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Dear sir/ ma’am,

We, the students of B.A. Psychology (Hon.) of University of Delhi, want your kind attention
regarding some information of gender related issues. Please, watch the videos given below
and read the information carefully and provide us the feedback through google form
Your cooperation and participation will be highly obliged.
Thank you.

Some factual information about Gender roles in India

Domestic violence
Domestic violence cases in India increased 53% between 2001 and 2018. (The Indian
Express, journalism of courage.)
National Statistics Domestic Violence Fact Sheet claims that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9
men(US) face domestic violence and the rate of domestic violence is increasing dramatically.
Literacy rate of men and women in India
Men-84.70 % > Women-70.3%
(Academia: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, n.d.).
Employment ratio
According to Periodic Labour Force Survey Annual Report 2022-23,
males-78.5 females-37 engaged in labour force.
In India 36.9
Household work ratios
27% men aged 15 to 59 spend some time in unpaid domestic work like cooking, cleaning,
laundry etc. care giving activities excluded
92% women aged 15 to 59 years reported to do household domestic work.
Marital rape percentage
83% claim women suffered from marital rape.
(National Crime Record Bureau, 2020).
Dropout rate of girls and boys in school
secondary school students (class 9&10) (2021-22)
girls-12.3% boys-13%

Mortality rate
Mortality rate is the probability of dying between the age of 15 to 60 (dying before reaching
the age of 60
185. 1 per 1000 women < 253.83 per 1000 men
Participation at work
80.7% men > 29.4% women
(CEDA, 2021-22)
School attendance rate of girls and boys in school
Rural Area(Delhi): Male-97% > female-90.8%
Urban Area(Delhi): Male-88.5% < Female-91.3%

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