123344-K1triptotown v1

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Encounter ..................................................................................


CREDITS Conclusion ................................................................................ 23

Encounter #5 A Murder ....................................................... 23
Conclusion ................................................................................ 25

Author: Dr. Michael LaBossiere Encounter #6 Trade Camp .................................................. 25

Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura Trade Camp Map Key ............................................................. 25
Hirsbrunner Battle Circle Map Key............................................................. 26
Art: Some artwork copyright Patrick E. Pullen, used with Encounters ............................................................................... 26
permission; some artwork copyright Daniel F. Walthall, used with Conclusion ................................................................................ 32
permission; some artwork copyright Octavirate Entertainment, Encounter #6 Dungeon Entrance ....................................... 32
used with permission; some artwork copyright William
Map Key ..................................................................................... 33
McAusland, used with permission; some artwork copyright
Encounters ............................................................................... 33
Cerberus, used with permission; some artwork copyright Louis
Conclusion ................................................................................ 34
Porter, Jr. Design, used with permission.
Encounter #7 Flooded Dungeon ......................................... 34
Map Key ..................................................................................... 35

Contents Encounter ................................................................................. 35

NPCs ........................................................................................... 38
Conclusion ................................................................................ 39
Conclusion ............................................................................ 39
Credits....................................................................................... 1
Magic Items .......................................................................... 39
Contents ................................................................................... 1
Introduction ..................................................................................... 2 Interrogation ........................................................................ 41
Setting & Background .................................................................... 2 Rapport Interrogation ............................................................41
Political Background ................................................................ 2 Intimidation Interrogation..........................................................41
The Left Hand ............................................................................ 3 Socratic Interrogation ........................................................... 42
Karabeth ...................................................................................... 4 Torture................................................................................... 42
The Three Sisters ...................................................................... 4 Mechanics of Torture ............................................................ 42
Verdanfey and Ashenfey ......................................................... 5 Tortured Condition ................................................................ 43
Capraemortu & Ashenhounds ............................................... 6
Free Stuff ............................................................................... 44
The Seven Tribes of Comosh.................................................. 7
Blood Claws & Red Hands ....................................................... 7 Free Map Collections ........................................................... 44
Giant Beasts ................................................................................ 8 Free Rules .............................................................................. 44
Ashanalla ..................................................................................... 8
Getting the PCs Involved ............................................................ 10 Free Encounters.................................................................... 44
Prelude to Encounters ................................................................. 10 Free Encounters Collections ............................................... 44
Kelleb & Company .................................................................... 11
Free Character Options ........................................................ 44
Fellow Travelers.......................................................................13
Encounter #1: merchant Siblings ............................................. 14 Stuff to Buy! .............................................................................. 44
Merchant Siblings Map ......................................................... 14 Adventures ............................................................................ 44
The Encounter ......................................................................... 14
Class & character Options.................................................... 44
Encounter #2 Unwelcome Vistor ........................................ 15
Karabeth Series ..................................................................... 44
Map Key ..................................................................................... 15
Encounter .................................................................................. 16 About the Author .................................................................. 45
Conclusion ................................................................................ 17 MAPS ...................................................................................... 46
Encounter #3 Bridge Out ...................................................... 17
Map Key ..................................................................................... 17
Encounter .................................................................................. 18
Conclusion ................................................................................ 18
Encounter #4 Fallen Outpost .............................................. 19
Map Keys ................................................................................... 19

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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for
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All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by Dr. Michael C. LaBossiere and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
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kingdom of Celshun, both former provinces of the
Written for a party of 1st level characters “Trip to During the days of the Empire, Karabeth was
Town” is a starter adventure to get the party together. known for its agricultural bounty and cosmopolitan
It avoids the usual tavern meet-up and throws the cities. Karabeth also had vital seaports, making it a
disparate party members together on the road and critical part of the Empire. Since the fall, Karabeth
then brings them together with an unnatural storm has been an essential factor in the relationship
and…murder. between Celshun and Thelsem: invasions from
This is the first in a series of encounters, Karabeth turn them into allies; victories over the
adventures, and supplements I am writing for my invaders send them back to being rivals.
Karabeth Campaign. All the works will be free or pay- Celshun is a peaceful neighbor of the ancient
what-you-want (you can want to pay nothing). Elven kingdom of Latherian. The tradition of peace
Proceeds from these works will be “re-invested” in dates to the time of the Empire. While the Empire
resources (such as books, stock art and software) had no qualms about forcefully absorbing territory,
used to improve and create forthcoming works. even the brashest Imperial generals realized that a
While this custom material is being written for my war with an Elven kingdom would be costly. Instead,
campaign, some of my players dislike grandiose story the Empire signed numerous formal treaties with
arcs and prefer more episodic content. As such, these the elves and honored them. When the kingdom of
works will be largely self-contained and easily usable Celshun was founded, the first king renewed most of
in almost any D&D campaign world. the treaties with Latherian and the peace has
While the encounters in this adventure are linked remained undisturbed since then.
into a coherent story, you can cannibalize this The southernmost town of Celshun is Tholm; it is
adventure for standalone encounters that can be run named after an ancient hero. While important
on their own. strategically, it is also metaphysically critical: an
My current plan is to have three main chapters to ancient gate is buried under Castle Tholm. The
the campaign. Chapter One is “Iron Blades & Blood presence of this gate has long caused turmoil in the
Claws” which is set primarily in the wilderness, region.
though there will be some dungeons and town
encounters. Foes will include mostly humanoids and POLITICAL BACKGROUND
fey. Part Two is “Out of the Depths”, which will take
Twenty-five years ago, King Feran of Celshun and
place mostly at sea. There will be some island
Duke Tem of Thelsem were duped by their wives
encounter areas as well. Part Three is “Secrets
into turning against each other. Both used a sham
Under the Sands”, which consists mostly of desert
joint invasion of Karabeth as a cover for their
wilderness and dungeons. The secret chapter Four is
preparations to seize the lands of the other.
“Blood Hunter Hunters.”
The king, tricked by his wife, sent his main army to
invade the dukedom. The duke’s wife informed him
SETTING & BACKGROUND of this “treachery” and the duke crushed the king’s
forces. During the confusion of one great battle, an
This section provides the setting and background
assassin sent by the queen felled her king. The duke
for the adventure and the campaign (if this is being
survived a similar attempt on his life and then led his
run as part of a campaign).
army into the kingdom.
While names are used for the setting locations,
Unknown to the duke, his wife, and her sister (the
these can be considered placeholders for analogous
king’s wife) were demons serving the will of
entities in your campaign—simply swap in your own
Durakor—a demon lord of the undead. He had
names where appropriate.
tasked them with capturing an ancient gate buried
This adventure is set in the former Imperial
under Castle Tholm. This gate would allow him
province of Karabeth. It was once part of the Ventani
access to the world once more.
Empire, which fell to a catastrophe 500 years ago.
Castle Tholm was defended against the invasion
Karabeth borders the Duchy of Thelsem and the
with the aid of a band of heroes and they, along with
the legendary mercenary company Vakar’s Valiants,
turned the tide of the war and pushed the duke’s Hand and she took steps to ensure that the right hand
forces back. did not know what the left hand was doing.
Aided by agents of the Left Hand (an organization After Vertaras took the throne, he appointed his
of spies and assassins dedicated to restoring the party members to trusted positions. Kella was made
Empire), the bold heroes killed the duchess and the head of the Empire’s somewhat anemic spy
exposed the treachery of the demon queen. They services. On the surface, Kella reformed the spy
pursued the queen to the kingdom of the service and made it more effective—despite the
Frostcursed dwarves and not only killed the queen constraints of operating within limits Vertaras would
but put an end to the Frostcurse. After saving the approve.
world from Durakor, the heroes retired from Sticking with the winning approach from her
adventuring. Their leader, the paladin Montague, adventuring days, Kella built her emperor an
married the leader of Vakar’s Valiants and the pair unrivaled intelligence service. She created a parallel
became the new king and queen of the kingdom, network of spies and assassins unconstrained by the
ushering in an age of order and prosperity. After strict limits of the official organization. She, of course,
restoring the original borders, the kingdom made called this organization the Left Hand. Members
peace with Thelsem, forming an alliance aimed at were carefully selected based on their skills, their
expanding the rule of order into the lands of willingness to do whatever must be done, and their
Karabeth. This time, neither ruler has planned any dedication to the Empire. Kella wanted evil in her
treachery. organization, but it had to be the right sort of evil: one
To this end, numerous outposts and forts have willing to do anything for the good of the Empire and
been constructed in Karabeth and some villages and its people.
towns have been established. The village of Lelathon After her (apparent) death, her hand-picked
now marks the edge of this frontier—a place of peril successor took over, running both the official
and adventure. organization and the Left Hand. Over the centuries,
the Left Hand remained utterly dedicated to the
THE LEFT HAND Empire---those that deviated from loyal service always
seemed to meet terrible fates.
Having arisen from a martial republic, the Ventani Despite its diligence and devotion, the Left Hand
Empire initially struggled with the espionage and was unable to prevent the fall of the Empire. Though
assassination so critical to imperial politics. Spying many of its members perished bravely trying to
and assassination were considered prevent the fall, the Left Hand
morally dubious to the early survived and has been rebuilding. It
emperors and they did pay a price is now devoted to restoring the
for this. Empire and does so in a variety of
Fortunately for the Empire, the ways. During the last war, agents of
assassin Kella Veren took matters the Left Hand assisted a party of
into her able hands. When Kella adventurers in defeating the
began her adventuring career, she Duchess and Queen and they are
was joined by the young paladin quite willing to take similar action in
Vertaras. She did not know it at the future. The Left Hand hopes that
the time, but Vertaras was in line one of the provinces will grow strong
for the Imperial Throne. enough to rebuild the Empire and
During their adventuring days, they act to make this hope a reality.
Kella quickly realized that the To this end, agents of the Left
paladin Vertaras was severely Hand operate in the former
constrained by his ethics. She took provinces of the Empire, gathering
it upon herself to do the things that information, assisting those who
needed to be done for the party that Vertaras would advance their cause and assassinating those who
not do (or permit). Kindly Father Copel, the leader of would impede the return of Empire.
the party, called Vertaras the Right Hand of the party,
leading Kella to humorously see herself as the Left
Kelleb, an important NPC in this adventure, is an While her followers are sometimes stereotyped as
agent of the Left Hand. He can be a useful ally of the peaceful huggers of trees, among their number are
PCs and is intended to be a friendly PC. far more militant followers who take up arms and
magic to defend what is good.
KARABETH Ashalla has strong connections with positive
energy, and she maintains the Verdanfey—a fey
While civilization has been restored to some parts dimension infused with this positive power.
of Karabeth, much of the former province remains a Darana, the Blue Goddess, is the personification of
wilderness of ruins and monsters. the balanced and neutral aspects of nature. These
While the cities and towns of the fallen Empire aspects bring both weal and woe without
were razed and looted long ago, many treasures discrimination. Her symbol consists of a series of
remain hidden and protected in long forgotten abstract ocean waves, for water is the ideal
dungeons and towers. These await those bold enough representation of nature’s neutrality. Water gives
to risk life and limb in pursuit of adventure. life, but also takes it away. Water that once
The tribes and monsters of the region present their quenched a child’s thirst can become part of a flood
own opportunities and dangers: there are allies to be that destroys a city and drowns the child. Darana is
made and foes to be slain. regarded as the impartial bringer of weal and woe in
The province also holds mysteries that predate the the natural world.
Empire; secrets from a lost time that offer great Priests who respect the impartiality of nature
rewards and terrible consequences to those willing to worship her. Like her, they seek to maintain a
intrude into places best left undisturbed. balance and to ensure that the course of nature is
One mystery is the thin veils between Karabeth and not swayed by good or evil. Her more militant
the realms of the Ashenfey and Verdenfey. While followers abide by the saying “nature is cruel but
these planes are coextensive with the prime material, fair.” Darana often visits the Feywild and considers
the boundaries are exceptionally weak in much of it her second home.
Karabeth. The inhabitants of the Verdenfey are Shadash, the White Goddess, is the
typically either benign or indifferent towards the personification of the brutal and destructive aspects
people of the mundane realm. Those dwelling in the of nature. Her symbol among humans and elves is a
Ashenfey are often malign and hostile to most white rose with thorns dripping blood. Among the
inhabitants of the prime material. more brutal humanoids her symbol consists of
bloodied claws. Shadash brings the world the gifts of
THE THREE SISTERS death, pestilence, and destruction. Priests and
druids who regard the furthering of death,
While nature lies in the middle of order and chaos,
destruction, and decay as desirable serve her. Like
it has three faces: good, evil, and neutral. These
her, they desire to maintain the balance of nature
three faces are personified by the Three Sisters, the
through negative forces: life must be countered by
primary goddesses of nature in my campaign worlds.
death, health by disease, growth by destruction.
They are Ashalla, Darana, and Shadash. Shadash
While Shadash always has a strong connection to
features prominently in the campaign but can be
negative energy, in some realities she becomes
replaced with a neutral evil nature deity suitable for
corrupted by the undead demon lord Durakor
your campaign.
leading to the creation of Nature’s Undead and
Ashalla, the Green Goddess, is the personification
granting her druids limited power over such
of the good aspects of nature. Her symbol is sheaf of
creatures. Such is the case with this world.
wheat (or other crop), representing the bountiful and
Shadash maintains and rules the Ashenfey—a fey
nurturing aspects of nature. She is regarded as the
dimension accursed with negative energy. Here she
provider of food, sunshine, pleasant weather, and
is known as the Lady of Ashes.
other good natural things. She is also the protector
Her followers abide by the saying “nature is cruel
of mothers and children.
but fair. But mostly cruel.”
Druids and clerics who worship her serve to aid
Shadash has plans for Karabeth. Her human
their communities by healing the wounded, curing
druids in the region have been actively encouraging
the sick and helping crops and animals flourish.

and supporting the Iron Blades movement. Undead creatures find the powerful positive energy
Dedicated to the notion of human superiority, the of the Verdanfey unpleasant and disruptive.
Iron Blades are both exemplars of Shadash’ cruel Whenever they make an attack roll or a saving throw,
values and pawns in her schemes. they must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled
Shadash has directed considerable effort in from the attack roll or saving throw.
further weakening the veil between the prime An odd feature of the Verdanfey is that it contains
material and the Ashenfey. Her intent is that her no native iron ore. Instead, it has fey silver. This
beloved predators of the Ashenfey will be able to metal can be worked like iron, though it is somewhat
enter the material realm at will to hunt and lighter. Material plane iron brought to the Verdanfey
slaughter as they wish—until matters are balanced in grows slightly warm and erratically emits faint
the eyes of Shadash. sparks, as if the realm were trying to reject it. Many
creatures of the Verdanfey find cold iron unpleasant
and to some it is toxic. Inhabitants of the Verdanfey
VERDANFEY AND ASHENFEY often refer to the material plane as the “Ironlands”,
sometimes in a derisive manner.
In the early nights of the world, the Three Sisters
While the Verdanfey is a distinct plane, it is
found that despite their love for each other, they
coextensive with parts of the material plane. Because
could not agree on the proper way to shape the
of this, the Verdanfey and material plane resemble
natural world. Rather than fight, they elected to share
each other, albeit with some important differences.
influence over the material realm. Darana,
For example, a material plane river is likely to have a
embodying neutrality, was pleased with the balance
Verdanfey counterpart, but this counterpart is likely
between her sisters. While her sisters accepted this
to be a larger river with cleaner water and a faster
compromise, each desired to shape a realm in accord
with their own conception of ethics. To this end,
There are numerous weak spots in the barrier
Ashalla created a plane parallel to that of the material
between the realm that can allow intentional and
realm and imbued it with strong positive energy and
accidental travel between them. These spots are often
Shadash created her own, negatively tinged, realm.
important to druids and some are marked with
To populate her new realm, Ashalla invited good
special trees or rings of standing stones. The opening
and neutral fey to join her. She also extended an
of such gateways is often marked with a strange
invitation to elves, gnomes and even some dwarves
weather event, such as a lightning storm with oddly
and humans. As for the plants and animals, she either
colored lightning and strangely musical thunder.
imported them or created them as needed. While
Certain evil beings watch for these storms, eager to
many of the inhabitants of the realm are good, not all
intrude into the Verdanfey.
are. The influence of Ashalla means few evil
Like her sister, Shadash created her own realm. To
creatures dwell permanently in the realm, so peaceful
differentiate it from her sister’s realm, Shadash
visitors will rarely face anything more threatening
blended strong threads of negative energy into the
than cruel pranks. But there are some exceptions and
weave of the world, thus creating an inherent necrotic
evil beings sometimes enter the Verdanfey to commit
misdeeds and atrocities.
To populate her new realm, Shadash coerced
The Verdanfey resembles the natural material
neutral and evil fey to join her. She also forcibly
world but has a stronger living presence: plants and
transported humanoids, plants, and animals. These
animals are more robust, colors are more vivid, water
transplants faced the harsh challenge of adapting or
is clearer and so on.
dying. While many died, some survived and a few
Because the Verdanfey is infused with positive
even thrived.
energy all living creatures in the Verdanfey gain
In what the elves regard as her most heinous deed,
“vulnerability” to healing and necrotic resistance. If a
Shadas shifted the entire elven city of Lothorellen
creature is normally vulnerable to necrotic damage,
into the Ashenfey. The elves suffered greatly but the
that vulnerability is suppressed in the Verdanfey. If a
survivors adapted and became the Ashen Elves. They
creature is normally resistant to necrotic damage, it
managed to recreate a civilization within the
becomes immune while in the Verdanfey.
Ashenfey, although this later fell to treachery and

deceit—the ruins of their cities are sometimes of this, the Ashenfey and material plane resemble
haunted by the remnants of their inhabitants. each other, though there are significant differences.
Many of the realm’s inhabitants are evil and the For example, a material plane river is likely to have
others tend to be hard-hearted survivors. Visitors to an Ashenfey counterpart, but this counterpart is likely
this realm can expect, at best, cruel to be a smaller river with foul water
indifference. and a sluggish current.
The Ashenfey resembles There are numerous weak
the natural material world spots in the barrier between
but is marked with a profound the realms that permits
darkness and harshness. Plants intentional and accidental
have more and sharper thorns, travel between them. These
venom and disease are more spots are often important to
intense, colors are more druids and some are marked
subdued, animals are more savage, with special trees or rings of
the rivers are often sluggish and flow standing stones—often to warn the
with tainted water, and so on. unwary of the danger. The opening
Because the Ashenfey is infused of such gateways is often marked
with negative energy and weak with strange weather event,
in positive energy all living such as a lightning storm
creatures in the Ashenfey with oddly colored lightning
gain “resistance” to healing and unsettling thunder.
and necrotic vulnerability. If Certain good beings watch
a creature is normally vulnerable to necrotic damage, for these signs, standing on guard against what might
that vulnerability remains. If a creature is normally emerge from the Ashenfey.
resistant to necrotic damage, it loses that resistance
(but does not gain vulnerability). Creatures normally Verdanfey Features
immune to necrotic damage become resistant while • Living creatures have “vulnerability” to
in the Ashenfey. • Living creatures gain resistance to
Undead creatures find the negative energy of the necrotic damage.
Ashenfey pleasant and stimulating. Whenever they • Undead creatures suffer a 1d4 penalty
make an attack roll or a saving throw, they roll a d4 on attack rolls and saving throws.
and add the number rolled from the attack roll or
saving throw. Ashenfey Features
An odd feature of the Ashenfey is that it contains no • Living creatures have “resistance” to
native silver ore. Instead, it has necrotic iron. This healing.
• Living creatures gain vulnerability to
metal can be worked like iron, though it is somewhat
necrotic damage.
heavier. Necrotic iron brought into the Verdanfey • Undead creatures enjoy a 1d4 bonus on
grows uncomfortably warm and emits sparks of attack rolls and saving throws.
shadowy energy.
Material plane silver brought to the Ashenfey
grows slightly warm and erratically emits faint
sparks, as if the realm were trying to reject it. Fey CAPRAEMORTU & ASHENHOUNDS
silver brought to the Ashenfey grows uncomfortably
hot and emits bright sparks. Many creatures of the After creating the Ashenfey, Shadash needed to
Ashenfey find silver to be unpleasant and to some it is populate it with suitable creatures. Inspired by the
toxic. Inhabitants of the Ashenfey often refer to the hounds of Hell, she corrupted Feyhounds,
material plane as the “Silverlands”, usually in a transforming them into necrotic infused
derisive manner. Ashenhounds. Being fond of music, she seized
While the Ashenfey is a distinct plane, it is numerous Satyrs and exiled them into the Ashenfey,
coextensive with parts of the material plane. Because but not before transforming some of them into females
to improve their chances of reproducing and surviving.
The Ashenfey corrupted the Satyrs, transforming Comosh’s power of persuasion. More cynical scholars
them into the hardened and brutal Capraemortu. claims that Comosh simply bribed the chief.
While Satyrs were not known for their fondness for After the last city in the province fell, he led his
hounds, the Ashenhounds and Capraemortu found people to a circle of ancient stones that appeared in
each other to be useful allies and have formed as his guiding vision. There he commanded the people
strong a bond as creatures of the Ashenfey can form. divide into seven tribes and take up the ways of the
While the original Satyrs hated Shadash for what wilderness so that they might survive. Scholarly
she did to them, their descendants believe that they are supporters of Comosh claim that this saved the
the chosen among the Satyrs and seek to honor her people—the wealth of the fallen cities attracted
with tributes of blood and bone. Whenever possible, invaders who had little interest in nomadic bands of
the Capraemortu and their Ashenhound allies intrude poor survivors. Scholarly detractors argue their usual
into the material plane to hunt the inhabitants. They point: if his followers fought in the defense of the
also dream of entering the Verdanfey, knowing that cities, Karabeth might not have fallen. This is still a
slaughtering the fey of that realm would be most point of contention today and some detractors refer to
pleasing to Shadash. While the Ashenfey has a diverse Comosh as “Comosh the Coward.” Such slurs
population, the Capraemortu are on the vanguard of are not well taken among the tribes of
intrusions into the prime material. Comosh and the historical evidence is that
Comosh had exceptional courage.
THE SEVEN TRIBES OF COMOSH The Seven Tribes were named after
the first chiefs appointed by Comosh.
In his youth, Comosh travelled the These were Molon, Kellebren, Kokell,
Empire, preaching against the corrupting Ruchom, Abrell, Tutren, and Yebrek.
influence of cities and city life. He urged Comosh then departed, promising he
everyone to abandon the cities in favor of would return in the tribes’ time of greatest
new lives in the wilderness. While some need. Since then, the Seven Tribes
found him amusing, he was largely have faced terrible difficulties and
ignored. Life was good in the cities and dangers, but have managed to
only mad barbarians and monsters survive. True to the teaching
lived in the wilds. Despite his failures, of Comosh, they have never
he persisted as only true believers built cities and have lived as nomads. While
and the mad do. they have bickered and even fought among
By chance, Comosh arrived in themselves, they still see themselves as a
the imperial province of Karabeth family—the Seven Tribes of
as disaster struck the Empire. As Comosh.
Karabeth fell, Comosh rose. Faced with As would be expected, the Seven Tribes often clash
the collapse of the Empire and the encroachment of with the orcs and monsters in Karabeth. Because of
enemies, his call to leave the cities grew more years of conflict, the Seven Tribes and some orcish
appealing. As conditions worsened, the ranks of his tribes have established shared rituals of war. The
followers swelled. Some scholars contend that if interaction between the tribes has changed the
Comosh had called for a defense of the cities or if he cultures of both orcs and humans creating the
had not drawn away so many from their defense, beginnings of a shared culture, especially with the
Karabeth might not have fallen. Others contend that Blood Claw orcish tribe. Some claim that the shaman
Comosh is the only reason that there were Imperial saw a vision of the future: The Seven Tribes and the
survivors of fall in the province. Blood Claw united. Others reject this idea.
Whatever truth might exist in the speculation, the
fact is that Comosh travelled the land, gathering
people until the fall of the last city. In one case, he
managed to persuade a tribe of attacking orcs to The Blood Claws are one of the largest orc tribes in
allow his followers to leave peacefully. Some tales the region. While the Blood Claws were led into the
claim the shaman of the tribe received a vision province by an evil warlord, they broke free of this
directing him to spare Comosh but others credit domination and were able to develop their own culture
and traditions. This enabled them to have some degree their denizens. Many of them are descended from
of peace with the Seven Tribes. The Blood Claw have magical experiments and creations.
competed with the Seven Tribes over the centuries
and this interaction has influenced their culture
dramatically. While many of the Blood Claw maintain ASHANALLA
their more traditional beliefs, druidism has made Ashanalla was created as an angel tasked with
considerable inroads. The Blood Claw and the Seven defending humanity from demons and undead.
Tribes even hold truces to celebrate the various dates Being wise, she realized she could not undertake
significant to their shared faiths. this task alone and created celestial minions to serve
The Blood Claw also operate the Red Hands, a as her army. Much to her dismay, she learned that
mercenary company consisting of orcs, half-orcs and while devoted to law and goodness, her minions
humans. During the last major war, the Red Hands often failed because they did not understand the
pretended to be working for Celshun, but turned flaws that made humans willing victims of demons
against them during a crucial battle. The leader of the and necromancy. She realized she needed
Red Hands was killed by adventurers after this champions with an infusion of the divine, but with all
betrayal and the mercenary company fell on hard the flaws that made humans so very human. After
times. The grandson of the original leader, an consulting with other angels, she proposed to the
adventurer of some renown, has rebuilt the company gods of goodness the creation of the paladins.
and earned it a reputation for brutal reliability. While the gentler gods had misgivings about the
Positions in the Red Hands are sought after by Blood creation of such militant servants of good, the
Claw warriors for the wealth and opportunities for proposal was well-received, and the gods saw to it
battle that they afford. that the first paladins received their divine gifts and
While the Blood Claw are capable of brutal violence, inspiration. For many years only humans served as
they have learned the value of peaceful trading. The paladins, but eventually the other gods saw the
Left Hand has agents operating within the tribe, benefit of having such stalwart champions and non-
carefully guiding them towards becoming useful in the humans were granted the divine gift.
restoration of the Empire. The Left Hand has plans for The paladins served humanity well and were the
the Red Hands and finds it a useful organization. foremost defenders of the First Kingdom of
humanity. When this kingdom was assailed by the
GIANT BEASTS demons, Ashanalla pleaded with the goods of
goodness to intervene directly. Bound by eternal
While some realities have naturally occurring giant laws, they could not. Outraged, Ashanalla took
versions of normal animals, these creatures are often matters into her own hands and descended to the
the result of magical experiments. While these giant battlefield, slaughtering demons, and making them
beasts generally lack magical powers, their know fear. It is then that she earned the title of “she
unnaturally large size often requires the intervention who tears screams from demons.” Ashanalla might
of magic to allow them to even live. For example, have been able to save the First Kingdom, but the
without the working of magic, giant insects and giant gods intervened and stopped her, binding her with
spiders would be unable to survive—they simply could chains of eternal light. This was done not from any
not get enough oxygen into their bodies. This life malice, but to prevent the demon lords from
enabling magic is so woven into their nature that they intervening directly on the material plane—and so
do not detect as magical, and they operate normally the eternal rules held.
even within areas where magic is negated. Seething with righteous fury, Ashanalla broke her
Giant animals have been created for a variety of chains and fled to the one place where she could
reasons, ranging from efforts to provide more food to slaughter demons without worry of divine
efforts to create more dangerous guardian beasts. In meddling—the boundary between Hell and the
some cases, they were created as mere curiosities but Abyss. In that realm, demons and devils slaughter
managed to reproduce and thrive. each other across all eternity. The devils were
Karabeth was once the home of many notable initially terrified and angered by her arrival, but they
wizards and schools of magic. Thus, it is no surprise soon rejoiced in her presence when it became clear
that the wilds of Karabeth count giant beasts among
she cared only for the slaughter of demons. Such human society. The fact that she is now a special
was her success that she carved out her own sort of devil is not well known, even among her
territory in this shifting boundary area and followers. So much of this acceptance is based on
established a fortress, the Geretex, from which to ignorance—it is generally believed that she is an
conduct her operations. angel whose rage against the demons means she is
While believing herself to still be good, Ashanalla willing to forgo the heavens to fight them. Even
had become evil—but not fully evil. In matters of those who learn the truth have elected to remain
combating demons and the undead, she recognizes silent—for the devotion of Ashanalla and her
almost no moral limits—she passed boundaries that followers is sincere.
made even the demons scream in fear and pain. When her devoted followers die, they join her in
However, in all other matters she retained her utter the Geretex and are transformed into forms suitable
scrupulousness. This sharply divided moral system to their power and devotion. They usually become
attracted mortals who think the same way, most devils of war, ideal for fighting demons and the
notably paladins who were incorruptible yet undead. Unlike many other devils, they have strict
recognized almost no moral limits in their battle moral codes and while interested in recruiting, they
against demons and the undead. Thus arose a do not engage in the usual efforts of moral
strange type of paladin—one who could exceed the corruption.
evil of the legendary anti-paladin in how they dealt Other devils find this perplexing, but the princes of
with demons and undead, but who was otherwise a Hell have commanded their followers to not
moral exemplar. Others outside the ranks of antagonize or interfere with Ashanalla. While she
paladins also find her doctrines appealing and most might rob them of some souls, her devastation of
of them never realize that as they become more and demons more than makes up for it.
more like her, they move away from goodness and Temples of Ashanalla are designed similar to that
into a special sort of evil. Such is the complexity of of a cult hiding behind a façade of respectable faith.
this matter that even the gods are confused and The public parts of the temple are indistinguishable
uncertain. As a practical solution, the gods have from those one would see in a temple of a lawful
agreed that the faithful souls of Ashanalla’s good divinity. Concealed beneath the public surface
followers will join her after their death. are the true working areas of the temple: armories,
While now a devil, Ashanalla has no desire to prisons, and interrogation chambers. These areas
corrupt mortals or lead them into evil. In fact, she express an odd mix of the aesthetics associated with
would be horrified by any such suggestion and still goodness with a very practical harshness. While
thinks of herself as humanity’s devoted protector. As there are exceptions, the temple wardens and
such, she requires her followers to be on guard interrogators do not use cruelty or abuse as tools.
against any attempts to corrupt humanity, be it This is not due to any moral qualms, but rather the
caused by demons, devils, or evil gods. Her result of pure practicality: they know that such
followers, even those who know what she truly is, means are ineffective in achieving their ends. And
are sincere and exemplary protectors of humanity, cruelty and abuse for their own sake are not among
especially the weak and vulnerable. However, they their ends.
will do almost anything to combat demons and Most cities of the Empire had at least one Temple
undead and when this conflicts with their other of Ashanalla and these temples often worked closely
values, these values typically give way. However, with local authorities. After the fall of the Empire,
such violations must be justified in the eyes of the popularity and appeal of Ashanalla increased
Ashanalla or her punishment will be severe. Her and her temples thrive in most major human
followers are forbidden to do serious harm to good dominated cities. Human dominated towns and
paladins and other champions of goodness without villages tend to have at least a shrine dedicated to
her permission, even when they might interfere with Ashanalla.
their plans. While she sees herself as the special protector of
Because of their devotion to protecting humanity humanity, she has no bias or prejudice against non-
and the world from demons and undead, the humans and gratefully accepts them into her service.
followers of Ashanalla are generally accepted in Her followers will also protect non-humans from

demons and undead, though her human servants this area to accidentally meet up with the others on
will prioritize humans. the road. The Seven Tribes of Comosh wander this
When Karabeth fell, the temples of Ashanalla fell former province and numerous non-human peoples
with it. Her followers defended their land with call the area home. PCs from this area (or other
fanatic devotion, sometimes buying critical time to locales such as the Underdark) can meet up with the
allow others to escape. Her temples in Karabeth travelling group just before the start of the
now lie in ruins; they were sometimes destroyed encounters.
incidentally as the cities were sacked and sometimes
specifically targeted.
One ruined temple of Ashanalla in Karabeth still
serves as a prison, it is a place of terrible danger. Before the adventure encounters begin, the PCs
The upper level of this temple is included in this will meet up at various points along the road. The
adventure. It is also a place of danger, but merchant Kelleb operates from the city of Tholm.
appropriate to beginning heroes. With the restoration of Castle Tholm and its role in
the previous war, Tholm became an important city in

GETTING THE PCS INVOLVED the kingdom. It is located near the original border of
Karabeth and is thus also important in the current
This adventure is intended to get the PCs together political and economic situation.
as a party and set the stage for adventure to follow. The village of Hessel, reclaimed and rebuilt during
However, it can still be run if the PCs have already the last war, is Kelleb’s first stop. Hessel is about fifty
established their party. miles south of Tholm. After that, Kelleb visits various
Adventure seeking PCs who are from the “civilized” outposts, villages, and tribes over the remaining 150
lands have an excellent reason to be on the road to miles to the other end of his route, the village of
Lelathon. Experienced and powerful adventurers Lelathon.
have been focusing on the ruins of the great fallen At the start of the trip, the weather will be mild but
cities of Karabeth and this leaves room for new will soon take a turn for the worse. After Kelleb
adventures in the small frontier village. News of the departs Hessel, it will begin to rain, and each day will
frontier regularly makes its way through the be gloomy, damp, and grey. Things will only get worse
“civilized” lands and thus the village will be known to from there.
the PCs. The prelude to the first encounter can include some
For players who prefer to have a reason for their role-playing to introduce the PCs to each other and to
PCs to be drawn into the adventuring life, the frontier the NPCs of the travelling group. Groups focused on
has many lures for non-adventurers: merchants, roll playing over role playing can jump right into the
craftspeople, traders, explorers, criminals, and others combat encounters.
all have a bounty of opportunities awaiting them. For A key NPC is Karena. She is posing as an assistant
example, a PC with a criminal background might be to Kelleb. She murdered Kelleb’s old assistant Evela
heading to the frontier to pursue their misdeeds after shortly before Kelleb was scheduled to leave and then
things got too hot for them in their hometown. Or showed up just in time to fill the empty position. She
perhaps they want a fresh start and want to abandon does not know that Kelleb is a spy for the Left Hand,
their former life of crime. and this will prove to be her undoing. Assuming she
Only the foolish and powerful travel the roads of does not die before her scheduled murder, she will
Karabeth alone, so the PCs would naturally want to also be the center of a brief murder mystery.
seek out a group to travel with to Lelathon. Setting up for the murder mystery (see below) does
Conveniently, such a group exists. This group will require showing the interactions between Karena,
form around the jolly merchant Kelleb—he has a Thegg and Shemup. Karena is a spy for the
trading route through Karabeth and knows it well. As Lightfinger Thieves’ Guild, and she also hates orcs.
such, the PCs from the “civilized” areas can start out While she is a competent spy, some of her behavior
as part of the small group travelling with Kelleb. will be somewhat unusual for the role she is playing.
Karabeth itself is home to many who might become For example, the PCs might notice (using skill
adventurers and it would be reasonable for a PC from checks) that she is too interested in certain matters

that would normally not interest someone in her role. Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Investigation +5, Perception +6,
As another example, her movements might betray a Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +4
Tools: Thieves’ Tools +4
physical competence beyond that one would expect in Senses passive Perception 16
her role. A DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) roll (or an Languages Common, Elvish, Orc
opposed check against her Charisma (Deception)) Challenge 1 (200 XP)
will reveal that she sometimes moves more like a
trained fighter than a merchant’s assistant. Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the spy can use a bonus
Because of her hatred of orcs, Karena will have action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
issues with Thegg. While she will take some care to
not provoke him to justifiable violence, her insults and Sneak Attack (1/round). The spy deals an extra 7 (2d6) damage
when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage
remarks will make her hostility clear. Thegg, having
on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally
grown accustomed to racism in the human cities, will of the spy that isn’t incapacitated and the spy doesn’t have
be stoic about it. He wants to remain with the group disadvantage on the attack roll.
and will keep his anger in check. Once she realizes
that Kelleb does not share her racist view of orcs,
Karena will struggle to not engage in her racism
when he can hear her—but she cannot help but push Multiattack. The spy makes two melee attacks.
Thegg whenever she can.
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30
Shemup, who is fleeing from debt collectors,
ft./120 ft., one target.Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage.
mistakenly believes that Karena might be one of
them. While drunk, he say her at the gambling hall Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
where he lost his life savings and this fuels his vague target.Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage.
and uncertain suspicion of her. Because of this, he
Treasure: 22 cp, 34 sp, 10 gp, and a gold ring worth 15 gp, 2
will keep an eye on her. This, in turn, will worry her— vials of serpent venom
she will suspect that he might know who she really is.
Her responses will only make him more suspicious, Description: Kelleb presents himself as a jovial merchant who
and he will attempt to win allies and turn them is quick with a joke. While this is his genuine personality, he is
also a low-level spy for the Left Hand (the remains of the spy
against her. Shemup, aware of the hostility between and assassination network of the old Empire). His assignment
Thegg and Karena, will try to exploit that to his has been to gather intelligence in Karabeth and to assist useful
advantage. The conflicts should serve to make both adventurers in travelling to the region. While knowing that
Thegg and Shemup plausible suspects when Karena adventurers can present a danger to their goal of restoring the
Empire, the Left Hand often finds adventurers very useful in
is killed. exterminating monsters.
Kelleb is skilled at maintaining his cover—he has been a
KELLEB & COMPANY merchant so long that it is no longer an act on his part. While
capable in combat, he is careful to avoid fights when they
Kelleb’s company consists of himself, four guards, would not serve the interest of the Left Hand. But he does
actively encourage adventurers to adventure—when their
two horses, a wagon, and two assistants. His wagon
adventuring would yield useful intelligence or eliminate
holds 750 gp in mundane goods along with a lock box obstacles to the return of the Empire.
(DC 15 to pick or break) holding 234 cp, 175 sp, and Since the Left Hand understands spy operations, Kelleb only
52 gp. knows the identity of the supervisor he reports to in Tholm. He
is also loyal to the Left Hand and will not betray them. The Left
Hand currently supports the efforts of the kingdom and
dukedom in Karabeth—restoring order to the fallen province
would be a significant step towards their goal.
Medium humanoid, lawful neutral
While initially concerned about orcs and other non-humans,
Kelleb has found dealing with them can be rewarding. The Left
Armor Class 12
Hand, being a very practical organization, also discourages
Hit Points 33 (6d8+6)
prejudice in its ranks and Kelleb has adopted this policy.
Speed 30 ft.
Kelleb keeps his two vials of venom and hand crossbow
hidden on his person; he will only use the crossbow or poison
STR 10 (+0), DEX 14 (+2), CON 12 (+1), INT 12 (+1), WIS 14 (+2),
in an emergency.
CHA 16 (+3)

Guard Karena
Medium humanoid, neutral Spy
Medium humanoid, neutral evil
Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield)
Hit Points 11 (2d8+2) Armor Class 12
Speed 30 ft. Hit Points 27 (6d8)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 13 (+1), DEX 12 (+1), CON 12 (+1), INT 10 (+0), WIS 11 (+0),
CHA 10 (+0) STR 10 (+0), DEX 15 (+2), CON 10 (+0), INT 12 (+1), WIS
14 (+2), CHA 16 (+3)
Skills Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12 Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Investigation +5,
Languages Common Perception +6, Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand +4,
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Stealth +4
Senses passive Perception 16
Actions Languages Common, Orc
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack:

+3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20 ft./60 ft., Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the spy can use a bonus
one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
damage or 5 (1d8+1) piercing damage if
used with two hands to make a melee Sneak Attack (1/round). The spy deals an extra 7 (2d6) damage
attack. when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage
on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally
Treasure: 1d20 cp, 1d10 sp, 1d4 gp of the spy that isn’t incapacitated and the spy doesn’t have
Description: Kelleb’s guards have worked for him for years and disadvantage on the attack roll.
are reasonably loyal to him. While brave, they are not
interested in adventure. Actions

Bert the Assistant

Commoner Multiattack. The spy makes two melee attacks.
Medium humanoid, neutral
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
Armor Class 10 range 20 ft./60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage.
Hit Points 15 (3d8)
Speed 30 ft. Treasure: 22 cp, 13 sp, 4 gp, 10 25 gp gems

STR 10 (+0), DEX 10 (+0), CON 10 (+0), INT 10 (+0), WIS 12 (+1), Description: Karena is a spy for the Lightfinger Thieves’ Guild,
CHA 14 (+2) a notorious criminal organization that is looking to expand its
operations into Karabeth. They are trying to determine the
Skills Insight +3, Persuasion +4 most profitable criminal operations in the region and have
Senses passive Perception 11 dispatched numerous agents to gather information. Karena’s
Languages Common, Orc task is to spy on the independent traders and determine
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) whether murdering them or extorting them would be more
Actions Karena is a competent spy but is cruel and selfish. She hates
orcs; her parents were killed by them during a raid against their
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. village while Karena was in the city committing crimes. She will
Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage. be hard pressed to conceal this and will be openly hostile to
Treasure: 20 cp, 16 sp, 3 gp
Description: Bert assists Kelleb in his operations, such as Horse
driving the wagon and arranging trades. Bert has been with Riding horse
Kelleb for years and is well known to and liked by the Large beast, unaligned
customers. He has a range of comedic tales about a fictional
land to the east. Armor Class 10
Hit Points 13 (2d10+2)
Speed 60 ft.

STR 16 (+3), DEX 10 (+0), CON 12 (+1), INT 2 (-4), WIS 11 (+0),
CHA 7 (-2)

Senses passive Perception 10 most other people). Karena will, however, push his tolerance to
Languages — the limit.
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Thegg is accustomed to looking out for danger, guarding
others, and working with a team. Because of these traits, he
Actions can be a useful ally for the PCs. He can be used to fill out or
strengthen the party as needed during this adventure.

Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Traveler
Hit: 8 (2d4+3) bludgeoning damage. Commoner
Medium humanoid, neutral
Description: A horse is a horse, of course.
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 5 (1d8+1)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 12 (+1), DEX 10 (+0), CON 12 (+1), INT 10 (+0), WIS 10 (+0),
Since there is safety in numbers, Kelleb welcomes CHA 10 (+0)
reputable travelers to travel with him. He also often
finds them to be useful sources of information. Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 14 (chain shirt)

Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit Points 15 (2d8+6)
Hit: 3 (1d4+1) bludgeoning damage.
Speed 30 ft.
Treasure: 1d20 cp, 1d10 sp, 1d4 gp
STR 16 (+3), DEX 12 (+1), CON 16 (+3), INT 10 (+0), WIS 11 (+0),
Description: Over the course of the trip various travelers will
CHA 11 (+0)
join up with the group and depart. These are normal folks with
normal business on the road. Some of them are named and
Skills Athletics +5, Insight +2, Intimidation +2
briefly described. Shemup is the only named traveler that must
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
be included.
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Orc
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Rulk: Rulk, a human, grew up in the city but wants to have his
own farm. Since the land in the civilized area has been claimed,
he has decided to journey to Karabeth to secure his own land.
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its speed
toward a hostile creature that it can see.
Enna: Enna, a half elf, is skilled at woodworking and serves
ably as a bowyer and a fletcher. She believes that her skill will
be in demand in Karabeth. While she would not have enough
time to make a proper bow on the journey, she can make
arrows and bolts for the PCs. Unknown to her, she is distantly
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
related to a goddess of archery. While she is mortal, an arrow
she makes has a touch of the divine: if you roll a 1 on the
Hit: 9 (1d12+3) slashing damage.
damage die for the arrow, you can reroll it and must take the
second result.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 30 ft./120 ft., one target.
Shemup: Shemup, a halfling, had to flee his home city because
Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage.
of gambling debts he cannot repay. He is suspicious of
everyone, thinking they might be in the pay of those he owes.
Treasure: 234 cp, 190 sp, 55 gp, 750 gp in gems.
He will be especially suspicious of Karena. While he was drunk
Description: Thegg belongs to the Blood Claw tribe. In his
at the time, he saw her at the gambling hall he frequented and
youth he joined the Red Hands mercenary unit and survived
now has a vague mental association between her and debt
numerous battles. Using connections he made as a mercenary,
collectors. He is not sure about this, but his careful watching
he later secured various guard posts until finally finding
will annoy and worry her—she will suspect that Shemup might
employment with an eccentric and generous noble who
know who she really is.
wanted an orc guard. After completing his employment, Thegg
decided to return home with his wealth and retire.
Helhk: Helhk, a human, is a competent carpenter and is
His time working with (or killing) a diverse group of beings
travelling with his carpentry set. He is good natured and happy
has given him a degree of tolerance uncommon in an orc (and
to help others.

Rella: Rella is an able engineer and can design bridges and The area is wilderness with some light forest fields,
other structures. She has been hired to work in Lelathon and is so visibility is generally good, even when it is raining.
looking forward to her new life on the frontier. Unlike many
dwarfs, she prefers being outside rather than underground.

The siblings will be travelling the road in their
SIBLINGS wagon and making no effort at stealth. They will greet
the PCs in a friendly manner and will do their best to
When the PCs set out the weather will turn bad: avoid combat. The siblings know Kelleb and they are
most of the days will feature light to heavy rain with a on good terms.
few scattered thunderstorms. These storms will The siblings own a wagon pulled by two horses.
become increasingly strange. Those observing the Their goods are kept on the wagon (see treasure,
lightning will notice that the bolts seem doubled, with below).
the second bolt being less intense and tinged with If the PCs attack the siblings, they will defend
green—almost as if they are infected with disease. themselves. If Kelleb is present when the attack
The thunder will also seem strangely doubled, with occurs, he will try to dissuade the PCs from
the second sound being muffled and yet also more committing murder and will join forces with the
ominous than the first. The strangeness of the storms siblings if the PCs persist. Thegg will aid Kelleb.
is due to the weakening of the barrier between the If the PCs are defeated, Kelleb will strip them of
Ashenfey and the material plane: the storms on each their gear and secure them for transport to the
plane are increasingly overlapping. This effect will authorities. If the PCs win, they might face
strengthen as time goes on, with the strange lightning consequences for their actions from the authorities
and thunder growing ever more intense. A DC 15 (and others—the Left Hand will investigate and act).
Intelligence (Arcana) check will reveal the nature of
the phenomenon. Merchant Sibling (Kaggi, Hresk, Thont, and Nevatha)
The first encounter, which is with travelling Half orc wilderness merchant
merchants, is intended to be peaceful, but the players Medium humanoid (half-orc), neutral
have the option to engage in violence.
Armor Class 12 (leather armor)
Breaking with the usual stereotypes of their Hit Points 13 (2d8+4)
ancestry, four half-orc siblings have chosen to Speed 30 ft.
become merchants, travelling between various
STR 14 (+2), DEX 12 (+1), CON 14 (+2), INT 11 (+0), WIS 11 (+0),
villages and tribes providing useful goods at
CHA 12 (+1)
reasonable prices. The siblings are well-liked by most
and freely travel between the human controlled areas Skills Persuasion +3
and those controlled by orcs and other humanoids. Senses darkvision 60 ft. (including magical darkness), passive
Kelleb has struck up a friendship with them, in part Perception 10
Languages Common, Orc
because of their clear value as intelligence assets but Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
also because they are likeable.

MERCHANT SIBLINGS MAP Relentless Endurance (1/day). When reduced to 0 hit points
but not killed outright, the half-orc can drop to 1 hit point
The map shows
the section of the Savage Attack. When the half-orc scores a critical hit with a
road where the PCs melee weapon attack, they can roll one of the weapon’s
will encounter the damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra
damage of the critical hit.
The road is dirt Actions
and is “maintained”
by the impact of
Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
those travelling it.
target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) slashing damage or 7 (1d10+2) slashing

damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack. be dark, and a damp gloom will fall over the group of
travelers. The rain will turn the roads into mud,
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 30 ft./120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage.
slowing down travel considerably.
Concerned that the unusual volume of rain might
Treasure: Each sibling carries 1d20 cp, 1d20 sp and 1d10 gp. submerge a bridge they must cross, Kelleb will push
Their wagon holds 277 gp in mundane items, mostly everyday the group to the fastest pace they can sustain. As the
items of interest in the wild, simple weapons, leather armor,
and arrows. Their wooden lockbox (DC 12 to pick or break)
conditions worsen, Kelleb will change his plan and
holds 277 cp, 124 sp, 34 gp, and small pieces of art worth a reduce the pace while he thinks of a way to safely
total of 77 gp. cross what will surely be a flooded river.
Two days before they will be able to reach the
Description: The four siblings are the children of an orcish
bridge, the group will be huddling in a soaked camp
adventurer from Karabeth and a human tavern owner. Growing
up on the frontier, they learned the essential skills required to futilely trying to stay warm and dry. During the night,
not die. Growing up in a tavern, they learned about business the strange storms will reach their pinnacle. The
and commerce. While they faced prejudice because of their strange green lightning will be shockingly bright, yet
mixed ancestry, they also realized that they were more
also seem weakened by a metaphysical disease. The
accepted among orcs than humans would be and more
accepted among humans than orcs would be. Kaggi, the eldest thunder of another world will invade the eardrums of
sister, convinced her siblings that they would make ideal the travelers, echoing with the sound of death itself.
merchants of Karabeth. Her idea was proven true: the siblings These are the signs that the Ashenfey is coming into
are successful small merchants who have begun establishing a
phase with the prime material, allowing things to
lucrative trade that crosses between the various divisions of
Karabeth. cross between the realms.
While they prefer trading over fighting, they are familiar with As the lightning strikes nearby, the PCs will notice
battle and are reasonably well armed. In combat they support that each strike pierces the veil between the realms:
each other.
they will see a gray, washed out land with nightmare
Kaggi: Kaggi is the oldest sibling and has the best head for vegetation. They will also catch glimpses of what
business. She has a good grasp of the relations between the appear to be twisted and evil looking trees
Tribes of Comosh and the Blood Claw (a dominant orc tribe) and (Asheneants, a corrupted version of the Treant)
has been able to create a safe and profitable system of trade striding towards them, appearing, and disappearing
between them.
with each lightning strike. At last, there will be a final
Hresk: Hresk is the second oldest and is not entirely volley of lightning and the shuffling husk of an
comfortable with his sister’s leadership. He tends to embrace infested Feylands Wolf will cross over and stagger
some of the more traditional human and orcish values in which through the rain and mud to find victims for its
males enjoy dominion over females. Despite this, he does
recognize that she is better at business and his pragmatism controlling swarm. Fortunately for the PCs, the
usually wins over his sexism. Asheneants will not be able to cross into the prime
Thont: Thont has consciously favored his orcish heritage and
uses it as an advantage when trading with orcs. While he
originally took on the orcish role as a mere business tactic, he MAP KEY
has found value in this aspect of his heritage and lives it rather
than merely playing a role. This map shows the
area where the PCs will
Nevatha: Nevatha heavily favors her human parent and can encounter the shuffling
easily pass as a human. Ironically, she identifies strongly with
husk of the wolf. Kelleb
orcish culture and wishes she were a full orc. She is, however,
skilled at “acting human” when conducting business with will select this area for
humans. A select few of the more open-minded orcish the camp because it has
customers know her views and accept her as a fellow orc. three decent sized rocks
that will allow more of
ENCOUNTER #2 UNWELCOME the travelers to get out
of the mud.
As the party travels, the weather will worsen. It will 1. Rocks: This area of the map has three large
rain each day and the strange thunderstorms will rocks and nearby pine trees. Kelleb will suggest
grow more intense. Even during the day, the skies will

using the trees as anchors for hanging a tarp to Shuffling Husk (Feylands Wolf)
block some of the rain. Shuffling husk (wolf)
2. Road: This is the muddy road. Medium beast, neutral
3. Arrival Point: The shuffling husk will arrive
Armor Class 11 (natural armor)
here when the storm pierces the veil between
Hit Points 26 (4d8+8)
the Ashenfey and the prime material. Speed 30 ft.

ENCOUNTER STR 14 (+2), DEX 11 (+0), CON 14 (+2), INT 3 (-4), WIS 8 (-1), CHA
6 (-2)
The default encounter is with one shuffling husk of
Skills Perception +1, Stealth +2
a Feylands wolf (CR ½) infested with a small Arthapi
Senses passive Perception 11
insect swarm (CR ½). The encounter begins when Languages —
the wolf is shifted from the Ashenfey to the prime Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
material. The swarm will be momentarily confused
by the transition, but as soon as it becomes aware of
Infested. A shuffling husk is infested and controlled by a swarm
the presence of the PCs it will direct the wolf to of Artharpi insects. If the husk is destroyed, any excess damage
attack. The encounter can be increased in difficulty is taken by the swarm. If the swarm survives, it emerges from
by adding extra monsters. It can be lessened in its host and seeks a new one.
difficulty by having the wolf start the encounter
Keen Hearing and Smell. The wolf has advantage on Wisdom
already injured. (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
The swarm prefers a humanoid host and will
attempt to secure one. As such, its tactics will focus Pack Tactics. The wolf has advantage on an attack roll against
a creature if at least one of the wolf's allies is within 5 ft. of the
on incapacitating one humanoid and infesting its
creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
body. While the swarm is not very intelligent, it can
recognize when the battle turns against it. In that Actions
case, it will attempt to flee (abandoning its host if
need be).
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
The guards will move to protect Kelleb and the Hit: 7 (2d4+2) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it
others in his group from the wolf. Thegg will join must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked
them. The others in the group will ready whatever prone.
weapons they have and prepare to fight if need be.
Description: Once a magnificent Feylands wolf, this
Kelleb will fight if he must but will try to conceal his unfortunate creature has been infested by an Artharpi insect
abilities unless the alternative is his death. If it swarm. It moves with a jerky, twitching shuffle exhibiting both
comes to it, he will explain his abilities by saying that the horrific pain it is enduring and the fact that its body is being
he served in the army before becoming a merchant— driven by the infesting swarm. Its eyes are full of pain and
madness and drool flows from its slack mouth. Its fur is matted
which is a plausible story. Karena has the same and dirty; its skin bubbling and shifting with the constant
policy. If exposed, she will say that after orcs killed motion of its controllers.
her parents, she had to survive on her own and this
often involved fighting. While she will leave out her Artharpi insect swarm (small)
Artharpi insect swarm
involvement with the thieves’ guild, her story is true.
Small swarm of Tiny swarm of tiny beasts, neutral evil
As Karena is destined to be killed in a later part of
the adventure, she should survive the encounter. If Armor Class 13
she does not, the murder mystery subplot will not Hit Points 13 (3d6+3)
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 40 ft.
occur. The sibling merchants are also destined for
death—their murders will be a starting hook in the STR 3 (-4), DEX 16 (+3), CON 12 (+1), INT 6 (-2), WIS 10 (+0), CHA
next adventure in this series. 10 (+0)
Since the PCs are the heroes of the story, they
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
should bear the brunt of the combat—but the NPCs
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed,
can assist them as needed. petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Sylvan
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
After the encounter is resolved, the weather will
improve, and the rain will finally stop as the sun rises.
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature's space and
vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large
While the road will still be muddy, travelling will be
enough for a Tiny insect. The swarm can't regain hit points or easier. Kelleb will organize the group and set out. He
gain temporary hit points. will express concern that the river might be
impassable when they get to the bridge but will
optimistically say that at worse they will just need to
wait for the water level to drop.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. If the PCs act in a way that makes it impossible for
Hit: 5 (2d4) piercing damage. If the swarm is reduced to half hit them to remain with the group, the rest of the
points or less, its damage is reduced to 1d4. A creature bit by
adventure will need to be modified to account for
the swarm must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be
poisoned for 1 minute. Until this poison ends, the target is these changes.
paralyzed. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the poison on itself on a success.
Infest. As an action, a swarm can enter the body of a helpless As the sun dries the muddy road, the group’s pace
creature whose square it occupies. If the creature succeeds on will improve. They will arrive at the river just as night
a DC 11 Constitution save, its body ejects the swarm. If it fails,
is starting to fall, but there will be enough light to see
its INT, DEX, WIS, and CHA decrease by 2 as the swarm
consumes and replaces key organs with its own bodies. At the that the stone bridge was destroyed by the
end of its next turn, it can attempt another save; if it succeeds it stormwater. The level of the river will seem oddly low,
ejects the swarm. If it fails, its INT, DEX, WIS, and CHA decrease but this is because some of the water flowed into the
by 2 (minimum 1). The creature gets a final save; if it succeeds,
it ejects the swarm. If it fails, its STR and CON increase by 2 and
its speed decreases by 10 feet, but it is now under the control Kelleb will stop the group before the bridge and ask
of the swarm as a shuffling husk. The infesting swarm cannot the PCs to check on the condition of the river while
be attacked without attacking the host; killing the host expels he consults his maps for possible alternative routes.
the swarm and any excess damage is applied to the swarm. The
As the group waits, a light rain will begin and the
swarm can be removed using greater restoration (and more
powerful magic, such as wish). Removing the swarm removes rumble of (normal) thunder will be heard in the
the bonus to the creature's STR and CON; but the reduced distance.
abilities remain reduced. They can be restored by multiple uses Some creatures came along with the water from
of greater restoration or other powerful healing magic. A swarm
the Ashenfey including blood rivulets (a corrupted
can abandon its current host as an action.
form of water elemental). The PCs will make their
Description: The original Artharpi insects lived in relatively acquaintance when they approach the river.
benign collective hives and only took control of other
organisms when defending themselves. Shadash saw their
potential and warped them into what they are now: parasites
who take control of the bodies of their victims.
Individually, each insect looks like a tiny, winged crab with
The map shows
tendrils extending from its abdomen. As a collective, they are
horrific and infest the bodies of living creatures using them as the river and the
shelter, food, and protection. destroyed bridge.
The surge of water
from the storms
CONCLUSION (and from the
Ashenfey) scoured
The encounter ends when the PCs defeat the
the banks and tore
monsters, flee, or are defeated. If the PCs defeat the
the bridge apart.
monsters and protect the others, Kelleb’s opinion of
Chunks of the
them will improve.
bridge rest on the riverbed, scattered about by the
If the PCs prove unable to defeat the wolf or flee,
force of the water.
then Kelleb and the others will deal with the threat.
Even if the PCs flee, they will be allowed to return to
the group---although Kelleb’s opinion of them will

The default encounter is with two blood rivulets

(CR ¼ each). The difficulty of the encounter can be Blood Osmosis. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
adjusted by increasing or decreasing the number of one creature. Hit: 3 (1d4+1) bludgeoning damage. The target
is grappled (escape DC 11) Until this grapple ends, the
Blood Rivulets. The encounter can also be adjusted
creature is restrained, and the blood rivulet can't constrict
by involving the NPCs. The blood rivulets have been another target. While attached, the blood rivulet doesn't
hunting along the edge of the river and the ones the attack. Instead, at the start of each of the blood rivulet’s
PCs encounter will be those who have had no luck in turns, the target loses 5 (1d4 + 3) hit points due to blood loss.
their hunt. Being drawn to blood, they will slither For every 5 points the target loses due to blood loss, the blood
rivulet gains 1 temporary hit point.
towards the PCs to attack.
While somewhat intelligent, their approach to
combat is to swarm a target and drain it of blood. Description: Blood rivulets are a corrupted form of the more
benign water rivulet elementals. After creating the Ashenfey,
They repeat this until they run out of victims or they Shadash experimented with various elementals and created
are destroyed. the blood rivulets in this process. Scholars of the elemental
At the start of the combat, the PCs are likely to be planes suspect that rivulets are related to water weirds. Some
have speculated that a rivulet is an immature form of the water
the only ones near the blood rivulets. When the weird, but no evidence has been found to support this view.
combat starts, the guards will move to protect Kelleb Because of Shadash’s alterations, blood rivulets thirst for
blood. They “feed” by a strange process in which they
and his fellows while Thegg will head towards the
transform the blood they consume into a mix of elemental
combat to assist. If Kelleb and Karena have already water and blood. Normally transparent like water, they
shown their combat abilities, they will engage the become red as they consume the blood they crave. They are
capable predators and can locate the presence of blood
blood rivulets if it is required. Otherwise, they will let
unfailingly. While they do not need to eat, they are obsessed
the PCs, guards and Thegg deal with them. with blood. One arcane researcher who used telepathy to
communicate with a blood rivulet learned that “blood calls to
them” with an irresistible music. A blood music, one might say.
Blood Rivulet
Small elemental, neutral evil

Armor Class 11 CONCLUSION

Hit Points 9 (2d6+2)
Speed 20 ft., swim 60 ft. The encounter ends when the PCs defeat the blood
rivulets, flee, or are defeated. If the PCs win, Kelleb’s
STR 7 (-2), DEX 12 (+1), CON 12 (+1), INT 5 (-3), WIS 10 (+0),
CHA 6 (-2)
opinion of them will grow more favorable.
If the PCs prove unable to defeat the blood rivulets
Damage Resistances fire or flee, then Kelleb and the others will deal with the
Damage Immunities poison threat. Even if the PCs flee, they will be allowed to
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed,
return to the group---although Kelleb’s opinion of
poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious
Senses blindsight 30 ft., Blood Sense, passive Perception 10 them will worsen.
Languages Aquan (does not speak) After the fight with the blood rivulets, the rain will
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) grow heavier, and thunder will rumble ever closer.
Concerned that the storm might herald the arrival of
Elemental Nature. The blood rivulet does not require air, more creatures, Kelleb will decide to take the group
food, drink or sleep. to a Celshun outpost located about two miles upriver.
While Kelleb thinks the wooden bridge near the
Invisible in Water. The blood rivulet is invisible in water. If it
outpost was surely destroyed in the storm, the
has any temporary hit points gained from its blood osmosis
ability, it loses this ability until it has lost all the temporary hit outpost has some limited accommodations for
points. travelers. He also hopes that the soldiers will be able
to rebuild the wooden bridge. The group will then set
Blood Sense. A blood rivulet automatically senses the blood
out to reach the outpost.
of living creatures within 60 feet and can pinpoint their
locations within 15 feet.

ENCOUNTER #4 FALLEN of battle, described below. These might alert the PCs
that something is amiss.
During the peak of the storm, a hunting party of 1. Road: The road is well travelled and still muddy
capraemortu and ashenhounds crossed over into the from all the rain. There are capramortu and
ashenhound prints crossing the road; it is a DC
prime material plane. These capraemortu are
10 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot them.
devoted to the Lady of Ashes and engage in savage
2. Travelers’ Lodging: This rough wooden
hunts to secure blood and bones to offer in tribute to structure was previously used by travelers in
her. Seeing this accidental transition as a gift from need of shelter. The surviving capraemortu
Shadash, the capraemortu immediately searched for dragged all the corpses here, although the blood
prey worth of their lady. They were not disappointed. trails were
Spotting the lights of a Celshun outpost, they washed
launched a brutal attack against the soldiers. While away by the
the defenders acquitted themselves well and slew rain.
Heaped in
many of the attackers, the outpost fell. The surviving
a pile are
capraemortu chose to rest in the outpost, waiting for
the bloody
the rain to stop so that they might burn the bodies of corpses
the guards and thus offer them up as ashes and bones of13
to their lady. soldiers
Kelleb will, of course, be unaware of what has who served
transpired and will guide the group to the outpost in at the outpost. The capraemortu also laid out
the belief that it will be a haven. their dead here: four capraemortu and two
While the group is preparing to set out, a wooden ashenhounds. The PCs can scavenge the
following items from the corpses:
pigeon will bring a message to Kelleb informing him
 13 suits of studded leather
of Evala’s fate.
 6 shields
At the request of Kelleb, a minor functionary of the  13 daggers
Left Hand asked the local authorities investigate  9 long swords
Evala’s disappearance. Since Evala was not a person  9 light crossbows and 76 bolts
of importance, little effort was put into the  4shortbows and 57 arrows
investigation and it was some time before her (capraemortu)
remains were found. Suddenly concerned that this  4 suits of studded leather
might not be a random murder, the Left Hand (capraemortu)
 4 short swords (capraemortu)
recovered the body and used speak with dead to learn
 122 cp, 67 sp, 18 gp
what had transpired. The Left Hand then launched its
3. Corral: There are two horses in the corral; they
own investigation, learning about Karena’s are unharmed.
involvement with the thieves’ guild. The message 4. Tower Entrance: The door to the tower has
attached to the wooden pigeon will include a been broken open. The capraemortu in the
description of Karena. Kelleb will also be directed to tower wedged it closed with a chunk of wood.
use his discretion to resolve the matter. Smashing the damaged door open requires a
Kelleb will decide to kill Karena and secure her DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check. Alternatively,
head in a box for later interrogation via speak with a PC can take an action to knock the chunk out
from under the door. There is blood splattered
dead. He will rationalize his desire for revenge by
on the floor.
telling himself that Karena is a threat to his mission
5. Tower Barracks: This served as the barracks
(which is true). But before this pre-meditated murder for four of the soldiers. The room has two bunk
can take place, the PCs will need to defeat the beds and four foot lockers. The lockers can be
denizens of the fallen outpost. picked with a DC 12 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools)
or smashed open with a DC 12 Strength
MAP KEYS (Athletics) check. Each locker contains personal
items, 1d100 cp, 1d10 sp, and 1d4 gp.
The outpost consists of six wooden structures and 6. Storehouse: The storehouse door is locked. A
a corral for the horses. There are some minor signs DC 12 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check is
required to pick the lock. The door can also be DC 12 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) or smashed
kicked in with a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) open with a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check.
check or broken open with weapons (AC 15 HP One contains 212 cp, 68 sp, and 22 gp. The
10). The storehouse holds crates and barrels of other holds 312 cp, 72 sp, 14 gp, a bottle of 5 gp
mundane supplies such as food, wine, and wine and a pouch of tobacco. The writing desk
clothing. There are also the following items that holds an assortment of area maps and various
might be of interest to the PCs: reports.
 4 long swords 2. Ladder Room: This has a ladder and a
 6 shields trapdoor. The trapdoor is locked (the
 6 suits of studded leather capraemortu have the keys). A DC 12 Dexterity
 3 light crossbows (Thieves’ Tools) check is required to pick the
 220 bolts lock. The door can also be kicked in with a DC
 2 short bows 12 Strength (Athletics) check or broken open
 110 arrows with weapons (AC 15 HP 10).
 6 daggers
 12 spears Level 3

7. Kitchen: The kitchen is set apart from the other This is the third floor.
structures to minimize fire damage. The kitchen 1. Lieutenant’s Bunk: At the start of the
has two stoves, two tables and is well stocked encounter, one of the capraemortu and the
with food. The door has been broken in and ashenhound will be resting in this room. This
swings freely in the wind. The surviving room holds a bed, a bookshelf, and a writing
capraemortu cooked themselves a desk. There is a small lockbox under
robust meal after their victory—good the bed. The lockbox can be picked
food and wine are very rare in the with a DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves’
Ashenfey. Tools) or smashed open with a DC 15
8. Mess: The doors to this room are Strength (Athletics) check. It holds
unlocked; the soldiers ran out to fight 656 cp, 450 sp, and 220 gp. The
when the capraemortu attacked the tower. After writing desk holds an assortment of
their victory, the capraemortu ate their meal area maps and various reports. There is also a
here; the table is still littered with the remnants locked drawer holding the lieutenant’s
of their feast. valuables. The drawer’s lock can be picked with
9. Bunk Room: This served as the barracks for ten a DC 12 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) or smashed
of the soldiers. The room has two bunk beds and open with a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check.
tenfoot lockers. The lockers can be picked with The drawer holds 123 cp, 211 sp, 37 gp, and a
a DC 12 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) or smashed finely carved chess set worth 25 gp.
open with a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check. 2. Ladder Room: This has a ladder and a
Each locker contains personal items, 1d100 cp, trapdoor. The trapdoor is locked (the
1d10 sp, and 1d4 gp. The door to the barracks capraemortu have the keys). A DC 12 Dexterity
is open and the windows are open—the soldiers (Thieves’ Tools) check is required to pick the
fired their crossbows out of them during the lock. The door can also be kicked in with a DC
battle. 12 Strength (Athletics) check or broken open
10. Well: The capraemortu weighted the body of with weapons (AC 15 HP 10). The corpses of
one of the dead soldiers and dumped it into the the two sergeants and the lieutenant are here.
well. Their intent was to contaminate the well— Each corpse is wearing a chain shirt, has a long
Shadash is also a goddess of disease and sword, has a shield and a dagger. The
intentionally spreading illness in her name lieutenant’s corpse has a long bow and 12
pleases her. The body has yet to decay enough arrows. Each sergeant has a crossbow and 17
to seriously contaminate the well. bolts. The corpses are kept here in case the
11. Outhouse: The outpost has a fine three stall capraemortu need to use their ability to animate
outhouse. dead. If there are more than two capraemortu in
the encounter, there will be one additional
Level 2 corpse here (rather than in the Traveler’s
This is the second level of the tower. Lodging).
1. Sergeants’ Bunks This room holds two beds
and a writing desk. There are two foot lockers
in the room. The lockers can be picked with a

Roof capraemortu will try to use their Piping to Which the
This is the roof. Dead Dance to animate zombies to fight for them.
1. Roof: At the start of the encounter one The capraemortu are not interested in taking
capraemortu will be om the roof, watching for
prisoners—they only want sacrifices for Shadash.
intruders. Access to the roof is via a trapdoor.
They will also not surrender, unless they think the
The trapdoor is locked (the capraemortu have
the keys). A DC 12 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools)
PCs are foolish enough to spare them and give them
check is required to pick the lock. The door can another opportunity at killing.
also be kicked in with a DC 12 Strength It is intended that the PCs take the outpost; if they
(Athletics) check or broken open with weapons do not then the murder mystery will need to be
(AC 15 HP 10) changed somewhat to reflect this fact.

ENCOUNTER Capraemortu
Medium fey, chaotic evil
The default encounter is with two Capraemortu and
Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
one ashenhound. This assumes that the PCs will have
Hit Points 52 (7d8+21)
assistance from their NPC allies. The difficulty can be Speed 40 ft.
decreased by reducing the number of foes or reducing
their hit points (the effects of the battle with the STR 14 (+2), DEX 16 (+3), CON 16 (+3), INT 12 (+1), WIS 10 (+0),
CHA 16 (+3)
defenders of the outpost). The difficulty can be
increased by adding additional monsters or removing Skills Perception +2, Stealth +5
the assistance of the NPCs. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
At the start of the encounter, the capraemortu and Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
the ashenhound will be in the tower. One Challenge 1 (200 XP)

capraemortu will be on the roof, keeping an eye out

by peering over the wooden parapets. While these Magic Resistance. The Capraemortu has advantage on saving
capraemortu are fanatically devoted to Shadash, they throws against spells and other magical effects.
are not fools and will use both their cunning and
combat abilities to secure worthy sacrifices for the
Lady of Ashes. If an opportunity presents itself, the
capraemortu on the top of the tower will try to pass Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
as a guard to secure an edge over the PCs. Hit: 7 (2d4+2) bludgeoning damage.
While the capraemortu do speak common, they
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80 ft./320
have very limited knowledge about occurrences on ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage.
the prime material plane and the ruse could be
exposed by suitable questions (or a good Wisdom Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage.
(Insight) roll against the capraemortu’s Deception
(Charisma) roll. Since a capraemortu looks like a Piping of Despair (1/day). The Capraemortu plays a song of
Satyr (or even a Tiefling), they will try to pass as one— despair on its pipes. Each creature, other than fellow
while fey (or Tiefling) serving in outposts is rare, it is Capraemortu, within 60 feet of the Capraemortu must
succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw. A creature can
not impossible in this region.
also repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If a
If the ruse succeeds, the capraemortu will exploit it creature's saving throw is successful, the Effect ends on it. A
as much as they can, ideally to murder unwary PCs in target that successfully saves is immune to this
their sleep. Capraemortu’s piping of despair for the next 24 hours.
Whenever a target that fails this saving throw makes an Attack
If the ruse fails (or is not attempted), the
roll or a saving throw while the song’s effect remains, the
capraemortu will resort to violence. They understand target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the
the advantage of fighting from the tower with ranged Attack roll or saving throw. The Capraemortu must take a
wepons and will do their best to keep the PCs out of Bonus Action on its subsequent turns to continue the song
and must use one hand to play its pipes. It can stop the song
the tower while they use their abilities. If the PCs try
at any time. The song ends if the capraemortu is
to enter the tower by the door or windows, the Incapacitated.
capraemortu and ashenhound will move to engage
them. Prior to engaging in melee combat, the Piping of Fear (1/day). The Capraemortu plays a song of fear

on its pipes. Each creature, other than fellow Capraemortu, Some Capraemortu refuse to worship Shadash and dwell
within 60 feet of the Capraemortu must succeed on a DC 13 apart from their fellows. They rarely survive long, since the
Wisdom saving throw. A creature can also repeat the saving faithful make them a priority for their hunts.
throw at the end of each of its turns. If a creature's saving
throw is successful, the Effect ends on it. A target that Ashenhound
successfully saves is immune to this Capraemortu’s piping of Medium fey, neutral evil
despair for the next 24 hours. A target that fails this saving
throw is frightened. The Capraemortu must take a Bonus Armor Class 13
Action on its subsequent turns to continue the song and must Hit Points 39 (6d8+12)
use one hand to play its pipes. It can stop the song at any Speed 50 ft.
time. The song ends if the capraemortu is Incapacitated.
STR 14 (+2), DEX 16 (+3), CON 14 (+2), INT 7 (-2), WIS 12 (+1),
Piping to which the Dead Dance (1/day). The Capraemortu CHA 10 (+0)
plays a song to make the dead dance. It selects humanoid
bones or a corpse withing 60 feet and the magic imbues the Skills Perception +3 (You have advantage on checks relying on
target with a foul mimicry of life, raising it as a Skeleton or a smell), Stealth +5
Zombie until it is destroyed, or the song ends. The Damage Resistances necrotic
capramortu must take a Bonus Action on its subsequent turns Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13
to continue the song and must use one hand to play its pipes. Languages Sylvan
It can stop the song at any time. The song ends if the Challenge 2 (450 XP)
capraemortu is Incapacitated. As part of the Bonus Action to
maintain the song, the caparemortu can direct the animated
dead. The capraemortu decides what action the creature will Keen Senses. The creature has advantage on Wisdom
take and where it will move during its next turn, or it can issue (Perception) checks that rely on certain senses.
a general Command, such as to guard a particular chamber or
corridor. If it issues no commands, the creature only defends Keen Smell. has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
itself against Hostile creatures. Once given an order, the that rely on smell.
creature continues to follow it until its task is complete.
Pack Tactics. This creature has advantage on an attack roll
Treasure: One of the capraemortu can be equipped with a suit against a creature if at least one of this creature’s allies is
of fey iron chain (same AC as studded leather, grants resistance within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
to radiant damage and vulnerability to necrotic damage) and
the other can be armed with a fey iron weapon (shortsword; it Actions
does 1 extra point of necrotic damage when damaging a living
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Description: To help populate the Ashenfey, Shadash Hit: 6 (1d8+2) piercing + 2d6 necrotic damage.
dragged numerous Satyrs into that shadowy realm,
transforming some of them into females so they would have a Necrotic Breath (Recharge 5-6). The hound exhales necrotic
chance at reproduction. Over the centuries, the Ashenfey and energy in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make
the touch of Shadash changed these transformed Satyr, a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) necrotic
making them stronger and replacing the joyous music in their damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
souls with haunting despair and worse. With their pipes, they successful one.
can make others experience their horror and their loss. They
can also cause the bones of the dead to dance, driven by a Description: An Ashenhound is a wolf-like creature whose ash
hatred of life. grey fur is streaked with light-devouring strands of necrotic
While still looking much like Satyrs, the Capraemortu are energy. Twisted horns protrude from its skull and liquid
hardened and brutal survivors. They delight in hunting other darkness drips from its fanged mouth. The skin over the face of
creatures, offering their burnt bones to Shadash. The leaders the creature is thin and taut, creating the appearance of a skull.
of the hunt are usually rangers, while the rulers of their tribes Inspired by the hounds of Hell, Shadash infused stolen
tend to be druids devoted to Shadash. Their art is a feyhounds with necrotic energy to create the ideal hounds for
perversion of the original Satyrs’ aesthetics and they often the Ashenfey. While most perished horrible during this
mark their bodies with ritual tattoos and scars. transformation, the strongest survived and bred true to create
If they have a large enough hunting party, the Capraemortu the Ashenhound.
will begin combat by using their piping and observe the In combat the Ashenhound coordinates with its pack mates,
effects. If one or more succeed in their efforts, they will using its breath weapon as often as it can. While the harsh
maintain the piping while the others in the party attack. If existence of the Ashenfey and the divine influence of Shash has
bones or a corpse is available, the Capraemortu will animate made most of them neutral evil, the Ashenhound retains some
it to send into battle. of the feyhound’s instinct for loyalty and they will form bonds
Satyr and Capraemortu tend to be hostile to each other; the with certain other creatures. They are most likely to be found in
Capraemortu because they are reminded of what they have the company of Capraemortu and together they form effective
lost and the Satyr because of what they fear they could hunting packs for the glory of Shadash.
Medium undead, neutral evil CONCLUSION
Armor Class 8 (AC 11 with chain shirt) The encounter ends when the PCs defeat the
Hit Points 22 (3d8+9) capraemortu and ashenhound. If the PCs win,
Speed 20 ft. Kelleb’s opinion of them will grow more favorable.
Kelleb will try to discourage the PCs from
STR 13 (+1), DEX 6 (-2), CON 16 (+3), INT 3 (-4), WIS 6 (-2), CHA
5 (-3) excessively looting or destroying the outpost. If the
PCs behave with moderation, then Kelleb will vouch
Saving Throws Wis +0 for their role in recapturing the outpost and the PCs
Damage Immunities poison will receive a suitable reward from the Celshun
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 authorities when they reach town. The basic reward
Languages understands the languages it knew in life but is 100 gp in equipment or 50 gp in coins. A generous
can't speak DM can increase this reward. If the PCs looted the
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) outpost or needlessly damaged it, then they might
face consequences when the reach town (this
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit assumes the authorities learn of their activities). A
points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of small force will be dispatched from town to man the
5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a outpost while they wait for a relief force from
critical hit. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point
If the PCs prove unable to defeat these foes or
Actions decide to flee, then the easiest way to keep the story
on track is to have the NPCs secure the outpost. The
PCs can then be in the outpost when the murder
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 4 (1d6+1) bludgeoning damage. occurs. Alternatively, the next part of the story can
continue with suitable modifications to the setting.
Medium undead, lawful evil

Armor Class 13 (armor scraps) or AC 15 (chain shirt) ENCOUNTER #5 A MURDER

Hit Points 13 (2d8+4) Assuming the PCs secure the outpost, Kelleb will
Speed 30 ft.
recommend that they do some quick repairs and
STR 10 (+0), DEX 14 (+2), CON 15 (+2), INT 6 (-2), WIS 8 (-1), then rest there for the night—being within the walls
CHA 5 (-3) will be safer than being out in the wilds.
Unless the PCs take charge, Kelleb will divide the
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
group between the tower and the barracks building.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned He will suggest that the PCs stay in the tower and
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 will set up a schedule of watches, taking one himself.
Languages understands the languages it knew in life but During the discussion, Karena will get into a fight
can't speak
with Thegg. She will make racist slurs against him,
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
saying that he will no doubt try to murder and rape
Actions her while she is asleep. Shemup will loudly side with
Thegg, making suggestions that Karena might be a
criminal who is trying to divert attention from
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80 ft./320
ft., one target. herself. Attentive PCs who successfully make a
Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage. Wisdom (Insight) roll against Karena’s Charisma
(Deception) roll will notice that Karena reacts to
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Shemup’s claims nervously. If pressed about this,
Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage. she will say that no one likes to be accused of being
a criminal. To which Shemup will reply “especially
criminals!” This will go on until Kelleb is able to put
an end to it (or the PCs do).

After the incident, Karena will insist that the PCs fell asleep. Shemup is also telling the truth. Since
escort her to the storehouse—she intends to sleep Shemup is always very nervous and twitchy, it is a
there alone. Thegg, for his part, will say he intends DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check to sort out that while
to stay in the kitchen so he can calm his temper with he is nervous and twitchy, this is his usual level of
wine and food. Shemup will find this a fine idea and nervous twitching. If the PCs attack Shemup, the
go with him. other NPCs are less likely to aid him then they
Once the group settles down for the night, Kelleb would be to aid Thegg.
will patiently wait for his watch. He will then go to The other group members will all truthfully say
the storehouse and pick the lock silently. He will that they did not commit the murder. But they are all
then kill Karena in her sleep with a poisoned a bit nervous and upset by the murder and being in
weapon. After that, he will remove an outpost where everyone was killed. A DC 10
her head and put in a box for Wisdom (Insight) roll will reveal that they seem to be
transport. He will then return to telling the truth. If the PCs
his watch after stashing the attack one or more of the
nondescript and waterproofed box other group members, the other
amidst his wares. He will leave NPCs might act in their defense—
the door unlocked when he depending on who the PCs attack.
departs. As an experienced agent of the Left Hand,
In the morning, Karena’s Kelleb will act normally after the murder—killing for
headless body will be him is a normal part of the job. If the PCs question
discovered when the group Kelleb, he will use his Charisma (Deception) to lie to
checks on her (assuming they do so). If the PCs the PCs. He will advance the idea that a
examine the storeroom, a DC 15 Wisdom capraemortu or another monster killed Karena;
(Perception) check will reveal a tiny scratch on the being the only one who was alone she would be an
lock that could indicate an attempt to pick it. ideal victim.
If the PCs examine the headless body, a DC 15 Since Kelleb considers Thegg a useful asset, he
Wisdom (Medicine) check will reveal signs that will not steer suspicion onto him unless that
Karena was dead before she was beheaded A DC 15 becomes his only option. He has nothing against
Wisdom (Medicine) check to determine the cause of Shemup but will be willing to steer suspicion
death will reveal that she was poisoned. There is no towards him. If he does so, he will present himself
visible wound on the body since Kelleb stabbed her as reluctant to blame Shemup. Kelleb is experienced
in the eye with a poisoned short sword. enough at deceit to know that seeming eager to
The PCs might decide to try to solve the murder. place the blame tends to make one seem guilty.
Optional interrogation rules are included below, If the PCs discern that he is lying, he will endeavor
though the matter can also be resolved entirely by to speak to them in private and convince them that
role-playing or using the usual Wisdom (Insight) his actions were justified. He will begin by truthfully
rolls. explaining that an associate of his learned that
If Thegg is confronted about the murder, he will Karena murdered Evela to infiltrate the merchant’s
insist that while he would have happily killed her, he group. He will then say, truthfully, that he decided to
did not do so. Thegg will be quite calm and eliminate the threat. If asked why he acted secretly,
unconcerned. A DC 5 Wisdom (Insight) roll will he will honestly say that he was concerned that there
reveal that Thegg seems to be telling the truth. If a might be other infiltrators in the group. He will
PC fails the roll, they might get the impression that admit that he is more than just a merchant but will
he seems too calm and unconcerned. If the PCs claim that he is working for a guild of merchants. If
attack Thegg, he will defend himself and might be that lie fails, he will claim that he is working for
aided by the other NPCs (depending on how the DM government organization (which is technically true).
wants the encounter to go). Under no circumstances will he reveal that he works
Shemup will vouch that Thegg fell asleep after for the Left Hand.
consuming an ample volume of comfort food. Thegg Kelleb will attempt to resolve any confrontation
will vouch that Shemup was in the kitchen when he peacefully but will defend himself if the PCs use

violence. Kelleb’s guards will certainly assist him near the camp and follow the rules, they will be safe
and Thegg is likely to intervene as well. The other in and near the camp.
NPCs might also join the fight on Kelleb’s side. Kelleb hopes to enlist some of the Blood Claw in
felling trees to make rafts suitable to cross the river.
CONCLUSION He knows that some of the tribe members are skilled
at the construction and operation of such rafts and
The encounter ends when the situation is resolved, would prefer to rely on their skill rather than
and the party is ready to move on to the next attempting an amateur crossing. He also wants to use
encounter. the opportunity to strengthen his connections with
If the PCs fight Kelleb and are defeated, he will do Orelgu and the Blood Claw. The Left Hand has plans
his best to spare them—but will reluctantly kill them for the tribe and believes that building trust will prove
if that is his only option. Unless he thinks they will useful.
persist in trying to kill him, he is likely to set them
free and allow them to make their own way to town.
In this case, some minor modifications will need to
be made to some of the following encounters. The orcish trade camp consists of a leveled section
If defeated and captured, Kelleb will endeavor to of packed earth and two permanent structures. While
escape. If the PCs decide to deliver him to the the Blood Claw do have permanent settlements and
authorities, the Left Hand will resolve the situation. fortifications, many of the tribal members travel about
This might require Kelleb to abandon his current in the tribal lands and reside in tents or found
cover and take up a new role elsewhere. shelters. When orcs and others come to the trade
If the PCs kill Kelleb, the DM will need to make camp, they usually set up tents around the central
some minor modifications to some of the encounters trading area. Established merchants and traders set
that follow. The Left Hand will also investigate the up stalls in the central area as needed, though trade
matter, which could result in problems for the PCs. can be conducted anywhere and often is. While orcs
Fortunately for the PCs, the Left Hand might be are known for being chaotic, the trade camp operates
inclined to spare them, chalking up Kelleb’s death to under a set of codes and rituals. The two main
his own failure. restrictions are that murder and theft are forbidden
If the PCs fight or kill some of the other NPCs, but on the trade grounds. Disputes that arise are to be
do not fight Kelleb then the resolution depends on settled peacefully on the grounds or violently off the
who they killed or fought and why. This might result grounds.
in them being kicked out of the group. There are also various other informal codes and
If the PCs do not engage in any violence, then the rituals aimed at facilitating fair trade. While
group will continue on its way to the next encounter. exaggeration and drama are acceptable parts of
trading, outright lying and deceit go against the code.
ENCOUNTER #6 TRADE CAMP Driving a hard bargain or outwitting a less capable
trader are respected; cheating and lying are
The high water and the destruction of the bridges
condemned—often with violence.
means that Kelleb will not unable to get the wagons
Those who grossly violate the rules are punished by
across the river by fording. Kelleb will suggest to the
the community of traders—the skulls of the most
group that they journey to a nearby trade camp
serious transgressors are displayed atop poles lining
operated by Orelgu, an orc trader. This will allow the
the main entrance to the trading ground. Hanging
merchants to do some business and, more
from each poll is a board listing the crimes of the
importantly, seek assistance in crossing the river.
transgressor in orcish and common.
Kelleb knows Orelgu and has done business with
him for quite some time. The trade camp is right at
1. Path of the Final Price: The main entrance to
the edge of Blood Claw territory. While the Blood
the trading ground is lined with poles topped
Claw will raid merchants and others who enter their with the skulls of those who grossly violated the
territory, the trade camp is respected as neutral rules and rituals of the trade camp. The most
ground. Kelleb will assure the PCs that if they remain common violations are theft and murder.

2. Well: After an orc druid located the best spot,
Celshun engineers constructed a fine well. The BATTLE CIRCLE MAP KEY
well is carefully maintained and contaminating
Because fights (good natured or lethal) are a
it is punishable by death.
regular occurrence at
3. Orelgu’s House: Orelgu has a modest wooden
the trade camp, the orcs
house where he sleeps. While he keeps most of
his coins and gems in his bag of holding, he has have created a battle
an iron lock circle. The circle has
box under been worn down by
his bed. years of fighting and
Picking the stained with the blood of
lock many a warrior.
requires a
The circle is outside of the trade camp rules;
although fights often have their own rules or codes as
DC 15
set by the participants.
Breaking it open requires a DC 15 Strength The trade camp is intended to be a mostly non-
(Athletics) check. The box is AC 19 and has 10 combat encounter, but there are opportunities to
HP. It contains 153 cp, 45 sp, and 10 gp. Orelgu fight.
has the key. When the group approaches the camp, they will see
4. Orelgu’s Warehouse: The warehouse has stout it bustling with activity. There are numerous Blood
wooden walls and a reinforced roof. The front Claw tents pitched around the trading grounds and
door is locked. Picking the lock requires a
orcs and half-orcs will be engaged in trading, talking
successful DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools)
and other activities.
check. Breaking it open requires a DC 15
Strength (Athletics) check. The door is AC 15
The merchant siblings are well known at the camp
and has 18 HP. Orelgu’s stock changes rapidly and will be warmly welcomed. After setting up, they
as he trades and sells items. At any given time, will get down to business and conduct many trades.
he will have 400-800 gp worth of items stored Kelleb is also known at the camp and will be
here. He deals in a wide range of merchandise welcomed as a respected trader. He will set up his
and is usually well stocked with basic weapons wagon and do a brisk business in weapons and other
and armor that are common in the region. useful items.
These include battle axes, great axes, javelins,
Thegg will be ecstatic to be back among his people
bows, crossbows, spears, leather armor, chain
and will be received as a returning hero for his
shirts, shields, and hide armor. He sometimes
has less common items acquired by his
success. His tales of adventure and battle will prove
adventuring sons or other adventurers. quite popular.
5. Trading Grounds: This area of well-packed The other travelers will initially be afraid; they have
earth is where the established merchants and long heard tales of orcish savagery. However, they
traders set up their booths and stalls. The area will gradually feel somewhat less afraid as they get
around the trading grounds has been worn used to being around so many orcs.
down by years of use and those coming to trade If Kelleb, Thegg and the merchant siblings vouch
set up their tents there.
for the PCs, the Blood Claw orcs will accept them.
Even if the PCs are not vouched for, they will be
allowed to remain in the trade camp if they abide by
the rules. If the PCs break the rules, then appropriate
action will be taken against them.
Some possible interesting interactions are detailed
below; the PCs might not trigger all the interactions.

TRADE MASTER ORELGU The day after the PCs arrive, he will decide that the
As a young warrior, Orelgu took the bold move of adventure is taking too long and will enter
approaching a travelling merchant party and negotiations with the PCs to get them to investigate
speaking with them. Fortunately for Orelgu, the the dungeon and, if need be, rescue the missing
merchant was willing to listen to his pitch and he was adventurers.
hired as a guard and guide. Being a shrewd merchant and a
Orelgu served the concerned father, he will negotiate
merchant loyally for a conditional agreement with
several years, learning the greater rewards for greater
trade an amassing enough accomplishments (such as rescuing
wealth to become a his children). He will know that
merchant himself. Kelleb and company need help
Orelegu used some of crossing the river and will make
his wealth to get the trade that part of the agreement if the
camp set up and running. PCs are willing. If the PCs insist, he
While there were some will offer a minimal payment even if
initial incidents, Orelgu they merely go to the dungeon and
was able to overcome find that everything went well; he
them, and the trade camp will start negotiations at 10 gp in
has become a success. trade goods for that
Orelgu eventually married accomplishment.
and had two children, Kelleb knows that Orelgu
Orela and Relgu. While he bargains in good faith and will
wanted them to become vouch for him, Kelleb also values
warrior merchants, he Orelgu and his children for their
was pleased when they usefulness to the goals of the Left
followed their mother and Hand and hence will want to work
took up the path of with Orelgu to help him. The
adventure. Through them, outcome of the flooded dungeon is
he made new contacts discussed in that encounter, below.
with local adventurers If the PCs agree to the mission,
and his business Orelgu will provide them with the
opportunities improved. location of the dungeon. His
He has also been able to information is limited to what the
sell many of the items they goblins sold him: they noticed an
have recovered on their adventures. They are on an artificial opening in a riverbank that had been eroded
adventure now, which can lead the PCs to the flooded by the river. They peeked inside to confirm that there
dungeon, below. was some sort of dungeon but elected to not go
This dungeon was exposed during the storm and beyond the entrance. The goblins also reported that
was located by a group of curious goblins. Having lost there are ruins over the dungeon. Orelgu will be able
some of their number in past explorations, they to describe the location well enough that the PCs can
decided to sell the information about the dungeon to easily find it—they just need to go down the river and
Orelgu and let his children take the risk of exploring look at the bank. He will recommend using a boat,
it. After questioning and paying the goblins, Orela and since it is on the other side of the river. Some of the
Relgu recruited two other adventurers (Belra and traders at the camp use boats and one of them,
Hregg) and set out to explore the dungeon. As Welgra, would be willing to provide them with
detailed below, this adventure did not go well and transport down the river for a modest fee. She will
Orela and Relgu have not returned. start negotiations at 10 gp in trade goods for a round
Orelgu knows that a dungeon crawl can take a trip. She will provide the rower, Grug (an orc
while, but he has been growing increasingly worried. warrior). In addition to rowing, Grug’s job is to ensure

that the boat is returned. Grug might be willing to Orelgu is good at reading and persuading people, skills he
assist the PCs in the dungeon if they offer an has developed as a merchant. While interested in profit, he
sees trade as a means to an end: he seeks to improve
adequate incentive. conditions for the Blood Claw and dreams that someday they
In addition to his main concern for his children, will be able to match the human-dominated kingdoms in
Orelgu is also interested in trade—he will happily sell wealth and power. But he also worries that this path might be
to and buy from the PCs. Orelgu is also the detrimental to his people, that they will lose what is unique to
adjudicator of the trade camp and rules on matters of While not devoted to the abstract ideal of law, Orelgu is very
violations. He is fair but stern and will be backed up strict about the rules and rituals of the trade camp. He knows
in his decisions by the warriors. that these are essential to keeping the trade camp in
If, for some reason, the PCs attack Orelgu on the operation.
Orelgu loves his children and worries every time they go out
grounds of the trade camp, the entire camp will
to adventure, but he knows that they must pursue their own
immediately become hostile and rush to his aid. This path. Their mother was killed while adventuring and her body
will most likely result in the deaths of the PCs. Kelleb was never recovered. He worries that his children will go to that
and his group will stay out of the fight—they have no deadly dungeon to try to find her body; but they have shown
good judgment in facing only challenges they have a good
desire to die for the PCs.
chance of overcoming.


Orc merchant While the Blood Claws do engage in farming, they
Medium humanoid (orc), neutral
also rely heavily on (and enjoy) hunting. Many orc
Armor Class 12 (leather armor) hunters have adopted druidism as their faith and they
Hit Points 19 (3d8+6) find Darana appealing: they understand that nature is
Speed 30 ft. cruel, but fair.
STR 14 (+2), DEX 12 (+1), CON 14 (+2), INT 10 (+0), WIS 12 (+1),
Hunt leader Okelb and many of his fellow hunters
CHA 14 (+2) frequent the camp, trading meat for items they need
and want, such as axes and metal arrow heads. While
Skills Insight +3, Persuasion +4 wary of the dangers of the old ruins, Okelb has found
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
it profitable to explore them for valuable items. He
Languages Common, Orc
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) has also ranged far and wide over the area and knows
it well.
If the PCs break the rules of the camp, Okelb and
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its
his fellow hunters will join the others in addressing
speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.
this behavior. Okelb values the camp and thus will
Actions take action to defend it from threats.
Because of his experience in the area and
knowledge of the nearby ruins, Okelb can be a useful
Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. contact for the PCs. If the PCs can convince him that
Hit: 6 (1d8+2) slashing damage or 7 (1d10+2) slashing damage they do not mean any harm to his people, he will be
if used with two hands to make a melee attack. happy to trade information to the PCs. Okelb does
have some use for coins and will accept those as
Handaxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.
or range 20 ft./60 ft., one target. payment. He is also interested in useful information
Hit: 5 (1d6+2) slashing damage. and equipment. While an experienced trader, he
tends to avoid the extremes of some other traders
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 80 ft./320
(such as opening with exorbitant prices) but will still
ft., one target.
Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing damage. endeavor to drive a hard bargain.
With enough incentive, he would be willing to lead
Treasure: Bag of holding containing 454 cp, 646 sp, 751 gp and the PCs to areas they are interested in. He will
1,000 gp in gems and jewelry. typically ask for a base payment and a small cut of any
Description: Orelgu is a middle-aged orc who has settled into valuables the PCs secure. He is “not interested in
a comfortable life as a trade master. That said, he has not being eaten by some monster in a dank dungeon”, but
forgotten his roots as a warrior and still practices with his axe a large enough reward could get him to change his
and goes on regular hunts to keep his longbow aim sharp. mind.
If the PCs attack Okelb or the other hunters on the naturalist’s work that includes beautiful drawings of various
campgrounds without provocation, the others in the animals and plants.
As an experienced hunter and scout, Okelb is at home in
camp will step in to assist the hunters. combat. As would be expected, he prefers to fight foes at
If the PCs are too weak to handle the remaining range using his bow.
encounters, Okelb could be hired to join them. Okelb
might also prove useful in future adventures, given his Orc Hunter
Medium humanoid (orc), neutral
knowledge of the area and the ruins.
Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
Hunt Leader Okelb Hit Points 19 (3d8+6)
Orc hunt leader Speed 30 ft.
Medium humanoid (orc), neutral
STR 14 (+2), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2), INT 10 (+0), WIS 10 (+0),
Armor Class 14 (leather armor) CHA 10 (+0)
Hit Points 32 (5d8+10)
Speed 30 ft. Skills Nature +2, Perception +2, Stealth +4, Survival +2
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
STR 14 (+2), DEX 16 (+3), CON 14 (+2), INT 10 (+0), WIS 12 (+1), Languages Common, Orc
CHA 12 (+1) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5, Survival +3

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its
Languages Common, Orc speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its

speed toward a hostile creature that it can see. Multiattack. The hunter makes two ranged or melee attacks.

Actions Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

Hit: 6 (1d8+2) slashing damage or 7 (1d10+2) slashing damage
Multiattack. A orc hunt leader makes two melee or ranged if used with two hands to make a melee attack.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80 ft./320
Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one ft., one target.
target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage.
Hit: 6 (1d8+2) slashing damage or 7 (1d10+2) slashing damage
if used with two hands to make a melee attack. Treasure: 1d100 cp, 1d20 sp, 1d4 gp
Description: In times of conflict, the orc hunters often serve as
Handaxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. scouts and raiders. When not engaged in these conflicts, the
or range 20 ft./60 ft., one target. hunters spend most of their time out in the wild, hunting.
Hit: 5 (1d6+2) slashing damage. Those who follow Okelb are willing to follow him into the ruins;
they have learned that Okelb shares the rewards of such
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 150 ft./600 expeditions just as he shares the meat after a hunt.
ft., one target. The hunters are more focused on ranged combat than the
Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage. stereotypical orc warrior and they tend to be followers of
Treasure: 33 cp, 77 sp, 10 gp, 25 gp silver ring, 75 gp ivory and Darana and are thus inclined towards neutrality.
gold sword hilt, and a 50 gp pearl.
Description: In his youth, Okelb made a name for himself FISTBREAKER
serving as a scout in the many conflicts with the Seven Tribes. When the Blood Claws invaded Karabeth, they
When not engaged in this role, Okelb spent his time hunting were a relatively small tribe. Like most of the other
and exploring. Unlike many others in his tribe, Okelb is very
orc tribes invading the area, the Blood Claw resolved
interested in the old ruins. The first time he entered a ruin, he
was almost killed. But he defeated his opponents and found a disputes among their ranks through violence. This
silver ring, a treasure he keeps to this day. often resulted in permanent injury and death. The
Okelb prays to Darana and follows a path of neutrality, wise and practical leader of the tribe, Orukk,
focusing on his survival and the survival of those he cares
gradually established the tradition of setting disputes
about. Okelb has a great deal of curiosity and finds the ruins
fascinating. He has a small cache of books that he gathered within the tribe using unarmed combat. While this
on some of his expeditions; his prize possession is a

could still result in severe injury and death (thus being An outsider who fights a Fistbreaker fairly will
acceptable to the orcs) it was less likely to do so. receive the appropriate marks signifying who they
Some orcs found unarmed combat extremely fought and the outcome of the right. The outsider can
appealing. A few even claimed that it was the purest choose where the marks go; but orcs prefer such
expression of orcish strength. These orcs devoted marks to be readily visible—so they favor the face and
themselves to transforming their bodies into arms.
weapons, engaging in brutal combat, and punishing Fistbreakers also earn status by fighting worthy
training regimens. Those who outsiders, so they seek out fights. A
survived and excelled became few Fistbreakers have journeyed to
known as Fistbreakers. This cities to fight in public matches,
refers both to their tough skin thus gaining (or losing)
and the fact that they break considerable status.
their own fists in their Fistbreakers also frequent
training and fights. areas where there is regular
The tradition of unarmed interaction with outsiders,
combat between tribe such as the trade camp. One
members has persisted, Fistbreaker, Kellja, regularly
which has saved numerous visits the trade camp in the
lives over the years. The hopes of finding worthy
Fistbreakers have also opponents. Although she does
persisted, and various not always find a worthy
cultural traditions have outsider, she always finds
arisen around them. someone to fight.
Fistbreakers often serve as When she learns that the PCs
referees and judges in fist are at the camp, she will assess
fights between members of them. If she finds at least one of
the tribe and they generally them worthy of fighting, she will
prevent tribal members from propose a fight. While some Fistbreakers will
killing each other. Fighting a use insults and bullying to start a fight, Kellja holds
Fistbreaker is considered an honorable challenge such behavior in contempt: she wants only willing and
and orcs interested in their status will seek out worthy opponents.
combat with one. Orcs record these battles on their If a PC agrees to a fight, it will be a become a big
skin, using either tattoos or artistic scars. The marks event and draw a crowd. Orelgu will set up an
indicate who was fought and the result of the fight; impromptu ring and serve as the referee. Before the
members of the tribe can easily read these marks. fight, Orelgu will explain the rules and point to one of
A fight continues until a fighter is rendered the skulls as a warning about what can happen to a
unconscious (or killed) or yields (by shouting “yulg!”) cheater.
Outsiders interested in proving themselves to the If a PC is defeated, they will get a mark for the fight.
Blood Claw sometimes seek out a fight with a If they did reasonably well, they will earn some
Fistbreaker—this a quick way to earn respect. respect from the Blood Claw. If the PC wins the fight,
Outsiders are expected to follow the rules of the fight. they will also get a (better) mark and will earn more
The rules forbid the use of weapons, armor, shields, respect from the Blood Claw. Anyone caught with
and magic. The rules require that the fighters use only fake marks will typically be severely punished: at the
their natural weapons—which can include claws and very least, the marks and skin will be removed with a
teeth. Fights with outsiders are closely watched to knife.
prevent cheating. An outsider who is caught cheating Displaying a Fistbreaker mark to a Blood Claw will
will be punished. At the very least, they will be beaten generally result in a more favorable impression and
unconscious and then marked with a large scar can also be useful in intimidation.
signifying their cheating. In some cases, the cheater In game terms, a PC displaying at least one mark
will be killed and then marked. gets a +1 on Charisma(Persuasion) checks when

interacting with the Blood Claw. The DM can adjust
this for more marks as desired. Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.
or range 30 ft./120 ft., one target.
A PC can also display marks to a Blood Claw as part Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage.
of making a Charisma (Intimidation) check. If the PC
has more victory marks than the target, they gain a +1 Treasure: 89 cp, 44 sp, 14 gp, and a 25 gp necklace.
on their roll. If the target has more marks, they get a - Description: Kellja embraces and exemplifies the traditions of
the Fistbreaker. She trains rigorously every day and fights
1 on their roll. whenever she can find a worthy opponent. She strictly follows
Kellja will be happy to fight more than one PC; but the rules of the right.
she will take time to recover between fights if need Like most Fistbreakers, she forgoes wearing clothing (or at
be. least much clothing) to display her many fight marks.
She is very interested in the combat rituals and rules of other
If a PC turns down an offer to fight, Kellja will
cultures. She enjoys designed new marks to denote her
accept this and not push the matter. Other orcs who encounters with fighters from these cultures.
are aware of this will think that the PC is weak or
Kellja will think well of any PC who fights her fairly
While the Blood Claw tribe does have a diversity of
and will think very well of any PC who beats her fairly.
alignments, there are still strong factions of chaotic
Because she has a reasonably high status in the
evil warriors who practice what they consider the true
Blood Claw tribe, she could prove to be a useful
orcish traditions.
contact in the future.
These warriors sometimes go to the trade camp.
While Kellja loves to fight, she is not very interested
Some of them are there to trade for goods that are
in adventuring. Unless the adventure involved an
difficult to acquire elsewhere, such as certain types of
unarmed fight with a worthy opponent.
armor or weapons. Others go to the trade camp
looking for trouble; though they are usually careful to
Kellja Fistbreaker
Orc fistbreaker
stay within the rules.
Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic neutral When the PCs arrive at the trade camp, there will
be a few of the more “traditional” orcish warriors that
Armor Class 14 embrace chaos and evil. They will be looking for
Hit Points 37 (5d8+15)
outsiders to bully and rob (or even kill). When they
Speed 30 ft.
learn that the PCs are in the camp, they will seek
STR 18 (+4), DEX 12 (+1), CON 16 (+3), INT 10 (+0), WIS 10 (+0), them out. Unless the PCs seem clearly
CHA 10 (+0) overwhelmingly powerful, the orc warriors will try to
insult and bully them (pushing the limits of the rules).
Skills Athletics +6
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Such behavior is acceptable at the trade camp; those
Languages Common, Orc who are too weak to protect themselves should stay
Challenge 1 (200 XP) at home protected by others.
If the orc warriors think they can beat the PCs, they
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its will escalate their insulting and bullying. They will
speed toward a hostile creature that it can see. eventually challenge the PCs to a fight outside of the
camp. If other orcs dislike the PCs, they will be fine
Breaking Fist. If a fistbreaker scores a critical hit with a fist
with this and let the fight play out. Some might even
attack, the attack does an additional die of damage
want to join in attacking the PCs if the PCs have
Fistbreaker. While not wearing armor, the fistbreaker's Armor behaved badly.
Class equals 10 + their Dexterity modifier + their Constitution If any orcs like (or need) the PCs, they will still
expect the PCs to fight the orc warriors, but they will
Actions watch the fight to ensure that it is conducted fairly by
orcish standards.
If the PCs refuse to fight the orc warriors, they will
Multiattack. A fistbreaker makes two fist attacks. lose status in the trade camp and are likely to be seen
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. as cowards. Unless the orc warriors lose interest in
Hit: 7 (1d6+4) bludgeoning damage.

the PCs, they will wait for the PCs to leave camp and Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.
simply attack them then. or range 30 ft./120 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage.
The PCs might be able to avoid fighting without
losing status by dealing with the situation in some Treasure: 1d20 cp, 1d10 sp, 1d4 gp
other manner, such as winning over the orc warriors Description: These orc warriors follow the traditions handed
by out drinking them or some other clever approach. down from the original invaders of Karabeth. At that time, the
Blood Claw tribe was driven by evil and cruel warlords. While
Bribing them can work but will result in some loss of the tribe has changed over the centuries, these warriors are
status among the other orcs. very similar to those who served the will of those evil masters.
If the PCs fight the orc warriors and win, their
status will increase. The orc warriors will fight until CONCLUSION
they are unconscious or dead. If the PCs spare them,
the orcs will be suitable impressed by their skill in The trade camp encounters end when the PCs
battle and cease harassing them; they might even complete them all or leave the camp. The encounters
become friendly towards the PCs. A defeated orc can be completed by the PCs ignoring them.
warrior will be willing to pay the PCs a small ransom The PCs might have gained some useful allies or
for being spared and will also accept being scarred as earned some minor enemies; these should impact
a mark of their defeat. Such marks are accepted as later adventures. For example, if the PCs depart on
part of the way of combat by the Blood Claw and there good terms with Okelb, then he would be willing to
is a certain honor in surviving a fight. But if the PCs guide them to some ruins (for a reasonable price).
kill the orc warriors honorably, the other orcs will The PCs might have gained a good reputation with
accept this as the way of battle. the Blood Claws or a bad one; this should also impact
If the PCs fight the orc warriors and lose, Kelleb later adventures in this series. For example, PCs with
and any friends they have made in the camp will try a good reputation will find future dealings with the
to save their lives. The orc warriors are willing to Blood Claw more positive.
settle for the payment of a modest ransom (10-50 gp
of items per PC) and scarring the PCs to mark their
defeat. If PCs are killed in the fight, then new ENCOUNTER #6 DUNGEON
characters will be needed.
Orc Warrior As noted above, Orelgu’s two children and their
Orc party have not returned from a dungeon they went to
Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil explore. If the PCs agree to investigate the fate of
Orela Relgu, Belra and Hregg, then Orelgu will
Armor Class 14 (chain shirt)
Hit Points 15 (2d8+6) provide them with the location of the dungeon. The
Speed 30 ft. PCs might be able to learn of its location in another
way, perhaps by tracking down the goblins who sold
STR 16 (+3), DEX 12 (+1), CON 16 (+3), INT 7 (-2), WIS 11 (+0),
the information to Orelgu.
CHA 10 (+0)
The dungeon consists of the lower levels of a
Skills Intimidation +2 temple of Ashanalla. While many of her temples were
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 in cities, special temples were also constructed away
Languages Common, Orc
from highly populated areas. These temples were
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
used for activities deemed either too dangerous for
cities or unsuitable for the public eye. One use of this
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its temple was to imprison powerful beings. In some
speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.
cases, this was in the hopes of gathering information
Actions from them or even turning them. In other cases, this
was because killing the beings was not a viable
option. For example, a lich might be imprisoned until
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one its phylactery could be found and destroyed. A temple
Hit: 9 (1d12+3) slashing damage. that serves this purpose is known as a Daemonium
Carcerem, although they do hold prisoners other than
demons. The temple that the NPC party entered is then amused itself torturing Belra before finally
one such prison. killing her. Orela and Relgu are still alive, the demon
Before the fall of the Empire, this temple housed has been torturing Relgu while forcing Orela to
several dangerous prisoners and was guarded by watch. It is at this point that the PCs will arrive at the
some of the temple’s finest soldiers. When Karabeth dungeon.
began to fall, the temple sent as many soldiers as it
could spare to aid the Imperial and local forces. But
the guards of the prison remained, knowing that MAP KEY
allowing their charges to go free would make matters
even worse. The dungeon entrance is located next to the river.
After Karabeth collapsed, the temple forces Little is left of the surface temple beyond the
remained at their posts and awaited the inevitable foundations and a few broken walls.
1. Boat: The
attacks by those wanting to loot the temple and,
boat the
worse, those wishing to free its terrible prisoners. the
NPC party
warden of the prison, Ellesha, and her priests and used to
mages worked powerful magics to ensure that the reach the
worst of their prisoners could not be easily freed. The dungeon is
guards slaughtered the other prisoners, knowing that pulled up
the gods would sort them out. on the
Wishing to earn favor from his demonic master, the shore and
warlord Kreh Telk led his forces against the temple tied to a
rock. The
after its defenses had been weakened by the orcish
party left some gear in the boat including rations
tribe he had deceived into attacking it. Telk’s forces
(3 days for 4 party members), 48 spare bolts, 6
breached the temple at great cost but eventually slew extra javelins, 50 feet of rope, and 10 large
all the defenders save Ellesha and her wisest priest sacks. There are boot prints around the boat
and most powerful mage. Knowing that all her other that lead to the entrance. A giant frog (or frogs)
compatriots were dead, the warden directed the might be swimming by, looking for prey.
priest and mage to complete a terrible spell whose 2. Entrance: The rushing water eroded away part
completion consumed the three of them in infernal of the dungeon, exposing a corridor. The
anguish. This spell devoured Telk and almost all his dungeon is detailed below.
3. Ruins: The ruins of the temple; the survive
followers and served to seal away the prisoners with
stones show clear signs that the temple was
wards of terrible magic. While the demon lord Telk
attacked with siege weapons. The ruins have
served raged about the defeat, they decided to leave also been stripped of stones for various uses
well enough alone—the temple had been destroyed and the centuries have also taken their toll. A
and perhaps it would serve their plans best if the giant centipede (or several) resides in the ruins.
prisoners remained imprisoned a while longer.
The temple was largely forgotten as nature eroded ENCOUNTERS
and covered the surface ruins. The dungeon beneath
the temple remained largely intact, but the flow of the There are two possible encounters at the dungeon
river ate away at part of the complex. When the recent entrance. If the PCs explore the ruins, they can
storms turned the river into a raging torrent, the encounter one or more giant centipedes. These
water tore into the weakened complex, flooding parts centipedes usually hunt rabbits and deer but will
of it. When the water receded, the curious goblins attack humanoids. The default encounter is two
located it and sold this information to Orelgu. centipedes, but this can be adjusted as needed.
Following the goblins’ directions, the party of Orela If the PCs are near, on or in the river, then they
Relgu, Belra and Hregg rowed to the entrance and can encounter one or more giant frogs. The frogs
entered the dungeon. They encountered a usually ambush deer at the water’s edge but will also
Acersecome demon that had been left behind in the attack humanoids. The default encounter is two
ruins to keep an eye on things. The demon killed giant frogs, but this can be adjusted as desired.
Hregg and animated him as a zombie. The demon

Unless the PCs take a fight into the dungeon or
are incredibly loud, the Acersecomes will be
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
unaware of their presence. Conversely, they will not Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing damage. The target is grappled (escape
hear the cries of the victims from outside the DC 11). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the
complex. frog can’t bite another target.
Swallow. The frog makes one
bite attack against a Small or
Giant Centipede
smaller target it is grappling. If
Small beast, unaligned
the attack hits, the target is
swallowed, and the grapple
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
ends. The swallowed target is
Hit Points 4 (1d6+1)
blinded and restrained, it has
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
total cover against attacks and
other effects outside the frog,
STR 5 (-3), DEX 14 (+2), CON 12 (+1),
and it takes 5 (2d4) acid
INT 1 (-5), WIS 7 (-2), CHA 3 (-4)
damage at the start of each of
the frog’s turns. The frog can
Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive
have only one target swallowed
Perception 8
at a time. If the frog dies, a
Languages —
swallowed creature is no longer
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
restrained by it and can escape
from the corpse using 5 feet of
movement, exiting prone.

Description: A predatory frog;

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
clearly the product of long ago
reach 5 ft., one creature.
magical research.
Hit: 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage. The
target must succeed on a DC 11
Constitution saving throw or take 10
(3d6) poison damage. If the poison CONCLUSION
damage reduces the target to 0 hit
points, the target is stable but The encounters end
poisoned for 1 hour, even after when the PCs defeat the
regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this
monsters, flee, or are killed. If the PCs win, they will
be able to progress to the flooded dungeon. They
Description: A giant version of the centipede; the product of could also flee into the dungeon. If the PCs flee the
magical experimentation. area and take too long to return (at the DM’s
discretion), then the Acersecomes might kill one or
Giant Frog
Medium beast, unaligned both surviving adventurers. If the PCs are killed,
then it is time to roll up better characters.
Armor Class 11 Depending on when the new PCs arrive, the NPC
Hit Points 18 (4d8)
adventurers might be dead.
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

STR 12 (+1), DEX 13 (+1), CON 11 (+0), INT 2 (-4), WIS 10 (+0),
CHA 3 (-4)
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +3
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages — The flooded dungeon was once a lower level of the
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) temple of Ashanalla. It is now a damp ruin, the first
level ruled over by a minor demon left behind
Amphibious. The frog can breathe air and water.
centuries ago. The level directly beneath this one is
completely flooded and the stairs to the lower levels
Standing Leap. The frog’s long jump is up to 20 feet and its beyond it are blocked. These obstacles should be
high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start. beyond the ability of the PCs to overcome at this

level. If they can get beyond these obstacles, death is holding a listing of the prisoners kept in the
all but assured. lower levels. This list has a brief description of
each prisoner. Notables on the list include the
night hag Nelshena, the lich Olru-Teth, Lady
MAP KEY Selth the Succubus, and General Melaniaka the
When the temple was active, this level was used Marilith. The acersecome demon has converted
this room into a torture chamber. Belra’s
primarily for storage. Unless otherwise noted, this
mutilated corpse is on the floor. The half-orc
level is dark. The ceilings are vaulted (for maximum
sorcerer’s body has her spell component pouch,
strength) and peak 15-20 feet above the floor. The 34 cp, 27 sp, and 21 gp. Her light crossbow,
floors, ceilings and walls are worked stone. The dagger, staff and 16 bolts lie on the floor as well.
interior doors are stone, but the locks were broken If Orela and Relgu are still alive, Relgu will be
long ago. pinned to the table with spikes and undergoing
Because of the recent flooding, most areas have torture when the PCs arrive. Orela will be
puddles and debris. The armory is partially flooded, pinned to a table as well and held by the zombie
and the lower levels are completely flooded. Hregg, forced to watch the torture. Relgu and
1. Entrance: The floor is covered in mud and Orela’s gear are on the floor of the room (see
debris washed in from the river. This was once their character stats, below).
a 5. Flooded Armory: The armory of the temple
storeroom. was well stocked but was depleted during the
The tracks battle. The few weapons and pieces of armor
of the NPCs that remain are decayed beyond usability.
who 6. Guard post: This guard post protected the
entered the lower level. The remains of a vrock lies on the
dungeon floor, a dagger of death binding embedded in its
are clearly skull. The acersecomes understands how the
visible in dagger works but has left it in place because as
the muck. If a demon it enjoys the suffering of fellow
the NPCs demons. If the dagger is removed, the vrock will
are still alive, when the PCs enter this area, they be able to reform in the abyss.
can make a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check
to hear the cries of the demon’s victim. As the ENCOUNTER
PCs move closer to the records room, the DC
will drop to 5 in the main corridor, and they will The combat encounter is with Arucz the
automatically hear it when the reach the door to acersecomes. This demon was left behind to watch
the records room. this level of the temple for its master as punishment
2. Flooded Staircase: This staircase leads to the for some minor transgression centuries ago. Qix the
next level, which is completely flooded. The quasit is dispatched from time to time to get a report
level is devoid of foes, but low-level PCs will
from Arucz and to mock it. Qix is also being
probably find the water a formidable obstacle.
punished. Qix had served as a familiar for a
The stairs to the level beneath it are blocked
promising evil wizard; but ended up botching the job
with rubble and would need to be cleared with
great labor or magic. The deeper levels are the of securing the wizard’s soul.
prisons—some held mundane creatures, while The standard encounter consists of Arucz and the
others still hold formidable undead and zombie it created from Hregg’s corpse. If the NPCs
demons. are still alive when the PCs arrive, Arucz will be
3. Flooded Storeroom: This storeroom held busy with its torture and is unlikely to hear them
various mundane supplies for the temple. Time, until it sees them unless they are unusually loud. If
pests, and the recent flooding have destroyed
the PCs use the screams as noise cover for their
the supplies.
movement, they gain advantage of Dexterity
4. Flooded Records Room: This room was used
(Stealth) checks to avoid being detected. If the
to hold meetings and served as a records room.
The temple kept meticulous records of their NPCs are dead when the PCs arrive, Arucz will still
prisoners and the intelligence they gathered. be in the same room, only it will be engaged in
Time and moisture have ruined almost all the woefully mutilating the corpses.
records kept here. There is, however, sealed box
If the Arucz does not hear the PCs approach, the Spikey Hide. At the start of each of its turns, the acersecomes
fight will most likely take place in the records room. does 3 (1d6) piercing damage to any creature grappling it.
Arucz has a range of attacks at its disposal and while
not very intelligent, it will use its options as Actions
effectively as it can. At the start of combat, it will
direct the Hregg zombie to attack. If Hregg is
Multiattack. The acersecomes makes two attacks: two with
destroyed, Arucz will attempt to create another its claws or one spike attack and one claw attack.
zombie using its animating spike. One of the badly
wounded NPCs will be a likely target, although Animating Spike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Arucz will have to then use its action to free them (a one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) piercing +1d6 necrotic damage. If
the acersecomes kills a humanoid creature with this spike, it
PC can also use their action to free an NPC). But if a
embeds in its flesh and animates it as a zombie. The zombie
PC seems badly wounded enough to fall victim to remains animated and under the control of the acersecomes
the spike, Arucz will target the PC. until it is destroyed or the acersecomes creates another
If Arucz detects the PCs approaching, it will animating spike.
investigate. It will initially leave the Hregg zombie in
Burning Spike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
the records room to keep watch on the NPCs while creature.
it assesses the intruders. Once Arucz recognizes that Hit: 4 (1d4+2) piercing +1d6 fire damage. The burning spike
the PCs are adventurers, it will command Hregg to burns for 1 minute or until another burning spike is created.
assist it in combat.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
The difficulty of the encounter can be adjusted in Hit: 5 (1d6+2) slashing damage.
various ways. It can be made easier by wounding the
acersecomes to lower its hit points or by having an Restraining Spike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage. A creature
NPC or NPCs accompany the party. It can be made
damaged by this spike is restrained (by being spiked to a
significantly more difficult by adding Qix to the nearby surface). A creature can free itself from the spike using
encounter (it just so happens to arrive to check in on an action by making a DC 12 Strength check. Alternatively, a
Arucz). creature can expend half its movement and tear free with a
DC 12 Strength check, taking 1d6 piercing damage whether it
succeeds or fails. The spike retains its restraining ability until
a restrained creature escapes or the acersecomes creates
Medium fiend, chaotic evil
another restraining spike. The spike can be used as a melee or
thrown weapon (20 foot range).
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 45 (7d8+14)
Throwing Spike. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20
Speed 30 ft.
ft./80 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) damage.
STR 14 (+2), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2), INT 7 (-2), WIS 10 (+0),
Description: While an acersecome is a relatively minor
CHA 8 (-1)
demon, its special spikes provide it with range of options in
combat. This makes it a flexible opponent and sometimes
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning
enables it to defeat foes that are more powerful. While not
Damage Immunities poison
very intelligent, it understands its spikes very well and uses
Condition Immunities poisoned
them effectively in combat. The priority of an acersecome is
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
usually to create a zombie from a humanoid it kills; this
Languages Custom Language, Abyssal
provides the demon with an obedient assistant.
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
According to one version of abyssal lore, the first
acersecome arose spontaneously from the corpse of a victim
tortured to death with spikes of abyssal iron. A competing
Spikes. The acersecome's body is pierced with spikes of
tale insists that the first acersecome arose from a dretch with
abyssal iron. As an interaction, it can remove a spike from its
a gift for torture. What is known is that the souls of humanoids
body for use as a weapon. As a bonus action, it can imbue the
who delighted in at excelled at torture sometimes form into
spike with a special function: burning, restraining, or
acersecome in the abyss.
Like most demons, an acersecome has a horrific
appearance. The body of the creature resembles a desiccated
If the acersecome is killed, one special spike of each type can
humanoid corpse pierced with spikes of abyssal iron. It is also
be harvested from its body. The spikes can be kept until they
common for the creature to have chains, hooks and chunks of
are activated and work in the same manner as they do for the
abyssal iron embedded into its flesh.
While all demons enjoy torturing victims, an acersecome
takes a special delight in this pastime and make innovative
use of its spikes in the process. Because of its love of torture, Condition Immunities poisoned
an acersecome is reluctant to kill its victims. Whenever Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
possible, it attempts to take prisoners for its later Languages Abyssal, Common
entertainment. Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Zombie Hregg Magic Resistance. The quasit has advantage on saving throws
Zombie against spells and other magical effects.
Medium undead, neutral evil
Shapechanger. The quasit can use its action to polymorph into
Armor Class 11 (chain shirt) a beast form that resembles a bat (speed 10 ft. fly 40 ft.), a
Hit Points 25 (3d8+12) centipede (40 ft., climb 40 ft.), or a toad (40 ft., swim 40 ft.), or
Speed 20 ft. back into its true form. Its statistics are the same in each form,
except for the speed changes noted. Any equipment it is
STR 14 (+2), DEX 6 (-2), CON 18 (+4), INT 3 (-4), WIS 8 (-1), CHA 5 wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form
(-3) if it dies.

Saving Throws Wis +1 Actions

Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 Claws (Bite in Beast Form). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Languages common, orcish but can't speak reach 5 ft., one target.
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Hit: 5 (1d4+3) piercing damage. The target must succeed on a
DC 10 Constitution saving throw or take 5 (2d4) poison damage
and become poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 on itself on a success.
+ the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a
critical hit. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point Invisibility. The quasit magically turns invisible until it attacks
instead. or uses Scare, or until its concentration ends (as if
concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the quasit wears or
Actions carries is invisible with it.

Scare (1/day). One creature of the quasit’s choice within 20

Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: -2 to hit, range 80 feet of it must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or be
ft./320 ft., one target. frightened for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw
Hit: 2 (1d8-2) piercing damage. at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the quasit is
within line of sight, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6+2) bludgeoning damage. Description: While many quasits are ambitious and desire to
advance up the tiers of demons, Qix is plagued with the sin of
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. laziness and lacks ambition. While this makes him as
Hit: 5 (1d6+2) bludgeoning damage. trustworthy as a demon can be, it also causes him to fail at his
tasks. For example, as a familiar quasit he is supposed to
Treasure: 23 cp, 41 sp, 5 gp, holy symbol corrupt his “master” and secure their soul for the abyss. While
Description: The animated corpse of the cleric Hregg. Qix has guided some wizards towards sloth and indifference,
he has been notably unsuccessful in securing souls. Ironically,
it is Qix’s lack of ambition that has kept him from being
Qix the Quasit destroyed: of all the quasits, he is the least likely to subvert the
Quasit plans of his master.
Tiny fiend (demon, shapechanger), chaotic evil Qix will fight weaker creatures if he must but prefers to avoid
combat and engage in lazy misdeeds to vex and annoy his
Armor Class 13 victims.
Hit Points 7 (3d4) He has been assigned to check in on Acrucz as part of his
Speed 40 ft. punishment for past failures. He does enjoy tormenting Acrucz
but is careful to avoid pushing the stronger demon too far.
STR 5 (-3), DEX 17 (+3), CON 10 (+0), INT 7 (-2), WIS 10 (+0), CHA
10 (+0)

Skills Stealth +5
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities poison
While believing in freedom and not overly concerned with
NPCS good and evil, Orela has been influenced by her father’s
commitment to the codes and rituals of the trade camp. She
The two NPCs are Orela and Relgu, Orelgu’s also sees the value in being seen as dependable by people she
children. If they are alive at the start of the will need to rely on and thus keeps her chaotic ways in check at
encounter, Orela will have 3 hp and Relgu will have times.
She inherited her mother’s blonde hair and green eyes, but
2 hp. They are also suffering from exhaustion level 2
also has a strong resemblance to her father.
(disadvantage on ability checks and speed halved).
Arucz has secured them; a PC can use an action to Relgu
free one NPC if they are adjacent to them (magic Half-orc Fighter 1
might also be an option at range). An NPC can also Medium humanoid, chaotic neutral

try to free themselves, but it is DC 15 Strength Armor Class 16 (chain mail)

(Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to do so. Hit Points 12 (1d10+2)
If an NPC is freed, they will try to free the other Speed 30 ft.
NPC. If both are free, they will recover their
STR 16 (+3), DEX 12 (+1), CON 14 (+2), INT 10 (+0), WIS 10 (+0),
weapons and assist the PCs in the fight. If, for some CHA 10 (+0)
reason, the PCs attack the NPCs, they will respond
in kind. Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4
Orela Skills Insight +2, Intimidation +2, Perception +2, Persuasion +2,
Half-orc Rogue 1 Survival +2
Medium humanoid, chaotic neutral Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Goblin, Orc
Armor Class 14 (studded leather) Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Hit Points 9 (1d8+1)
Speed 30 ft. Actions

STR 12 (+1), DEX 14 (+2), CON 12 (+1), INT 10 (+0), WIS 10 (+0), Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 100
CHA 10 (+0) ft./400 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d10+1) piercing damage.
Saving Throws Dex +4, Int +2
Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +3, Insight +2, Intimidation +2, Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
Perception +4, Persuasion +2, Stealth +6 range 20 ft./60 ft., one target.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Hit: 5 (1d4+3) piercing damage.
Languages Common, Goblin, Orc
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Actions Hit: 9 (1d12+3) slashing damage.

Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80 Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
ft./320 ft., one target. one creature.
Hit: 6 (1d8+2) piercing damage. Hit: 4 bludgeoning damage.
Description: While Blood Claw culture favors barbarians, Relgu
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or prefers the more refined combat style of the fighter. He
range 20 ft./60 ft., one target. strongly resembles his mother and is often mistaken for being
Hit: 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage. entirely human. This is something of a sore spot with him; he is
sometimes the target of prejudice and mockery on the part of
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one fellow Blood Claw. Being young, he has not yet decided on how
target. to handle this. Sometimes the insults push him away from
Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage. Blood Claw culture, leading him to consider leaving the area
and taking up adventuring in human controlled lands. Other
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., times he responds by an exaggerated adoption of Blood Claw
one creature. culture. His sister has been able to talk him out of these
Hit: 2 bludgeoning damage. extremes and she urges him to be himself. He does not yet
know what this means.
Description: Orela learned the basics of being a rogue from her Relgu is a brave fighter but has also inherited his father’s
mother, thus following in her stealthy footsteps. She has some love of trading and dealing. While adventurers tend to love
interest in magic and is considering becoming an arcane

looting and vending, he has a special love for vending and
deal making. He is always thinking of a way to conduct a
winning deal, even in combat. Weapon (any melee weapon), uncommon
You inflict an extra point of radiant damage
CONCLUSION when you strike a fiend or undead creature with
this magic weapon. If you kill a fiend with this
The encounter ends when the PCs defeat Arucz
weapon and leave the weapon embedded in its
(and possibly Qix), flee or are killed. If the PCs are
corpse, the fiend must make a DC 15 Charisma
killed, then it is time to create new characters. These
saving throw or be unable to reform on its home
characters can make another attempt.
plane until the weapon is removed. The corpse
If the PCs flee, then Arucz will kill the two NPCs.
of the fiend will decay but will leave behind
The PCs will have the option of returning and
remnants into which the weapon is embedded.
making another attempt. They also have the option
These remnants are usually bones. Removing
of reporting back to Orelgu. Orelgu will keep to the
the weapon requires an action by a creature
agreement and provide them with payment for their
and doing so frees the fiend to reform on its
investigation proportional to the information they
home plane. The remnants will instantly
are able to provide and the effort they took. This
complete their corruption, turning to ash, foul
payment will still be relatively modest, amounting at
smoke, or rapidly drying slime as appropriate
most to 25 gp in items or coins.
for the creature.
If the PCs defeat Arucz (and possibly Qix), then
they can report their success to Orelgu. If his
children die, then Orelgu will provide payment of up
Medium armor (chain shirt), uncommon
to 100 gp in items or coins (the maximum reward
This chain armor provides an armor class of
assumes the PCs recover the bodies). If the PCs can
13+ Dex modifier (max 2) and weighs 22 pounds.
save one or both of Orelgu’s children, the reward
It is made of enchanted fey necrotic iron,
will increase by 50 gp for each one they rescue. The
granting it a strength greater than mundane steel
PCs can also get a 10-gp reward for recovering the
at a cost of greater weight. The infusion of
corpses of Belra or Hregg (20 gp for both).
negative energy grants the wearer resistance to
Success in the dungeon will also increase the PCs
radiant damage but also vulnerability to necrotic
reputation with the Blood Claw. If word of their
damage. Living creatures not accustomed to
success travels, they will generally receive a more
necrotic energy find the armor unpleasant to
favorable response from any Blood Claw NPCs they
wear, undead find it pleasant.


CONCLUSION Weapon (any metal melee weapon), uncommon.
The adventure ends when the encounters come to
Forged from necrotic iron, this weapon is
an end. After the last encounter, the PCs will be able
infused with a taint of negative energy. In
to complete their journey to town. This adventure
addition to being considered a cold iron
ends as the PCs approach their goal and their next
weapon, the weapon also inflicts an extra point
adventure can start when they reach Lelathon
of necrotic damage when it strikes a living
Village. The second adventure in this series is
Lelathon Village.
MAGIC ITEMS Wondrous item, uncommon
The following are new magic items available in This life-sized magical wooden pigeon is
this adventure. always created with an accompanying
perch. When activated by speaking its
command word, the pigeon becomes a
living creature and endeavors to fly
back to its perch by taking the shortest

route and avoiding dangers as best it can. If killed
without being destroyed, it reverts to its wooden
form. If it reaches its perch, it reverts to its wooden
form. The wooden pigeon can assume its living form
once per day, though it will remain in this form until it
reaches its perch (or is killed); this ability is restored
at dawn.
Wooden pigeons were designed as messengers and
are typically equipped with a means of carrying a
small message, such as a small cylinder affixed to the

Wooden Pigeon
Tiny beast, neutral

Armor Class 11
Hit Points 1 (1d4-1)
Speed 5 ft., fly 60 ft.

STR 2 (-4), DEX 12 (+1), CON 6 (-2), INT 2 (-4), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 5

Skills Perception +2, Stealth +3

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages —
Challenge 0 (10 XP)

INTERROGATION RULES If the target of the interrogation has been
persuaded or intimidated by someone else to remain
The object of interrogation is to secure accurate
loyal or not divulge information, then you can use an
information from the person being interrogated. In
opposed roll against that Charisma (Persuasion) or
our world, the overwhelming evidence is that torture
Charisma (Intimidation) roll. For leaders (and others)
is not effective in achieving this goal. The methods
who command loyalty through persuasion or
that are effective translate well into simplified D&D
intimidation, the DC can be 10+ their skill.
rules and I offer three types of interrogation. These
Persuasive magic, such as charm person, can be
are rapport interrogation, intimidation interrogation,
useful when using rapport interrogation.
and Socratic interrogation.
All forms of interrogation require the ability to
communicate; this usually requires a shared INTIMIDATION INTERROGATION
language or magic. The use of Wisdom (Insight) is Intimidation interrogation does not use the
useful for sorting out whether the subject of methods of torture but involves trying to over-awe the
interrogation believes what they are saying. Zone of target with the force of your personality. Building up
truth and other spells can be useful when this level of awe takes at least 1 minute of game time
interrogating subjects. It is important to note that but can take much longer.
mundane and magical means of detecting lies To extract information using this technique, you
typically do not distinguish what is true from what is must succeed on a Charisma (Intimidation) check.
not; they merely reveal whether the target believes The DC is determined by considering such factors as
what they are saying. the target’s attitude to the PC (friendly, indifferent, or
hostile), the importance of the information, and the
possible consequences of talking. The DC can be
Rapport interrogation involves building up a
reduced by factors such as cutting an imposing figure
positive relationship with the subject and using
demonstrating great strength of personality. The DC
persuasion to convince them to voluntarily provide
can be increased by such factors as displays of
information. Building up a useful degree of rapport
weakness, senseless cruelty, or indecision.
takes at least 10 minutes of game time but can take
As a quick guide, the DC for getting a piece of
much longer.
information is 5 when the target is friendly, 15 when
To extract information using this technique, you
the target is indifferent, and 25 when the target is
must succeed on a Charisma (Persuasion) check. The
hostile. If the roll succeeds, the target will provide
DC is determined by considering such factors as the
information that it believes to be true. If the roll fails,
target’s attitude to the PC (friendly, indifferent, or
the target refuses to divulge the desired information.
hostile), the importance of the information, and the
If the roll fails by 5 or more, the target tries to lie to
possible consequences of talking. The DC can be
the PC. The target’s Charisma modifier applies to the
reduced by factors such as bribes, good treatment,
credible promises of protection, and so on. The DC
If the target of the interrogation has been
can be increased by such factors as bad treatment
persuaded or intimidated by someone else to remain
and threats.
loyal or not divulge information, then you can use an
As a quick guide, the base DC for getting a piece of
opposed roll against that Charisma (Persuasion) or
information is 0 when the target is friendly, 10 when
Charisma (Intimidation) roll. For leaders (and others)
the target is indifferent, and 20 when the target is
who command loyalty through persuasion or
hostile. If the roll succeeds, the target will provide
intimidation, the DC can be 10+ their skill.
information that it believes to be true. If the roll fails,
Magic and effects that create fear can be useful
the target refuses to divulge the desired information.
when using this technique. If the target is frightened
If the roll fails by 10 or more, the target tries to lie to
the PC.
of you or your associates, you make the roll with (good) and wrong to the degree that it generates
advantage because they are easier to overawe. negative value (evil).
In our world, the usual utilitarian argument is built
on the claim torture is morally justified in cases in
which its benefits (such as getting critical
Socratic interrogation involves engaging the target
information) outweigh the harms of torture (such as
in conversation and using various philosophical
inflicting pain and suffering on a person). This line of
techniques to get them to unwittingly reveal bits and
reasoning has some appeal. After all, people do
pieces of information that can be combined and
believe the consequences of an action can justify an
checked against each other.
action. For example, people think lying is usually
This method takes at least thirty minutes of game
wrong but most of us think that certain
time but can take much longer.
circumstances, such as saving a life, can justify lying.
To extract information using this technique, you
Critical to the defense of torture is the question of
must succeed on a Wisdom (Insight) check. The DC
whether it is effective. If it is, then the utilitarian
is determined by considering such factors as the
argument can get off the ground. If not, then torture
target’s attitude to the PC (friendly, indifferent, or
cannot be justified on these grounds. As noted in the
hostile), the importance of the information, and the
introduction, the overwhelming scientific evidence is
possible consequences of talking.
that torture does not work.
As a quick guide, the DC for getting a piece of
The myth of the effectiveness of torture is
information is 0 when the target is friendly, 10 when
perpetuated in fiction—tough heroes beating and
the target is indifferent, and 20 when the target is
abusing the “bad guys” to get them to talk. Since D&D
hostile. The target’s Wisdom modifier applies to the
is a game of fiction, you could decide to have torture
DC (whether positive or negative).
“work” in your world—but you should keep in mind
If the roll succeeds, the target will provide
the possible consequences of perpetuating the myth
information that it believes to be true. If the roll fails,
even in fiction (our good dead friend Plato has a lot to
the target refuses to divulge the desired information.
say about this sort of thing).
If the roll fails by 5 or more, the target attempts to
Some players like to use graphic descriptions of
mislead the PC.
torture to upset other players (or in a misguided
If the target of the interrogation has been
attempt to convey how “tough” they are) and this can
persuaded or intimidated by someone else to remain
create an unpleasant and hostile table—which is why
loyal or not divulge information, then you can use an
it is usually best to make the moral limits of the table
opposed roll against that Charisma (Persuasion) or
clear from the start of the game.
Charisma (Intimidation) roll. For leaders (and others)
If you use alignment in your game, the use of torture
who command loyalty through persuasion or
is evil and PCs who persist in torturing would move
intimidation, the DC can be 10+ their skill.
towards evil alignments (if they are not already evil).
This holds even if they believe they are torturing for
In this context, torture is intentionally inflicting
pain and suffering to extract information from a MECHANICS OF TORTURE
victim. On the face of it, torture is an evil action and Torture can be inflicted in a variety of ways in game,
the burden of proof rests on anyone who claims that ranging from the crudest beating to the application of
it is morally acceptable to inflict pain and suffering on spells to inflict physical and psychological pain.
a helpless victim. Those wishing to defend torture One obvious issue with torture in D&D is that while
typically use the moral theory known as PCs and NPCs take damage, they are generally
utilitarianism. This is the ethical theory that an action immune to pain. For example, your PC could be set
is right to the degree that it generates positive value on fire by a fire elemental that you are grappling, get

pin cushioned by manticore spikes, have an acid
arrow stuck in their face, and then fall down a 100
foot pit onto spikes (with the elemental) and still be
100% operational (aside from the hit point loss).
There are some ad hoc exceptions, such as heat
metal, that do seem to have a pain mechanism—so
the same could be done for torture.
If you torture a creature, you decide whether to use
physical or mental torture as your primary means of
torture. Torture, used as interrogation, takes at least
10 minutes of game time, and can take longer.
If you use mental torture, you add your Intelligence
modifier to a d20 roll. The target resists with an
opposed roll using its Wisdom modifier. If you use
physical torture, you can use your Strength or
Dexterity modifier to a d20 roll. The target resists
with an opposed roll using its Constitution or Wisdom
modifier. If you are proficient in torture tools, you can
use your proficiency modifier. The roll can also be
adjusted by various factors, such as the use of magic
or especially painful techniques.
If you succeed in torturing the creature, it gains the
tortured condition until it completes a short or long
rest. If you beat the target’s roll by 10 or more, it is
frightened of you for as long as it has the tortured

A creature with the tortured condition:
• Will say whatever they believe will prevent
future torture, whether it is true or not.
• Has advantage on Charisma (Deception)
rolls to deceive the torturer and their allies
because their extreme duress makes them
seem convincing.
• Is hostile to the torturer and their

Mike’s Free Encounter #44: Cornu Umbra
Mike’s Free Enounter #45 Serutani Tomb
I regularly make free D&D stuff available, including map Mike’s Free Encounter #46: Tiger Canon
Mike’s Free Encounter #47: The Deluded Djinni
collections and encounters.
Mike’s Free Encounter #48: Druid of the Moonlit Web
Mike’s Free Encounter #49: Quillbones

FREE MAP COLLECTIONS Mike’s Free Encounter #50: Bonerunners

Mike’s Free Encounter #51: Welg
Mike's Free Maps Collection #1 Mike’s Free Encounter #52: Osfranger
Mike's Free Maps Collection #2 Mike’s Free Encounter #53 Cross Cat
Mike's Free Maps Collection #3 Mike's Free Encounter #54: Musiksalskare
Mike's Free Maps Collection #4 Mike’s Free Encounter #55: Truthsayer
Mike's Free Maps Collection #5 Mike’s Free Encounter #56: Warewolf
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #6 Mike’s Free Encounter #57 Ghost of Water
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #7 Mike’s Free Encounter #58 Bone Shaper
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #8 Mike’s Free Encounter #59 Legacy of Medusa
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #9 Mike’s Free Ecounter #60: Calsh Stoneworks
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #10 Mike’s Free Encounter #61: Sleeper in the Well
Mike’s Free Maps Collection #11 Mike’s Free Encounter #62: Krympt Jätte
Mike’s Free Encounter #63: Ghost Tears
Mike’s Free Encounter #64: Rebel Mummy
FREE RULES Mike’s Free Encounter #65: Dealing Doppelganger
Mike’s Free Encounter #66: Of Sheers, Weagles and Spakes
Mob Rules
Mike’s Free Encounter #67: Sky Piercer
Mike’s Free Encounter #68: Skeletal Scholar
Mike’s Free Encounter #69: Will & Theo’s Lost Lute
Mike’s Free Encounter #70: Puddle Lurker

Mike's Free Encounter #1: Necromancer's Stash
Mike’s Free Encounters #2: Worg Riders
Mike’s Free Encounter #3: Haunted Stones
Mike’s Free Encounter #4: Kobold Emissary Mike’s Free Encounters #1-10 (pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter #5: Gnark Horse Mike’s Free Encounters #1-20 (pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter #6: Ghost of Kella Thar Mike’s Free Encounters #21-30 (pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter #7: Capraemortu Mike’s Free Encounters #31-40 (Pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter #8: Bonewalkers Mike’s Free Encounters #41-50 (Pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter #9: Alena Trel the Eye Piercer Mike’s Free Encounters #61-70 (Pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter #10: The Bog Witch


Mike’s Free Encounter #11: Shadow Fang Gnolls
Mike’s Free Encounter #12: Shadowed Fields
Mike’s Free Encounter #13: River Pirates Seven Tribes of Comosh
Mike’s Free Encounter #14: Bad Mercenaries
Mike’s Free Encounter #15: Dwarven Guard Post
Mike’s Free Encounter #16 Necrolossi
Mike’s Free Encounter #17: Frostcursed Guard Post
Mike’s Free Encounter #18: Death Captain
Mike’s Free Encounter #19: Corporagelida
I also sell stuff for D&D:
Mike’s Free Encounter #20: Frostcursed Headless
Mike’s Free Encounter # 21: Frostcursed Forge
Mike’s Free Encounter #22: Frostcursed Docks
Mike’s Free Encounter #23: Frostcursed River Diamond ADVENTURES
Mike’s Free Encounter #24:Dividuicorporis Arrogo's Tomb
Mike’s Free Encounter #25: Frostcursed Queen Belmey (pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter #26: Cult of the Bat Broken Mine 5E
Mike’s Free Encounter #27: Burning Beasts Dragon Hunt
Mike’s Free Encounter #28: Sting of Drenlak Tower of Zakelana
Mike’s Free Encounter #29: Sand Gnark Horse
Mike’s Free Encounter #30 Ghul Caravan
Mike’s Free Encounter #31 Fallen Desert Outpost
Mike’s Free Encounter #32: Ancient Aqueduct
Boot Dagger Booter (pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter #33: Tomb of the Desiccated
Circle of Ash (pay what you want)
Mike's Free Encounter #34: The Bath of Pelthonus
Flame Touched (pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter #35: Windchime
Legacy of the Frostcursed (pay what you want)
Mike’s Free Encounter #36: Molodus
Mike’s Free Encounter #37: The Pool of Pelthonus
Mike’s Free Encounter #38: Sea Tiger Island
Mike’s Free Encounter #39: Sanguinem Volant KARABETH SERIES
Mike’s Free Encounter #40: Gladiomortuus
Mike’s Free Encounter #41: A Princess Met on the Road
Mike’s Free Encounter #42: College of the Damned
Mike’s Free Encounter #43: Necrokyrie
Dr. Michael LaBossiere is a gamer/runner from Maine who went
to school in Ohio and ended up a philosophy professor in Florida.
While acquiring his doctorate in philosophy at Ohio State
University, he earned his ramen noodle money by writing for
Chaosium, GDW, R. Talsorian
Games, and TSR. After
graduate school, he became a
philosophy professor at
Florida A&M University. His
first philosophy book, What
Don't You Know?, was
published in 2008. He
continues to write philosophy
and gaming material. He is
also a blogger, but these days
who isn't?
When not writing, he enjoys running, gaming and the martial
arts. Thanks to a quadriceps tendon tear in 2009, he was out of
running for a while, but returned to the trails and wrote a book
about it, Of Tendon & Trail. He can be contacted at



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