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Submitted To | Mohammad Mahfuzur Rahman

CE 3100 Safety Equipment needed for any construction

Safety equipment in the field of construction, refers to any device
or protocol that when implemented, will result in impeding work-related accidents,
illnesses or deaths. Safety equipment therefore, can include fundamental pieces of
equipment or gear, such as helmets gloves or can encompass restrictions, such as
guard rails and ramps.

What does safety equipment protect against?

1) A construction project will invariably come with risk. Depending on the size
and nature of the project, there will be an assortment of risks sparked by the actual
building of the project and the equipment needed to construct the project.

2) The most common safety hazards aligned with construction revolve around the
following elements or instances: motor vehicle crashes, excavation accidents,
malfunctioning machines, electrocution, falls from heights and injuries that result
from falling objects.

3) In addition to physical injuries, construction workers are susceptible to

contracting illnesses or diseases. The main health hazards present on a construction
site that may cause illness are solvents, noise, asbestos and those activities that
require the handling of malignant agents.

The safety equipments used in construction of a building are: Hard hat, eye and
face protector, gloves, foot protector, body protector, fall protect, hearing
protection, floor mats, respiratory protection, field communications, first aid,

A hard hat is a type of helmet used in workplace environments, such as

construction sites

1. Protects against falling objects and high-voltage shock and burns

2. Protects against bumps from fixed objects, but does not protect against
falling objects or electrical shock
3. the helmet shell has a midline reinforcement ridge, which strengthens it against
Eye and Face Protection:

Eyes need protection from dust, flying debris, chemical splashes & foreign objects
weather working in the construction site.

In a work environment with chemicals whether in a professional or educational

laboratory, chemical safety glasses & goggles are recommended
Foot Protection:
Safety-toe-boot is a durable boot or shoe that has a protective reinforcement in
the toe, usually combined with a sole plate, which protects the foot from falling
objects and punctures from below.

It has impact resistant toes & heat resistant soles that protect against hot surfaces
common in roofing, paving, and hot metal industries.

It is also worn to prevent crushed toes when working around heavy equipment or
falling objects.

It has an ability to be electrically conductive for use in explosive atmospheres

It has also an ability to be non conductive to protect from workplace electrical

A glove is a garment covering the hand. Gloves protect and comfort hands against
cold or heat, damage by friction, abrasion or chemicals, and disease; or in turn to
provide a guard for what a bare hand should not touch.

Durable gloves made of metal mesh, leather, or canvas which Protects from cuts,
burns, heat.

Fabric and coated fabric gloves which Protects from dirt and abrasion

Chemical and liquid resistant gloves which Protects from burns, irritation, and
Body Protector:
A body protector is the body wears to protect one’s body from any accident during

Body protector should always be worn whenever there is a risk of being struck by
mobile plant, traffic or other moving objects and during load shifting.

Equipment or around loads being hoisted by cranes. The correct type of vest is
worn to suit lighting conditions (day, day/night and night types) and it is properly
worn (done up).
Fall Protection:
A number of factors are often involved in falls, including unstable working
surfaces, misuse or failure to use fall protection equipment and human error.
Studies have shown that using guardrails, fall arrest systems, safety nets, covers
and restraint systems can prevent many deaths and injuries from falls.

Voids, holes, pits and suspended free edges must be suitably barricaded or securely
covered to prevent persons falling from height.

Erect guardrail systems with toeboards and warning lines or install control line
systems to protect workers near the edges of floors and roofs

Handrails and kick boards must be provided for work platforms over 2 metres in
height and appropriate barricades of steel scaffold tubing and warning signs should
be set up.
Ear plugs:

In a noisy work environment, hearing protection is a necessity. Disposable and reusable

earplugs and muffs are widely used for hearing protection. Noise Reduction Rating
(NRR) that indicates how powerful the plug or muff will be.

it should be always ensured that workers have appropriate hearing protection in the
form of ear plugs or ear muffs because of risk of damaging hearing.

Failure to take precautions against excessive noise will result in part or permanent
hearing loss

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