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Electronics Sheet 5 Spring 2022

Answer the following questions:

Q1 What is the Q-point for a biased transistor as in Figure with
IB = 150 µA, βDC = 75, VCC = 18 V, and RC = 1.0 kΩ?


Q2 Determine the intercept points of the

dc load line on the vertical and
horizontal axes of the Collector-
characteristic curves for the circuit in
Figure. VCC = 20 V, and RC = 10 kΩ?


Q3 Assume that you wish to bias the

transistor in Figure with IB = 20 mA. To
what voltage must you change the VBB
supply? What are IC and VCE at the Q-
point, given that βDC = 50?
Electronics Sheet 5 Spring 2022

Q4 Design a biased-transistor circuit using VBB = VCC = 10 V for a Q-point of

IC = 5 mA and VCE = 4 V. Assume βDC = 100. The design involves finding
RB, RC, and the minimum power rating of the transistor. (The actual
power rating should be greater.) Sketch the circuit.

Q5 Determine whether the transistor in

Figure is biased in cutoff, saturation, or
the linear region.
Remember that IC = βDCIB is valid only in
the linear region.
Electronics Sheet 5 Spring 2022

Q6 From the collector characteristic curves

and the dc load line in Figure. Determine
the following:
I.(a) Collector saturation current
(b) VCE at cutoff
(c) Q-point values of IB, IC,
and VCE.
II. (a) Maximum collector
current for linear operation
(b) Base current at the maximum
collector current
(c) VCE at maximum collector current
Electronics Sheet 5 Spring 2022

Q7 What is the minimum value of βDC in

Figure that makes R IN(BASE) ≥ 10 R2?

Electronics Sheet 5 Spring 2022
Q8 Analyze the circuit in following Figure to
determine the correct voltages at the
transistor terminals with respect to ground.
Assume βDC = 100.


Q9 To what value can RE in following Figure

be reduced without the transistor going
into saturation?
Electronics Sheet 5 Spring 2022

Q10 Taking VBE into account in Figure, how

much will IE change with a temperature
increase from 25◦ C to 100◦ C? The VBE is
0.7 V at 25◦C and decreases 2.5 mV per
degree Celsius. Neglect any change in βDC.


Q11 When can the effect of a change in βDC be neglected in the emitter bias
Electronics Sheet 5 Spring 2022

Q12 Determine IC and VCE in the pnp emitter

bias circuit of Figure. Assume βDC = 100.


Q13 Determine VB, VC, and IC in Figure.

Electronics Sheet 5 Spring 2022

Q14 A collector-feedback circuit uses an npn transistor with VCC = 12 V, RC =

1.2 kV, and RB = 47 kΩ. Determine the collector current and the collector
voltage if βDC = 200.

Q15 Determine IB, IC, and VCE for a base-biased transistor circuit with the
following values:
βDC = 90, VCC = 12 V, RB = 22 kΩ, and RC = 100 V.

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