CHAPTER 1 - The Human Organism (LABORATORY)

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Learning Outcomes
At the end of this pre-recorded powerpoint presentation , the students will be able
(1) Explain homeostasis.
(2) Demonstrate the correct anatomical position.
(3) Identify the planes of the human body.
(4) Identify the divisions of the human body.
(5) Identify the minor and major cavities and list the chief organs in each cavity.

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Homeostasis 1
• maintenance of constant internal environment despite
fluctuations in the external or internal environment
• measures of body properties that may change in value
Examples of variables:
body temperature blood glucose levels
heart rate blood cell counts
blood pressure respiratory rate
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Homeostasis 2
Normal range: normal extent of increase or decrease around a set point
Set point: normal, or average value of a variable
Over time, body temperature fluctuates around a set point

Figure 1.4
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Homeostasis 3
Set points for some variables can be temporarily
adjusted depending on body activities, as needed:
Examples Common cause of change

body temperature fever

heart rate, blood pressure exercise

respiratory rate

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Homeostasis 4
The components of feedback:

1. Receptor:
• detects changes in variable

2. Control center:
• receives receptor signal
• establishes set point
• sends signal to effector

3. Effector:
• directly causes change in variable
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Homeostasis 5
- the net effect of the response to the stimulus is the shut off of the original stimulus or
to reduce its intensity
- EXAMPLE: body temperature, blood chemical levels


- tend to increase the original disturbance (stimulus) and push the variable farther
from its original value
- EXAMPLE: ovulation, blood clotting, birth

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Homeostasis 6

•Most homeostatic control mechanisms are negative feedback

•In these systems, the output shuts off the original stimulus or
reduces its intensity. These mechanisms cause the variable to
change in a direction opposite to that of the initial change,
returning it to its “ideal” value; thus the name “negative”
feedback mechanisms.

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Homeostasis 7

•A good example of a non-biological negative feedback system is

a home heating system connected to a temperature-sensing
thermostat . If the thermostat is set at 20°C (68°F), the heating
system (effector) is triggered ON when the house temperature
drops below that setting. As the furnace produces heat and
warms the air, the temperature rises, and when it reaches 20°C
or slightly higher, the thermostat triggers the furnace OFF.

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Homeostasis 8
•This process results in a cycling of “furnace-ON” and “furnace-
OFF” so that the temperature in the house stays very near the
desired temperature of 20°C. Your body “thermostat,” located in
a part of your brain called the hypothalamus, operates in a
similar fashion.

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Homeostasis 9
•In positive feedback mechanisms, the result or response
enhances the original stimulus so that the activity (output) is
•This feedback mechanism is “positive” because the change that
occurs proceeds in the same direction as the initial disturbance,
causing the variable to deviate further and further from its
original value or range.

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Homeostasis 10
•In contrast to negative feedback controls, which maintain many
physiological functions or keep blood chemicals within narrow
ranges, positive feedback mechanisms usually control infrequent
events that do not require continuous adjustments.
•However, TWO familiar examples of their use as homeostatic
mechanisms are the enhancement of labor contractions during
birth and blood clotting.

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Homeostasis 11
•The body’s ability to regulate its internal environment is
fundamental, and all negative feedback mechanisms have the same
goal: preventing sudden severe changes within the body.
•Body temperature and blood volume are only two of the variables
that need to be regulated. There are hundreds! Other negative
feedback mechanisms regulate heart rate, blood pressure, the rate
and depth of breathing, and blood levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide,
and minerals.

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Homeostasis 12

•Homeostasis is so important that most disease can be regarded

as a result of its disturbance, a condition called homeostatic
•As we age, our body’s control systems become less efficient, and
our internal environment becomes less and less stable. These
events increase our risk for illness and produce the changes we
associate with aging.

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Terminology and the Body Plan

Anatomical position:
• person standing erect with
face and palms forward
• all relational descriptions
based on the anatomical
position, regardless of
body orientation

Figure 1.8
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Directional Terms 1
Superior: above
Inferior: below

Anterior: front (also: ventral)

Posterior: back (also: dorsal)
Note: In four-legged animals, the
terms ventral (belly) and dorsal
(back) correspond to anterior and
posterior in humans

Figure 1.8
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Directional Terms 2
Medial: close to midline
Lateral: away from midline
Proximal: close to point of attachment
Distal: far from point of attachment
Superficial: structure close to the
Deep: structure toward the interior of
the body

Figure 1.8
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Body Regions
Upper limbs:
• upper arm, forearm, wrist, hand
Lower limbs:
• thigh, lower leg, ankle, foot
Central region:
• head, neck, trunk

Figure 1.9
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Regional Terms 1

There are many visible landmarks on the surface of the body:

- Anterior body landmarks
- Posterior body landmarks

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Anterior Body Landmarks

(1) Frontal (forehead) (17) Clavicular (collarbone)

(2) Orbital (eye) (18) Axillary (armpit)

(3) Nasal (nose) (19) Brachial (arm)

(4) Oral (mouth) (20) Antecubital (front of elbow)

(5) Otic (ear) (21) Antebrachial (forearm)

(6) Buccal (cheek) (22) Carpal (wrist)

(7) Mental (chin) (23) Palmar (palm)

(8) Cervical (neck) (24) Digital (fingers)

(9) Pectoral (chest) (25) Coxal (hip)

(10) Sternal (breastbone) (26) Femoral (thigh)

(11) Mammary (breast) (27) Patellar (knee cap)

(12) Abdominal (abdomen) (28) Crural (leg)

(13) Umbilical (navel) (29) Talus (ankle)

(14) Pelvic (pelvis) (30) Dorsum (top of foot)

(15) Inguinal (groin) (31) Digital (toes)

(16) Pubic (genital)

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Posterior Body Landmarks

(1) Cranial (skull)

(2) Occipital (base of neck)

(3) Nuchal (back of neck)

(4) Scapular (shoulder blade)

(5) Vertebral (spinal column)

(6) Lumbar (loin)

(7) Sacral (between hips)

(8) Gluteal (buttock)

(9) Perineal (perineum)

(10) Acromial (point of shoulder)

(11) Olecranon (point of elbow)

(12) Dorsum (back of hand)

(13) Popliteal (hollow behind knee)

(14) Sural (calf)

(15) Plantar (sole)

(16) Calcaneal (heel)

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Subdivisions of the Abdomen

Figure 1.10
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Abdominopelvic Regions
The epigastric region is located superior to the
umbilical region (epi = upon, above; gastri = belly).

The hypogastric (pubic) region is located inferior to

the umbilical region (hypo = below).

The right and left iliac, or inguinal, regions are

located lateral to the hypogastric region (iliac =
superior part of the hip bone).

The right and left lumbar regions lie lateral to the

umbilical region (lumbus = loin).

The right and left hypochondriac regions flank the

epigastric region laterally (chondro = cartilage).

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Abdominopelvic Quadrants

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Body Planes
Sagittal plane: separates the body into right
and left parts
Median plane: a sagittal plane along the
midline that divides body into equal left and
right halves
Transverse plane: a horizontal plane that
separates the body into superior and
inferior parts.
Frontal plane: a vertical plane that
separates the body into anterior and
posterior parts.
Figure 1.11
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Body Cavities 1

There are two sets of internal body cavities called

the dorsal and ventral body cavities. These cavities
are closed to the outside.

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Dorsal Body Cavity

Which protects the fragile nervous system organs has two
subdivisions. The cranial cavity, in the skull, encases the brain.
The vertebral, or spinal, cavity, which runs within the bony
vertebral column, encloses the delicate spinal cord. The cranial
and spinal cavities are continuous with one another

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Ventral Body Cavity

The more anterior and larger of the closed body cavities.
It has two major subdivisions, the thoracic and the abdominopelvic cavities. It
houses internal organs collectively called the viscera .
They are separated by the diaphragm, a dome-shaped muscle important in
The abdominopelvic cavity, as its name suggests, has two parts not physically
separated by a muscular or membrane wall.
The inferior part, the pelvic cavity, lies in the bony pelvis .

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Body Cavities 2
Thoracic cavity:
• space within chest wall and
• contains heart, lungs, thymus
gland, esophagus, trachea
• space between lungs
• contains heart, thymus gland,
esophagus, trachea
Figure 1.13
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Body Cavities 3
Abdominal cavity:
• space between diaphragm and
• contains stomach, intestines,
liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys
Pelvic cavity:
• space within pelvis
• contains urinary bladder,
reproductive organs, part of
large intestine
Figure 1.13
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Serous Membranes 1
Line trunk cavities, cover organs
• visceral serous membrane covers organs
• parietal serous membrane is the outer membrane
• cavity - a fluid-filled space between the membranes

Figure 1.14
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Serous Membranes 2
Three sets of serous membranes and cavities:
Membrane Cavity
Pericardium Pericardial cavity
around heart
Pleura Pleural cavity
around lungs
Peritoneum Peritoneal cavity
around abdominopelvic
cavity and its organs

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Pericardium and Pericardial Cavity

• visceral pericardium
covers heart
• parietal pericardium
thick, fibrous
• pericardial cavity
reduces friction

Figure 1.15a
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Pleura and Pleural Cavity

• visceral pleura
covers lungs
• parietal pleura lines
inner wall of thorax
• pleural cavity
• reduces friction
• adheres lungs to
thoracic wall
Figure 1.15b
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Peritoneum and Peritoneal Cavity

• visceral peritoneum
• covers, anchors organs
• double layers called
• parietal peritoneum lines
inner wall of
abdominopelvic cavity
• peritoneal cavity reduces
Figure 1.15c
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