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TEL.: +7 (495) 648 1000, TINKOFF.RU

Document on the movement funds

№ aeefa35c 28.06.2023

Lobzin Artyom Stanislavovich

Home address: 432071, G Ulyanovsk, Ul Mira, d. 35, kv. 3

About the product

Date of conclusion of the contract: 15.09.2021

Contract number: 5354382591

Personal account number: 44017810200031644633

Movement of funds for the period from 26.06.2023 to 28.06.2023

Transaction date1,2 Transaction amount Transaction amount Transaction description Card
and its currency in the card currency number3
28.06.2023 21:18:27 -325.19 ₽ -325.19 ₽ Transfer 7603
28.06.2023 21:33:15
28.06.2023 16:51:14 -94.92 ₽ -94.92 ₽ Transfer 7603
28.06.2023 17:07:18
28.06.2023 16:51:14 -5.08 ₽ -5.08 ₽ Transfer 7603
28.06.2023 17:08:49
27.06.2023 21:12:49 -1.00 ₽ -1.00 ₽ Transfer 7603
28.06.2023 07:06:21
27.06.2023 21:12:49 -69.00 ₽ -69.00 ₽ Cash withdrawal in YooMoney 7603
27.06.2023 21:27:24 MOSCOW RUS
27.06.2023 18:57:51 +1 000.00 ₽ +1 000.00 ₽ Replenishment by phone number 7603
27.06.2023 18:58:12 SBP.100000000111 RU
27.06.2023 16:37:11 -3 250.00 ₽ -3 250.00 ₽ Cash withdrawal in YooMoney 7603
27.06.2023 16:52:56 MOSCOW RUS
27.06.2023 15:21:51 +2 100.00 ₽ +2 100.00 ₽ Replenishment by phone number 7603
27.06.2023 15:22:13 SBP.100000000111 RU
27.06.2023 01:54:07 +1 000.00 ₽ +1 000.00 ₽ Replenishment by phone number 7603
27.06.2023 04:32:12 SBP.100000000111 RU
26.06.2023 20:56:13 -540.84 ₽ -540.84 ₽ Cash withdrawal in YooMoney 7603
26.06.2023 21:11:34 MOSCOW RUS
26.06.2023 20:56:13 -9.16 ₽ -9.16 ₽ Transfer 7603
27.06.2023 07:03:46
26.06.2023 02:07:41 -200.00 ₽ -200.00 ₽ Cash withdrawal in YooMoney 7603
26.06.2023 14:37:20 MOSCOW RUS

«Tinkoff Bank» universal license of Bank of Russia No 2673 c/a 30101810145250000974 Main Department Bank of Russia in the Central Federal District
BIC 044525974 TIC 7710140679 CRR 771301001
Replenishment: 4 100,00 ₽
Expenses: 4 495,19 ₽

Best regards,
Head of Back-office Department A.G. Babayants

1 Date and time of the transaction by the client.

2 Date of processing of the transaction by the Bank.
3 Last 4 digits of the card number on which the transaction was performed.

«Tinkoff Bank» universal license of Bank of Russia No 2673 c/a 30101810145250000974 Main Department Bank of Russia in the Central Federal District
BIC 044525974 TIC 7710140679 CRR 771301001

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