lives is called its habitat.
The different types of habitats are
1. Forest 2. Desert 3. Polar regions and mountains 4. Ocean 5. Freshwater

Q2. What are the characteristic features of teeth in herbivores?

A2. 1. Some animals eat only plants and plant products. They are called herbivores.
2. Grass eating animals, such as cows, buffaloes, and goats, have a thick pad called the dental pad, in
the upper jaw, and sharp incisors in the lower jaw.
3. These help them to hold and pull-out grass and leaves.
4. They also have broad premolars and molars that help them to grind and chew the grass.
5. Rodents, such as squirrels, rabbits and rats, have very sharp front teeth to gnaw nuts and seeds.
Q3. What is camouflage? Name one animal that shows camouflage.
A3. Body covering of some animals match their surroundings. This mechanism is called camouflage. It
makes the animal hard to spot and protects it from enemies. Some animals can even change their body
colour to match the surroundings.

Q4. Explain with examples the different kinds of body coverings that animals have.
A4. The different body coverings of animal’s are-
1. Scales: The scales typically overlap and protect the skin under it. Snakes, fish, lizards are few animals
that have scaly body covering. The reptiles have horny scales that prevent loss of water fromtheir bodies.
2. Shell: It is a hard covering which is found on animals like snails, turtles, and tortoise. It helps to
protect their soft bodies from any injury and attack. These animals hide inside their shell when
they sense danger.
3. Wool or Fur: Mammals have fur or wool or hair on their bodies which protect them from extreme
cold and keeps them warm. For example, sheep have wool, bears have fur and humans have hair.
4. Feathers: Birds have feathers as their body covering. Feathers help them to fly. They also protectthe
bird from rain and cold

Q5. Define the following:

i) Moulting ii) Adaptation iii) Camouflage iv) Fins v) Flippers
A5. 1. Moulting: Shedding of skin to acquire a new one is called moulting. Snakes shed their skin
periodically, which is replaced by a new one.
2. Adaptation: Changes in the feature or behavior of an organism that help it to survive in its habitat
is called adaptation. Different types of animals show different types of adaptations.
3. Camouflage: Body coverings of some animals match their surroundings. This mechanism is
called camouflage. It makes the animal hard to spot and protects it from enemies.
4. Fins: Fish, dolphins and whales have special structures on their bodies called fins which help them
to swim.
5. Flippers: Fin-like structures in penguins and seals are called flippers.

Q6. Explain with examples the different kinds of breathing organs found in animals.
A6. Different types of animals have different organs for breathing.
1. Human beings and sheep breathe through their nose. From the nose, air is carried to special organs
called lungs.
2. Fish have special structures called gills through which they breathe.
3. Frogs and earthworms breathe through their moist skin. Frogs also breathe through lungs when on land.
4. Insects such as grasshoppers and cockroaches breathe with the help of a series of tiny holes
along the sides of their bodies. These holes are called spiracles.

D. HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills)

Q1. Why are desert animals usually more active at night?
A1. Many animals are active at night in desert because it is a good way to avoid the extreme
daytime temperatures.
Q2. Why can penguins not fly despite having wings?
A2. Penguins do not have wings. They have fin like structures
42 called flippers.
E. Scientific Skills
Q1. Draw and label different kinds of breathing organs found in animals.



A. Objective type questions
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
1. Muscles are attached to the bones with the help of special tissues called tendons
2. The femur (humerus/femur) is the largest bone in the human body.
3. When the sight of food makes your mouth water, then seeing the food is known as the stimulus
(stimulus/response) and the production of saliva in your mouth is the response (stimulus/response).
4. The lens (lens/pupil) of the eye helps us to focus the light.
5. The inner ear (inner ear/ middle ear) transforms sound into a nerve signal which is sent to the brain via
II. Write T for the true and F for the false statement.
1. The back bone is made up 33 small bones called ribs. F
2. The bone marrow makes the blood cells for the body. T
3. The backbone protects the reflex action. F
4. Cerebellum is responsible for learning and memory. F
5. Motor nerves carry messages from the body to the brain. F

III. Choose the correct option.

1. Which of these protects the spinal cord?
a. Rib cage b. Skull c. Backbone d. Girdles

2. Which of these help us in movement?

a. Bones b. Muscles c. Joints d. All of these

3. Which of these holds the bones together at the joints?

a. Ligament b. Cartilage c. Muscles d. Girdle
4. Which of these is the smallest bone in the body?
a. Humerus b. Femur c. Sternum d. Stirrup

5. Which of these muscles are under our control?

a. Skeletal muscles b. Cardiac muscles c. Smooth muscles d. Both (b) & (c)

6. Which of these parts of the brain control our heartbeat and breathing?
a. Cerebrum b. Cerebellum c. Medulla d. Reflexes

7. Which part of the eye is responsible for giving the color to the eye?
a. Cornea b. Iris c. Pupil d. Retina

8. What part of the ear receives vibrations from outside?

a. Pinna b. Eardrum c. Cochlea d. Ear canal
IV. Match the columns.
Column A Column B
1. Knee Hinge joint
2. Neck Pivot joint
3. Hip Ball and socket joint
4. Ankle Gliding joint
5. Skull Brain
B. Very Short answer questions.
I. Give two examples of following.
1. Girdles shoulder girdle hip girdle
2. Ball and socket joint shoulder joint hip joint
3. Hinge joint knee elbow
4. Parts of the eye cornea retina
5. Parts of the ear ear drum ear canal
II. Give one word for the following.
1. The long single bone that makes the upper arm humerus
2. A jelly-like substance that fills the hollow of the bone bonemarrow
3. A tough, elastic substance that holds the bones together at the joints cartilage
4. The part of the brain that controls the heartbeat medulla
5. The part of the eye where an image gets formed retina
A. Keywords
1. sternum
2. vertebrae
3. cartilage
4. stimulus
5. ball and socket joint
6. hinge joint
7. pivot joint
8. gliding joint
9. stirrup
B. Define the following
1. Sternum: A long bone at the center of the chest that holds the ribs in place.
2. Cartilage: A tough, elastic substance that holds the bones together at the joints is called cartilage.
3. Ligament: A special tissue that holds bones together at the joint.
4. Spinal cord: A thick cord of nerve tissue that extends down from the brain is called spinal cord.

C. Answer the following.

Q1. What is a joint? Name the different kind of joints found in the body.
A1. A place where two or more bones meet is called a joint. Most joints are movable there are four types of
movable joints in the body.
a. Ball and socket joint b. Hinge joint c. Pivot joint d. Gliding joint
Q2. List three important functions of the skeletal system.
A2. The three important functions of skeletal system are

1. The skeleton gives shape and support to our body. Without the skeleton, our body would be floppy
like a jelly.
2. Skeleton protects the soft internal organs like our brain, heart, lungs and spinal cord.
3. The skeletal system allows the movement of different parts of our body.

Q3. Differentiate between cardiac muscles and smooth muscles.

A3. Cardiac muscles: Muscles present in the heart are examples of cardiac muscles. We do not have any
control over this type of muscle. They work automatically.
Smooth muscles: Muscles in the digestive system are examples of smooth muscles. We do not have any
control over this type of muscle.

Q4. Write the different parts of the brain with one function of each.
A4. The brain has three parts: cerebrum, cerebellum and medulla.
Cerebrum: It is the largest part of the human brain and is responsible for learning, memory, intelligence
and logic. It controls the functioning of the sense organs.
Cerebellum: It is situated below the cerebrum and is responsible for muscle co-ordination and maintaining
the balance of our body.
Medulla: It is also called the brain stem. It controls activities such as heartbeat, breathing, swallowing and

Q5. Differentiate between sensory and motor nerves.

A5. Sensory nerves: These nerves carry messages from different parts of the body to the brain or spinal
Motor nerves: These nerves carry messages from the brain or spinal cord to different parts of the body.

Q6. What is a reflex action? Explain how it works with the help of an example.
A6. The automatic response of the body to a particular stimulus is called reflex action.
Example: When a pointed object is touched (which is stimulus), a nerve carries the message to the
spinal cord. The spinal cord tells us to withdraw our feet immediately (this is response).

D. HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills)

Q1. Shreya’s grandmother has pain in her knees. Their neighbor said it could be because of the
wearing off of her nerves. Do you think she is right? Which part of her knee may have
worn off?
A1. Shreya’s neighbor is not right as wearing off of her nerves will not give knee pain, instead it can
be due to wearing off of her cartilage in the knee.

Q2. Kopal says that the pivot joint help us to move our elbow sideways. Is she correct?
A2. Kopal is not correct. Elbow has a hinge joint; it only allows back and forth movement.
Pivot joints help us to move your head up, down, and sideways.

Q3. We should not poke sharp things into our ear. It can damage our hearing. How?
A3. There is a thin membrane at the end of the ear canal. This can get damaged if we poke sharp
things into our ears.

E. Scientific Skill
Q1. Draw and label the diagram of the structure of the brain.




Q2. Draw and label the diagram of the structure of an eye.




Objective type questions
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
1. A force that occurs between tw o surfaces is called friction (friction/gravity).
2. Friction (Friction/ Gravity) makes movement of heavy objects difficult.
3. The fulcrum is in the middle in class one (one /two) levers.
4. Fulcrum (Fulcrum /Load) is the fixed point around which a lever rotates.
5. A ramp is a common example of an inclined plane (an inclined plane/ a lever).

II. Write T for the true and F for the false statement.
1. A force applied on an object always causes it to move. F
2. Friction always produces heat. T
3. Energy from fossil fuel is renewable form of energy. F
4. Fulcrum is the fixed point around which a rod moves. T
5. The effort is located between the fulcrum and the load in second- class levers. F

III. Choose the correct option.

1. Which of these forces makes an object come down on the surface of the Earth?
a. Gravity b. Friction. c. Buoyancy d. Magnetism

2. Which of these is NOT always a disadvantage of friction?

a. It produces heat b. It causes wear and tear of the machine parts.
c. It makes it hard to slide heavy objects. d. It damages the soles of our shoes

3. Which of these refers to energy due to the position of an object?

a. Potential energy b. Kinetic energy
c. Geothermal energy d. Solar energy

4. Which is the energy generated at power stations and supplied to our homes called?
a. Mechanical energy b. Kinetic energy
c. Potential energy d. Electrical energy

5. Which of these is NOT an example of a renewable source of energy?

a. Solar energy b. Geothermal energy
c. Wind energy d. Energy of fossil fuels.

6. In which of these simple machines is the load in the middle?

a. Scissors b. Nutcracker c. Tongs d. None of these

7. A screwdriver is an example of which of the following?

a. Wheel and axle b. Pulley c. Wedge d. Screw

8. Which of these is an inclined plane wrapped around a nail?
a. Wedge b. Screw c. Ramp d. Wheel and axle

IV. Match the columns.

Column A Column B
1. Scissors First-class lever
2. Wheelbarrow Second-class lever
3. Fishing rod Third-class lever
4. Knife Wedge
5. Ramp Inclined plane

B. Very Short answer questions.

I. Give two examples of following.
1. Types of forces Frictional force Gravitational force
2. Sources of sound energy Television Radio
3. Renewable sources of energy Solar energy Wind energy
4. First- class lever Scissors Crowbar
5. Wheel and axle Screwdriver Doorknob

II. Give one word for the following.

1. A push or a pull acting on an object Force
2. Force that tries to stop the movement of objects across a surface Friction
3. Upward force acting on an object immersed in water Buoyant force
4. The ability to do work Energy
5. The energy that we get from the heat of the Earth Geothermal energy


A. Keywords
1. stationary
2. magnetism
3. electrostatic
4. mechanical
5. buoyant
6. geothermal
7. renewable
8. replenished
9. fulcrum
10. screwdriver

B. Define the following.

1. Force: A push or a pull acting on an object is called force.
2. Gravity: The force that attracts objects towards the center of the earth is called gravity.
3. Magnetism: The push or pull applied by a magnet on the metals such as iron and nickel and on other
Magnets are called magnetism.
4. Machine: A machine is a tool that makes our work easier by helping us overcome a large force
(called load) by applying lesser force (effort).
C. Answer the following.
Q1. What is friction? Give two advantages and two disadvantages of friction.
A1. Friction is force that tries to stop movement of objects across a surface. Friction always acts in the direction
opposite to the direction of movement of an object.
Advantages of friction are:
a. Friction between our feet and ground makes it possible for us to walk.
b. The friction between the tires of vehicles and the road makes them roll forward, making movement of
vehicles possible.
Disadvantages of friction are:
a. Friction makes it hard to slide heavy objects across the floor.
b. Friction generates heat, this heat causes damage to machine parts such as car brakes.

Q2. What is energy? Name any five forms of energy.

A2. The ability to do work is called energy. Five forms of energy are
a. Heat energy- Energy obtained from burning fuels such as coal, LPG and kerosene is called heat
b. Light energy- Light energy is a form of energy that helps us to see things around us.
c. Mechanical energy- Energy that an object has because of its position or its movement is called
mechanical energy.
d. Electrical energy – Energy used to run electrical appliances such as electric bulb, television, etc is
called electrical energy.
e. Wind energy- Power of the moving air is utilized with the help of windmills to generate electrical

Q3. Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable energy.

A3. Renewable energy: Energy that can be renewed or replenished over a period of time is called renewable
energy. Solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy are examples of renewable energy.
Non- renewable energy: Energy that cannot be renewed or replenished over a period of time is called non-
renewable energy. Energy obtained from fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum is non-renewable energy.

Q4. Define a simple machine. Name any two types of simple machines.
A4. A machine can be defined as a tool that makes our work easier by helping us overcome a larger force by
applying a lesser force. A simple machine uses a single applied force to overcome a single force.
Two types of simple machines are:
a. Pulley: A pulley is a type of simple machine which consists of a wheel with a grooved rim and a
rope, a chain, or a belt running around the grooves.
b. Inclined plane: A slope or a flat surface raised at an angle to move heavy loads with less effort is
called an inclined plane.

Q5. What is a lever?
A5. A lever is a rigid rod arranged in such a manner that it can move freely around a fixed point. It consists
of three parts: fulcrum, load and effort.

Q6. With the help of an example describe a wheel and axle.

A6. A wheel and axle consists of a wheel rigidly attached to a rod (called axle). When the wheel is rotated, the
axle also rotates. Examples of a wheel and axle are a screwdriver, a doorknob, and the steering wheel of a

D. HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills)

Q1. Mona churns soup in a mixie. Name three energies that are playing a role here and their
A1. Mechanical energy grinds the soup. Electrical energy runs the mixie. Frictional force helps to
churn the soup.

Q2. Why is solar energy considered more ecofriendly than thermal energy?
A2. Solar energy is renewable and does not cause pollution. Thermal energy requires fossil fuel which
is non-renewable and cause pollution.

E. Scientific Skill
Q1. Draw three types of lever.
A1. First class lever Second class Lever

Third class Lever

Q2. Draw a neat labeled diagram of simple machines Pulley, wheel and axle, and wedge.

Pulley Wheel and axle Wedge

Objective type questions
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
1. Cubit (Kilometre/Cubit) is a non-standard unit of length.
2. The distance of an object from one end to the other is call length (length/mass).
3. The length of the outstretched arms is called fathom (cubit/fathom).
4. Gram (Metre/Gram) is used to measure the mass of an object.
5. Kiloletre (Kilolitre/Litre) is used to measure larger capacities like that of a big tank of water.

II. Write T for the true and F for the false statement.
1. Kilogram is used to measure the quantity of a liquid. F
2. A fathom is the length of outstretched arms. T
3. Metre rule is used to measure length. T
4. A thermometer is used to mesure capacity. F
5. The units of time cannot be changed from one to another. F

III. Choose the correct option.

1. Which of these would you use to measure short lengths?
a. Kilometre b. Centimetre c. Litre d. Kilogram

2. Which of these weights shows the heaviest object?

a. 1gm b. 200gm c. 2000gm d. 1 kg

3. Which of these would you use to measure the amount of juice a glass contains?
a. Ruler b. Weighing scale c. Measuring cylinder d. Clock

4. How many seconds are there in an hour?

a. 24 b. 60 c. 360 d. 3600

5. Which of these will help you measure how hot or cold an obect is?
a. Hour glass b. Themometer c. Clock d. Weighing scale

6. Which of these is the unit of temperature?
a. oF b. g c. L d. cm

7. Which of these units of conversion is correct?

a. 100cm=1000mm b. 1000cm=100m
c. 1km=10m d. 100m=1km

8. Which of these units of conversion is correct?

a. 100 mg =10g b. 10,000mg=1g c. 100g=1000kg d. 1000g=1kg

IV. Match the columns.

Column A Column B
1. 1000 millilitres 1 litre
2. 1000 litres 1 kilolitre
3. 1000 milligrams 1 gram
4. 1000 grams 1 kilogram
5. 100 centimetres 1 metre

Very Short answer questions.

I. Give two examples of following.
1. Units used to measure the length of a book centimetre metre
2. Units used to measure the weight of potatoes gram kilogram
3. Units used to measure the amount of water in a bottle millilitre litre
4. Units used to measure the time of reaching school minutes hours
5. Units used to measure the temperature of water degree celsicus (oC) degree Fahrenheit(oF)

II. Give one word for the following.

1. The process of finding the size or quantity of something Measurement
2. A fixed quantity that is used as a standard of measurement unit
3. The length between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the little finger of a fully opened palm hand span
4. The length between the tip of the middle finger and the elbow cubit
5. The length of outstretched arms fathom



Q1. Two statements are given- one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R). Select the correct
answer from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below:
a). Both A and R are true, and R is a correct explanation of the assertion.
b). Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
c). A is true, but R is false.
d). A is false, but R is true.
Assertion (A): Any animal which adapts itself against heat and water scarcity is well suited for desert
Reason (R): In desert only little water is available.

Q2. Read the following and answer the questions. (Case study)

Can breathe through its moist and

thin skin

Lays eggs in Organism Can live both on

water X land and in water


Egg are fertilized Externally

a. Study the concept map below. Which of the following can organism is ‘X ‘.
b. While in water, ‘X’ organism breathes through its:
c. What are amphibians? Give an example.

Q3. Anish spotted an animal during his visit to a reservoir. The animal swims and has a tail. It also
spends its entire life in water. It cannot live without water. Which of the outer coverings does
Anish saw most likely to have?
a. Shell
b. Feathers
c. Wool
d. Scales


Q1. Two statements are given- one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R).
Selectthe correct answer from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below:
a). Both A and R are true, and R is a correct explanation of the assertion.
b). Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
c). A is true, but R is false.
d). A is false, but R is true.
Assertion (A): The automatic response of the body to particular stimuli is called a reflex action.
Reason (R): The spinal cord will not control the reflex action.

Q2. Read the following and answer the questions. (Case study)

a. Look at the picture and identify A and B.

b. How many pairs of ribs do we have?
c. What is rib cage?

Q3. Q3. Dr Priya has three patients each with a different problem.


• Raghav cannot remember things, not even his name.

• Nidhi moves in a jerky manner
• Babita has difficulty in breathing and digestion.
Now, refer to the given diagram and match these patients to the part of the brain which may be
malfunctioning in them.

a. Babita Raghav Nidhi
b. Nidhi Raghav Babita
c. Raghav Nidhi Babita
d. Babita Nidhi Raghav



Q1. Two statements are given- one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R). Select the correct
answer from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below:
a). Both A and R are true, and R is a correct explanation of the assertion.
b). Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of the
c). A is true, but R is false.
d). A is false, but R is true.
Assertion (A): When you lift a heavy object, you expend energy.
Reason (R): Lifting a heavy object requires applying force over a distance, which results in doing work,
and work is a way of transferring energy .

Q2. Read the following and answer the questions. (Case study)
The given picture shows Asmita pulling her sister who is sitting on a sledge.


a. What do arrow X show?

b. What does arrow Y show?
c. Define arrow Y shown in the picture.

Q3. The given diagram shows two girls playing table tennis. Amrita hit the ball over the net and at point X,
Beena hit it back with a lot of force. What would happen at point X?
a) The force caused the ball to stop moving.
b) The force caused a change in the direction of the ball.
c) The force caused a change in the size of the ball.
d) None of the above.


Q1. a). Both A and R are true, and R is a correct explanation of the assertion.

Q2. a. Frog
b. Moist skin
c. Any organism that is able to live both on land and water are called amphibian. Ex-Frog, salamander.
Q3. d. Scales


Q1. c) A is true, but R is false

Q2. a. A. Sternum B. Floating ribs

b. 12 pairs
c. Ribs are thin and curved bones that form a cage in the chest called the rib cage.

Q3. c.


Q1. a) Both A and R are true, and R is a correct explanation of the assertion.

Q2. a. Pulling force.

b. Friction force.
c. The force that tries to stop the sliding movement of objects across a surface is called friction force.

Q3. b) The force caused a change in the direction of the ball.






This story is taken from the Zulu tradition. The Zulu tribe is spread across the country of South Africa.
This is the story of Ngede, the Honeyguide, and a greedy young man named Gingile.


1. Cocked: (here) turned the head at an angle.

2. Reputation: an opinion people have about someone or something.
3. Fidgeted :(here) made small, quick movements because he was impatient.
4. Indignantly: in an angry or surprised manner because one has been treated unfairly.


1. How did the Honeyguide help Gingile find honey?

Ans: Ndege, the Honeyguide, first called out to Gingile to get his attention and then flew ahead, making
sure that Gingile was following him. When he reached a huge fig tree, he hopped around and then settled
on one branch, cocking his head, to guide Gingile.

2. Could Gingile have found the beehive by himself? Yes or No?

Ans: No.

3.Gingile did not follow the usual custom of giving Ndege some of the honey because:
Ans: (b) he wanted it all for himself.

4. How did the Honeyguide carry out his revenge?

Ans: One day Ndege led Gingile to a sleeping leopard instead of a honeycomb. Angry at being disturbed,
the leopard struck at Gingile.
5. What is the lesson that Gingile and his children will always remember?
Ans: Gingile and his children will always remember to leave the biggest and juiciest part of the comb for
the Honeyguide when they harvest honey.

6. Do you think Ndege was right in taking revenge? Why? Why not?
Ans: Ndege was right in being angry with Gingile’s behaviour. He had broken an age- old custom and
denied Ndege his right.





This book describes the adventures of a boy named Swaminathan and his friends, Rajan and Mani, in the
imaginary town of Malgudi.


5. Breaks up: closes for holidays.

6. Strode: walked.
7. Uneasy: uncomfortable.
8. Din: loud noise.
9. Doubtful: (here) probably wrong.
10. Subside: become less
11. Blockhead: a stupid person


2. What were the students asked to do during the holidays?

Ans: They were asked not to waste their time, but to read story-books and glance through their books for
the next class.

3. Why do you think Swami left the hall early?

Ans: Swami had answered only two questions satisfactorily, and written just one sentence for the last
question. That is the reason he left the hall early.

4. How do you think Swami felt when the boys were discussing their answers? Had only the foolish
ones written long answers?
Ans: Swami must have felt uncomfortable and even a little scared knowing that he had not done well. The
ones who knew the answer had written at length.

5. Was Swami planning to do what he had been asked to do?

Ans: Swami had no plans of reading during the holidays. He was, in fact, planning to burn his books and
use them as fuel in his mother’s kitchen.

6. What would you do if you saw Swami preparing to use his books as fuel?
Ans: I would stop him and convince him about the importance of reading.



This story depicts the love of a zookeeper towards animals. Specially his bonding with an anteater whose
mother was killed in the forest. We find the fatherly love of a man towards his animal babies.

1. Corgi: a breed of small dog.
2. Cling: hold tightly.
3. Teat: a rubber object with a small hole which is fitted to the end of child’s milk bottle.
4. Outraged: very angry.
5. Perfect: without a fault.
6. Blow: hit and punch.


1. What was special about the animal in the sack? Name atleast two features.
Ans: The animal in the sack was a young giant Anteater. It had tiny eyes and black, ash grey and white fur.

2. How did the writer feel when he first saw this animal? How do we know this?
Ans: The writer wanted to adopt the animal when he first saw it. He paid the man who brought him and
became the father of the most charming animal.

3. Pick words from the text which tell us that the writer found it difficult to take care of Sarah.
Ans: Feeding Sarah was a painful performance. Its claws had a very strong grip and by the end of the feed,
the writer used to feel that he was attacked by a bear.

4. Why did Sarah want to climb on to people all the time?

Ans: Sarah wanted to climb on to people all the time as young anteaters cling to their mother’s back.

5. How did the writer get Sarah to stay in the cage?

Ans: The writer introduced a cage to Sarah by filling up a sack of straws in it. Sarah accepted it without
any fuss and clung to it.


Story writing is an art. For story writing, one has to learn the use of correct and lucid language, develop
the art of narrating events or happening in a regular and systematic sequence.
The following points should be followed:
1. Narration of events systematically
2. Use of simple language.
3. Give a suitable heading to a story. Heading of a story should be as small as possible.
4. Your story should have a moral.
5. Learn to make the stories from given outlines.

1. Develop a short story from the given outline. Suggest a suitable title for the story also, Write the
moral of the story.
Outline : A boy used to cry for new costly shoes--- poor father--- factory worker--- meagre salary---
couldn't afford--- the boy cried a lot--- left home--- saw a beggar at the bus stop--- he had no legs--- he
realized --- thanked God for giving him two legs--- realized the love and care of his parents.

Count the Blessings, Not the Curses

A boy used to cry for new costly shoes. His father was a worker in a factory and he had a meager salary.
He bought cheap shoes but the boy was disappointed. He cried a lot and left the house. He sat near a bus
stop. He wondered when he would get the expensive pair of shoes. Just then a beggar passed by on his
crutches. The boy was shocked to find that the beggar had no legs. He was happy at least he had legs. He
thanked god for giving him legs and caring parents.

Moral: Be happy with what you have.


A dialogue means conversation between two or more people. Dialogue is a verbal exchange between two
or more characters. Dialogues are an effective tool of communication.

Dialogues are widely used in writing fiction, poems and dramas, generally to convey the view point of the

The conversation may be informal or formal, depending upon the following factors:

1. Relationship between the speakers.

2. The topic of conversation.
3. The situation in which the speakers are placed.

Q1. You are Karuna, your friend Madhu, has passed Grade 4 with best marks. Congratulate her. Write a
dialogue between Karuna and Madhu.

Karuna: Congratulations Madhu you have passed Grade 4 with good marks.

Madhu: Thanks

Karuna: You have really worked hard.

Madhu: My hard work and my teacher’s motivation helped me a lot.

Karuna: Hope you’ll maintain it in the next class also.

Madhu: Yes, I’ll try my best.

Karuna: Bye! see you soon

Madhu: Bye!

Q2. You are a customer. You go to a shoe- shop for buying a pair of shoes. Write a dialogue between the
salesman and the customer.

Salesman: What can I do for you, sir?

Customer: I want a pair of shoes.

Salesman: What is your shoe-size?

Customer: Size eight.

Salesman: Please, see in the display and select.

Customer: Pack the yellow one.

Salesman: Here it is.

Customer: What is the total amount?

Salesman: Its Rs 500, sir.

Customer: OK, I will pay in cash.

Salesman: Thank you sir, please do visit again.

Go Grammar Page:62
Read each sentence carefully and write the function of can in each.

1. I can ride a horse. (ability)

2. We can play with my brother on the terrace. (ability)
3. I can stay out till 7 p.m. (possibility)
4. Can you hand me the stapler? (request)
5. Any child can grow up to be the president. (ability)

Go Grammar Page:63
Change them into their past and negative forms.

1. We can play with my brother on the terrace.

We could play with my brother on the terrace.
We cannot play with my brother on the terrace.

2. You can stay out till 7 p.m.

You could stay out till 7 p.m.
You cannot stay out till 7 p.m.

3. I can save this answer on computer for you.

I could save this answer on computer for you.
I cannot save this answer on computer for you.

4. These horses can run very fast.

These horses could run very fast.
These horses cannot run very fast.

5. That girl can carry heavy box.

That girl could carry heavy box.
That girl cannot carry heavy box.

Go Grammar Page:64
State the function of shall.

1. Shall we go to school together tomorrow?

To ask a question for specific information

2. Shall we have lunch now?

To suggest something
Yes, where shall we go?
To ask a question for specific information

3. The chief guest has arrived. We shall start the meeting very soon.
To announce something definite

4. Let’s sit in our places, shall we?

To ask a question for specific information

Go Grammar Page:65
1. Fill in the blanks with can, could, shall, and should. Use not where ever necessary.
a. Can you drive a car?
I have not learnt how to drive yet. I should.
b. Shall we go on a vacation?
We cannot, because I won’t get leave now.
c. Could you lend me your book?
I can, but you have to help me with my project.

2. Match the functions of should/shouldn’t with the sentences.

a. To talk about the right things to do- I should be careful while crossing the road. I should not watch
too much TV.
b. To ask for advice- Should I join the gym? Should I admit my daughter in a music class?
c. To give advice- You shouldn’t wait to get the photocopies done. Shouldn’t you work out the maths
d. To give an official order- You should complete the report by tomorrow. Nobody should create trouble
in the playground.


Go Grammar Page 67
Use the correct modal to complete the sentences.
We will do something new today.
One of you would start a story. Then, each student will take turns to add a sentence. We’ll complete the
story that way.
That sounds fun! I’ll start. Won’t we do the same exercise every day?
No, Tinu, we won’t play new games every day. I’ll think of a new one for tomorrow.

Go Grammar Page 68
Use the correct modals in the sentences.
1. There are dark clouds in the sky. It may rain soon.
2. May I go now?
3. The Principal might agree with their plan.
4. Teacher: It’s 10 o’clock. You may start writing your test now.

State the functions of must/must not in the sentences below.
1. The phone is ringing. It must be my father. To express a conclusion
2. One must be fit and strong to take up mountaineering. To express a necessity
3. You must talk properly to your elders. To say what should be done.
4. The doorbell is ringing. That must be my friends. To express a conclusion

Go Grammar Page 69
1. You may run fast without a good pair of shoes. You must buy a good pair.
2. You won’t find butterflies here anymore since these houses were built.
3. We are in for a storm. There might be a power cut.
4. Will you go home now, or later?
5. I would like to stay till later as I have something to discuss with you.
6. You won’t be able to help me.
7. No one should waste time. Time is the most valuable thing.
8. What should I do for you?
9. I did not believe the stranger at first, but he might be right.


Go Grammar Page 77
Underline the time expressions in these sentences. For each expression, write present /past/future.

1. Sneha woke up early in the morning. Past

2. She is cooking now. Present
3. She thought about taking her dog for a walk, but it was raining outside at that time. Past
4. She will get ready for work soon. Future
5. She plans to reach office early. – Present
6. In the evening, she will go out for a movie. – Future

Go Grammar Page 78
This table shows the present tense of each verb. Fill in the other two columns.
Verb Present Tense Past Tense Future Tense
Laugh laugh laughed
Jump jump jumped
Drink drink drank
Run run ran
write write wrote
search search searched

Go Grammar Page 79
The present tense forms of the following be and auxiliary verbs are given in the table below. Write
their past tense form.
Present Tense Past Tense Any future tense?
Am Was
Are Were
Can could
shall should
Do Did

Go Grammar Page 80
Answer each question as directed.
A. Tick the sentences which describe event in the future and talk about how you know this.
i. Are they going to look for a present? Tick
ii. Are they in the school cricket team?
iii. Chaya is going to walk to town. Tick
iv. I am not going to call your sister. Tick
v. She will not go to Africa. Tick
vi. The teacher is checking our homework.

B. Tick the sentences in the simple past.

i. Did you have chicken last night? Tick
ii. My little brother has just joined the school.
iii. My parents lived in Odisha from 1985 to 2005. Tick
iv. The weatherman says there will be some rain tomorrow.
v. Yesterday my friend invited me to his birthday party. Tick


Go Grammar Page 83
Complete the sentences below using the simple present tense correctly. After each sentence, mention
if it is a routine or a fact. One has been done for you.

Rahim : What do you usually do on weekends ? (do) routine

Sid : I usually go for swimming. (go) routine
Rahim : I know a girl called Radhika . (know) fact
She also likes to swim a lot. (swim) fact
Sid : I don’t know this girl. (not know) fact
Rahim : She lives near the railway station now. (live) fact
She works at a bank. (work) routine
Sid : I want to meet her. (want) We can all go swimming some day. fact

Go Grammar Page 85
Form negative sentences and yes/ no questions from the sentences given below.
a. This dress is for the party.
This dress is not for the party.
Is this dress for the party?

b. He goes to the park.

He does not go to the park.

Does he go to the park?

c. She watches Hollywood movies.

She does not watch Hollywood movies.
Does she watch Hollywood movies?

d. They eat breakfast at 8 am.

They do not eat breakfast at 8am.
Do they eat breakfast at 8am?

e. The boxing champion comes from Punjab.

The boxing champion does not come from Punjab.
Does the boxing champion come from Punjab?

f. Mr. Arora cleans his house every day.

Mr. Arora does not clean his house every day.
Does Mr. Arora clean his house every day.

Make wh- questions using the sentences below.

a. He sings What does he sing?
b. They play Where do they play?
c. You dance Where do you dance?
d. Children cry Why do the children cry?
e. Birds fly Where do the birds fly?
f. The baby smiles Why does the baby smile?
g. Rivers flow Where do rivers flow?
h. The sun rises When does the sun rise?


Go Grammar Page 90

Write how the present continuous tense is being used in the sentences below. You can write the
numbers 1, 2 or 3 as explained above.

a. My sister is watching TV, but I’m studying. 1

b. I’m preparing for my exams this week. 2
c. My uncle is coming to dinner tonight. 3
d. Who are you writing to? 1
e. We are not going on a vacation this Saturday as grandma isn’t well. 3

Go Grammar Page 91

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

a. I am listening (listen) to the news.
b. The train to Gulbarga is leaving (leave) from platform number three.
c. Sudha is giving (give) a dance performance this evening.
d. We are attending (attend) her performance.
e. She is dancing (dance) with her troupe.
f. I am learning (learn) the tense forms now.
g. I am beginning (begin) to understand the present continuous tense.

Go Grammar Page 92

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

a) I took (take) a shower at 8 o’clock and was singing (sing).

b) I met (meet) her while she was shopping (shop).
c) At 8:30 a.m. yesterday, we went (go) to school.
d) James Bond was driving (drive) when he saw (see) the criminal.
e) My friend was learning (learn) French last year, not me.
f) I was strumming (strum) on the guitar and my sister was playing (play) the piano.
g) The pilot was taking off (take off) when she saw a dog on the runway. She stopped (stop) on the
runway and called (call) the Air Traffic Control Officers.

Go Grammar Page 92

b) Given below is the commentary of a football match. Fill in the blanks using the present
continuous or the simple present forms of the verbs.

Pablo is coming (come) to tackle Adriano. Sasa is running (run) along the sideline. Pablo is back-
passing (back-pass) the ball to Sasa. Sasa is moving (move) forward with the ball. Beckham draws
(draw) closer and he is capturing (capture) the ball from Sasa. Beckham is moving (move) quickly
towards the goalkeeper with the ball. Adriano comes (come) up from behind. Beckham is giving
(give) a forward pass to Adraino. Adraino kicks (kick) the ball hard, and it’s a GOAL!

Go Grammar Page 93

c) The passage below describes what the members of a family were doing one Saturday afternoon.
Fill in the blanks using the verbs in the brackets correctly.

Mom was weeding (weed) the garden while Dad was mowing (mow) the lawn. Roan, our cat was chasing
(chase) two birds and Ricky, our puppy, was pulling (pull) at mom’s dupatta. I pulled (pull) at Ricky’s
tail. My younger sister was swinging (swing) on a swing when suddenly she fell (fall) down. She started
(start) to scream. While she was screaming (scream), Mom ran (run) to her. We all were running (run)

towards her when she stopped crying, and said, “I want (want) to swing again.” Dad said, “She must be


Go Grammar Page 95

Change the will+verb (present tense) in these sentences into i) be+verb+ing and ii) be+going to+verb.

a. I will invite my friends.

I will be inviting my friends.
I am going to invite my friends.

b. My friends will come here.

My friends will be coming here.
My friends are going to come here.

c. They will stay with us for a week.

They will be staying with us for a week.
They are going to stay with us for a week.

d. We will watch a movie tomorrow.

We will be watching a movie tomorrow.
We are going to watch a movie tomorrow

e. We will also go to the river bank.

We will also be going to the river bank.
We are also going to the river bank.

Go Grammar Page 97

Write what each form of verb means in the sentences below.

a. We are driving home tomorrow from the airport. a definite plan
b. We will take taxi if it rains heavily. A possibility
c. The doctor will meet you in one hour. A definite plan
d. Lalit will be an astronaut. A possibility
e. Rahat: Suhana, I’m going to repair your laptop. A promise
f. Shiva: When are you leaving Rome? A decision
g. The movie will release tomorrow. A future fact
h. The Olympics will be held in our country next year. A definite plan



1. Describe Gingile in your own words. (80 words)


1. What to you usually think of when you are writing your last exam? Do young boys and girls usually behave
like the characters in this story?


1.Write any five facts about Anteaters.


1. Anshul and Mickey had a fight for a ball. Write the dialogues between them.
2. You are asking for some pocket money from your mother. Write the dialogues between your mother and

1. Fill in the blanks with correct modals.
a. _______ I come in teacher? (May / Can / Will)
b. Why is the dog barking? He _______ be hungry? (may / can)
c. ________ you help me with the homework? (Can / May)
d. He _______ run a mile in 10 minutes. (can / may)
e. I _______ not submit the assignment on time so the teacher punished me. (can / could)

2. Fill in the blanks with correct verbs.

a. Raju _______ (go) to market yesterday.

b. Latha _______ (weep) bitterly on her father’s death.
c. I have ______ (complete) my homework just now.
d. Ramya _______ (be) a student.
e. Maggie has _______ (bring) a new car.

3.Fill the table with the correct tenses.

Verb Present Tense Past Tense


1. Fill in the blanks with correct modals.

a. May/Can I come in teacher? (May / Can / Will)
b. Why is the dog barking? He may be hungry? (may / can)
c. Can you help me with the homework? (Can / May)
d. He can run a mile in 10 minutes. (can / may)
e. I cannot submit the assignment on time so the teacher punished me. (can / could)

2. Fill in the blanks with correct verbs.

a. Raju went (go) to market yesterday.

b. Latha wept (weep) bitterly on her father’s death.
c. I have completed (complete) my homework just now.
d. Ramya is (be) a student.
e. Maggie has brought (bring) a new car.

3.Fill the table with the correct tenses.

Verb Present Tense Past Tense

give give gave
bark bark barked
cook cook cooked
play play played
throw throw threw


I. Choose the correct options.

1. What is the full form of Wi-Fi?

a. Wireless Frequency
b. Wireless Fidelity
c. Wireless Fortinet
d. None of these


2. In India how many people have been selected for the Padma Shri Awards 2023?
a. 14
b. 80
c. 91
d. 45


3. Name the person appointed as the new Chairman of Microsoft?

a. Steve Jobs
b. Satya Nadella
c. James Gosling
d. Martha Lane Fox


4. Who is the Father of Modern Medicine in whose name doctors take an oath?
a. Hippocrates
b. Marie Curie
c. John Bertrand
d. Roy Calne

5. SpaceX, which is making a transport system to take 100 people to Mars is owned by this
famous person .
a. Sara Seager
b. Carolyn Porco
c. Steve Squyres
d. Elon Musk

6. This was the first city in the world to launch driverless taxis.
a. USA
b. India
c. China
d. Singapore

7. The world’s deepest freshwater lake, Lake Baikal, is located in.

a. Russia (Siberia)
b. Australia
c. Argentina
d. France

8. Which is the highest civilian award in India?

a. Param Vir Chakra
b. Bharat Ratna
c. Padma Award
d. Arjuna Award

9. Which country is called the land of White Elephants?

a. Germany
b. Canada
c. India
d. Thailand


10. Which gas is known as “laughing gas”?

a. Propane
b. Helium
c. Nitrogen Oxide
d. Nitrogen
II. Identify these pictures using the clues.
11. How high is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai,
United Arab Emirates?
a. Around 830 metres
b. Around 960 metres
c. Around 1070 metres


12. What is the name of this architectural style?

a. Gothic
b. Baroque
c. Neoclassical


13. A UNESCO world heritage site, this temple

built around 1005 CE has a 25 ton dome at a
height of 60m above ground. Which temple is

a. Brihadiswara Temple, Thanjavur

b. Madurai Meenakshi Temple, Madurai
c. Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple, Srirangam


14. Who is the freedom fighter in this picture?
a. Lord William

b. Rabindranath Tagore

c. Mahatma Gandhi


15. Name the person who invited the QWERTY keyboard layout design?
a. Christopher Latham Sholes
b. Albert Atwood
c. Emik Bentov



1. Wireless Fidelity
2. 91
3. Satya Nadella
4. Hippocrates
5. Elon Musk
6. Singapore
7. Russia (Siberia)
8. Bharat Ratna
9. Thailand
10. Nitrogen Oxide
11. Around 830 metres
12. Gothic
13. Brihadiswara Temple, Thanjavur
14. Mahatma Gandhi
15. Christopher Latham Sholes

पाठ -9
अनूठा त्योहार
नए शब्द

नए शब्द नए शब्द नए शब्द

1 दिवाली
2 त्योहार
3 प्रचलन
4 आँ गन
5 दृश्य
6 कलात्मक
7 बुज़ुगग
8 उल्लास
9 फ्रेम
10 प्रतीक्षा

पाठ -9
अनूठा त्योहार
शब्द – अर्थ

दृश्य नज़ारा
अनूठे अनोखे
गलीचे कालीन
4 बुज़ुगग
बड़े –बूढ़े

कानन वन
उत्साह उमंग
कूच प्रस्थान
8 प्रतीक्षा इं तज़ार
9 साधारणतया आमतौर पर
10 आनंिपूवगक मज़े से

दिए गए शब्दोों से वाक्य बनाइए।

1. रों गोली -दिवाली पर हम रं गोली बनाते हैं ।
2. प्रार्थना – हमें रोज़ प्राथगना करनी चादहए।
3. त्योहार – भारत में अनेक त्योहार मनाए जाते हैं ।

दिए गए शब्दोों के वर्थ दवच्छे ि कीदिए ।

1. रों गोली = र् + अं + ग् + ओ + ल् + ई

2. दसलदसला = स् + इ + ल् + अ + स् + इ + ल् + आ

3. पुर्थगाल = प् +उ + र् + त् + अ + ग् + आ + ल् + अ

पाठ -9
अनूठा त्योहार
प्रश्न – उत्तर
प्रश्न 1. लोग फूल पदत्तयोों का क्या करर्े हैं ?
उत्तर. लोग फूलों की पँखुदड़याँ तोड़कर अलग-अलग रं गों के ढे र बनाते हैं। दफर उन सुंिर फूलों और पदत्तयों से
सड़क को सजाते हैं।
प्रश्न 2. शाम को िुलूस में क्या होर्ा है ?
उत्तर. शाम को जु लूस में घोड़ों पर जवान, चचग के पािरी और बच्चे भाग ले ते हैं। सड़क के दकनारे खड़े लोग
उनका अदभवािन करते हैं। जुलूस में शादमल लोग फूल उछालते हुए प्राथगना गाते हैं- दवश्वभर में शां दत बनी रहे ।

प्रश्न 3. त्योहार वाले दिन सड़कोों को बोंि करने के बाि उनकी सिावट कैसे की िार्ी है ?
उत्तर. त्योहार वाले दिन सड़कों को बंि करने के बाि उनपर दिज़ाइन बनाए जाते हैं। उनको रं ग-दबरं गे फूलों
और पदत्तयों से सजाया जाता है। दकस रं ग के फूल के साथ दकस रं ग की पदत्तयों को दबछाना है, इसका चुनाव बड़ी
खूबसूरती से दकया जाता है।

प्रश्न 4.फूलोों की रों गोली का त्योहार कहााँ और कब मनाया िार्ा है ?

उत्तर. फूलों की रं गोली का त्योहार पुतगगाल के एक गाँव में जून के महीने में मनाया जाता है।

प्रश्न 5. इस त्योहार को अनूठा त्योहार क्योों कहा गया है ?

उत्तर. इस दिन अपने घरों को नहीं बल्कि पू रे गाँव की सड़कों और सावगजदनक भवनों को फूलों से सजाते हैं ,
इसदलए इसे अनूठा त्योहार कहा जाता है।

पाठ – 10
क्या करें
नए शब्द

नए शब्द नए शब्द नए शब्द

1 जुआ

2 जुताई
3 दवश्राम
4 संतुष्ट

5 रहँट
6 स्वामी
7 धन्यवाि
8 भाग्यशाली

9 शीघ्र

10 पररश्रम

पाठ – 10
क्या करें
शब्द – अर्थ

शब्द अर्थ
1 जुटे काम में लगे
2 उपाय तरकीब
3 जुताई खेत खोिने का काम
4 दचंता दिक्र
5 दवश्राम आराम
6 रहँट यंत्र

दिए गए शब्दोों से वाक्य बनाइए ।

1.दकसान – दकसान खेतों में काम करते हैं ।
2. बैल – बैल दकसानों के सच्चे दमत्र होते हैं ।
3. दवश्राम – िािा जी दवश्राम कर रहे हैं।
दिए गए शब्दोों के वर्थ दवच्छे ि कीदिए ।

1. नाटक = न् +आ +ट् +अ +क् +अ

2. रक्षक = र् + अ + क् + ष् + अ + क्+अ

3.अदिनय= अ + भ्+ इ + न् + अ + य्+अ

4. द ोंर्ा =च् + इ + न्+ त् + आ

पाठ – 10
क्या करें
प्रश्न – उत्तर
प्रश्न 1. बैल खेर् में क्या करर्ा है ?
उत्तर. बैल खेत में हल चलाता था ।

प्रश्न 2. बैल परे शान क्योों र्ा ?

उत्तर. बैल परे शान था क्ोंदक उसे खेत में दिनभर कड़ा पररश्रम करना पड़ता था और दकसान उसे बदढ़या खाना
भी नहीं िे ता था ।

प्रश्न 3. गधे ने बैल को काम से ब ने का क्या उपाय बर्ाया ?

उत्तर. गधे ने बै ल को काम से बचने का यह उपाय बताया तुम अगले दिन काम करते-करते दगर पड़ना और
कराहने लगना। मादलक तुम्हें बीमार समझकर घर ले आएगा और भोजन भी अच्छा िे गा।

प्रश्न 4. अोंर् मे बैल ने क्या दनश्चय दकया ?

उत्तर. अंत में बैल ने सोचा दक व्यथग के बहाने बनाना ठीक नहीं । अपने पररश्रमी जीवन से ही संतुष्ट रहना

प्रश्न 5. दकसान ने अोंर् में गधे और बैल के दलए क्या दनर्थय दलया ?
उत्तर. दकसान ने अंत में िोनों को काम पर लगा दिया। उसने बैल को हल चलाने और गधे से रहँ ट चलाने का
काम करवाने का दनणगय दलया।



पररिाषा – संज्ञा या सवगनाम शब्ों की दवशेषता बताने वाले शब्ों को दवशेषण कहते है ।
जैसे – सुंिर, पाँच, कुछ,एक लीटर काला ,मीठा आदि ।
दवशेषण चार प्रकार के होते हैं -
1. गुणवाचक दवशेषण
2. संख्या वाचक दवशेषण
3. पररमाणवाचक दवशेषण
4. सवगनादमक दवशेषण

1. गुर्वा क दवशेषर्-जो शब् संज्ञा या सवगनाम शब्ों के गुण ,रं ग ,रूप ,आकार , व अवस्था आदि के बारे
में बताते हैं , उन्हें गुणवाचक दवशेषण कहते हैं ।
िैसे – काला , चतुर , सुंिर ,मोटा,बूढ़ा आदि ।
1. बगीचे में सुंिर फूल ल्कखले हैं ।
2. लोमड़ी चतु र होती है ।

2. सोंख्यावा क दवशेषर्- जो शब् संज्ञा या सवगनाम शब्ों की संख्या या दगनती बताते हैं, उन्हें
संख्यावाचक दवशेषण कहते हैं ।
िैसे - िस, चार, एक हज़ार, कुछ, कई आदि ।
1. मेरे बस्ते मे िो पुस्तकें हैं ।
2. कुछ ल्कखलाड़ी खेल रहे हैं।

3. पररमार्वा क दवशेषर्- जो शब् संज्ञा या सवगनाम का माप-तौल या पररमाण बताते हैं , उन्हें
पररमाणवाचक दवशेषण कहते हैं ।
िैसे – िस लीटर , एक मीटर ,थोड़ी-सी चाय,बहुत पानी आदि ।
1. मुझे िो मीटर कपड़ा लगेगा ।
2. चूहा थोड़े से गेहँ खा गया ।

4. सवथनादमक दवशेषर्- जो सवगनाम शब् संज्ञा के पहले आकर उनकी दवशेषता बताते हैं, उन्हें सावग नादमक
दवशेषण कहते हैं; जैसे- यह कार, वह घर, ये फूल आदि ।
1. इस लैपटॉप का मादलक कौन है ।
2. यह कार सदचन की है ।

नी े दिए गए वाक्योों में से रे खाोंदकर् दवशेषर्ोों के िेि दलखखए ।

1.राहुल बुखिमान लड़का है । - गुणवाचक दवशेषण
2. चौरहे पर लाल-पीली बत्ती लगी है । - गुणवाचक दवशेषण
3. श्याम मोटा लड़का है । - गुणवाचक दवशेषण
4. मेरे पास िो पेंदसल है । - संख्यावाचक दवशेषण
5. राघव ने मुझे प ास रुपये दिए है । - संख्यावाचक दवशेषण
6. आज पाटी में िस लीटर िू ध लगेगा । - पररमाणवाचक दवशेषण
7. हमें रोज़ पााँ दकलोमीटर चलना चदहए। - पररमाणवाचक दवशेषण
8. राधा को र्ोड़ी – सी चाय िे िो । -पररमाणवाचक दवशेषण
9. इस घर का मादलक कौन है । - सवगनादमक दवशेषण
10. यह गाड़ी मेरी है । - सवगनादमक दवशेषण

अनेक शब्द के दलए - एक शब्द
1. जो नभ में उड़ता हो - नभचर

2. प्रदतदिन होने वाला – िै दनक

3. काम से जी चुरानेवाला – कामचोर

4. मीठा बोलनेवाला -मृिुभाषी

5. दजसका कोई आकार न हो - दनराकार

6. जो ईश्वर में दवश्वास रखता हो - आल्कस्तक

7. दजसका अन्त न हो। – अनन्त

8. जो कभी न मरे – अमर

9. जो मन को मोह ले- मनमोहक

10. रादत्र में दवचरण करनेवाला- दनशाचर

दवराम द ह्न

पररिाषा - वाक् दलखते समय दवराम (दवश्राम /रुकना) को प्रकट करने के दलए लगाए जाने वाले दचह्न को ही
दवराम दचह्न कहते हैं।

दवराम द ह्न कई प्रकार के होर्े हैं, कुछ प्रमुख द ह्न इस प्रकार हैं-

1. पूर्थ दवराम (। )

जैसे – रोहन खाना खाता है ।

हम खेल रहे हैं ।

2. अल्प दवराम (,)

जैसे – राधा, कृष्ण और बलराम ये भगवान के नाम हैं।

दपता जी बाज़ार से फल, सल्कियाँ और मक्खन लाए।

3. प्रश्नवा क- द ह्न (?)

जैसे – तुम्हारा नाम क्ा है ?

आप कब आए ?

4. दवस्मयादिबोधक- द ह्न (!)

जैसे – वाह !दकतना सुंिर फूल है।

शाबश !तुमने कर दिखाया।

दिए गए वाक्योों में उद र् दवराम – द ह्न लगाकर दलखखए ।

1. राम श्याम और राघव स्कूल गए।

उत्तर - राम, श्याम और राघव स्कूल गए।

2. तुम कहाँ गए थे

उत्तर -तुम कहाँ गए थे?

3. मैं कल जा रहा हँ

उत्तर - मैं कल जा रहा हँ |

4. राधा खेल रही है

उत्तर - राधा खेल रही है।

5. काश मैं दिल्ली जा पाता।

उत्तर - काश ! मैं दिल्ली जा पाता।

6. तुम कौन हो

उत्तर - तु म कौन हो ?

7. हम खेल रहे हैं

उत्तर - हम खेल रहे हैं।

8. रदव सोहन और शोभा िोस्त हैं।

उत्तर - रदव,सोहन और शोभा िोस्त हैं।

9. वाह दकतनी सुंिर दततली है।

उत्तर - वाह ! दकतनी सुंिर दततली है।

10. वहाँ एक हाथी है

उत्तर - वहाँ एक हाथी है।

दगनर्ी ५०- १००

50 ५० पचास

51 ५१ इक्ावन

52 ५२ बावन

53 ५३ दतरपन

54 ५४ चौवन

55 ५५ पचपन

56 ५६ छप्पन

57 ५७ सतावन

58 ५८ अठावन

59 ५९ उनसठ

60 ६० साठ

61 ६१ इकसठ

62 ६२ बासठ

63 ६३ दतरसठ

64 ६४ चौंसठ

65 ६५ पैंसठ

66 ६६ दछयासठ

67 ६७ सड़सठ

68 ६८ अड़सठ

69 ६९ उनहतर

70 ७० सत्तर

71 ७१ इकहतर

72 ७२ बहतर

73 ७३ दतहतर

74 ७४ चौहतर

75 ७५ पचहतर

76 ७६ दछहतर

77 ७७ सतहतर

78 ७८ अठहतर

79 ७९ उन्नासी

80 ८० अस्सी

81 ८१ इक्ासी

82 ८२ बयासी

83 ८३ दतरासी

84 ८४ चौरासी

85 ८५ पचासी

86 ८६ दछयासी

87 ८७ सतासी

88 ८८ अट्ठासी

89 ८९ नवासी

90 ९० नब्बे

91 ९१ इक्ानवे

92 ९२ बानवे

93 ९३ दतरानवे

94 ९४ चौरानवे

95 ९५ पचानवे

96 ९६ दछयानवे

97 ९७ सतानवे

98 ९८ अट्ठानवे

99 ९९ दनन्यानवे

100 १०० सौ

अनुच्छेि लेखन


िोस्त हमारे जीवन का वह दहस्सा हैं दजन्हें हम खुि चुनते हैं। दजतना ज़रूरी जीवन में पररवार का होना है उतना
ही ज़रूरी दमत्र का होना भी है। सच्चे दमत्र जीवन में हर मोड़ पर हमें सहायता और मागगिशगन िे ते हैं। सच्चा
दमत्र दमलना बहुत कदठन है। सच्चा दमत्र वही हो सकता है जो दिल से आपको अपना माने। सच्चा दमत्र वही है
जो कभी हमारे सामने दिखावा नहीं करता हो और न ही झूठ बोलता हो। जो िु ख और सुख में कभी साथ नहीं
छोड़ता हो जो हमें हमारे दवशेष होने का अहसास कराते हैं। यदि हमारे पास सच्चे दमत्र हैं तो जीवन अदधक
मनोरं जक और सहनशील बन जाता है। अतः हमारे जीवन में सच्चे दमत्र का होना बहुत ही आवश्यक है।

दशक्षक दिवस

भारत िे श में 5 दसतंबर को दशक्षकों का सम्मान प्रकट करने के दलए िे शभर में दशक्षक दिवस मनाया जाता
है। इस दिन भारत के िू सरे राष्टरपदत और आिशग दशक्षक िॉ. सवगपल्ली राधाकृष्णन का जन्मदिन होता है। वे
एक दवद्वान और महान दशक्षक थे। 'गुरु' का हर दकसी के जीवन में बहुत महत्त्व होता है। सवगपल्ली राधाकृष्णन
दशक्षा में बहुत दवश्वास रखते थे। इस दिन समस्त िे श में भारत सरकार द्वारा श्रे ष्ठ दशक्षकों को पु रस्कार भी प्रिान
दकया जाता है। हम दशक्षक दिवस को बड़े धूम धाम से मनाते हैं।

पत्र लेखन (औप ाररक पत्र)

दकसी कारर्वश घर िल्दी िाने की अनुमदर् मााँ गर्े हुए कक्षा अध्यादपका के दलए प्रार्थना पत्र
दलखखए ।

सेवा में
कक्षा अध्यादपका जी
वैिेही स्कूल (बेंगलुरू )
दिनां क – 10 नवंबर 2023

दवषय- घर जल्दी जाने की अनुमदत माँगने के दलए प्राथगना पत्र


सदवनय दनवेिन है दक मैंआपके दवद्यालय की कक्षा पाँ च का छात्र / की छात्रा हँ। मेरे दपता जी की कंपनी में
कमगचाररयों के बच्चों के दलए बाल मेला का आयोजन दकया गया है। दजसमें भाग ले ने के दलए मुझे भी जाना है।

अतः आपसे दवनम्र अनुरोध है दक मुझे जल्दी घर जाने की अनुमदत प्रिान करें तादक मैं बाल मेले में सल्कम्मदलत हो
सकूँ ।

आपका आज्ञाकारी दशष्य / आपकी आज्ञाकारी दशष्या


1. दिए गए वाक्योों में उद र् दवराम – द ह्न लगाकर दलखखए ।

1. तुम कौन हो

2. हम खेल रहे हैं

3. रदव सोहन और शोभा िोस्त हैं।

4. वाह दकतनी सुंिर दततली है।

15. वहाँ एक हाथी है।

2. दिए गए अनेक शब्द के दलए - एक शब्द दलखखए ।

1. दिसका कोई शत्रु न हो

(क ) शत्रुरदहत (ख ) अगोचर (ग ) अजातशत्रु (घ) असाध्य

2. बोलने वाला

(क ) वक्ता (ख ) श्रोता (ग ) वाच्या (घ) इनमें से कोई नहीं

3. छोटा िाई

(क ) अजर (ख ) अमर (ग ) अनुजा (घ) अनुज

4. दिसके पास धन न हो

(क ) धनी (ख ) धनहीन (ग ) धदनक (घ) दनधगन

5. दिसे करना कदठन हो

(क ) िु गगम (ख ) िु ष्कर (ग ) िु लगभ (घ) िु रूह


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